Sans Sweater: Wesley by Studio1x
A Vintage Vantage: Colt Calendar 1980
Rick Wolfmier
Ken Conroy
He is desired, admired, masculine and exciting. Constantly imitated, only Colt is successful in combining virility, original concepts and superb photography to an ever-increasing intelligent audience. COLT, now in it's twelfth year of presenting the hottest men, every month of the year!
Guy McCoy
Teddy Garr
Nick Chase
Wayne Gentry
Mike Betts
Hank Ditmar
Byron Hawkwood
Clay Winslow
Franco Arbruzzi
Rick Wolfmier
The twelve months...
Snowy, Flowy, Blowy,
Showery, Flowery, Bowery,
Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy,
Breeze, Sneezy, Freezy.
George Ellis
Ken Conroy
The Colt Man:
He is desired, admired, masculine and exciting. Constantly imitated, only Colt is successful in combining virility, original concepts and superb photography to an ever-increasing intelligent audience. COLT, now in it's twelfth year of presenting the hottest men, every month of the year!
Guy McCoy
Teddy Garr
Nick Chase
Wayne Gentry
Mike Betts
Hank Ditmar
Byron Hawkwood
Clay Winslow
Franco Arbruzzi
Rick Wolfmier
Seasonal Sightings
Happy Birthday today August 23rd
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 23rd
The August Sweater: Wesley by Studio1x
'This morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realise that it is August: the summer’s last stand'
Sara Baume
Everyone who experiences living in an area with four distinct seasons, knows getting dressed in the morning can be a challenge. There are days that begin spring-like, sunny and warm, and end with temperatures dropping and snow starting to fall. I see people in parka's on chilly summer nights and people in shorts in the middle of January. August, can be an especially risky month when it comes to deciding what to wear...
For most, August is peak summer, but about the middle of the month, there are subtle changes that begin to occur. Although the afternoons generally remain hot and summer like, an Autumn chill has quietly crept into the early mornings and late evenings. Most of us, especially in the Northeast, have learned to deal with this with an August sweater.
We could wear a jacket, but it's still too early, and depressing to pull those out. We all have fall and winter sweaters, but they're far to heavy for August. The August sweater is lighter, both with the choice of fabric, and the color. It's lightness also means that we can throw it in a bag, or chuck it in the back of the car when not needed. I often wear my August sweater to work in the morning, then throw it in the backseat until I'm ready to go home.
Now unlike Wesley, most of us wear pants with our August sweater, but really, when you have a body like Wesley's, especially those spectacular legs, there aren't really any rules on how, when or what to wear with your August attire. Many FH readers might recognize Wesley's legs, and his beautiful face, from my previous piece with Wesley from last Halloween. (Perfect Stranger) With Wesley in studio, Jim from Studio1x took the opportunity to shoot some non-holiday themes and images, including this series with Wesley's form fitting blue sweater.
'I loved how Wesley looked in the blue sweater, not that my models keep clothes on for very long.'
Although though the weather doesn't quite teeter-totter as drastically in the Pacific Northwest where Wesley lives, the nights and early mornings can sometimes go below 10° (50°) and keeping a sweater handy is a wise idea. Given how well Wesley takes care of his body, it only makes sense he also puts great care in how he cover's it, and uncovers it. Wesley had been working with Jim on shooting images to help build his portfolio and after a few collaborations, it was time to shoot some studio work.
'Wesley had just purchased a bunch of new clothes so it give us a lot to work with, When working, with each shoot and model in addition to nudes, I also always try to include some Instagram safe shots. One of sweaters Wesley brought was a nice blue that fit him very well. We used it more as a prop and tired out many different poses and just had a lot of fun with it.'
Many people use retail therapy to deal with stress and heartache, and for Wesley, his recent clothes buying, and his shoot with Jim, proved to be a therapeutic distraction. Wesley had recently gotten out of a bad relationship, and the shoot proved not only beneficial in building his portfolio, but the session also proved to be quite liberating and a much needed shot of self-esteem at just the right time.
'Modeling, especially fitness and nude modeling, can often be a healthy way to get mentally grounded, especially seeing your outside beauty as others see you. '
Jim shares that just after the shoot, Wesley began seeing a new woman, who was very encouraging of Wesley's modeling and his shoot with Jim. She was especially supportive when Jim began posting the images on Instagram, and loved and supported the results of their collaboration together. The only downside to a new friend, or a great model, getting into a new happy and healthy relationship was that it lessened Wesley's free time for future shoots. Hopefully when the relationship settles into a groove, Wesley will be back in the studio again.
In the meantime, if you love Wesley in his August sweater, see more of him without it, on
Prime Time Supporters: Cole Gerdes
'I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut.'
For this adorable squirrel, the specific nut in question, is his acting career. Most of you, have probably seen his handsome face, but you may not know his name. I first spotted actor Cole Gerdes on an episode of last season's Mom, and then remembered him from a episode last season of Modern Family.
The actor and former model has appeared in many TV movies and guest starring roles on television including stints on Black-ish and Baby Daddy. Gerdes also created, wrote, produced and starred in Model Idiots, a Youtube series about two struggling living together in Los Angeles. Cole knows a thing to two about modeling having once been signed with the Ford Model Agency.
Being on the hut for just the right nut, especially when your a husband and father, means taking the occasional beefcake role, and using your good looks to help promote your prime time work. Cole's appeared shirtless several times on television, including on Modern Family, and uses some of his hottest publicity shots to promote his frequent television appearance.
Modern Family
Photo below by shelliwrightphoto
After a long day of nutting...
A Vintage Vantage: 1980
40 years ago in 1980, The Empire Strikes Back was released, Dallas and The Dukes of Hazzard ruled Friday nights on television, CNN was launched, Mount St. Helens erupted, The Winter Olympics took place in Lake Placid and John Lennon was shot and killed. It was also the year model Byron Hawkwood took the top spot as cover boy for Colts 1980 Calendar. Check out the rest of the year on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 24th
Compositional Elements: Jon Whitney by New Light Photo
It's the possibility
that keeps me going,
not the guarantee
With any great find or discovery, a big part of the enjoyment is the hunt. Over the years, and usually over my morning coffee, I would check out sites looking for images that inspire. For awhile, it was the Model Mayhem pic of the day contests that I went to find new artists and models to investigate and explore. It's always exciting to find a new body of work to delve into and finding that one image that has you searching for more.
That's exactly what happened when I discovered the work of Kevin Donahue from New Light Photo. I had sort of drifted away from Model Mayhem, the site had become less user friendly and I hand't been checking out the pic of the day contests in awhile. Thankfully, I found myself back there in March, just in time to catch one of Kevin's images of model Jon Whitney in the contest. I cast my vote, and the image went on to win. I soon found myself back on Kevin's portfolio on a regular basis.
I soon found both on Instagram, and loved the results of their work together. It's always rewarding to find exciting new work, and Kevin and Jon make a impressive combination and the perfect fusion of photographer and model. Both are young and creative, relatively new to their fields, taking risks and making choices without boundaries, eager to explore what possibilities lie ahead.
Kevin only began shooting the male form a few years ago, but photography's been a passion since he was a kid. He's been shooting landscapes for as long as he can remember, and has loved the switch to bodyscapes and the freedom of expression it allows. Allow is a fitting adjective, as Kevin didn't always feel it was something he was able or supported to explore. Moving int his own apartment in NYC after college, provided the opportunity he needed to take the plunge.
'Having lived with my parents in a conservative NJ suburb before that, shooting men in the nude was not something that would have been feasible. My newfound freedom combined with the fact that I was surrounded by people who encouraged me to branch out.'
With the city as his new landscape, Kevin felt the freedom to find the beauty in the people and places which surrounded him. After investing in some studio lights and backdrops, he set out to find a model. Given he dreams of one day shooting pro-athletes, Kevin began looking athletic guys who might want to pose, the hard part, was figuring how to start.
'You can’t just ask strangers in the street if they’d like to pose nude for you, can you? Turns out you can, you just have to be tactful about it. I was out at a comedy club one night and one of the amateur acts was talking about how he used to be a dancer. He had a great look and I thought a dancer would make a great subject.
After his set, as he was leaving the show with his girlfriend, I told him I was an amateur photographer and asked if he’d ever be interested in doing a photoshoot with me. He said yes, and we exchanged numbers so we could plan a shoot. Over the next week or so, I asked him via text message if he’d be comfortable shooting nude, and he said he was cool with it. I later asked if he was ok with frontal, and he was.'
On the day shoot, especially given it was Kevin's first time shooting a nude subject, and his models first time posing nude, both were a bit nervous. Kevin's priority was making sure his model felt completely comfortable. They started out with a beer, and chatted for awhile before getting down to business. They began with some clothed shots, then moved on to shirtless and underwear. Given he was a dancer, he knew how to pose. After a short while, the model looked at Kevin and wimply asked,'full monty?'. Kevin nodded and the boxers came off. After a few minutes, both model and photographer were completely at ease.
With the first shoot under his belt, and his success with scouting a model, Kevin's found several other models the same way, simply by asking. Kevin says his experience has been that there's no shortage of men willing to pose nude if done tastefully. He's since found models all over the city, from the park to the subway, to the diner. It wasn't through scouting the city however, that led Kevin to Jon Whitney. Kevin also checks out modeling sites and Instagram and Jon caught his eye right away.
'Jon was new to the scene, having only shot with a couple photographers at the time I noticed him. He’s a former high-school wrestler from Minnesota, but as fate would have it, he was planning a trip to NYC, and we set up a shoot.'
The shot in the morning so the room Kevin uses as a studio was bathed in sunlight. Kevin used the natural light from the windows as much as he could, supplementing with his studio lights as needed. Kevin knew Jon was photogenic, but was struck with how beautiful he was, both inside and out, as they got to know each other during the shoot. In addition to his handsome face and incredible body, Kevin shares Jon also has a sweet Midwestern charm about him. Kevin's goal was to capture both the innocence of Jon's personality, while also showcasing the strength and power he'd developed as a wrestler. It's clear from this set of images, Kevin more than accomplished his goal!
'What struck me most about Jon was the geometry of his body. His body lines made great compositional elements, leading the eye throughout the frame and over his body. Jon was at ease posing and very comfortable in the nude. He takes direction well and is a true collaborator — he really worked with me to achieve my vision. I know for certain that Jon will go far as a model and I’m really glad we were able to collaborate.'
Jonathan Majors in Lovecraft Country
'Be careful what you search for...'
The description for the pilot for HBO's new series Lovecraft Country says it's about a man who travels across the U.S. in the 1950s in search of his missing father.. Two episodes in, anyone who has watched, knows it;s much more than that. Atticus Freeman, his friend Letitia and his Uncle George aren't on a leisurely journey, checking out the scenery and local diners.
The beautiful countryside is also full of racist cops, terrifying monsters and a mansion full of rituals, weirdos, and a hood wearing Titus Braithwhite. (Tony Goldwyn) Atticus Freeman is played by actor Jonathan Majors who I first noticed a couple of years ago in the Dustin Lance Black produced mini-series When We Rise.
Majors isn't only a talented actor, he's also incredibly charismatic, making him the perfect lead to guide us on our journey. He's also incredibly hot, something the producers seem to also know given they kept him a tight white, perfectly fitting t-shirt through much of the pilot. They also knew we craved to see him out of it, something they indeed gave the audience, just before the terror begins.
As you can see, episode two, showed us even more of Majors. The story also begins to expand in the second episode, something we knew was coming, yet somehow, much like the characters staying the mansion, wasn't exactly welcomed. I liked the first episode, and felt there was plenty there to expand on, but given the show if based on a book, I guess we'll have to take each chapter as it unfolds.
Lift & Separate
'Ever wonder what the male version of a bikini might look like? Well, look no further because two guys from Toronto are here to bring you bikinis for men.'
This is no joke, the two Torontonian's are serious about their new investment and their new business selling Brokinis. Their new company's real, but it did begin as a bit of a joke. Taylor and Chad started going to bachelor parties wearing crazy bathing suits and after seeing a wresting leotard online, the pair thought there might be something there. Like the bra that lifts and separated, the brokini ensures your family jewels, don't hang too low and lifts and separates your balls from your bod.
Seasonal Sightings
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 26th
Baby Blue: Malyk by Lights On Studio
Earlier this summer, I began a three part series, (No Hesitation) featuring photographer Tom Nakielski, (Lights On Studio) and his work with the incredibly hot model Malyk. When I recently featured a few shots from Tom's studio, you could see the space was full of costumes and props for any occasion. It also has a collection of sexy underwear that Tom purchases on-line to have on hand for models to use during their shoots.
This particular pair of skivvies stuck out to me. Not just because of how incredible they looked clinging to Malyk, but because of their color. I am not usually a big fan of baby blue. I'm not normally drawn to it, paint a room with it or wear any baby blue clothing. The exception, would be underwear, especially briefs. The reason is very specific and stems from a brief moment in a high school gym.
When I was in high school, I played Riff in West Side Story. I'm sure that I'm not the only 'Riff' to have had a crush on my production's Tony. The guy who played Tony was a guy I'm sure many of you know. He was a popular, good looking, (cute more than sexy) and a jock. There is always one jock in high school who ends up in the school musical. Sometimes they recruited, other times, they just drawn to different interests.
Although a jock, this Tony had artsy parents. A mother who painted, a father who played in the city's symphony. This provided him a varied array of interests, and is status as a jock, allowed him to weave in an out of things like the musical, making it 'slightly' cooler for the rest of us mocked dancing around the stage with toy knifes.
I'll never forget the day, baby blue became one of my favorite color of briefs. We were in the gym rehearsing, when two of the mothers who were doing costumes arrived. Although most of us were wearing jeans and white t-shirts of our own, the director wanted to see us all in our costumes. Most of us, especially the girls were changing into dresses, headed into the locker rooms, but not the cutie playing Tony.
He stripped down right there in front of the director, the mothers, and those of us who stayed back to watch, to put on the clothes he brought for the show. He pulled off his shirt, then his sneakers, then his pants. then bent down and pulled his costume out of his book bag. I'll never forget those 45 or so seconds, with him standing and bending in his tight baby blue briefs. Now he didn't fill them out quite as well as Malyk did, but there was enough going on in there to have myself, a couple of other cast members, and those two moms, to have a flush of red come over our faces. I don't think he noticed, but I also don't think he really cared. Those baby blues, are embedded vividly in my consciousness.
With Friends Like These...
'When days are hot, when days are cold,
In the swimming hole'
With friends like these, you get images of Ansel Elgort skinny dipping. We also get what I think is our first view of Ansel's deliciously perk patootie. Curious why Ansel's the only one of his hot friends to take it all off before diving in...
Ahh, Hell No Karen!
Seasonal Sightings
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 29th