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How To Get Naked Camping Going...


'Innertaboo.com is a space for my musings about the erotic life. I address inner taboos around sex, and try to be brave in remaining close to my truth.'

One of my favorite artists to feature on FH is JayBee. His work always inspires, and even more importantly, always brings me joy. A couple of months ago, while working on a piece featuring his work, I noticed there were just two links on his site Frisky Frolic. One, was FH, the other was a site with name that just begged for a click, InnerTaboo.

Innertaboo had me at hello. Visually beautiful, inspiring and most of all free. Free of pretence, free of promotion, free of clothing. The Freedom stems directly from the sites owner whose goal is to create, educate and stimulate readers with images and stories from journey's, most of the naked of course. Man of the images on the site come from the owner, Jaybee and a photographer Mark Henley.

'I believe that there should be less shame around the human body or our sexual core component. Obviously some people share more than others. Everyone benefits when discussions flow, questions are answered, more eyes can see. If I am asking others to discard their unnecessary coverings, as appropriate, then I start first with myself.'

Of of the sites most popular pieces was 'How To Get Naked Camping Going' Many of my favorite pieces were the writer and his friends taking naked excursions hiking mountains, walking salt flats or just sitting. I love that the entertainment is not electronic based but simply letting the glory of their surroundings, the heat of the sun on their bodies, and their fellowship being the core of the experience. I hope to be that brave one day.

How To Get Naked Camping Going...

1. Love nature enough to get out there on your own. Become a true admirer of the outdoors – delighting in the trees, water, sunshine, mountains, desert, trails, whatever. That way, no matter how many people you get to come with you, you’re still enjoying this love affair with nature. Worth it almost no matter what.

2. When you say you’re going, follow through and go, also almost no matter what. Don’t back out. People can sense whether you’re waffling, testing the waters, or intent on going. Build trust. Form long-term relationships. Someone’s got to start the leadership. “If you build it, they will come” attitude (a line from the popular movie Field of Dreams). This is one of the most important principles.

5. Where can you go nude? In the freer world, almost anywhere away from other people! This means getting off the trail, going to more remote places. And carrying your shorts in your backpack, so that you can put them on quickly if you encounter another group approaching from far off.

The idea is to enjoy the sun and breeze on your skin, not to expose yourself to unsuspecting people. This might mean that you can only squeeze in a half hour here or there. Good enough! In other places it might be all day. In most places shirtless is cool.

6. Get nude yourself. This starts it. If you’re fit (notice I didn’t say perfect), many a person you invited on this trip will enjoy it, and do likewise hopefully. Don’t be too intent on everyone getting all the way nude. Some people are shy and take a bit to warm up. Invite once in a friendly way, otherwise just enjoy.

9. Be willing to dance with what comes your way. Don’t have too fixed an expectation, but put out a positive intention. This means you enjoy the people you’re with for a weekend, you make the best of a little rain, you get creative when someone forgot the campfire pan. Few things really are a crisis.

Check out the full list HERE:

Between The Lines: Richard Overfield by Andrew M Gleason


Whenever I am profiling any artist, especially with a photographer or a model, one of the most difficult tasks is image choice. My process for putting together a piece is to always collect images first. The words I type stem directly from the visuals that I am looking at, and spending time with as I type. It is impossible for me to write anything without narrowing down what images will lay above and below the type. Although I know many people may scroll quickly by the text to get to the genitalia, I know many viewers do read the words.

Some people find it hard to believe, but my criteria for images is rarely about the penis. You can see millions of those on the net. Big ones, small ones and photoshopped unrealistic ones, tumblr's make it particularly easy to glorify male body parts without the silly task of getting to know the man attached to it. I know there are some people who still buy cars based on color and body shape, but most with a brain, try to find out how reliable it is under the hood and beyond the shiny wax job.

Now don't get me wrong, Queen Creek, Arizona model Richard Overfield looks great on the outside.  Fit and lean body with great facial structure. He also has an adorable backside we get just a peak of. If you check out his Model Mayhem portfolio, or his profiles on It's About A Man, you will see tons of hot images and full nudes.

When I was choosing images for this piece however , I kept coming back to the images that most grabbed my attention and those were his work with Scottsdale, Arizona photographer Andrew M. Gleason. I love the mood Andrew captured and the beautiful angles of Richard's body he so beautifully memorialised. Andrew captured a soulful side of Richard, most notably by keeping his incredible blue eyes featured in most of the images.

'Working with Andrew is a truly great experience. He is one of the most professional photographers I have ever worked with and yet at the same time is very personable and friendly. Over the years his talent and skill has grown exponentially and he has become a good friend which is why I continue to shoot with him. He is extremely creative and thinks on his toes. You can see the gears turning in his head as he shoots. He has come very far in just a few short years and still continues to expand and grow his photography style.'

Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Richard's looks are rooted in his German and Irish heritage. Richard states that from an early age he loved being in front of the camera, performing and entertaining. Richard describes himself as primarily a performer, director, producer and writer. His modeling, a hobby, shooting occasionally model for photographers and artists on projects he is passionate about. Richard also is motivated to improve, add and create new and interesting images to add to his portfolio and never turns down a genuine offer to create something unique and new with an artistic purpose. Over the years Richard has had the privilege of working with very talented photographers and artists. In addition to Andrew, Richard has shot with Brandon McGill, Justin Thai and most recently, with Lucas Ferrier.

Freak Show

Happy Birthday today April 28th

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 28th

Timothy Bottoms: Filmography


Here is a quick snapshot of some of the movies I watched, and some of the projects that interested me from actor Timothy Bottoms. Of course, it is FH, so had to add any nude or shirtless scenes that I could find. From The Last Picture Show to a tv movie with Marie Osmond... what a long, but varied career!

Above: Bottoms in Cannes with his co-star Diane Varsi from his first feature film, Johnny Got His Gun, 1971

The Story Of David (1976)

Not sure what movie this image is from, but it is credited as Bottoms. Looks to be from the 80's.... If anyone has any idea, please shoot me a line!

The Paper Chase (1973)

I think The Paper Chase was my favorite of Timothy's films I have seen so far. Bottoms is great as is co-star John Houseman. Lyndsay Wagner is beautiful and appearances by James Naughton and Edward Herrmann. Great character drama they just don't make any more. Tension and drama rooted in the pressures of law school and brilliant characters created to inhabit it. Screenplay by James Bridges based on the novel by John Jay Osborn Jr.  This one, I look forward to watching again down the road.

With Marie Osmond in The Gift Of Love, 1978

Roller Coaster (1977) Fun,tense filled flick that SCREAMS 70's disaster era.

East Of Eden (1981)

I loved this 1981 tv flick. I had forgotten how great an actress Jane Seymour could be when given a meaty role. Long, dramatic and epic. Perfect TV movie material, baring little to no similarities to the James Dean/Julie Harris film version.

Pound Of Flesh (2010)  (Odd by interesting flick which includes a full frontal by a 59 year old Bottoms)

Fairly recent HeadShot

Take Off: Timothy Bottoms in The Last Picture Show


'Everyone knows everything about everyone else in the insular, claustrophobic town.'

The Last Picture Show (1971) is an evocative and bittersweet slice-of-life 'picture show' from young newcomer, 31 year-old director Peter Bogdanovich, formerly a stage actor and film writer/critic. The screenplay was based on the novel of the same name by Larry McMurtry. [Bogdanovich had previously directed only two other smaller feature films, the low-budget Targets (1967) with Boris Karloff cast as a horror-movie star, and the awful Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (1968) with Mamie Van Doren.]

Bogdanovich's first major film, was a gritty, authentic-looking, black and white film (considered obsolete at the time since it was the first mainstream Hollywood feature film shot in B/W since the early 60s), with expressive, high-contrast cinematography by Robert Surtees. It was widely acclaimed at the time of its release.The rich character study with a non-star cast dispassionately (but affectionately) depicts the contrasting, mediocre lives of two generations of aimless townspeople with frustrated, unhappy, unfulfilled, routine, despairing and shallow lives (middle-aged adults and naive adolescent teenagers) who cling to the dying and barren town, and try to find solace and escape from boredom in lost dreams, drinking, temporary and manipulative sexual encounters (adulterous and promiscuous relationships), the local movie theatre's shows (and television), or by moving to the big city.

Filmsite's review, along with the many other accolades The Last Picture Show received, should have been enough to have put the film on my radar, but of course it did not. I wrote a few years ago about my aversion to old movies, an aversion I have since over come! Thanks to the blog, it's many generous readers, TCM, and more than few celebrity deaths, I am now finally enjoying the many many masterpieces shot before my birth.

As stated however, my introduction to The Last Picture Show did not come from a review or my love of film, it came from my love of television. Don't judge me, but I am not sure I even heard of this film until watching The Longest Day, a 2000 episode of Dawson's Creek. In one of the shows best episodes, Dawson is trying to get Joey to watch the film, a film they went to on their first date, but never got to finish. Throughout the episode, clips of the movie were shown, along with Dawson's continual praise of how great the movie was.

Dawson was of course correct, the movie is fantastic. After diving into Bottom's work, this was the first movie I looked for. A fascinating cast ranging from Bottoms and Jeff Bridges to Cloris Leachman, Eileen Brennan and Ellen Burstyn. Even Cybill Shepherd, who usually bugs the shit out of me, came off beautifully. What the film did so beautifully was to capture the feeling within that town. This was only Bottom's second film, but it is one of his best, and one of his biggest roles in film. I especially loved the relationship, and scenes, between Bottoms and Leachman.

The Skinny Dipping Scene:

Sadly Bottoms did not appear in the film's skinny dipping scene, but we are compensated by a great nude scene featuring the relatively unknown, but adorable, actor Gary Brockette.  Brockette, 23 at the time of filming, went on to other small roles on television and film, including guest spots on Charlie's Angels and Trapper John M.D, but by the 1990's had mostly moved to writing, directing and producing. Prior to his death in 2010, Brockette's last job in the entertainment business was as assistant director on the movie The Legend of Awesomest Maximus.

Cybill Shepherd also strips down to dive into the pool, and all of the extras, including Randy Quaid (if you care to look closely enough...) appear to be nude in the scene. I am sure the buzz at the time was all about a naked Shepherd, but today, many of us can enjoy and write that the hottest person, walking naked and wet out (and then back in) of the swimming pool was Gary Brockette.

Blame The Dowager!


'Everyone goes down the aisle with half the story hidden.'

So... why am I devoting an entire day's posts to actor Timothy Bottoms? Well we can blame The Dowager Countess of Grantham.  My love of Downton Abbey has had me  seeking out more of Maggie Smith's projects. Last winter I caught a few of her older movies including California Suite, The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie, and even the 'difficult to get through' Clash Of The Titans. As gifted as Smith is as an actress, I am not sure, (with the possible exception of her stage work) there has been a better fit of actress with character than her portrayal of Violet Crawley. One of the other movies I was lucky to catch on TCM was the 1973 flick Love And Pain And The Whole Damned Thing. Although a little 'long winded' at times, I think this was one of my favorites of the Smith flicks that I caught.

One of things I loved so much about the movie, was not just Smith, but the adorable fresh faced actor Timothy Bottoms.  Bottoms played the teenager who meets, then falls in love with, the much older and emotional repressed Smith, while travelling through Spain. I instantly began crushing over Bottoms, and it was his performance that stuck with me. Bottoms was barely 20 during the filming and although I was knew of him, but was not really familiar with his work or career. I made a note, and a desktop folder, to save any images of Bottoms to use for a birthday post when the 30th of August rolled around this year. Well, dipping into the folder last week, the amount of images runneth over....

After Whole Damned Thing, between TCM, AMC, Amazon and e-bay, I have caught about a half dozen of Bottom's films the last few months, mostly his early work in film. I watched and enjoyed Roller Coaster, Pound Of Flesh, The Paper Chase, The White Dawn, the 1981 mini-series East Of Eden and arguably Bottom's most well known role in 1971's The Last Picture Show.

I have written over the years on FH, about many actors whom I have been surprised have not become bigger stars. Bottoms has moved to the top of that list. Since his film debut in 1971, Bottoms has appeared in close to 120 films, television movies and tv guest spots. Bottoms did not just appear, but in the 1970's in particular, he took leading roles in many big films co-starring along side some of the movies biggest stars. Bottoms has continue to work steadily since the 70's, moving back and forth between television projects and feature films through much of the eighties and nineties and beyond. In 2014, Bottoms appears in two films, Sweet Surrender and the soon to be released The Men's Group.

I am not exactly sure why Bottoms did not join the ranks of other Hollywood stars who have gained greater fame.  His skill and acting resume is certainly on par with many whose names are more familiar. Could be he that although he has had the projects, he has not had the opportunity to shine as some others had. Bottoms was, and is a great looking guy, it was that face of his that first had me wanting to find out more. He may not have that 'edgy' look some others actors do, he is more an everyman, although he was convincingly psycho in Roller Coaster. Regardless of the reason, I thank the Dowager for introducing me to his work and with 119 projects on his resume, I look forward to spending many more hours with Mr. Bottoms in the future.

Happy Birthday today August 30th


Happy 63rd to actor Timothy Bottoms!

-See more of Timothy below-

Above: Timothy by Cathy Lomax

Check out more of today's birthday boys HERE:

Above: Timothy Bottoms with brothers Sam, Joseph & Ben Bottoms

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 30th

Stories Still Untold. The Imagery of Ra Kai


'All art is sensual and poetry particularly so. It doesn't declaim or explain, it presents.'
William Carlos Williams

Most people who read FH, know how important story is to me. When I first saw the work of artist Ra Kai, I knew there had to be an interesting story to accompany the beauty within the imagery. There was a story, a fascinating one which added texture and meaning to his art. Stories however are not always ready to be told. Some must wait for the right time or the right listener. Some stories remain inside our heads, only shared through our work, our images, our passions.

'I want to capture the allure and beauty of male body, as separate body parts, or as a whole.' The photographs are mainly black and white, usually with very little light that would paint the skin and body contours in the dark background creating intimacy and mystery. I want to create pictures, where men are not just muscles and macho attitude, but also very beautiful and sensual creatures.'

Ra's passion lies in the field of the male nude, especially glamour and fine art photography. His first studio shoot was just over a year ago, his first nude shoot, a month later. Ra's images are both intimate, sensitive and very personal. For Ra, the process of shooting is a way to express himself while drawing closer to his hopes and dreams, the final images being the release.

'I would like to think that my pictures are a fusion of myself and my models'

Six Degrees of Salinger


Over the past year, above pretty much any other channel on television, I have been watching PBS. PBS was for many, was a regular place to tune into when we were kids. From Sesame Street through Zoom, it was the only place for quality children's television. As we got older, most of us abandoned PBS for the more high brow, intellectual television found on ABC's TGIF.... Many of us though, eventually returned.

I returned to PBS sporadically for special and airings of Broadway shows. But permanent return however, occurred many years ago as it was one of the only places to find British comedies and dramas. Many others returned when word of mouth spread how amazing Downton Abby was. (Thanks again to the person who turned me on to it!). This past year however, I have been captivated by more PBS's programming, especially it's Wednesday one two punch of My Wild Affair and Sex In The Wild. My Wild Affair is a show if you have not yet caught, I fully recommend you give it a try! The piece de resistance of PBS programming however has got to be it's Documentaries, especially American Masters. This past season drew me into the lives of many diverse individuals from Marvin Hamlisch through Alice Walker. One of the most fascinating was the exclusive director’s cut of Shane Salerno’s documentary, Salinger.

'Featuring never-before-seen photographs, personal stories and moments from J.D. Salinger’s (Jan. 1, 1919 – Jan. 27, 2010) life and harrowing service in World War II, Salerno’s new director’s cut expands his intimate portrait of the enigmatic author of The Catcher in the Rye. American Masters was the first to close a deal with Salerno for Salinger, securing the exclusive domestic television rights to the documentary in January 2013. An official selection of the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival and Telluride Film Festival, the film made front page news all over the world with its revelations. Associated Press called the research yielded during Salerno’s 10-year investigation “unprecedented” and “thoroughly documented.”
PBS Salinger Press Release

I like many, read Catcher In The Rye in High School (and am making my way through it again presently). I knew bits and pieces about J.D Salinger, especially the novels connection in three high profile shootings, including two celebrity deaths. The book was connected to the murderers of both John Lennon and actress Rebecca Schaeffer, as well as the shooting of President Ronald Reagan. Unfortunately, those acts of violence have defined both author and book. The documentary however, looks at so much more and I was riveted from start to finish.

It was fascinating to see Salinger's struggle with fame, and his attempts to avoid it all. His refusal to sell the movie to rights to Catcher is something I am sure many writers today struggle to understand. Money was not the endgame, although he made quite a bit of it. Salinger loved old movies and young women, and although he didn't seem to want to be in the lime light, seemed to feed off the attention and adoration of young, good looking women. What also really intrigued me about the documentary, was the nexus between some of the stories I have done on FH, stories I wrote, not realizing there was a connection to the famous an allusive author. Here are three...

Trying to find make a decent cap of actor Ted McGinely, for my 2012 Blast From The Past post, I had no idea, one of the actors whose butt I was so trying make sure was clear in the image was Salinger's son Matt. Matt, on the right in the images below, made his film debut in 1984'Revenge Of The Nerds, and has been active in the entertainment business since. Matt's mother was psychologist Claire Douglas who was married to Salinger from 1955 through 1967. Matt is one of just a few in Salinger's live who has not attempted to profit off his fathers fame or legacy. In fact, in 1999 after his sister Margaret wrote Dream Catcher, a memoir of her childhood, Matt wrote a letter to The New York Observer, disparaging his sister's 'gothic tales of our supposed childhood.'

This past January, I wrote about my love of the novel Labor Day, and its writer Joyce Maynard. The book really drew me in hard, especially the beautifully drawn three central characters. Sadly, but movie didn't to the same, but the book, I devoured. When writing that piece, I was clueless to Maynard's history with J.D Salinger. Their relationship is detailed in the documentary, but yet there are still mysteries surrounding her motives in writing about the relationship. In some ways I understand it, but at the same time, given Salinger's fierce fight to protect his privacy, it is also a betrayal.

Joyce Maynard is quoted as saying that the only person who could have played Holden in a movie version of Catcher In The Rye was Salinger himself. I think there is another actor, who may have fit the role very well, at least when he was a bit younger, and that is Maynard's own son. In 2010 I wrote a piece about actor Wilson Bethel. I didn't know anything about his family when I wrote the piece, only that the actor who was making a splash at the time on the daytime soap The Young And The Restless. The soap didn't realize what star in the making they had and wrote him out quickly. Wilson landed on Heart Of Dixie, but I think his best work is still to come. Wilson has star power written all over him and I am sure is going to light the big screen on fire with the right role.

Re-Enter Talking

Ever since I was a kid, Joan Rivers guesting on a talk show was reason to set my VCR to record. Yes, she often goes too far, but that's because she's always going, always working, always trying to make us laugh. Crossing the line is a curse of those at the forefront, and Rivers has been in that position most of her long career. Get well Joan, soon!

Happy Birthday today August 31st

Happy 65th Mr. Gere!

Check out my American Gigolo flashback HERE:

Also check out more of today's birthday boys HERE:& HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 31st

Public Pools, Private Thoughts by Dan Skinner


Summer is not just about sun, vacations and fun, it is also a season of senses. The Sounds of children playing, crickets at at night, and my favorite of the summer sounds, the ocean hitting the shore. The sight of shirtless guys walking down the street, the purples, pinks and reds of garden flowers people, out of their living rooms, away from their television sets and out on their patio's, decks and front porches.

Then of course come the smells; fresh cut crash, your neighbours BBQ, the sand and ocean. Although not necessarily my favorite, the smell of chlorine is one that cuts deep in my memory and sexual awakening as a kid. Although I grew up around lakes, and fairly close to the ocean, one of my favorite places to take a dip were public swimming pools, one special one in particular. A few miles from my house, about 15 minutes on my bike, was a Yacht Club. Although I did not belong, my friend Jeffrey did, and I spent much my summers through my Jr. High years at the club.

During the day, the swimming pool was open to the public for swims. It was full of children and their parents, some days, when it was really hot, you could not even see water through the haze of heads and bodies. When you swam there during the day, as part of the public swims, there was an old wooden building with changing rooms, specifically for non-club members to use. It was small, not fancy and not a place to hang out in. When you entered, girls went to the right, boys to the left.

There was a small room, not much bigger than a long hallway. At the front, a large shower stall and bathroom. Down the hall, just one long bench with hooks on lockers on either side. At the other end, the doorway to the pool. The goal was to get in, get out and get into the pool. The same went for when you were done. They didn't want people hanging or lurking and you often heard a voice from the front saying, 'hurry up boys' and 'keep moving'.

Trips to public swimming pools can be illuminating for a confused teenager questioning who they are. Guys in bathing suits sure, but also permitted touch, with rough housing, water piggy back, and dunking. There was also bound to be a moment someone pulled a friends speedo up into a wedgie. It was also wise to keep a close eye to the diving board, and people getting in and out of the pool, as hints of butt crack were not uncommon sights to be seen.

There was nothing inappropriate or wrong going on, in fact there was nothing really going on at all. The sights were public, it was way in the way in which those sight, sounds and smells were processed that differed between the people in the pool. The thoughts which ran through my brain during those days at the pool were private, and although I learned to anticipate them, they were not ones I planned, nor could really control.

They were exciting, they were erotic, and most of all, they were completely innocent. They were the same feeling everyone was having, boys about girls, girls about boys, girls about girls and boys about boys. A part of what we all went through as we awakened sexually, matured and grew up. Even today, the smell of chlorine takes me right back to those private thoughts at those public pools.

During the evening, going to the same pool became an entirely different, and maybe a little less innocent an experience. The public was not welcome, it was members only, and thankfully for me Jeffrey love to take a group of us each evening for a swim. When you went at night, that tiny wooden changing room building was locked tight. The attendant not on duty and no life guards to be seen. Instead, you changed in the member area, a large, plush locker room with individual showers, clean bathrooms, long mirrors and armchairs and plants in the corner. This was a place you lingered.

Usually when we arrived, there would be a few swimmer doing laps or a few people, taking a quick dive after a long work day. Most night though, as the evening went on, it was just our group left in the pool. Although you could see houses across the bay, there wasn't really much around so unless there was a function at the club, dusk meant it was just us in the pool. This is when it got really fun.

The fun was still most innocent, boys playing around, but without a life guard, or they eyes of a strict parent on us constantly, back flips were done off the diving board, wresting matches were held and running along the side of the pool became mandatory. Many nights, except the odd night our friend Valerie would accompany us, the suits would often get pulled down and thrown to the sides of the pool.

Without the suits, our bodies morphed from human to water mammal, diving up and back down into the water as if we were dolphins or whales. Any touch was not sexual, at least not on the surface, it was just fun mixed with a little danger and risk. It was exhilarating.

The member locker room was no longer just a place to change and hurry through, it became as important a part of the experience as being in the pool. We often spent an hour or two in the water, then another hour in the changing rooms. Laughing, rough housing, then changing and showering. My first time there, my eyes quickly looked elsewhere when someone was naked. I even left the room for the bathroom the first time. With each visit however, my comfort with being around my friends naked, and being naked myself became comfortable and although I could never really control my thoughts, I was able to mask them in order not to stand out.

It is funny, out of the 7 or 8 guys who came in and out of these evening swims, 2 others came out over the next fifteen years, me being the last of the trio. One moved away and although I have seen him on social media sites, never bothered to reconnect. The other I am still friends with and visit with when he is town during special occasions and holidays. We have had a few conversations about our group, but I have never brought up those evening swims, or times in the locker rooms. I will make a note to do so the next time we meet up.

I flashed back to these memories when first seeing some of these images from Dan Skinnera few years ago, and have even sprinkled a few in previous posts. I love featuring Dan's work, his vibrant imagery always takes me enjoyable places, either from my past, or to fantasy's of possible future adventures. Thanks to Dan for supplying even more Public pool images to stimulate private thoughts as our Summer start to end and segue's into Autumn.

The Bible Boys by Dan Skinner

Sometimes suppression, leads to a more explosive expression...

'As he grew, it became evident he was a pretty boy. Not a handsome boy. There ’s a difference between handsome and someone whose features are those normally considered elegant. Though very fair skinned and blond, his lashes and brows were coal black, appearing as if someone had taken makeup to them. It offset eyes the color of aquamarines. His cheeks were high; full and proportionate , the planes of his face sleek, almost feline. His lips were voluptuous, the top as broad as the bottom and symmetrical; the color of Cabernet. It would grow to be a face one was drawn to stare at, or look away from. Depending on your gender in those days.'

The pretty boy is Matthew, on the brink of a sexual awakening, hampered at every turn by his radically Evangelical family. The Church was law. Since he could remember, the message was clear, two men together was a sin, an abomination. Despite those messages, natural urges could not be denied and it was in that church that Matthew first spotted Caleb. 'That world outside was not where they belonged. It was unnatural to them. Matt could be a victim of it no longer.'

'Perspiration wound its way down the bend of his back, prickled the fine blond hair. The same wetness was between the cheeks of his ass. A hand found its way there, toyed with the tender spot. It was driving his mind into another dimension. “Oh God!'

In writer and photographer Dan Skinner's latest novel, religious restrictions make being together almost impossible. A week long gathering however, at Caleb's family farm provides an opening. They had only one chance to be together...and it would be a daring one, right under the noses of the very people who would condemn them. Dan Skinner doesn't just write words, he creates visual scenes that, like his photographs, draw you into the story and hold you there, page after page. Read, and see, The Bible Boys for yourself on Amazon HERE:

Work Ethic


'Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another'
Anatole France

A Relaxing Labor/Labour Day to you all!

Happy Birthday today September 1st

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 1st

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