'It was Clayton's first time taking his clothes off for a photographer, so the early photos were a little stiff looking. After a while, he really loosened up and let his guard down. That made the session much more productive!'
They say that the best gifts come in small packages, but in Clayton's case, I think larger certainly fits the bill. I certainly got a gift when I recently discovered Clayton's folder of images, a folder I'd forgotten, and thought I must have deleted. Although this is Clayton's first appearance on FH, it's not the first time he's been mentioned in a story....
Some of you may remember my piece featuring Steve Jerome's images of Trevor from early this year. (Student Athlete) In that piece, Steve shared that Trevor hadn't actually intended to model, but came as support to a friend who was modeling nude for the first time. That friend he came to support was Clayton.
Trevor obviously got the modeling bug after watching Clayton's shoot, and checking out the incredible shots that resulted. Clayton's confidence must have rubbed off, as before leaving, Trevor told Steve, he might be interested in a shoot of his own.
Who can blame him, Clayton looks incredible in this series of images. Trevor also observed the San Diego based photographer couch Clayton through his first nude shoot, and saw the confidence he felt during and after his work with Steve.
'Clayton was clearly the "alpha" who came with his mind made up that he wanted to pose for nude images that show off his masculine body. We are all glad that he made this decision so that we could all enjoy his great physique and youthful exuberance.'
'With his friend at his side during the photo session, Clayton was at ease with being naked. It did take a bit of coaching to get his to smile; he seemed to be intent on looking tough, which made it a bit tough to get the more friendly looks.'
Although smiling may have been initially a struggle, Clayton's great face and beautiful eyes light up in front of Steve's lens. Being an athlete, Clayton was self assured and at ease showing off his body. Clayton works out almost every day and is seriously looking to pursue sports as a career. As for Trevor's shoot, the buddy system was again applied. Clayton returned the favor and returned with his friend a few weeks later to help boost his confidence and offer support during his friends first nude photo session.