Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Destination Downton


For those of us in America, Downton Abbey returns with new episodes on PBS tonight. Since season 2, I usually get my hands on the DVD before Christmas (Amazon UK usually) and did so again this year. But... for the first time I have not watched, waiting to let it unfold on Sunday night.

I still oven Downton, but since Matthew's death I have not watched with the same devotion. Maggie Smith is still a scene gold mine but most of my investment was with Mary and Matthew, and I have not really paid as close attention, especially with what seems an endless parade of new characters and suitors. I did however, pay closer attention last weekend when PBS was re-airing the episodes leading up to tonight's premiere and for the first time in awhile, I am looking forward to it.

Below: Stevens & Leech

As much as I loved Matthew, and actor Dan Stevens, his leaving has given me an new appreciation for Branson, I mean Tom, played by actor Allen Leech. I was not really a Branson fan for season 1 or 2, but he won me over, especially since Lady Sybil's death.

I remember writing just after Matthew died, (utterly indignant, and absurdly grieving the loss of a TV character) that I hoped the producers would not now pair Mary with Tom. Well, two seasons later, that is exactly what I hope happens. Mary has never really given any man the attention she managed to muster for Matthew, and she clearly genuinely cares for Tom. Tom, on the other hand, continues to gravitate towards any woman who helps wipe off the smell of wealth that he so hates that surrounds him.

From the little I have seen, Downton Abbey does't have any huge cliffhangers on the horizon, and maybe this is good. I am still not over losing Matthew, Sybil and Mrs. OBrien. I know someone from down stairs slides off early in the season and if Lady Rose would were head back to London on a permanent basis, I wouldn't be shedding any tears.

Leech on stage in Phaedra

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