Baby pull your pants up,
I like it when I see you do it,
Question:Why do some guys pull their pants all the way down to use a urinal?
I'm not usually into 'bathroom' themed imagery. I know bathrooms and showers can make great shooting locations, but I don't generally connect toilets with erotic imagery. But.... enquiringly minds do want to know... I'm not sure about you, but whenever I come across of a thread or series of images of 'crazy college guys', there are always images of guys, sometimes alone, but usually with a few buddies, using the urinal with their pants and underwear down to their ankles.
I've personally never seen this, well not when using a public bathroom anyway. I dive have a university buddy who used to actually fully remove his pants and underwear, and place them safely aside before peeing. I know this, as he never closed the bathroom door, and had no issue with you seeing, or asking what the hell he was doing. .
His reason, aside from being a tad ocd, had to do years of his mother making him do it as a kid. She hammered into him it was the only way to ensure he kept his pants clean and dry. He said he knows it's silly now that he's an adult, but he did it for so long, it's now a habit he's embraced. I didn't ask about his father, but did know his parents divorced when he was still a kid
'Young bucks with short horns, step up close.'
I did however notice a few things about the images. The guys in the images I spotted were all about college age, which made me think most were more set up than real. I also didn't spot any person of color. It was mostly young white guys who didn't seem to mind having whatever was on the bathroom floor, on their clothes, then subsequently on their bodies.
Some Possible Answers I thought of...
-I't Cultural (something learned in a family like my friend)
-Pants with no zipper
-Avoid splash, clothes getting wet
-It's a straight guy thing
I don't know if all the guys pictured are indeed straight, but it does sort of seem most are straight, posing for their buddy with the camera. Given their age, most are still in the process of transitioning away from fart humor, so bathroom high-jinks, jokes and cell phone shots seem about right. Although I wouldn't want my pants lying on a public bathroom floor, I certainly wouldn't be completely adverse, to walking into one of these photo-ops.