Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Horror Hunks: Jack Reynor in Midsommar


'Let the festivities begin!'

Those festivities, may not exactly be what's expected by the characters in last year's folk horror flick Midsommar.  The movie follows a trip of friends who travel to Sweden for a festival that only occurs every 90 years.  What begins as an idyllic retreat, quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a bizarre pagan cult.

'I’m trying to keep an open mind though. It’s cultural, you know?'

Christian may be open minded, but he and girlfriend Dani (Florence Pugh) are about to enter... lets say a rough patch, in their relationship.  While drugged, Christian is coerced into a sexual ritual designed to impregnate of the cults female members. Eventually, Christian comes to his senses and attempts to get away.  He doesn't succeed, and ends up then paralyzed by one of the cult's elders.

Christian is played by Irish-American actor Jack Reynor who has an impressive acting resume which includes roles in 2012's What Richard Did for which he won an IFTA Award for best film actor.  Reynor's moved between blockbusters including Transformers: Age of Extinction to films like Macbeth and Glassland which garnered the actor another award, this time the Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival.  Reynor also recently appeared in the CBS All Access series Strange Angel.

The film's sexual ritual scene was quite shocking for some viewers as it included full frontal nudity from it's male star.  Viewers are used to seeing female characters both nude and venerable in horror scenes, but it was Christian with the most exposure in Midsommar.  The scene was quite long, and I oddly found especially hot when one of the female elders put her hands on Christian's ass during the ritual to help push his trusting along.  Love Reynor's uncomfortable look back.

A Good Read: Robbie by Jack Saul Photography


'Robbie's fearless and very independent, the sort of person who is always looking for new experiences. He lives on his wits.'

I written before about the nomad photographer, the artist who travels from place to place in order to shoot.  Without a home studio as their base, the wandering artist, often travels, shooting models in the towns and cities where they live.  This forces them to find local locations to shoot, often utilizing motel rooms, as their temporary studios.

On the surface, motel rooms might seem a bit creatively limiting, white walls, generic furniture, and little, in the way of architectural design.  For some, this sterile atmosphere might be challenging, but for some photographers, it's actually an asset.  London based photographer Jack Saul always manages to pull out the essence of the models he shoots using the motel's banal surroundings, as an especially effective foundation.

Given how devoid of color most hotel rooms tend to be, the models Jack shoots are always the focus, with the rooms providing minimal distraction, or places to hide.  Their personalities seem more present, their body art, more in focus.  Every aspect of their body, their face and appearance are magnified, through both Jack's lens, and the natural light from the large windows.  You can check out a few of my favorite motel room shots from Jack, with a variety of models, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Jack uses few tricks and minimal process and editing, he wants the men he shoots to be seen as they are.  With Robbie, Jack wanted the viewer to see how warm and friendly he is, as well as his wit, and dry sense of humour.  Robbie wasn't asked to flex but to just be himself.   The goal, to tell as truthful a story as possible.  Even though the camera was on him, Jack wanted Robbie to utilize the space, as if naked and alone in the room.

'Nothing seems to faze him and he takes everything in his stride. In terms of modelling, he's looking to develop as a fitness/physique model but is very open-minded to all concepts. He definitely has a cheeky exhibitionist streak.'

Originally from Poland, Robbie moved to the UK as a teenager just a few years ago.  One of the goals for Robbie with this shoot with Jack, was to begin to form the basis of a visual series. The series will be in part, to show his personality, his self designed body art, and the physical development as he transforms on his journey to be a fitness and physique model.  You can check in on Robbie's progress on his Instagram page HERE:

Piece of Meat


I've done a few pieces on the 80's Porky's series over the years, especially comparing the original VHS release with the DVD version.  There is one character however, I've not focused on.  This character has a nickname, which was the burnt of more than a few jokes in the movie trilogy.  Whether it 'san accurate nickname, was always the question.  See for yourself on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Room With A View

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 5th

Mark Duplass in Togetherness


'Two couples living under the same roof who struggle to keep their relationships alive while pursuing their individual dreams.'

If Creep 2, was actor Mark Duplass in an ultimate frontal scene, this scene from HBO's Togetherness, is an ultimate rear scene.  Yes there is a quick frontal, but it's the actors butt that is literally the focus of this incredibly hot scene.

Duplass must have a bit of an exhibitionist streak, not for taking these roles, but for writing and creating tem.  He both created and wrote both Creep 2 and Togetherness, meaning what you see.... is exactly what he what he wanted you to see.  He was hired for a role, he created it, and I thank him for it!

FaVorites: Jose A Dones

Mr. October


Given October is one of my favorite months, I can't think of a better way to celebrate the first week, thank by using a shot of one of my favorite models. The shot of Michael Moody (above) is from the 2020 Duelists Calendar. Although the year is almost over, if you want to see, buy or check out more of the 2020 calendar, or be on the look out for the 2021 edition, check out The Duelists on Instagram HERE:

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 6th

Horror Hunks: Mark Duplass in Creep 2


'A video artist looking for work drives to a remote house in the forest to meet a man claiming to be a serial killer. But after agreeing to spend the day with him, she soon realizes that she made a deadly mistake.'

I think my introduction to actor, writer and producer Mark Duplass, actually came via his brother Jay.  I'd seen Mark in Tammy, and a few other roles, but he didn't initially stand out.  After checking out the first season of Transparent however, I began to research Jay, and it was impossible to google one Duplass, without results for both brothers coming up.

Last October, Entertain Me's creator and writer Michael e-mailed me suggesting I check out Mark in Creep 2.  My Horror Hunks were completed for the season, but after checking it out, I knew Mark would be included in this years killer entries.

Creep 2 is a reality, Blairwitch styled thriller in which Mark plays Aaron, a character he wrote and created in the original 2014 film Creep.  This past year, I've really become a big fan of Duplass, enjoying his turns in Bomshell and The Morning Show.

'Well, this is my destiny. Sara loves her juicy fruit. And Aaron loves to kill.'

What's so impressive and unique about Mark's exposure in the film is how unflinching it is.  There are no bells and whistles, no shadows used to cover, no prosthetics or unique camera angles or edits often used to hide.  Duplass is naked and exposed.  Due to the scenes contest however, although the actor is certainly venerable to invisible audience, Aaron remains creepily in control.  This scene is a clear, and long frontal, but if you want to see an equally unflinching scene featuring Mark's backside, check out the NEXT PAGE HERE:

The Gloaming: TJ by New Manhattan Studios


The Gloaming: That romantic time of day when the light has mostly faded but it's not quite dark yet

Last month, I featured New Manhattan Studios work the alluringly beautiful TJ. (A Daytonian in Manhattan)  In that piece, I described a long day of shooting, beginning on the streets of Manhattan, and ending, with work in TJ's hotel room and Wes's studio.  I loved this set from the end of the day, and tucked them away to use in October.

The gloaming, near the end of the day, is one of my favorite times of day, particularly for light, and especially in the fall.  Due to the angle of the sun, colors tend to be warmer in the early morning and the late afternoon.  These are often the best time to capture spectacular photos, both inside, as well as utilizing the natural light and shadows for interior shoots.  There is a warm that creates a beautiful atmosphere, especially of course, when surrounding the nude male form.

You can check out more of NMS's work with TJ on New Manhattan StudiosHERE: 
You can also check out and preview TJ's photo essays on Blurb HERE:

Strike A Pose! Jose

Happy Birthday today October 7th


Happy 41st to actor Shawn Ashmore! (and his twin brother Aaron)

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

3 Needles (2005)

With this coming weekend being Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, these caps of Canadian actor Shawn Ashmore seemed to fit. (Although Canadian Thanksgiving doesn't include pilgrims in it's origin)

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 7th

A Baker's Dozen: Hansel Wellington

Hansel by Lights On Studio

'Tom and I have worked together for several years now and a great rhythm has formed. I am always up for whatever challenges that Tom is excited to try in order to capture an amazing and creative photograph . I love being nude and he loves taking photos--- so its a good combination.' 

It's a good thing Hansel's always up for a challenge.  Over the last six years, Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski has certainly given him his fair share. From asking him to strip down in a field as cars sped by, wrapping him as a mummy, and placing a nibbling bunny on the most sensitive and carrot shaped part of Hansel's body...  Whenever they worked together, especially for a holiday themed shoot, the results were both creatively, and erotically festive.

Hansel by JGH Photography

Although 12 of the 14 times Hansel's appeared on FH were shoots with Lights On Studio, it wasn't Tom who first introduced me to the Michigan model's work.  It was John from JGH Photography who first suggested my featuring his work with Hansel on the site.  After that piece, I kept a close eye on Hansel's work and on-line portfolio.  When the following year, I saw an image of Hansel straddling a huge Christmas wreath, while chomping on a three foot candy cane, I had to write him about the holiday shoot.

As most FH readers know by now, the man behind the lens of that Christmas shoot was Tom, and the beginnings of an exciting creative alliance began.  Although I've featured dozens of Tom's shoots, it's his holiday ideas, many which include Hansel getting into character, have become a artistically anticipated tradition!

Remaining images by Lights On Studio

'Hansel has always been a joy to work with. Not only does he help in implementing my ideas, he takes them a step further and adds some embellishments and refinement to the outcome. It is refreshing to work with a model who is so involved with the session and contributes his creativity to the project.'

Since that first Christmas shoot, Hansel's been dressed, and of course undressed as a naughty Santa, an Easter Bunny wrangler, a Mummy, a Ghoul, and in the brightest of red, white and blue.  He's also straddled a massive pumpkin, and played with his horn of plenty for Thanksgiving, the holiday Canadians are celebrating this weekend.

It speaks to the breadth of work they've created, that whenever I seem to need a themed shoot for the site, Tom has the perfect one tucked away and waiting.  Although most of the holiday shoots, were planned in advance especially for FH,  it wasn't until last week that I remembered Canadian Thanksgiving, was just around the corner.  I remembered an image of Hansel that would be perfect for the day and before long, the and entire set of holiday and autumnal images popped up in my inbox.  Thank you Tom, and thank you Hansel!

Quaternate: JDT Photo


The magic of light is the blend of depth and shadow. Autumn naturally provides both with a touch of gold, only visible for a short period of time. The slight tilt in our orbiting planet is what sparks the change of each season and as the sun's position changes, so does the light. When it comes to documenting the seasons, and the changes in light, one of  the artists I love to turn to, is JDT Photo

Jesse is a master at capturing not just the light, but the look and feel of locations he shoots.  Jesse's visuals have you feeling the coolness in the air, hearing, the crunch of moving leaves, and feeling, the dampness of nature on the model's naked bodies.  A quick scroll over the post titles below, show Jesse's work has been a part of the changing seasons, and a part of FH, for the last six years. 

When I first contacted Jesse back in 2014, it was spring.  I was drawn to his shots of a model outside by the lake. I could instantly see the lake and surrounding woods were not just being used as a location or background.  The surroundings were as important as the model  in the expression of Jesse's vision. I followed Jesse's work throughout the summer, fall and winter and featured his work to celebrate the seasonal changes whenever the opportunity allowed.  Just as I look forward to the leaves changing each fall, the first snow each winter, and the first flowers to bloom each spring, I always look forward to seeing the magic Jesse captures with each change of season.




Riveting Reads

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 10th

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