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Isaac - the Melbourne One

First three images of Isaac from Steven Granger

'What can I tell you about Mr. Isaac that you can't see for yourself? If this young man doesn't end up on the cover of GQ one day I'll be very surprised. Australia's next male Supermodel? Well just remember, you saw him here first!'

'Steven Granger was another incredibly satisfying shoot. He being a consummate professional photographer, and I was very intimidated about working with him as I still considered myself as some random guy with a good bod masquerading as a model. A few minutes in however, I started to relax, experiment a bit with poses and discovered that Steven has this intensely satisfying giggle he emits when he gets a particularly good shot. After that, it was so easy to find a groove and just smash out great shot after great shot.'

Modeling has always appealed to 23 year Isaac but he never knew exactly the best way to enter the industry. A few days before his first photo shoot, a shoot Isaac was considering paying hundreds of dollars to have done, he got lucky. Isaac found King For A Day, a boutique male modeling agency that took Isaac's initial shots and pointed him in the direction of Model Mayhem! The main catalyst however, was finishing his science degree and the realization that starting a 'career' at this point in his life was not that appealing. After completing University, it was the first time in his life that he could completely create his own schedule and prioritise what he wanted to his with HIS time. Isaac was going on acting auditions, learning to play to the saxophone and exploring passions he had not been able to do because of the rigid structure of University life.

Next two images from MovaFoto

'It’s funny actually - I started modelling with making bank being a priority, but since then the art aspect of it has taken over. I absolutely love being able to meet artists and all sorts of interesting creative types. I have done little paid work, but the experiences I've gained from it are sometimes so profoundly interesting that the meeting people and artistic element has eclipsed the money prerogative, not to mention that self confidence boost.'

With his incredible face, piercing blue eyes and that crazy hot head of blonde hair, the 6' 3" Melbourne model has the look, and the body, to model almost anything. Isaac, as you can beautifully see, looks great in or out of his clothing, and with his passion for the creative process has amassed an impressive body of work including incredible fashion shots, physique, underwear and body shots and creative art shots with some of the world's best photographers of the male form. I have no doubt that photographer Stephen Granger's prediction that Isaac is destined to become a supermodel will prove to be accurate, it is only a question of when.

Next Two Images from Darren Sandford

Factors weighed before deciding to shoot nude?
'Almost none actually! A lot of my friends are at odds with it, but I don’t really care enough for it to bother me, and doing nudes is very in-line with some of my personal beliefs. I think the way that sexuality and nudity are so often inherently intertwined in society is completely wrong - It’s just the human form! There is literally nothing more natural than being naked and I think this intertwined mentality - suppressing the human form as a sexual image - breeds all sort of body issues, personal sexual issues and judgements that are so detrimental to individuals and the human race. My first artistic project actually, done with a uni friend for a fine arts honours project, involved sitting around in a room of a few hundred people for a few hours while almost completely nude, then stripping down totally and briefly walking the corridors of my university. Nudity has never been something I've had issue with.'

'One thing that has astounded me actually, is that my mother is incredibly supportive of my modelling attempts. We never had a good relationship back in the day (getting along fantastic this last year, but...) and she was very uptight about, well, most things. So when I hesitantly showed her a few shots I was incredibly happy that she was so supportive! One moment will always stick in my mind; while we were looking through shoots, one Instagram photo has a comment stating that I needed a Gardner for all my bush - my mums reaction was “Oh that’s rubbish, your bush looks great!”. I almost lost it, I fell around laughing while my mind was simultaneously breaking from the ridiculousness of having ones pubes complimented, nay, defended! by your mother.'

Below: Image from EurekaMichael

What part of your body are you most happy with? What part gets the most attention from others?
'Hmm I have difficulty answering this actually… As a incredibly self-conscious child with zero self esteem I think I have grown up to learn how to appreciate the image of my overall body - not even that it looks good, but just that I look healthy and happy. From other peoples perspective, however, the abs seem to get the most love! Also the bubbly squat butt I have developed. The big hair is always a focus point, as well.'

What would your dream scenario be for a shoot?
'I would love to do some exotic place somewhere - as an avid traveller I would love to infuse travel and modelling. Perhaps meet people in some exotic place such as the beaches of Greece, the temples of India, the savannah or waterfalls of Zimbabwe or the volcanoes of Iceland and score some fantastic images.'

Next three images from William Eicholtz

Some of you may remember my posts (HERE:& HERE:) featuring the work of William E, a prominent Melbourne sculptor, William Eicholtz from last summer. I thank William for these exclusive images he sent on from his collaboration with Isaac.

'It was a pleasure to work with. We mainly did life modelling drawings, but such a lovely person and such a nice experience to just sit and ask questions about the 80’s art scene.'

'While being relatively new to modelling, Oliver was fantastic from the start. He not only has a naturally classic physique, but comes with a great attitude, open mind and really creative spirit. He is obviously totally comfortable in his own skin, but also around creative ideas and willing to put himself 110% into a project. As he is a walking classical sculpture, it wont be hard for me to create an artwork using him as the model in the very near future.'

If you could be on the cover of a magazine, which one would you choose?
'Faint, perhaps! I would be more interested in something arty, but something like Mens Health would also be an honour. Actually, the number one would be Rolling Stone! All I'm missing is some musical talent... '

Last three images from Lucas Ferrier

Isaac reports his chance to collaborate with Lucas Ferrier was tremendous luck. Ferrier was coming to Melbourne for a sporting event and was only around for a couple of days. The only shots he had up on ModelMayhem at the time were some shots taken at the boutique modeling agency, before he had really had an opportunity to gain experience as a model. Despite this, Lucas found them and even with all of the other models messaging him to collaborate, he saw something in Isaac, and the images to choose him to work with. It was the result of this shoot, and seeing the images of himself looking like a CK underwear model, that Isaac began to believe that he had more potential than he had initially realised.

'This was my second shoot ever, and I had no idea, literally, NO IDEA, how to model but Lucas Ferrier was a fantastic photographer and teacher, and at the end of it has some shots that I could scarcely believe he featured me!'

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