'It's alarming how charming I feel!'
With respect to Amy Schumer, whom I love, for me, actor Tom Hopper was the prettiest part of I Feel Pretty. When Hopper's Grant Leclair appeared from the elevator my reaction was much like Shumer's character Renee. I Feel Pretty was nearly as good as Shumer's brilliantly funy Trainwreck, but it also wasn't early as bad as the God awful mess that was Snatched.
Shumer is at her best on screen when surrounded by talented actors and comedians, especially when working with a weak script. In I Feel Pretty, the scenes that worked included Schumer alongside Hopper, Michelle Williams, Aidy Bryant and Rory Scovel. I look forward to seeing her next film, She Came to Me she co-stars with Steve Carell and Nicole Kidman
If you recognized the handsome face of English actor Tom Hopper, it might be from his roles in Merlin, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones. Some also might remember Hopper form his shower scene from the 2009 horror film Tormented. If you didn't see it, check it out below. It's edited in a way not to show too much, but still an interesting scene if you've seen the film.
Tormented (2009)
You can see the entire scene on Youtube HERE: or check out the shower scene with Tom's introduction below.