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Waiting For Santa: Nicky by Studio1x


I was warned ad nauseum 
To be so good all year. 
Now it's the night before Christmas
And I can feel Santa near

I think Christmas Eve is actually my favorite part of the holidays.  Although I've much of the excitement I had for Christmas as a kid, I can still feel magic in the air on Christmas Eve night.  One tradition I have is a late night walk on Christmas Eve.  I've taken with my family, my friends, my partners and of course my dogs.  Although it's faded slightly over the years, I can still sense a bit of electricity in the air late at night on the 24th.

It's all about anticipation really.  I'm one of those people always more excited before an event, than while actually at it.  Even with FH, I get excited piecing together a story in my head while working out or when I should be focused on work.  It's easier to think about something, even something you're excited about, then when it's time to hold your own feet to the fire.  Christmas day rarely lives up to the hype, but Christmas Eve... well, there are far more options, often without the same degree of pressure.

Nicky, as you can see, is clearly excited, waiting in anticipation for the big guy to come. He's got the house ready, he's showered and prepped.  In between looks out the window, Nicky practices the perfect pose to entice his busy gift giver to stay.  Usually, when Nicky's heavy hitter stops by, it's a quick in and out.  Nicky likes to think he's special, but he knows he's not the only port of call on his his sugar plum daddies route.

Still, he's patient, it's worth it.  Nicky knows it's difficult to find the perfect paramour, especially one who's as giving as his rosy cheeked Romeo.  Sure, he's always busy, and has to rush off, and he has that pesky wife at home....but when they're together, even for a quicke, it's the most wonderful time of the year. 

As FH readers are aware, Jim from Studio1x is an expert, at capturing holiday moments, especially the energy and enthusiasm exhibited by the hot men he shoots. It was Jim's experience, that allowed Nicky to trust Jim to capture the vulnerablity he was feeling while awaiting his Christmas caller.  Nicky and Jim had worked together a few ears earlier on an entirely different type of shoot.  They were shooting fashion in very cold old warehouse and quickly bonded through complaining about how freezing it was that cold December day.  

It was shortly after that cold December shoot that Jim decided to set up his own studio, one where he could control the heat.  It was also then that Jim decided to ditch shooting fashion and move more towards artistic nudes.   Given how well they worked together in the warehouse, Jim reached out to Nicky to see if might be interested in exploring his new creative focus. 

Nicky was on board, but they struggled to find a time they were both free to shoot.  Over the years, they continued to talk about ideas, but never got anything scheduled.  It wasn't because of a lack of enthusiasm.  Although Nicky had never done a nude shoot before, he was very excited to give it a try.  Nicky's past modeling assignments were mostly commercial, always playing the groom. 

Or course, as you can see from beautifully long and lean physique, Nicky looked hot in his tux for.  He longed however,to rip it off and take his place front and center.  As we all know, brides, and more importantly bridal gowns, are always the main attraction at weddings, and especially at wedding shoots.  Nicky was more than ready to ditch his tux and be more than just a great looking accessory.  

Jim reached out to him again last month, and asked if he would be for another shoot together on a cold December day.  This time however, Jim was able to promise that it would be a lot warmer, especially as this time, Nicky would need to ditch the fashion, and take off all of his clothes.  

'Nicky was very excited and we enjoyed reconnecting and exploring modeling and new concepts that  didn't require much wardrobe.  We had a lot of fun in the studio as we captured so many different sides of Nicky. for the series.  We're excited to put this all together, and wich everyone who see's and enjoys the images a very Happy Holidays from Studio1x!'

Stocking Stuffer


'Jeff Stryker's back and he's making us all hope for bigger presents under the the tree!'

Jeff Stryker
Jock Magazine
Holiday 1995
Photography by J.S Grand Video

This piece began as just a vintage image piece featuring porn star Jeff Stryker's sexy Santa layout in the 1995 holiday issue of Jock Magazine.  When I started to put it together however, I noticed there was an additional Stryker Santa product that I hadn't been previously aware of. 

Googling Jeff Stryker and Santa also brought up the images below.  I wasn't aware that Stryker had a doll, an ultimate doll, and certainly wasn't aware his doll had it's own Santa Christmas edition.  From what I can gather, the Santa doll is a recent release with a limited number of sexy Santa's available.  Although they all seem to be sold out, I did spot a couple on E-Bay for about $250.

Much like the regular Ultimate doll, the Santa version seems to be anatomically correct.  You see appear more, including a video promoting the doll on Facebook HERE:

Hey Santa: Mattidude by PhotoRSH


Some guys are able to satisfy on multiple holidays, able to provide Christmas climaxes and big October O's.  Some of you might recognize Mattidude from his previous appearance, holding his plastic pumpkin this past Halloween. (Man Candy)  Although the holidays may be different, the images are equally fantastic and festive.

That may be, because the artist behind the camera was Illinois based photographer PhotoRSHThere is nothing like a hot male stud in a little red velvet and white faux fur.  This had me thinking about what it takes to really fill out a Santa suit.  Anyone can throw on a Santa hat, but not everyone can earn the the title of Saint that goes with Saint Nick....

Check out more of my favorite Santa's on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

PhotoRSH on OnlyFans

He's Gonna Find Out...


Who's naughty or nice...

Looks like Santa's put these three on the naughty list.  Check out more of the fallout of that decision on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 24th

Buddy: Actors & Skin


'Then I traveled through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, past the sea of twirly-swirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel'                                                                                 

Sooo, not all Christmas stories have happy endings.  2003's ELF ended on a high note with Buddy helping Santa get his sleigh back in the air, saving Christmas for all the children in the word.  Unfortunately, things went down hill shortly after.  Yes, Buddy and Jovie did marry and have a child, but a few months after their visit to Papa Elf, the relationship hit the skids. 

Buddy wanted wanted to move back in with his father and Emily, but they were angry Buddy wasn't putting more effort into saving his marriage.  Divorce is also a no-no for elves, meaning Buddy wasn't welcome back at the North Pole.  With family to take him in, no job or no money, Buddy began a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol and late night partying in his underwear.  

After one particularly crazy December night Buddy landed in jail.  A visit from his younger brother, and ghosts from the past, present and future had him looking for ways to turn his life around.  After a short stint (below) working for a shirtless Bible selling company, Buddy used his earning to rent a small room and enroll in a community college acting class.

The class wasn't know for producing working thespians, but it did have a reputation in some area's of the industry.  The class was often audited by adult film producers on the look out for students in need of fast cash to cast in their latest releases.  Buddy of course said yes right away, but when it came time to film his first scene, became shy about exposing his north pole, especially as he was struggling with an elf erection.

With porn off the table, the producers sent Buddy to a local casting agent who thought his personality and off beat looks might fit for non-frontal nudity in low budget, straight to digital release comedies.  Over the next few years, Buddy yanked off his tights, exposing his Christmas hams in a string of low budget flicks through the 2000's.  Here are a few highlights. 

Night At The Roxbury (1998)

Old School (2003)

Get Hard (2015)

Frisky Frolic: Indulge YourElf


'Wanna Scrooge?'

If you check out FH earlier this week, you were introduced to the adorable Ezra photographed by JayBee from Frisky Frolic.  (It's Beginning....)  You may remember that although Ezra looked as sweet pie, he was not that innocent...  Ezra was waiting, not so patiently for his late night Christmas hook-up to arrive.

Ezra's patience paid off when Jeff finally arrived.  They didn't waste any time getting frisky, and also didn't mind having JayBee capture their meat and greet. When it was time to head to the bedroom however, they chose to leave JayBee on the other side of the door.  Well, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure if JayBee remaned on the outside of the door, but unfortunately for us, his camera did.

The Naughtiest of Elves? Abel by John Kale


'It's just nice to meet another human who shares my affinity for elf culture.'

I'm not sure Abel is really the naughtiest Elf, but he is the Elf, (model) whose name and images came up the most when I was scouring the naughty list.  By list, I mean the sites I usually check out when I'm looking for images for a particular theme.  These images of Abel Rey came from searching through the long list images with the #naughtylist on Instagram.

A few minutes into my search, I began to notice one particular ELF seemed to come up more than others.  Now in part, it might because this particular ELF is so damned photogenic.  It also could be that Abel's worked some of my favorite photographers.  Some of you might remember my previous piece from last year featuring Abel's work with Richard Rothstein. (Up, Up & Away)

In addition to the shots of Abel you enjoyed on the previous page, there were also a collection images from Connecticut based photographer John Kale.  John's two favorite subjects to shoot are landscapes and people, and he when he can, John loves to shoot outside against interesting landscapes.  

I spent quite a bit of time enjoying John's Instagram portfolio and although I love his location work, I was particularly taken with his approach to shooting models within the studio.  Although John utilizes props and fashion, and often utilizes unique creative concepts and holiday themes, John always ensures the  model is front and center and with their look and personality in focus. John's images don't just capture Abel's potent physique, but also his mischievous elfish side and the twinkle and sense of fun within his eyes.

Sprinkles TinselPants


Dear Santa, This year, all I want for Christmas is a copy of your list of naughty boys...

As I mentioned on the previous page, one of the signs that Elves deserved their own theme this Christmas, were Roy Johnson's (badsign769) naughty elf series that I featured last Christmas. (Santa's Litte Secret).  Although Santa shared that many of his elves have impressively big tools, one of the secrets that he didn't share, were the names of the elves in his troupe.  

Although elves have 'human' names they use in the workshop, common names like Buddy, Joe and Frank, they're also all born with official Elf names they warned not never to say out loud.  If they do, they are assure to fall to the workshop floor in a fit of giggles. Given that  Glitterballs, SnowyBum and Cinnamonbuns are fairly common sur names, you understand why most elves only whisper their names late at night when they're completely alone.

If you don't know your ELF name, check out the chart below.  Although I'm known as Tye in the workshop, I'm proud to type, (not say) that my ELF name is Sprinkles TinselPants.  Don't worry, I let my parent know often how this impacted me when I was in school. 

badsign679 on Instagram

Favorite Pic of the Day (2) for December 25th

Exposing OnesELF: Cal by Lights On Studio Tom Nakielski


'The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.'

So although deciding to celebrate Elves was an easy decision.  Creating our FH Elf, was a bit more of a challenge.  Although Will Farrell brought Buddy to life on-screen, he had the benefit of millions of dollars of studio money and a team of special effects professionals.  Not deterred, I through the idea by Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski in late October, even before I posted Tom's latest Dracula series for Halloween.  Tom first thought of location, he was in the middle of moving studios, so needed everything in place before he could shoot.  He then began shooting back costume options, and some of them were quite expensive.

The costume however, proved the easy part.  Tom found one to rent at a local costume shot that provides costumes for the local theatres in town.  One we had a costume, it was all about who could or would, wear it.  Now if you're a regular FH reader, you know many models have put on, and taken off, a variety of costumes over the years.  To pull off Buddy however, we needed a model who would both put on and take off the suit, and as well, be able to take on the innocence as well as the impish and playful traits of the character.

Tom shot me back a few links of models on Model Mayhem who might be options.  While all had the looks, none had the specific qualities we were looking for to take on Buddy. Then, one of us, I'm pretty sure it was was me... ;) suggested model Cal Green.  On the surface it may seem an odd choice, we chose Cal for Halloween due to strong, even menacing looks that we thought would be perfect for the Prince of Darkness.  But, Cal is an actor, and given he went from Dracula to Buddy, one with a great deal of range!

Cal was on board and Tom's first shoot in his brand new studio was set.  When the costume shop was told a well built personal trainer was going to don their Elf suit, they were a little worried about him getting the tights on.  They gave some specific instructions about how to squeeze them on, including instructions for Cal to trim his toenails before putting them on.  I would have thought yellow tights would have been easy to find, but these ones are obviously magic tights.  The shop didn't need to worry, they fit like a glove, and the tights were returned without any scratches or runs..

'This was the first session in the new studio, and I love that I have so much more space. Room to move and less chance to trip and fall. Cal was immediately impressed with the new space even though it still has a lot more work needing to be done. Definitely warmer than the last space. You know how the cold can have a unwanted effect on... .well you know. '

'I was a bit concerned that Cal might be uncomfortable getting into an elf costume,  Buddy isn't exactly  a sex symbol, but Cal loved the elf costume. With his acting background, Cal got right into character. He easily went from sexy to zany. It was an added bonus that he is also a photographer and cinematographer. With out me asking, Cal was helping me set up the background and moving props. Made the session go faster and made it much easier on me.'

Although Will Ferrell's version of Buddy may not have been a sex symbol, there is an inherent sensualism associated with elves.  Maybe it's the costume, maybe it's that elves are usually categorized as either naughty or nice.  Maybe, it's because their stuck in the North Pole all year long, that when they get a taste of freedom it's like an episode of Elves gone wild.  Green hats and jackets get ripped off and yellow tights are flung into the air in a festive frenzy!

Speaking of yellow tights, Cal reports they were indeed a little snug.  As the shoot went on, and the tights were eventually peeled off,  after being crammed in so tightly for so long, Cal headed behind the large wrapped packages to ensure his elf equipment was properly repositioned and camera ready! Cal is comfortable with his body, and not self-conscious at all about getting undressed and posing nude.  Posing in the Elf suit, was actually more a challenge than when in just his birthday suit.

'Cal is thinking about entering a bodybuilding competition and is working to get in shape for that. He looks great to me as he is but bodybuilders are aware of every square inch of their bodies and are immersed in perfecting their bodies.'

Given how comfortable Cal was in and out of Buddy's attire, Tom focused on creating different looks with the various props he had on hand.  Tom shares that it didn't matter what he handed Cal, whether a candy cane, a Santa sack or the wrapped presents, the Michigan model got into character with ease.  Cal tapped into Buddy's sense of fun with his facial expressions while creating Elfish, and incredibly sexy poses. 

Michael Craft : When Santa's Away....

Stephaun Anthony

The Elves Will Play! 

When I last featured New Jersey photographer Michael Craft, I featured imagery from his coffee table book Sweet Tooth. (HERE:)  In the book Michael created eye catching images combining two of our favorites type so candy, man candy, and actual candy, the sugary treats we love to lick, suck and devour. In many ways, Christmas is also a feast, both a literal one, as well as a visual feast for the eye.


The bright colors, the lights, and the shimmering decorations. are all designed to both pleasing to the eye, and to draw our focus and attention.  Although Michael shoots more than just holidays, the visual themes run through so much of his work.  Michaels use of vibrant color, dynamic models and poses, and erotically creative concepts, all both draw focus and demand attention. 

When I was looking for imager for today's theme, I scrolled past hundreds of images on webpages.  When I scrolled by Michael's shots they had me both stop, but stay and head off on a hunt to find more from the series.  Michael was inspired to work on his 'Naughty Elf' series after seeing so many memes that people posted using their Elf on the Shelf.  I'm not talking about cute poses and shots for kids, the shots Michael saw were people putting the Christmas toy in all kinds of sexual situations and mischief. 

'I only did a handful of shoots, they were fun to do. Of course the craziest was having elves, Abel and Jay tie up with Christmas lights and sexually tease Joel. (below) Someday i hope to do more on a bigger scale with lots of props.

I look forward to that as well!  This series, especially the last few with Abel, Jay and Joel were the shots had that me stopping and searching!  As we wait for more erotically charged holiday shots, you can check out Michael's lastest book, Thirst Trap, on Blurb HERE:  Thirst Trap was originally in the works until the pandemic began in the spring.  Michael hoped that while stuck at home, people might enjoy embracing the mouthwatering diversity in the many incredible men he's shot over the years. 

Elfed Up! Ryan Knight by Gordon Nebeker


'I particularly enjoyed working on the Christmas themed shots. Gordon let me loose with the costumes/props and I loved the opportunity to be a bit cheeky and add a sense of humour to the work'

Regular readers are keenly aware of FH's tradition of showcasing photographer Gordon Nebeker's Christmas Elf each Christmas.  Although Gordon loves his decorations, he also routinely hires some nimble Christmas helpers to help deck those high halls, string the lights to the rafters and utilize the ladder to ensure the tree topper is impeccably aligned and perfectly perched on the tree's highest branch.

Each Christmas, FH viewers eagerly await both Santa's arrival, and seeing which elf Gordon has hired for this years decorating duties.  Although Gordon's tree theme and color scheme may account for some of the excitement, the fact that this particular Christmas helper decorates completely naked, may also play a role...

Humans weren't the only one's impacted by this years pandemic.  Elves were also hit hard.  This particular Elf hails from New York, and before the pandemic shut down all of the theatres, was a busy working actor.  Although trimming a tree in the nude wasn't initially on Ryan Knight's 2020 bucket list, it did involve a travel, with the tree requiring ornamentation, sitting in a stand in Florida. 

'It was a bit of a leap of faith travelling down to Florida to meet with Gordon, having only chatted on the phone prior to the shoot. Luckily his warmth and professionalism put me at ease immediately.  I think we were able to create some beautiful images together (if that's not too egotistical to say 😉).. Can't wait for the opportunity to model for him again!'

What the Elf?

Elfie by TheTravelinBum

'A world in which elves exist and magic works offers greater opportunities to digress and explore'

So... why an Elf theme this year?  Many reasons really, some going back a few years.  Photographer Gordon Nebeker has generously been capturing and sharing his Christmas Elves for the last six years. Now, to clarify... by capturing, I don't mean, putting in a cage, as fun and tempting as that might be.  By capturing, I mean chronicling the Christmas Elves that he hires to help decorate the house and  get those ornaments high up on the tree.  Gordon has captured several different Elves over the years and shot them decorating tree's in Massachusetts, Florida, and one year, in the middle of a cold forest while driving from one State to the other.

Mark by Gordon Nebeker

Last year, when putting together my Christmas posts, I not only had Mark, Gordon's latest Elf helper, but as well, the naughty Elves created by artist badsign769. (HERE:). I began to think if I was able to gather a few more, I have my own troupe of Elves.  The final sign that and I should use Elves as my holiday theme came late in the summer.  My father was quite sick, and my usually very active Dad, wasn't able to move without assistance.  

Although he rarely watched television, he did enjoy certain movies, especially westerns and war flicks.  One exception was 2003's Elf.  We sat and watched the movie on an incredibly hot and sticky day in early September.  We had watched the movie together before, but I really didn't pay that much attention.  My mind would wander, or I'd be working or coming in and out of the room.  Dad on the other hand, always paid close attention to whatever Will Farrell was doing.  This time, it was dad that drifted in and out while I paid full attention.  I always enjoyed the movie, but during this viewing, paid more attention the relationship between Buddy and his father's.

So, a theme was then cemented! I wanted to salute the hard working Elf, as they often get a bad wrap. Elves are usually not depicted as very intelligent, but instead simple and obedient creatures, almost like pets.  I usually support the underdog, and Elves are really the unsung heroes of Christmas.  Santa gets most of the attention, but he really only works that one day a year.  It's the Elves who toil and sweat the other 263 days, making all the toys that Santa gets to deliver.

The only time Elves really get any vacation time is while Santa's on his journey. They work right up until the toys are all loaded on the sleigh, then must turn around, and be ready to greet the old man, when he returns tired and grumpy from his trip. Before he goes to eat and rest, he always has plenty of feedback about the toys he just delivered.  Then, as soon as he's ushered off to bed my Mrs. Claus, the Elves go  right back to work to get ready for next Christmas.  So here's to Elves!  The hard working ones, the sweet ones, the naughty ones of course, and given this is FH, we can't forget the naked ones as well!

🎄Check out more Elves on the NEXT PAGE HERE:🎄

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 25th

12 Days: Daniel di Tomasso in Christmas Ever After


'Sparks fly during Christmastime when a romance novelist meets a handsome man who looks like the leading character in her books.'

Although I un-cover many holiday hunks for FH, I don't actually watching too many holiday movies.  Oh the televisions on, and I catch bits and pieces, but very few hold my attention enough to sit and actually focus on for two hours.  I sat down down recently and watched and enjoyed Lifetime's Christmas Ever After.  Sure, in part, it was the stunning beauty that is actor Daniel di Tomasso, but I liked the characters and story as well. 

di Tomasso's character Matt is like so many of the guys I crushed over.  Tall, thin with long hair, with that artsy vibe about them.  So many guys put on the vibe because they think it's cool, but when it's authentic, it's incredibly hot.  Hell, even when put on it can be hot, just maybe not as satisfying.  I also really like Ali Stroker, and was impressed her being in a wheelchair wasn't a story point, nor really mentioned at all.  

Whenever I feature holiday hunks from Hallmark or Lifetime, I often reference them being Canadians.  Given so many television holiday films are shot in Canada, it makes sense financially, to fly in as few actors and crew members as possible.  di Tomasso was born and raised in Montreal and has worked on both sides of border appearing in shows including; CSI, Major Crimes, Beauty & The Beast and The Witches of East End  

I wasn't familiar with the actors work when I started watching Christmas Ever After, but when checking out his IMDB page, I realized that I'd recently taken note of him in another project.  Some you might remember him as Dario Salvatore, one of the first patients, and first victims, of Nurse Ratched in the recent Netflix limited series. I also noticed di Tomasso appeared on Dynasty, as show I don't watch, but keep meaning to check out.

Before he began his acting career, di Tomasso had a long career as a male model, shooting campaigns for clients such as Giorgio Armani and L'Oréal.  In addition to his great face, di Tomasso also has an incredible chest that thankfully gets featured in most of his projects.  Even the creators of his mostly 'g' rated holiday couldn't resist a quick pan over the actors magnificent hairy chest.

Christmas Ever After

Inspiring to Capture: Bo Pressly by John Falocco


'This was the perfect shoot to get lost in and forget the pandemic world.'

Model Bo Pressly's comments about his recent shoot with photographer and designer John Falocco really resonated with.  Although at times working on FH can seem a little frivolous, especially with everything going on in the world, especially when searching for 'naughty elves' for a holiday post.  At the same time, I've often said working on FH provides a creative escape for me, and we've never needed escapes more than we have this year.

My passion for the arts has never been stronger, and the intensity in which I devour it, never more fierce. I love this series of images, and it seemed appropriate to post them right after Christmas.  If you grew up like I did, Christmas and the days before involved going to church, visiting relatives and countless other activities that required wearing your 'good clothes'.  Unfortunately, back then, good clothes also meant uncomfortable clothes. It was after Christmas, the the comfortable clothes, the sweats and comfy activewear and your favorite ripped jeans came on.

Now usually, this was also a time the camera's were put down, but thankfully while Bo slipped in and out of his  jeans, John Falocco's camera was on hand and ready.  One of the reasons I loved this set of images was the use of the pair of jeans.  For women, fashion is often used to highlight the line and curves of their bodies.  This is seems far less common with the male form, where fashion is more often used like a curtain, one quickly opened and pushed to the side. I love when men's fashion is creatively utilized to both spotlight their physique, and reveal cleavage, hair and skin.  

I have long been drawn to John Falocco's work, and remember first discovering his work in the 2000's.  I remember right clicking and saving many of John's images of Phil Fusco and Michael Bergin.  Bo was also drawn to John's work, especially the timeless and classic images he creates. 

''His manipulation of light on the male form is so well crafted. A skill he has perfected with years of experience. John has been shooting dancers for years; so when the moment arrived to explore movement, quirky outfits, and shapes he was ready. We had a blast creating the images at John's studio which is immaculate and very well equipped.'

Bo and John connected through Model Mayhem and through the site, began discussing working together and tossing out ideas about what type of they would be creating.  Not only does John have considerable experience shooting the male form, as a designer of men's swim and active wear, he also knows precisely, how they should fit and feel.  Although John's goal is to create stylish fashion, fit and comfort is also a priority.  This is especially crucial for a model like Bo, who as a dancer, needs to be able to move in whatever he's wearing, or un-wearing. 

'Bo, being a dancer with beautiful classical lines, enabled me to create a shoot that would enhance the physicality of a very sensual art form, dance. Comfortable with expressive physical movements, Bo took direction well and created shape and form with his body that was inspiring to capture photographically. Martha Graham said “Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body” Bo projected this throughout the entire shoot.'

The Real Full Monty

Perri Kiely

Unlike us America that get The Masked Singer, and now The Masked Dancer, the UK reality series doesn't bother with masks, nor clothes really for that matter. The ITV reality series The Real Full Monty aired it's holiday edition last week and featured a group of male celebrities taking it all off  on ice skates, yes ice skates. 

Chris Hughes

The celebrities are on par with those on American reality television, meaning you have to Google to find out who they are.  This years Real Full Monty did include a group of incredibly hot hunks featuring;  Jake Quickenden (X Factor), Jamie Lomas (Hollyoaks ), Perri Kiely (Diversity Dancer), Bob Champion (former jockey), Chris Hughes (Love Island) and former rugby player Gareth Thomas.

 Ashley Banjo

Thanks to Casperfan's site, who provided a behind the scenes video of the photo shoot, and the posters (MichaelAndrews72a, GoV and espeon88) at DreamCap, we can all enjoy some shots and video from the performance.  Some of the guys also posted some shots in their Instagram stories proving they did indeed go the full Monty!

Jake Quickenden

Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 27th

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