I right clicked and saved several images of adult film star Ryan Stack over the years. Problem was, most were focused, (understandably) on his incredible ass, and didn't show his face. One of my favorites, was is the last shot in this piece, a stunning shot of Ryan tying his shoe...
I googled image searched the image awhile ago, and thought the stunning behind deserved proper credit. I wish I could credit the photographer as well, but the shots come from Ryan's page on Randy Blue and the images were sadly not credited, but well done, to whomever did the shoot.
The London born Ryan arrived at Randy Blue as a fan of the site, and as a fan of one of the site's biggest draws, Chris Rockway. I am not a member of Randy Blue, but did check out Ryan's page and was surprised to see that he and Chris don't seem to have appeared together on film.
Matching fans with their porn idols seems to be something done more and more these days, especially on OnlyFans pages where adult film stars seem to be posting more and more 'encounters' with their fans. Sounds little risky, and more promotional than real, but it has made for some interesting encounters.