Horror Hunks: Allan Kayser in Night of the Creeps
'The Good news is your dates are here. The bad news is... they're dead.'
I actually caught 1986's Night of the Creeps last Halloween season. Although there are a nice group of male cast members, there's no real nudity in the flick. The cast includes Jason Lively, Ken Heron and Tom Atkins, who I previous featured on Horror Hunks HERE: I kept thinking about the film though as I never like to miss an opportunity to feature bulgy Bubba from Mama's Family, actor Allan Kasyer.
Set during a University pledge week, alien brain parasites are on the loose, entering the student bodies through their mouths. Once inside, the parasites turn their human hosts into killing zombies. A group of students discover what's going on and start to fight back.
As you can see from the images above, Kayser plays one of the zombies, and a hot one at that. Although he doesn't really have a huge role, the actor's career was quite short lived, so I enjoyed checking out one of his roles that I hadn't seen before. Night of the Creeps is enjoyable, but a B movie for sure, and intended that way. First time director Fred Dekker also wrote the script and does a good job of blending alien invasions with teen horror.
1985's teen sex romp comedy Hot Chili was the closest Kayser came to a nude scene. Besides a scene in his briefs, there's a quick shot of side butt. I guess we'll take what we can get.
This movie is actually pretty bad. Most 80's teen comedies I can get some enjoyment out of. This one was just annoying. There were also so many missed opportunities for skin. There are female breasts galore, but the scenes with the cute male cast members are frustratingly filmed.
Turkey For One: Hansel Wellington by Lights On Studio
'We've got another holiday to worry about. It seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us.'
Charlie Brown
Nothing spotlights the impacts from Covid more than holidays. Holidays are usually a time for family's to get together, even families that don't get along, can usually hold it together through a meal, well at least until the pumpkin pie is served. This year, many families will be apart, taking the safe route, ensuring older and venerable relatives are not put at risk. For many families, it will also be a painful reminder of those lost, family members who won't re-join the party, when the coast is clear.
There have been many family holidays, when I didn't go home. I often chose to spend them with friends, and my various families of choice. My parents, my mother especially was never happy when occurred. I understood, but sometimes self preservation is the healthiest choice. Usually, when this occurred, I made a point of getting home just before or after the holiday. To have a small celebration, without the entire brood to deal with.
There has only been one holiday however, where the choice whether to be home was not my own. It was the only family centred holiday, that I was forced to spend alone. Most Christmas's, I try to get home a day or two before the big day. I liked arriving early, and then heading home, right after. This particular year, I my best couple friends, were having a Christmas Ever party. I made plans to attend, and head home early the next morning.
Best laid plans... When I awoke the morning of the 25th, there were flurries, but not enough to worry about, or alter my plans. I loaded my car with gifts, my luggage, and two dogs eager for a road trip. I drove about 10 minutes in light flurries before hitting the exit to the highway. As soon as I started up the exit, I knew I was in trouble. The flurries turned to heavy, wind whipped snow. I creep along for another few minutes before realizing I had to turn back. There was hardly any cars on the road, and not a snow plow in sight. The snow was starting to get heavier, and piling up quickly on the roads.
I slowly inched my back, and arrive home about a half hour later. My dogs jumped out of the car, eager to see my parents, who always welcomed them with treats. The took a pause when they realized we were back home, and seemed to realize this was not going to be the Christmas we all expected. I initially thought I could wait it out, and head in later in the day. The snow just coming, all through the day and through the night.
That Christmas was the worst Christmas of my life. Not really because I was alone, but because I hadn't planned to be so. There was no turkey in my fridge, no decent food really at all. No presents to unwrap, no older brother to roll my eyes at, and no wine to take the edge off. There was nothing but an undecorated house, and a tuna and cheese sandwich, to mark the occasion.
As disappointing as that Christmas was, it taught me a good lesson about taking my family, the good and the bad, for granted. It was fine to avoid them when it was my choice, but when it wasn't, the feeling was completely different. The 'I told you so' attitude from my mother, was deserved, and I took it, without arguing back. I never missed another Christmas with my family, and now that my mother's gone, regret even more, my tuna sandwich Christmas. Even when I plan to be away, I now decorate, have food in the fridge, and wine! Just in case....
When I was spending time with Lights On Studio's shots of Hansel Wellington, in addition to enjoying their Autumnal beauty, I was struck by how at peace Hansel appeared, although alone on the porch, nothing seemed to be getting in his way of enjoying the sights and smells of the season. I'm quite sure his neighbours were also enjoying the view...
The home, actually belongs to a friend of photographer Tom Nakielski. The Victorian home was once owned by the local banker, and Patrick, the new owner, is still in the process of restoring it. Although Patrick was a little nervous about his neighbours peeking out their windows to see a naked man in his yard, he welcomed Tom and Hansel for the Thanksgiving shoot. Tom says it was a perfect shoot, a beautiful location, and beautiful warm fall day, meaning Hansel being naked outside wasn't an issue, and any worries about shrinkage, were not a concern.
As many FH viewers know, Tom's work, often with Hansel, has been a big part of holiday celebrations on FH. This has certainly helped Hansel jump high up on the list of models on my Baker's Dozen list. Check out some of my favorite shots of Hansel in his Baker's entry on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
The Feast Of Licentious
Canada's Thanksgiving always sneaks up on me. Even though it's traditionally always been the second Monday in October, it still feels early. Canada's Thanksgiving isn't rooted in the same traditions as their neighbours to the south. There are no pilgrims or Plymouth Rock connected to Thanksgiving in Canada, just a celebration of harvest, focused on family and food.
There is no black Friday the day after, Canadians hit black Friday sales the same Friday in November as they do in the US. Without a black Friday, and it being on a Monday, Thanksgiving tends to be a little quieter up north. It's celebrated over a long weekend with families (pre-pandemic) gathering on the Sunday or Monday to celebrate and feast. Wishing all those readers in Canada (and I know there are many) a peaceful, and enjoyable day!
Legends of the Fall
Most of our important holidays are intrinsically linked to a season. Christmas with snow and winter. Easter with rebirth and spring. The 4th of July with beaches and Summer. Thanksgiving with the harvest and fall. One of my favorite chroniclers of Autumn, is JDT PHOTO. Check out some of my favorite JDT Autumnal images in my Quaternate Poste on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for October 11th
Experiential Compositions: Oliver by PhotoRSH
'I started photographing the nude male form partially in voyeurism but mostly in learning how light formed shapes with the body, and the different shapes on different bodies'
They say you can't judge a book by it's cover, but so often, the form of contact is a visual. The word 'judge' often gets a bad wrap, it's so often connected with being judgemental. Being judgemental is about being constantly critical, but to judge, is simply to form an opinion, Of course we shouldn't form opinions based only a visual, we also need context and most importantly, we need information.
It's the need for information that motivates my desire to include story along with the visuals I present. It may not have you liking them any more, but for me, the enjoyment of an image is enhanced by understanding the creative process. I'm not just taking about how a model and photographer connected, or the lighting and editing techniques uses. I'm talking about the artist's vies, and the life experiences that play a role in their work.
I came out fairly late in life, I was midway through my twenties. I think supressing my natural sexual desires, especially during my teen years, led to a more defined focus on the male form when I got older. I don't, or maybe more specifically I can't, just look at a great body without being curious about the person and their story.
Whenever I see the work of Ross from PhotoRSH, I think back to the stories he shared the first few times I featured his work. Ross also experienced being in the closet until his college years, struggling with a religious family and the conservative small town that he grew up in. It wasn't until college, that that opportunities arose through life drawing classes, to explore both his sexuality, and his passion for the nude male form.
It also isn't a surprise when I see the models that the Illinois based photographer chooses to capture. Although Ross shoots a array of different body types, so many of his images feature fitness models. Ross' original field of study was Athletic training, before a few challenges he experienced with the department, led him to change his degree to art and photography.
His focus on fitness remained, and you can see within his images not only his passion for athleticism, but a knowledge and understanding of the male form and how best to capture the dedication and hard work of the men and women he shoots. I've seen many images of fitness models that come across as cold, stiff, and devoid of any eroticism or elements of emotion. This is not the case with PhotoRSH who always manages to ensure that although the body is the focus, there is so much more to explore, well beyond it's cover.
Now Oliver clearly has a stunning cover, and Ross' images certainly invite the viewer to pick it up in order to see and find out more. Oliver's story however, is one that has to remain a bit of mystery. Although many viewers may have seen images of the stunning model before, he no longer models. Before leaving the business, he and Ross shot together several times and Ross describes each of those shoots as great experiences.
For some reason, I was drawn to the completeness with Oliver's poses, especially his arms and hands. It wasn't only because of their beauty and appearance, but because of how they seem so purposely they're placed in each of Ross's shots. Some models struggle with where to place their hands and arms, but Oliver clearly has a connection with every part of his body and uses every inch and body part beautifully within his body movements and poses.
If you want to see more of Ross's work with Oliver, you can see much more on his OnlyFans HERE:
Horror Hunks: Lee Hudson in AHS Freak Show
'I've never done it with a Viking God before...'
I was looking forward to this seasons American Horror Story. Although the shot has been hit and miss the last few seasons, I always hope for the best. I mostly skipped last seasons instalment, but was looking forward to Sarah Paulsen and Evan Peters both returning for the upcoming season. Due to the pandemic, shooting was halted just as pre-production began, but is scheduled to start up again in the new year.
My favorite seasons were the first few, and although I hated the mass shooting which climaxed the show's forth season, up until it's violent and graduates ending, I did for most the most part, really enjoy Freak Show. Peters, Paulsen and Jessica Lange all had meaty roles to dig into and there were great turns from the supporting cast as well.
Next two shots from thesergiogarcia
The tall blonde Viking Hustler was played in three episodes by model turned actor Lee Hudson. Freak Show was Hudson's acting debut, but he quickly went on to appear in several films and on television in episodes of Claws and NCIS: Los Angeles. I always find acting debuts fascinating, and Hudson's Viking Hustler is certainly one of my favorites.
Lee and Denis O'Hare
Seasonal Sightings
Happy Birthday today October 13th
Happy 40th to boxer David Haye!
Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for October 13th
The Whole Story: Theo Greece by Churidarshi Studios
'I never fully understood my sexuality or felt comfortable in my own skin. I made a commitment to myself that at 50, I would express myself and be ok with who I am'
Theo Greece
FH readers know my love of story, and great images, always have one to tell. The challenge however, is how much of the story the creators wish to reveal. Many artists and models want the images to speak for themselves. I get this, but I'm one of those people who likes to play the commentary on DVD's, and listen to writers and artists discuss their process.
Theo Greece has a story to tell. Instead of writing it, Theo wanted to share his story in a visual expression of erotic energy, one arising from both sexual repression and survival. Theo was 38, married for 16 years and with kids before he finally understood he could not get away with being who he truly was. He tried his best to stay ahead of it, but as many of us have experienced, it can be exhausting, not to mention futile, trying to run from who you really are.
After embracing his true self, Theo was hit by another challenge, a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Today, at 49, Theo's a cancer survivor, and looking to get back in shape, and explore and celebrate his sensuality and the kinkier sides of his personality. What better way, than with an artist and erotic photo shoot. Although Theo stays his body is still a work in progress, and wants to lose a little more weight, he was eager to get started, and didn't want to wait.
As you can see from this set of images from Churidarshi Studios, Theo threw himself into the shoot with the intensity of a man with a statement to make, and a story to share. The images show are some of my favorites, but are just a glimpse of the eroticism exuded and captured. Theo attempted to go mild to wild, but it was clearly his wild side that won out!
'I had an amazing photoshoot with Churidarshi Studios! I was not expecting to get so intimate with the photoshoot it just started to go there when I let myself go with it.'
'I went to a place I have not gone before it was cathartic, erotic but also artistic and very professional. It felt like a very private male experience in my head. I shut everything else out and committed to it. It was a pretty amazing experience and the photographer's lighting was so complimentary, especially as I am not in tip top shape.... yet.'
One of themes Theo wanted to highlight in his shoot, was the stigma still surrounding gay sex and sexuality. When he was married, sex was easy, and he felt total freedom to try anything without any issue or feelings of shame. When out with his wife, public displays of affection were mostly ignored, or met with a smile. Now, even in 2020, just holding hands with his boyfriend in public, can illicit stares and looks of judgement.
'Coming to terms with my sexuality and my body and what I needed took me a long time. After being sick and getting into remission I really started to feel as if time was limited and that I needed to get going and embrace the whole me the gay side and my body'
'When I turned 50 I thought now was the time to do it. People ask me all the time what is the difference between straight sex and gay sex and to tell the truth it is not that much difference, when you are intimate your intimate. Allowing myself to be vulnerable or penetrated I guess is the main difference and it feels so good; if I close my eyes and go with it.'
'I guess that is what I was trying to achieve in the photoshoot, letting go of my inhibitions and understanding that being gay does not change who I am it's just embracing the entire story, something I didn't do that when I was married. I think Americans in particular don't always embrace the whole story and perhaps that is changing slowly. I hope so, as I know there are many many guys out there just like me that are willing, under the right circumstance's, to explore their whole picture and it doesn't make them weak, but in fact it makes them stronger.'
Horror Hunks: Myles O'Brien in Evil Laugh
'Ten years ago something terrible happened in this house.. This weekend it's about to happen AGAIN.'
Following accusations of child abuse, an orphanage is burned to the ground. The buildings custodian was the accused, resulting to a psychotic breakdown and a mass murder A decade later, the orphanage is being rebuilt and a group of medical students are brought in to turn the new building into a foster home.
With that as the backdrop, it shouldn't be a surprise that new assailant is in the area. And like most masked killers in 80's horror flicks, he likes to stalk, torture and murder student bodies, especially when they're hot.
One of the hottest bodies on display belongs to Mark, played by actor Myles O'Brien. I hadn't heard of O'Brien before, but after someone posted a clip from 1986's Evil Laugh last year, I wanted to see more. Unfortunately, there really wasn't a lot more to see...
O'Brien got his start on television with roles in the early eighties on Diff'ent Strokes and The Twilight Zone. Evil Laugh, marked his big screen debut. O'Brien went on to appear on many other television shows including stints on Murder She Wrote, Models Inc and The Young And The Restless.
The blonde Adonis did appear in two 'straight to video' erotic thrillers, Sexual Roulette and Scorned 2, but it doesn't appear he showed much skin in either. O'Brien appears to have left the business with his last official acting credit back in 2006.
But we do have this scene, a sort of erotic and fun scene. As in most horror flicks, this sex scene occurs before the blood bath begins, when all that's on the character's minds is having fun and having sex. There may be the briefest frontal flash in this scene, but the quality isn't great so it hard to tell. It was sort of fun to re-watch and keep checking though...
Tina : [after someone fondles Mark's backside] I'm not playing with your butt
Mark : If you're not, who is?
Seasonal Sightings
Happy Birthday today October 15th
Favorite Pic of the Day for October 15th
Pricking & Screaming!
'Make sure to have mom check it out before you put it in your mouth....'
Although Sean Ford and company are adorable holding their pumpkins, the videos I was looking for have a bit more of a sinister vibe than the adorable usually exudes in his films. Below are some of my favorite box art for movies I've yet to see.
The Hunks of Haunted Hill: (1999) Nine young hardbodies are trapped together for one night of terror in an old haunted house. But they're not alone...As the studly guests strip and shower, an Evil Presence watches and steals their clothes!
A Nightmare on Twink Street: (2010) Get ready for A Nightmare on Twink Street! In the early 1900's, a gay man named Freddy lived with his male lover near Elm Street in the American Southwest. After finding about this couple's elopement, an unforgiving and radical community took and badly harmed Freddy's lover. Freddy was able to set him free but was hung in the woods after being caught himself. Years after his death, the children and grandchildren of the townspeople experience terrifying nightmares involving a man who takes his sexually driven revenge on his innocent and often virginal victims.
Hero Horror 2: (2018) Quickly our villain is force-feeding Eight’s penis to WebWonder. Quickly the villain and also WebWonder are virtually battling over that intense penis, while his mind tosses in inspiration.
Bonesaw: (2006) Bonesaw's game involves a caged man who will be released if Lee can solve at least two out of three brain teasers. Lee correctly answers only a single question, but is given a second chance to free the hostage, one that involves bringing the man to orgasm in less than fifteen minutes. Lee is unable to make the man ejaculate in time, and is forced to leave him behind as the room fills with toxic gas.
Raw 2: (2019) Kyler Moss, a kinky porn star with no apparent sexual limits, finds himself chained to a wall in an abandoned warehouse, and he’s not alone.
Hothell: (2017) French twinks at a haunted motel. What more do you need to know?
Scared Stiff 2: (2019) A-list newlyweds Calvin and Dante enlist Realtor-to-the-stars, Josh Moore,to help them find their dream home. Known to have access to the best properties, Josh shows them the gorgeous Amityville Mansion. Surprisingly, the spacious estate is in their price range... so what’s the catch? Is it bad plumbing? Termites? Or something much more sinister?
Devil's Deal: Have you ever come face to face with evil? A chill in the room makes your skin crawl and all you want to do is get away. But sometimes the face is so beautiful you get a very different feeling; a lust that makes your dick hard and all you want to do is surrender to the sins of the flesh.
Outcast from Hell: He is a servant of the dark will. A beast without soul with sharp teeth. Chained to a chain fed with raw meat and young dick's. Scarred dread is feeding his soul hunger over the young chaps. He is so crazy that their fear does make him horny. Dare to everyone if he did not get his portion of fear and fresh meat every day. The devil's executioner ejected forever from hell.
Black Mass: He chants perverted prayers and fills innocent boy. In this way Satan himself enters to their body and burns to their soul his 666. Armagedon is coming. Ave Satanas!
The Butcher: Underneath the frightening mask is a freak even more frightening than the mask itself. Broken soul full of pure hate. A perverted psycho who takes his flusters on innocent boys. The prison is in a slaughterhouse cages and when he gets a taste for fresh meat he chooses a suitable victim. . He is worst than hell it self. He is BUTCHER!
FaVorites: Peter Barton
When I was looking for images for my Shocktober piece last week,, I paused when I got to images of Peter Barton. . Peter appeared in Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter. (HERE:) Like so many killings in horror movies, victims often lose their clothes just before their slaughtered. Although Peter didn't show much skin, he was 'nude' in the shower and nudity always adds to the vulnerablity and exposure before a violent end.
I always stop when I see images of Peter Barton, he has such a memorable face. I remember the first time I saw an image of Peter in an old Tiger Beat magazine when I was a kid. His features are so beautiful and defined and meant to be filmed and photographed.
Sadly, his face wasn't enough to sustain a successful acting career. Although Barton appeared in several television shows, none made it past their first season. He had better luck on soaps, but Barton's last on screen appearance was on The Young and The Restless back in 2005.
Peter might be still living off the inheritance he received back in 2013. Some of you may remember that a fan left Barton, and another actor, almost a half a million dollars each in appreciation for what their careers brought to his life. Scott Baio and Leif Garrett must be pissed...
Thespian Torsos
Happy Birthday today October 18th
Happy 60th to Jean-Claude Van Damme!
Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for October 18th