Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Under Normal Circumstances.... Chris Vogue by TR Pics


'When I placed some of Chris' images on my Instagram, I received many comments on how nice it was to see a "normal" model on my page.'

Normal is such an ambiguous and often misleading word.  For some, especially those struggling, looking, feeling or just being normal can be a positive thing.  For others, there is no greater insult than being considered normal.  I think we all know, much like Santa Clause, normal is really just a myth, It's something we as humans have created to measure and label, usually to make us feel better about ourselves.   It often however, has the opposite effect, most baselines usually do.  

I completely understand the use of normal in the contest of describing Tom's work with Chris.  At the same time however, it didn't fit for me.  When I was recently going through Tom's portfolio, it was his images of Chris that really stood out to me.  Maybe it in part it was his sensual curves, but I was also struck by his beautiful face and smile and how organically sexy Tom's series with Chris was.

The only normal thing for me, was the theme.  At this time of year, between Thanksgiving and New Year's, I think most of us do more naked late night trips to the kitchen.  At this time of year, you're more likely find something good int he fridge, like cold leftover dressing, or sweets and squares that you can only find in December.  I especially loved Tom's shot of Chris bending over with his head in the refrigerator.  Wonder if he found anything tasty...

Now, speaking of normal, under normal circumstances Chris would never have been posing stark naked in a kitchen with a photographer snapping snapping away taking images.  Chris had never modeled before this shoot, let alone modeled completely naked.  Sometimes however, circumstances lead to new and unique opportunities....  

'When the Covid-19 pandemic first started, pretty much all of my shoots dried up, so I kind of took a break, along with the rest of the world. But as the months went by, everyone became more used to doing "normal" things, and my shoots kicked back up.'

Check more images, and get a few more details about the not so normal, and awkward shoot on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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