American Thanksgiving is going to be a bit different this year. Well, at least for some... Despite a worldwide pandemic, some seem to still struggle with what being thankful really means. Thankfulness isn't a physical thing that can be lost or taken way. Thankfulness is an emotion and one that doesn't actually require huge gatherings to understand or feel.
The narcissism of a few is certainly heightened by the holiday, especially one which is rooted in being grateful for what we have. Having recently lost a parent, I'd give anything to be able to stuff down my turkey and stuffing over zoom and just knowing they to were stuffing down turkey and stuffing somewhere safe and warm.
Ironically, the loudest complainers are often the least caring and appreciative. Working in social services, I know so many people, elderly, disabled, immune compromised, who depend on others to do to the right thing to keep them safe. If ever there was a time to be thankful, and to put others above ourselves, it is now. Blessed are those that give without remembering, and receive without forgetting. Happy Thanksgiving to all reading this, especially those eating their drumsticks alone or in small gatherings of gratitude.