'None of this makes any sense! They're all like bad dreams.'
Young Stanley Uris
I loved the 1990 TV adaptation of Stephen King's It. ( HERE:) The cast was amazing and Tim Curry gave me nightmares for years. I found the book hard to get into, but the mini series sucked me right in. No so, with last years big screen re-make. Although I love me some Bill Skarsgård, I didn't find the re-make nearly as compelling of the 1990 version.
I am however, looking forward to seeing part 2, featuring the characters as adults. Although the scenes of the characters as children were crucial to set the story, it was once they became adults, the horror became real. The previews look frightening, and the adult cast impressive. One of the most fascinating characters from the original was Stanley, played in 1990 by the great Richard Masur. I won't give away his story, but some may remember a bath plays a crucial role in his story.
Given this is the big screen, Stanley takes a bath, but this time it's actor Andy Bean and we get a brief steamed up butt shot as he enters the but. Some of you may have read there has been some criticism about some of the scenes involving the gay characters. I haven't seen the film yet, so will reserve judgement, but I do know King is a strong ally. That's not to say there haven't been a few gay stereotypical gay characters in King's novels, but I cut him some slack given the context and worlds in which King sets his stories, and that I believe King's writing reflected the times, more than the writer's personal feelings.