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Nineties Daze: Daniel by macpics


'Everything I think and everything I do is wrong.'
Cher Clueless

It's interesting how certain years and decades aren't really appreciated until their over.  Although I doubt 2020 is going to be one of those years, for the most part, I was not a fan of the nineties.  It was during the nineties that I graduated high school and entered university.  It was time of struggle for me both personally, and academically.  There were a lot of changes going on for me that really didn't work themselves out until the 2000's.

Maybe it was because I was so busy, or maybe due to my mind set, but I never really got into media and pop culture during the decade.  I wasn't a huge fan of nineties music, movies or TV.  Although I saw many films including; Jurassic Park, The Silence of the Lambs and Forest Gump that I liked, I'm only now getting caught up watching some of the best films from era.

I also wasn't watching much television during those years, although I did get into many shows including; Friends, Dawson's Creek and Frasier, years after they left the air.  Sometimes it's take some time and distance to look back, and appreciate all that was going on during a difficult period of time.  I can now look back and see that so much of what I did and went through in the nineties, paved the way for the path that I later followed.  Without those struggles, I may not have ended up where I am today.

My appreciation for the nineties also includes my appreciation of art and photography from the decade.  I see magazine covers from the 90's now, and think about how fearless artist's were able to be.  The nineties were an especially interesting time for artist's whose focus was the male form.  Although there were always risks with imagery of the male nude, the nineties seemed to be a decade of transition.  Some the fear that shadowed the eighties was diminishing, and artists were looking to celebrate the beauty and sensuality of the naked male form.

It was during the nineties that Ian from macpics really hit his stride as an artist.  It was also the decade he felt the freedom to be more open with advertising, and soliciting young male models to pose for nude shoots.  Daniel was introduced to Ian through a mutual acquaintance, and to Ian's surprise, was very eager to pose after Ian broached the subject.  Daniel had a creative side himself, and was full of creative ideas for his shoot.

'In those days, it wasn't yet the fashion to go to the gym.  Daniel was fortunate to have a tight, toned body, without really having to put in any effort. I actually didn't think of Daniel as particularly good-looking at first, but his face exuded an interesting touch of toughness which really appealed to me. I though it would work well for the shots I wanted to capture, and it did.'

Unfortunately,  not all of Ian's memories from this nineties shoot were positive.  Daniel was interested in pursuing models, and decided he should try lifting weights to bulk up.  Ian was living in Germany at the time, and when it was time to leave, Daniel offered to buy his dumbbells and weight lifting equipment. Daniel took the weights, but never returned as he promised to pay for them.  Looking back now, there was a bright side, at least Ian didn't have to lug them on a plane when he returned to Australia....

Ian was certainly on point about Daniel's face, it's shape, and Daniel's beautiful eyes, photograph beautifully, especially with black and white film, an artist's hallmark from the nineties.  Daniel's also got a great body and beautifully shaped and plumped butt, especially for a guy so lean. Daniel's nineties bangs also work beautifully for the feel and character driven theme Ian used as his focus.

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