'I would rather feel bad in Maine, than feel good anywhere else.'
E.B. White
Growing up in the 80's, predigital, vacation images were usually only seen after the return home. Now I know most families took their film to the one hour photo, but our family waited weeks or months as to save a little money, my mom send them away in the mail to be developed. Back then, people even had vacation picture parties, with slide shows or albums for guests to enjoy.
Usually I avoid others vacation images, but I make exception with DrDerrol, especially with his yearly trips to visit family in Maine. I love Maine, and have visited many times myself, but I also love Derrol's naked Maine adventures, from his naked nature walks, to last years trip with the ultra hot shots of Derrol grabbing his ax for some naked wood cutting. (The Maine Event)
You can almost smell the woods, the pine and the Maine air in Derrol' s images as he uses his camera, to take us along for his naked hike. I liked a few of Derrol's Instagram friendly images and he graciously sent on a few images, more FH friendly,, for me to share. Today, we're able to enjoy vacation images in real time, and Derrol's still enjoying his time with family, and his time away from family... in the beautiful State of Maine.
'Finally had some time away from family and got into the woods where I love to be. Next best thing to being in the woods is being NUDE in the woods! Never really feel like I can hike and be naked in the woods in California because there are people literally everywhere whereas in Maine you can go a whole day or two without seeing another person if you want...and that’s exactly what I want!'
'There’s also something about ‘private time’ with myself (if you know what I mean) out in nature that feels better than at home...those pictures may be too naughty for this page haha!! Definitely gonna try for one or two more nude hikes before I head back to the west coast and city life!'
Instagram Friendly:
'Relaxing in my little cabin in the woods, thinking about how I never want this vacation to end ❤️ The woods bring out the kid in me!'
FH Friendly