'A twisted mind snaps, and a wave of terror begins.
Like so many of the movies I feature on FH, my introduction to the 1971 cult film Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things comes via the late night drive-in themed series on Turner Classic Movies. First off, the only nudity in in Martha is female, but I did find myself crushing after the screwed up Stanley and the mostly shirtless performance of actor Wayne Crawford.
Written, produced, and directed by Thomas Casey, Aunt Martha Does Some Dreadful Things is a Miami based low budget film shot at the now closed Moberly Studios in Hollywood, Florida. The characters and the plot are both odd, perfect for a good Halloween 'so bad it's good' night of 70's horror.
Stanley and Paul (Abe Swick) have a criminal history which caused them to leave Baltimore and create new identities in a quiet Miami suburb. Paul poses as Stanley's Aunt Martha, and when not inside the house wears women's clothes. I don't even want to say he dresses in drag as there is no way anyone, outside of the dim characters in the film, would actually believe he's a woman.
It's clear Paul loves, or is at least obsessed with Stanley. I don't think homosexuality is ever mentioned, but Paul is very hands on and dominate with Stanley and extremely controlling, especially with the women Stanley likes to hang around.
Although Stanley likes the company of women, he can't stand them touching his crouch. Every time a female character tries to get in Stanley's pants, Stanley freaks out and they up dead. The movie takes a bit of a downward turn in the last quarter, I thought the first part was more interesting than the last, but overall, I'm glad I pressed record on the DVR to catch this fun 70's comedy/horror mash up.
If you want to check out a more current horror hunk, in a movie still playing in theatres, head on over to PAGE 2 HERE: