As is tradition here at FH, this past Saturday, we had our annual Halloween gala and costume contest. If you missed out on highlights from our past parties, you can check out the winners HEREHERE& HERE
Now.. no matter how many times we say coming as Adam, (minus the fig leaf) doesn't qualify as a costume, there were still plenty of Adams (and a couple of Eve's) in the crowd. In addition to a few Maleficent's and other spandex wearing super hero's, as well as that familiar smell of newly purchased leather thick in the air. Here are some of this year's highlights which the judges narrowed down the top three winners.
Business on the top, party on the bottom
The end of Game of Thrones brought on a slew of costumes related to the show, but the glutey member of the King's guard was tops, and bottoms.
My personal favorite was this hunky lumberjack. Sadly, when it was his time on stage he struggled with his axe and wood. Maybe next year Bob!
Captain Caveman
Although this little pussy had his fans, he didn't do his research. Although adorable, hairless kitty's are one o the least popular breeds with most in attendance.
These busy bunnies weren't that original, but their energizer like enthusiasm tripled their votes.
Although this Zombie Apocalypse victim wore nothing but a terrified look, he did bring along three blood thirsty pals to complete the look.
I thought our bulked up red devil might take the crown, but he walked out mid context after a hot long haired Jesus won Mr. Congeniality.
Red Devil by Stanley Stellar
Sadly, two contestants had to be disqualified.. Organizers asks all those who enter to clearly identify their costume and character. Although very much appreciated, all the guy below wrote on his entry form was 'big dick.' Appropriate for sure, but not technically a character...
The hottie who came as 'ER patient' seemed a shoe in for the finals. Unfortunately he lit up in the non-smoking venue. Although he did go outside, security still choose to remove him, (and his robe) before the end of the contest.
We had several Star Wars themed entries again this year. Although Han's refusal to raise his light saber kept him from winning, Han's heinie did ensure a third place finish.
Gold Bikini Leia
Out gold bikini clad Leia sadly had to settle for second runner up. Dove would been first runner up, but finalists were all told they had to come and enter solo. (Bringing along a Solo was a no no!)
Our first runner up pulled out the big guns, and the beat cop open to any and everyone who wanted a squeeze of his hot fuzz.
Coming as Friday the 13th's Jason Voorhees certainly isn't an original concept, when he got onstage, and wielded his machete, a winner was crowed! 👑