'Silent strength is the quality of all good men and most mummies.'
Theodore Roosevelt
Silent strength may be appreciated by ole Theo, but we can't blame our mummy for letting out the odd moan or two. Who could really blame him! Those of us among the living, often wake up, after just six or seven hours sleep, at full salute. I can only then imagine, the morning wood one would have after waking up from a 4000 year nap!
Our mummy woke up ready and eager. Eager to unwrap his tight bandages and let it all hang out, fellow tomb dwellers be damned! In many cultures, men were mummified for one of two reasons. They were royalty, or they did something incredibly naughty. Given the way our mummy is slowing stripping off his bandages, I'm guessing for him, it was the latter.
FH readers know that the work of Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski has been a part of many holidays on the site. I never ceased to be amazed at the time, and the creativity, that Tom puts into his work, especially his holiday shoots. Tom had never done a mummy wrap before, and was up late the night before dying strips of cloth in tea to create an aged look. Tom wishes he'd had a few more strips, but given the point was unwrap and reveal, I think he had just the right amount.
'I originally was going to go with a scary mummy with blackened eyes and ghoulish makeup. Instead, I decided to go with something leaning towards a bit more sexuality. '
'About 1300 B.C. a young Egyptian who happened to be kind of a sex idol in his time died a sudden unexpected death. Perhaps from an intense sexual escapade...LOL. So 4000 years later his mummy is discovered and he awakens after eons of no sex. Upon his waking.... he rediscovers his sexual desires.'
I was also thrilled Tom brought model Hansel Wellington in for the shoot. Hansel was a part of the first holiday shoot of Tom's that I featured, and has posed naked for FH holiday shoots with candy canes, pumpkins and even bunnies at Easter. Not only does Hansel skillfully, and erotically, inhabit whatever character or holiday required, Tom shares that Hansel always gets into the theme of the session and becomes an important part of the process.
'Tom and I had another successful and exciting shoot. I loved the idea of the stripping mummy, getting wrapped up and teasing the camera with each falling bandage. I thought the backgrounds were spectacular for capturing the theme of ancient times. Being a mummy for Halloween is a classic, but who would have thought rigor mortis could be so exciting -it got me rock hard for part of the shoot! '
'It wasn't just all about getting stiff in the dick, standing up and sitting down had its difficulties with that much wrapping around most of my body. But with Tom at Lights On Studio, the images are always going to be worth every effort to create more totally amazing images. It was interesting to see what I would look like buried in a pyramid from thousands of years ago. I eagerly want to work with Tom at Lights On Studio again and I hope we can have more photos in the future for Favorite Hunks!