Ok, actor John Bolger wasn't on Seinfeld, but it was the Sponge Worthy series that sparked this piece. While searching for images for the series, I came upon the image below. I was wondering who the hunk in the tight jeans and hard hat that was posing next to the full head of haired Jason Alexander.
Turns out the square jawed hottie was John Bolger, and actor I actually seen in several projects before. I thought at first maybe they were promo shots for a gay themed movie I hadn't heard about but turns out they're promo images for the short lived sit-com All Is Relative.
The short lived (10 episode) 1987 sit-com also featured Anne Jackson on John and Jason's mother in the series. The little I could find out, (most of which can be seen in the images) is that the Beeby brothers, who share a loft apartment in lower Manhattan, are complete opposites. Julian (Alexander) is a hard working businessman while his brother Scott (Bolger) is a womanizing construction worker. The show focused on their differences and the friction they caused between them.
Parting Glaces (1986)
One of John's projects that I forgot I had seen was the 1986 film Parting Glances. I don't remember much about the film except renting it years ago. The film is considered an important milestone in the history of gay cinema due to being one of the fist American films to address the AIDS pandemic. I found a copy to cap, but will have to re-watch in full very soon.
Sex & The City (2001)
'I wuv your tittie witties'
Samantha wasn't having it when Warren (Bolger) was calling her breasts 'tittie witties'. Although Samantha got a great view of Bolger's ass, viewers of the series got a dark, blurry and incredibly brief shot. Although there were rumors John was naked in early cuts of Parting Glances, this quick flash on Sex and the City is as close to 'nudity' as it gets. Maybe if SATS ever gets an HD release, we might get a better view.