'This last Therapy shoot was rather special, only the second time I’ve had the luck to photograph two men deeply in love...'
'Shawn and Sergey were the first and Mike and Nick had a powerful bond between them that so beautifully and generously comes through in the photographs. It made for a very special experience. I worked to capture the intimacy between them, the warm, loving and erotic connection that one rarely has the opportunity to observe and study between two men. I felt honored and proud to see the “love that dare not speak it’s name” so proudly and powerfully displayed in the full light of day.'
I love these shots from Richard Rothstein taken at TherapyNYC's last sketchy Saturday in May. The intimacy and passion Richard captured is sensual and powerful, even with an audience around them full of artists and attendee's. Many in that audience, seemed swept up as they looked on and experienced close-up the passion expressed by Nick and Mike. Check out more of Mike and Nick from the May 26th session, and the audiences reaction, on The OVER-FLOW HERE: