Over the last few months, with the pandemic new, and cases rising, the world got quiet. You could see and feel it everywhere, on the streets, in the empty stores. Life felt especially muted on those days normally set aside for celebration. There was no St. Patrick's Day parade, no Boston Marathon and few mothers in close proximity to their children on the second Sunday in May.
Something changed that, and it wasn't the chaotic and hurried reopening of the country. More than any recommendation by government or health professionals, it was the murder of George Floyd that brought tens of thousands out of their homes, and onto the streets. Despite the dangerous and cruel fueled responses from the horror show that is The White House, protests persisted. Seeing so many people, of all ages, races and sexual orientations marching together certainly brought a sense of hope and pride to me this month of June.
I know there are some who are wary about comparing the struggles with racism with that of the struggles with others. They are fundamentally different in their roots, yet at the same time, the results on the human spirit are all-inclusive. If you've been watching Mrs. American on FX, (and if you haven't, you really should!) there are so many story threads that resonate with current events. Issues of race prevalent, shown in the series through both Shirley Chisholm's story arc, and how black women were treated at Ms. Magazine. There were also many women in the feminist movement who struggled with full, or any, inclusion of Lesbian and Gay rights within their platform.
Although much of the world is 're-opening', many of the Pride events have already been cancelled or postponed, this year seems an especially important one to show both our pride, and our support in the struggles of others. A huge part of Pride has always been about being seen, being visible, and being heard. Right now, all voices need to be heard, especially those silence and muted by historical and systemic racism, sexism and homophobia. With a President so internally feeble and devoid of any ability to care or show compassion, it's especially important voices be loud and Prideful voices be heard.
When I was thinking of how best to commemorate Pride month on the site, I knew what I wanted to say. I also knew what visuals would be perfect to honor the event. Many FH readers have seen and enjoyed my previous posts featuring Mickey, (HERE:) shot by StudioMGphotography. I remembered that in his book devoted to his work with Mickey, Mark had included a shot of Mickey (above) with the rainbow flag. When I asked Mark if I could use it, he not only said yes, he generously went back to the shoot and edited several additional shots for me to feature. Thanks Mark and Happy Pride to EVERYONE celebrating this month and always.