Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Hook & Tackle: Giuliano by Andrew Bowman


'Many models want to keep their junk in the trunk, and some penis's as we know, aren't always a model's most attractive asset...'

When it comes to his junk, I'm guessing Giuliano's trunk runneth over, especially judging by size of the bouquet, and the length of the stems used to cover it. The UK based model is one of the model's Andrew shares chose to flowers to maintain an air of mystery. 

'Yes for this shoot, the sunflowers were a way to protect  Giuliano's hook and tackle from being in full view and displayed. The thick stems just about covering the 'offensive' areas! '

Given his tight, toned physique, Giuliano didn't need to use sports equipment to achieve that 'masculine feel'. The 24 year old model's hot body, and his steely brown eyes, exude their own intensity and strength.  So does his firm, and perfectly shaped behind. 

Andrew didn't know much about Giuliano when they first got together to shoot, but says he quickly hit his stride and got into posing with the flowers.  Most of the poses Andrew captured, ended up being created by Giuliano as they worked.

Instagrams That Inspire


When 'google' searching for sunflowers and hot models, one of the most beautiful face and models that came up was that of the exquisite Julian HorneIf you check out Julian's Instagram, you'll see has a passion for beauty, including the beauty of sunflowers.  I think you'll forgive me for adding just  a couple of non-sunflower shots...

Sunshine, Sex & Sunflowers


Despite knowing
they won’t be here for long
they still choose to live
their brightest lives
Rupi Kaur

Paolo Bellucci by Alisson Marks

There is something incredibly beautiful about things that only last a short period of time.  It adds to the power of their beauty and the intensity in the way they live and choices they make.  The lows can be lower, but the highs are higher, they have to be.  There's far too few to even think of wasting even just one.

Junior by Andrew Bowman

Nick Champa

If you've followed my previous pieces featuring Nick Champa, (HERE:) you know he has a fondness for nature and flowers. Following Nick on social media means seeing him often surrounded by fields, farms and colorful foliage.

Happy Birthday today August 17th


Happy 61st to actor Sean Penn!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 17th

Sun Bathing: Brent by Briancan


'Not only do the colorful props and flowers pop in the milky water, but contrast beautifully with the models wet skin as well.'

Last fall, I introduced FH readers to Briancan Photography with his series of models in the bathtub. (Total Immersion)  Some of you may remember the theme was born not from Brian's work as a photographer, but from his time as model.  While searching Craigslist, Brain saw an ad from a photographer looking for models willing to pose in a tub.   With his life model experience, and given he's not shy about getting naked, Brian answered the ad.

The wheels were already turning, and in addition to posing in the tub, Brian's mind was already eyed to his new theme, and future shoots with models in the tub.  I loved how Brian so beautifully incorporates facets of the models personality within the shoot, and within the milky water that surrounds them.  I also love love how Brian represents the seasons through the flowers and elements form nature he includes in his shoots.

Some of the first images from Brian's series that I saw were of model  Brent Caverly.  Brent looking striking in his sunflower bath, and loved the contrast of the vibrant yellow flowers and Brent's skin and body and hair color.  When I was putting together the sunflower themed pieces this weekend, I knew I had to get in touch with Brian about featuring more from his shoot with Brent.  For Brain, and with this shoot, the sunflowers also held significant meaning.

'Brent was a member of a water polo team that my ex used to belong to.  My ex died 3 years ago of cancer.  Although we'd broken up years before his death, it still hit me hard.  He loved sunflowers, so when I was shooting with Brent,  given he also had a connection with my ex through the team, it seemed a fitting tribute to include them in the shoot.'

Not only are the sunflowers visually beautiful, the flowers oils also provide nutrition and healing for the body and skin.  Sunflower oil contains Linoleic acid which is a natural skin-protecting barrier, supporting the skins ability to retain moisture.  All of those hours soaking in the sun, also provide the flower, and it's oil, with plenty of Vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant, actually reducing the adverse effects of the sun such as premature aging and wrinkles.  Bath away Brent, bath away!

Field Of Dreams


'A sunflower field is like a sky with a thousand suns.'

Those who read my rambling in-between the pretty pictures, know that at one time I wanted to pursue photography as a living.  I ended up taking the more 'sensible' route, at least to my parents, and majored in Physiology.   Although I have a decent career, my creative longing have me often think of again picking up a camera.  It's also why I channel so much of my creative energy into FH, something I'm rarely able to do with my job.  When I do pick up my camera again, one of the first places I'm going to drag a model to, will be a sunflower field.  The green's and yellow's provide a lush, colorful background and given how essential light is in photography, I can't think of a better place to shoot than a field of suns. 

In addition to providing cut flowers for our table, seeds and of course oil,  sunflowers attract pollinators, provide shade, act as a living trellis and can even assist in the cleaning of contaminated soil.  It's the reason many farmers grow them among their their vegetable crops, especially corn.  When I was reading about the harvesting of sunflowers, I also couldn't help thinking the process had a somewhat phallic feel to the description....

'Once they grow and there heads get big and full of seeds, you know when to harvest them when the pedals drop off and the head falls over. Cut off the head and store them in a plastic bucket until they dry out, then shake them the seeds come out pretty easily.'

The Boisset Brothers: Sunflower Fields Forever...


Some FH readers might remember my previous post from earlier this year featuring brothers Alex and Mikel Boisset. (HERE:) The Instagram duo love to be outside, I remembered they had posted some images, in and out of their denim, in a sunflower field.

Riveting Reads

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 18th

Long Stemmed: Junior by Andrew Bowman


'I find comfort in contemplating the sunflowers.'
Vincent van Gogh

Anyone who's battled anxiety knows the first thing professionals tell you to do is to take a few deep breaths, and go to your happy place.   Your happy place can be anywhere really, but it should be a specific place you can easily bring to mind when needed.  Some people contemplate kittens or puppies, or goat and lambs frolicking in a barnyard.  Most people however, have a very specific place in mind, a place they love to return to again and again.

Like so many others, mine includes water, beaches are very popular contemplation places.  When ever I need, my beach is there, the water is rough, but I'm safely high above in a vast field of wild flowers and sunflowers overlooking the waves crashing in.  It's a dark day, not rainy, but a storm in definitely brewing.  I guess it's that calm before the storm that makes the location so comforting, at least for the moments I need it to be so.

My happy place of course also features a favorite hunk, rugged and shirtless, walking towards me on the sand.  Unlike the water and sunflowers which are fixed, and always there the hunk, well he changes, depending on my mood.  Ever since first seeing his images on Model Mayhem a few years ago, Junior's often popped up on that beach, and now, thanks to Andrew Bowman, he's carrying a bouquet of long stemmed sunflowers to the one awaiting in the field above.

I can't tell you how many times I've virtually traveled to my happy place, contemplating my chosen visuals when nervous or afraid.  So many times when I've been sitting in a doctor's waiting room, moments before giving a presentation, or sitting nervously before a big event or meeting with my supervisor.  It never fails to invoke comfort, even if just momentarily.

Andrew shares that Junior, (a name which really doesn't apply....) was very comfortable handling his long stem, and that for this shoot, the choice of flower was actually pretty random.  Although the sunflowers, and their vibrant yellows weren't necessarily planned, Andrew especially loved how beautiful the sunflowers looks against Juniors skin tone.

Jay Alvarrez In Dream World


'And you can watch from your window...'

Last year I found, loved and posted the image at the very bottom of this post.  I didn't know at the time who the models were, or how the image originated.  A little, (well in this case, more than a little...) of googling, finally provided the answers.

The two naked hotties covering their junk with sunflowers ended up not being models at all.  The two sunflower field dancers are musician Jay Alvarrez and surfer Eros Exarhou.  The image, a promotional shot for the music video of Dream World, one of Jay's songs.

I loved the sense of fun and play in the image, and it captures the feel for the scene in the video beautifully.  The scene is very short, just a few brief seconds at the very end of the video, at the end of the song.  It's so quick, it's actually easy to miss, so I decided to slow down the clip for the gif above.  You can check out the entire video on YouTube HERE:

Sunflower Seed


'Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do'
Helen Keller

Some of you may remember these shots of Josh from byKent.  I featured the images, and my connections to the sunflower on the site two years ago.(Sunflower Season)  I'm not really a flower person, but the theme ended up being incredibly timely.  Kent had been planing an Autumn / Halloween themed piece for the site and I hadn't expected to open the attachments to discover a sunflower series.  I knew there was a reason however, as sunflowers had been my mother's favorite flowers.

My mom had passed away just a few months earlier, and I couldn't help but feeling the images were a sign.  If not a sign, I certainly considered them a gift. .It wasn't however my connection to sunflowers specifically which inspired today's theme and series of posts. fitnessfreak_unleashed, gets full credit , due to the image in the post above that he shared on his Instagram last month. When I saw the image of him holding a sunflower bouquet, I tucked it away to use as a 'one off' in my bottom line tagged series of post.

When I later went into my 'to post' folder however, I found I had several other images and story ideas featuring sunflowers.  A theme day was in order!  I needed a few additional shots however, to pull it all together and I knew just where to go.  FH readers know well that photographer Andrew Bowmanloves to include flowers in his imagery. I remembered a couple of models holding sunflowers in a previous piece. (The Modesty Bouquet)  I quickly got in touch with Andrew and asked (pestered) if he had more edits of the images including sunflowers. He did, and generously sent them on. Enjoy the next three page filled with sunflowers, and the hot bodies holding, smelling and enjoying them.


Favorite Pic of the Day for August 19th

A Baker's Dozen: Keith


'In his theatre playbill bio, when asked what his hobbies were, Keith said "Working out. Acting. Working out. Acting. And working out.'

It's not really a surprise that so many of the models that I'm featuring in A Baker's Dozenare firsts. There images were the first shots that had me drawn to, and then contacting a photographer about spotlighting their work.  That's certainly the case with Keith, whose images (Visual Stimulation) were the focus the first time I featured the work of Atlanta photographer Carl Proctor.

I loved Carl's work with Keith and the variety of images they captured together.  Keith brings so much energy and fun to his work, not to mention his incredible body and sex appeal which Carl knew exactly how to creatively capture. Keith also brought a great sense of theatrics, something almost intrinsic given his years as an actor.  Carl not only used Keith's experience as an actor, it's also something he fully supported and enjoyed.

'I have had the pleasure of both working with and getting to know Keith over the past couple years. During that time I've also been enthralled watching him lose himself in a couple highly entertaining stage productions. As I would watch Keith on stage I would often think, "If the people in this theatre only knew how good Keith REALLY looks!". He would give me as much while modeling as he did to the audiences he performed for.'

Given his time on the stage, Keith was no shrinking violet.  Not only was he completely at ease and comfortable in front of the camera, he also enjoyed and got a kick out of how others reacted to his work, as an actor, and as a model.  Keith was also as big a fan of Carl's as Carl was of him.

'Working with Carl has been one of the best experiences of my career so far. Some of the best images in my portfolio were taken by him. Not only has he taught me so much about the art of creating a unique and brilliant photograph, but he has also helped me grow so much as a model. Working with Carl is so much fun and his shoots are always relaxing and stress free. He is always professional and respectful and he always notices the little things that really make his work standout.'

That first feature on Keith also began a long and gratifying relationship with Carl, and was the first of close to 30 features on the many incredible men that Carl has worked with.  Although I think Keith may be a sentimental favorite, Carl worked with an incredible array of men. (Check them all out HERE:)  Carl has always been one of my favorite photographers to feature, beyond just his great images.  Carl shared Keith's enthusiasm for the work, and I loved when he'd get in contact, excited to share the results of a recent shoot.

~Keith by Carl Proctor on FH~

2013 / 2016

2011 / 2012
Visual Stimulation

'Keith comes to each photo shoot excited and fully energized and willing to push the envelope in any direction. Watching someone like Keith mature and continually improve is very gratifying. After nearly ten years of working with hundreds of models, it is no stretch to say that Keith has become one of my proudest portfolio stars.'

Essential Service: Alejo by Mount Photography


'I've tried to shoot with Alejo again but Covid is shit!'

Covid is shit... no truer words.  We've all heard, thought or said this ourselves countless times over the last last.  Covid had impacted almost every aspect of how we live our lives.  Although the arts may not be considered by some to be an essential service, it's the arts that so many of us, especially when the pandemic first began, that we turned to.

I know more than ever, I've depended on good movies, especially classic films that I've collected and enjoy watching a second or third time.  I dove into my favorite sit-coms, listened to my favorite songs and sought out familiar websites that bring me comfort.  Discussion boards with community feels, Leslie Jordan's videos on Instagram and stimulating visuals that for moment, have the powerful ability to distract.

I understand that in the scheme of things images of the male form may not seem that important in fighting a disease, but for so many people, movies, television shows and art, have done more healing than any doctor or therapeutic could possible prescribe or administer.  Mark word's echo what I've heard from so many artists and models, Covid is shit.  The pandemic not only put a halt to shoots, it also shut off the creative outlet so many use to deal with the day to day grind of life.

The good news, is many photographers and models have begun to shoot again.  Masks, social distancing, and trying to shoot primarily outside is now the norm.  Although Mark's plans for a second shoot with the exquisite Alejo were put on hold, I'm hoping maybe they'll still be able to create together again in the future.

'I love tattoos and the minute I saw Alejo I asked if he'd model.  He had never done a photoshoot – but agreed on the spot and I was shooting him an hour later as I was only in Spain for a few hours that day'

I too love Alejo's tattoo's, and spent some time enlarging the images to get a closer work at the artwork and canvas on which it's located.  Alejo is Colombian and I noticed his tattoo's are all organically based, birds, fish, insects and animals. Alejo's body is like an artistic expression of his native Latin American culture, including the colors of the Colombian flag.

As eye-catching as Alejo's body art is, it's his actual eyes, which most forcefully, commanded my attention.  Alejjo's beautiful brown eyes and hypnotic gaze connects directly with both Mark and his camera, and those of us enjoying the visuals captured.   If Mark and Alejo manage to schedule a second shoot, I'll be sure to ask Mark about sharing them with you all, and a follow-up on the site.

Favorite Version of 'There Are Worse Things I Could Do'


'Take cold showers everyday
And throw my life away'

Ok, maybe not my absolute favorite, but certainly the most enjoyable version I've heard for awhile. I remember back in the mid-eighties, I was about 9 or 10 and our family went to the drive-in to see a double feature of Grease and Saturday Night Fever. I was bored for the first half, but loved Stockard Channing, especially when she belted out this song. We left as soon as Saturday Night Fever started, but the music of Grease left an impact and of course asked for, and asked for the soundtrack the next Christmas.

Flipping around Youtube recently, I caught this performance by actor and singer Bobby Conte Thornton filmed at Live at Feinstein's/54 Below in January of 2016. I hadn't heard of or seen Bobby before, so got to googling. With early roles in Les Miserables, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and the world premiere of Ken Ludwig's A Comedy of Tenors, Bobby made in his Broadway debut in A Bronx tale The Musical in 2016. This past March, just before the pandemic his, he was due to join Patti LuPone and Christopher Sieber in the new Broadway production of Company.

A Comedy of Tenors (2015)

 I think one of the reasons I was drawn to the performance is that I used the song in a comedic way for several auditions myself when I was in University.  Looking back, I now sort of regret going for the laughs, but it didn't seem a big deal at the time, and worked to get me a couple of roles.  If I were do it today, I would do it more seriously for sure.

Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 22nd

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