'We are very excited about the show and are eager to get it hung and have the audience finally see our work together.'
The 2 Gregs
Igor by GTM
I love when I'm able to feature the same model captured captured by two or more artists. It's fascinating to compare and contrast not just style, or how they capture the model, but how they see the man in front of their canvas or lens. The two artists spotlighted today, Greg Lindeblom and
Greg Tsontakis-Mally have both been featured on FH before.
Igor by GL
I first began featuring Greg Lindeblom back in 2011, and have been fortunate to have featured his imagery of the male form over a dozen times. I contacted Greg Tsontakis-Mally back in 2015, and have featured his work three times, but look forward to more collaborations in the future.
Van Ryder by GTM
I remember distinctly what drew me to each of the Greg's images. Greg Lindeblom's images are bold and dramatic. Through his use of vibrant colors and classic poses, Greg spotlights the power and beauty of the male physique. Greg captures strength, both the physical and emotional, and the courage and determination required to hit their physical peak.
Van Ryder by GL
When I first contacted Greg Tsontakis-Mally is was about the quiet. I loved the intimacy Greg captures, especially in his black and whites. There's a behind the scenes, almost voyeuristic feel to Greg's images. There's a hint of risk and danger, a feeling you're about to get caught looking at something private and personal and something you're weren't supposed to see.
Jay by GTM
The images you're enjoying are part of the upcoming show Two Gregs, featuring the work of both Greg Lindeblom and Greg Tsontakis-Mally. The show runs from September 21 to 27, with the opening reception on Saturday night the 21st from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. The location is the Broward Art Guild gallery in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The co-themes of the exhibition are World Travel and Male Nudes, both passions of each of the Gregs.
Jay by GL
In addition to the exhibition, Greg Lindeblom has published two books to accompany the show. They are World Travel, covering Greg's travel images and Masculine Beauty 2, which features Greg's work with 25 male models.. The books are much more comprehensive than the gallery show. Check out and preview both at Greg's Blurb page HERE:
Andrew by GL
As you can see from his images, Greg Tsontakis-Mally is both a photographer and a watercolorist. When it comes to his work as a photographer, As you can see from the incredible shot of Andrew below, Greg shoots large format black and white images which are all printed from negatives by Greg by hand! You can also check out more images and models from the show on PAGE 2 HERE:
Andrew by GTM
The two Gregs have both worked, independently, with five of the models, so one of the interesting aspects of the show is to see how two artists perceive and represent one man. In addition to the images featured here, I have been fortunate to have featured both of the Two Greg's work with Mister Davis. If you want to check out more of Mister Davis, check out his work with Greg Lindelom HERE: & with Greg Tsontakis-Mally HERE:.
Mister Davis by GTM
Mister Davis by GL