Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Regular FH might notice, I have been doing a few more 'Vintage Vantage' pieces of late. It began after I attended a wedding last month, and had a tour of an old house with a widows walk. I was so fascinated by the theme, I wanted some way to incorporate it into a piece for the site. While searching for just the right images to go with the piece, I came upon several images that have sparked additional posts and themes, the last, In the Deep End, I posted last week.

In the Deep End was interesting to me, not just because of the male nudity, but because it was a piece of history I had not known about before. Like the co-ed naked swim teams, today's focus has a bit of a cmnm, and cfnm theme, more common it seems historically, than it is today. As far as we think we've come, there seemed to be much less stigma, and far fewer issues with male nudity in days gone by.

(1) Free of contagious diseases that would likely endanger the health of other personnel.
(2) Free of medical conditions or physical defects that would require excessive time lost from duty for necessary treatment or hospitalization or would likely result in separation from the Army for medical unfitness.
(3) Medically capable of satisfactorily completing required training.
(4) Medically adaptable to the military environment without the necessity of geographical area limitations.
(5) Medically capable of performing duties without aggravation of existing physical defects or medical conditions.

Some Won't Go

Elvis drafted into the Army (1957)

The more 'vintage' male nudity features I do, the more I learn how common ritualistic nudity used to be for boys and men. I am sure there are many cases as well with women, but it is clear, there was a times, maybe especially in the early to mid 1900's, when men were not only expected, but forced to strip down in front of others.

Up until 1973 when the draft ended, all young men were required to register once they turned 18 and be ready for service if needed. When joining the military, after the initial application, the first major step is the physical. Recruits are required to remove all of their outer clothing for the exam. In addition to height and weight measurements, hearing and vision tests are done as well as urine and blood, alcohol and drugs. Muscle and joint tests, as well as stamina and flexibility. Additional tests may be required, especially for recruits who are overweight, or show visible signs of having a health issue during their exam.

Recruits are encouraged to get a good night's sleep, and ensure to have a bath or shower before their exam. They are told to come without a hat, ensure they are wearing clean underwear, and bring along any eye wear, hearing aids and any wrap or brace normally worn on the body. Female recruits are assured privacy and a female attendant when they have to undress, something men are not automatically given.

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