Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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FLYFOTO: Masqued


Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
Oscar Wilde 

Over the years, I've written frequently about masks, in particular, their role in imagery of the nude male form. Masks are frequently used to both disguise and protect, frequently, a model's identity.  Some models, although fine with posing naked, prefer to keep their faces hidden.  For most, it's not about shame, it's about protecting their families, and especially their careers. 

The connection between masks and protection has never been more critical than it has been over the last year.  Disguise is no longer the main motivation, it's actually become more a drawback than an advantage.  Protection is now paramount, with harm reduction being a necessary rationale. 

It's a fascinating contrast to compare the reason so many of us are now wearing  masks, and the reason so many horror movie serial butchers slipped slipped one on.  Their reason was to cover, their disfigurement, and their goal.  They donned to mask to kill, to slaughter, to hurt anyone they came in contact with or got in their way.  

Many long time FH recognize the work of FLYFOTO, an artist who's work I've been featuring for over a decade.  FLYFOTO's imagery was some of the first holiday images I found, and some of the first I used to celebrate the holidays on the site.  I still remember finding FLYFOTO's work at Easter back in 2010, and immediately began following, and featuring his work. 

Many are still struggling with the focus on mask wearing, and the changes in the motivation behind it.  I always used to find  FLYFOTO's mask wearing models, erotically menacing and scary.  They were often sexualized depictions of characters who lived in my nightmares.  They cause me many sleepless nights, and many trips into my parents bedroom in the middle of the night.  

This year, I'm seeing these homicidal executioners a little differently.  I wouldn't go so far as to say they're hero's, but they are forward thinkers when it comes to face coverings.  Now, you still have to be careful around them, even with their masks firmly attached to their faces.  Despite protecting you from one killer, they'll still puncture your organs with their knives and axes without a missing a  beat. 

City Slickers


'Cowboys need nothin' more than a hat, horse, and the will to ride'

Sometimes.. you just need the hat.  Cowboys are one of the most popular symbols and tropes for masculinity and strength.  Most of us over the age of 30, have parents or grandparents who still loved John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, and watched Westerns whenever they aired on TV.  I was never into Westerns, but I was in cowboys, and cowboy gear.

I featured many cowboys over the years on the site, real cowboys, on their farms and in their barns.  I've also featured many 'studio' cowboys, men dressed up and played a role.  I think all little boys and girls, especially those like me, who trick and treated in the 80's and 90s at one time or another dressed up as a cowboy or cowgirl.  It was fun slinging those guns, putting on that bandana, and finding just the right hat.

This post isn't about real cowboys however, it's about those city slickers, apartment livers and subdivision dwellers who dressed up as cowboys and lived the wild life, if only for just that one evening a year.  Check out the NEXT PAGE HERE: for a collection of would-be cowboys all ready to head out on the town in their cowboy attire.  Of course this is FH, so most aren't wearing very much, except their boots and a hat, but they all took a selfie, or had someone take a quick snap, before heading out on Halloween night. 

A Day at the Mall


'Shop til you drop...dead!'

Earlier this year, I was researching for a post on actor Russell Todd.  I read Todd had a nude scene and was checking out his films to find it for the post.   The movie, ended up being Club V.R. and I featured Russell's nude scene in a post in June. (HERE:)

The research however, led me to discover Chopping Mall, a campy 1986 horror flick about a group of teens locked in a mall over night.  The film had a host of horror hunks including Todd, Nick Segal and Tony O'Dell.  It also featured an actor that although looked familiar, I don't think I remembered seeing on screen before.

Check out more of John Terlesky (below) in Chopping Mall on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Happy Birthday today October 24th


 Happy 61st to model turned actor Brad Johnson!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 24th

Pumpkin Heads


Pumpkin pumpkin 
big and round, 
I'm glad you grow
 upon the ground. 
I'm glad you don't grow in a tree 
for then you might fall down on me

Image from picturebyjmp

There's nothing that screams Halloween more than a big round orange vegetable.  Technically a fruit, because it's the product of seed-bearing flowering plants, it's often categorized as a vegetable due to it's lack of sweetness and savory flavor. 

Pumpkins are also the most popular decoration used for the holiday, the most frequently used prop in Halloween themed photo shoots.  Here are some of my favorite Halloween hunks, that I've featured over the years, clutching their fruit, and or vegetable.

Image by takeurpicture

Rick n Griff

Image by Taylor Miller Photo

Image by Birds Eye Studio

Image by Cooks Photography

Image by Richard Rothstein

Next two images from Prairie Visions

Image by Joshua Gagnon

Image by FLYFOTO

Image by Chris Freeman

Hello Gourdgeous! Luis by New Manhattan Studios


'Ahead of the Carve!'

Now NMS's Wes was smart.  With all of his  beautiful smooth flesh so exposed and close to the pumpkin, the New York based photographer didn't provide any actual sharp instruments for Luis to carve.  The model must be protected!  This shoot occurred smack in the middle of Autumn at the end of a stay and shoot in the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts. 

'Fall was already on the land. The air was crisp; the skies, bright blue and the New England hills were a gentle riot of yellows, oranges and reds. With the departure of the summer people in September, we were fortunate to get access to one of the big Victorian-era estates that dot this popular resort area. '

' Noticeably cooler on the last weekend of October, it was in the low-fifties inside the vacant house when we returned. Twenty-year-old Luis was quite the trooper and eager model, however, and we spent three hours shooting in the chilly mansion. If you look closely you might find Goosebumps in some pictures.'

A Vintage Vantage:

Happy Birthday today October 25th

Happy 41st to actor Mehcad Brooks!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Nobody's Fool (2018)

A Fall From Grace (2020)

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 25th

Horror Hunks: Robert Culp in A Name for Evil


'The Dream House..that became a Nightmare! '

I really didn't know much about actor Robert Culp.  I think I was introduced to him in the late 1990's with his role of Warren, Debra's father on Everybody Loves Raymond.  His handsome jaw and face looked familiar, and I'm sure I must have seen him guesting on a TV show or in an old movie.  

Everybody Loves Raymond

As far as FH is concerned, I did connect Culp with William Katt, and the publicity shots I'd found while looking for images for pieces I'd done on Katt.  The two co-starred on The Greatest American Hero in the eighties.  Culp had a long and varied career with roles on television and in films beginning back in the 1950's.  He appeared consistently on TV and in films throughout the sixties, seventies and eighties with a variety of roles including doing more than a few westerns. 

Although Culp was in his late sixties when I was introduced to him on Raymond, he still had a strong and handsome face, giving hints he must have been quite a favorite hunk to many when he was younger.

Recently, I read about a nude scene he had in the 1973 horror flick A Name For Evil, so of course, I had to check it out.  Along the way, I also had to check out 1969's Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, just to check out Culp in his skivvies.

Bob & Ted & Carol & Alice (1969)

A Name for Evil (1973)

Dissatisfied with the family architectural business, a man and his wife pack up and move out to his great-grandfather's old house in the country. While trying to patch it up, the house starts to make it clear to him that it doesn't want him there, but the local church (with some off-kilter practices of their own) seems to take a shine to him...

Charmed & Dangerous: That Naked Nerd by PhotoRSH

'The world has called me by many a name: Wizard, Druid, Sorcerer, Mage, Warlock, Pagan, Shaman. But they do not see my truth. The essence of who I am. A man who lives by the Moon Robed in magic. A practitioner of the old ways. I AM A WITCH!'

Although I'm supportive of those who are, I've never really been into drag.  I am however, really into men, especially through the visual arts, taking on iconic characters, regardless of their sex.  When I first wanted a witch for the site, it wasn't a warlock I was looking for.  I wanted a hot male model taking on the traditional characteristics of a witch, well... maybe not warts and all.

I am especially intrigued by the blend of the masculine with the traditional qualities and elements of the witch.  The black hat, the broom stick, the spells and magic.   I love seeing how male models navigate themselves through these established elements, and how they handle and ride their long wooden stick...  You can just imagine my excitement when I saw a new hottie straddling his broom stick, especially given the images were from an artist whose work I love and admire.

I've been fortunate to have previously featured the work of photographer PHOTORSH. In those previous pieces however, (HERE:) the focus has been primarily on fitness, and fitness models. Although That Naked Nerd is questionably fit, incredibly so, this is the first time I've featured some of PHOTORSH's character based and themed work. PHOTORSH hadn't really explored a Halloween theme before, but thanks to That Naked Nerd's love of a certain television show, everything beautifully came together!

'There was a little inspiration for the sitting set to be modeled with props and a look to mimic the original “Charmed” series, of which That Naked Nerd is a HUGE fan. We wanted to use some props and set a scene as if from the show, but adding a very sexy erotic twist to it, as everything does with That Naked Nerd.  The standing witch props were more just for a standard “sexy witch costume” idea and something simpler that I could get away with on Instagram with careful censoring.'

Something Wicked This Way Comes....

Calamus by Allan Spiers Photography

'The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun 
Light has been broken and the spell has begun'

One of reasons I love Halloween so much is because of what it's not.  Halloween is the one holiday you can make entirely your own. There are no pressures to decorate, (which I do), or cook, (which I don't) there are no big family meals or visits from that great aunt you choose to avoid the rest of the year. There are no gifts to buy, not pressure to be merry and the entire world doesn't shut down. You can be out with friends, or home alone with a good scary movie. On Halloween, either one is just fine. Halloween is also the night you can dress as you would the rest of the year if only you could get away with it!

Ethan by Studio1x

As many FH viewers are aware, over the last few years I've been on a witch hunt.  Thanks to some talented and generous photographers, the FH Coven has started to round out.  One witch became two, then year after year more witches have flown in to join the fun and increase the power and intensity of the magic.  This year, we welcome yet another member to the Coven, please welcome That Naked Nerd to the fold in the piece below!

Seasonal Sightings:


Pumpkins and witches are two of the most recognizable symbols of All Hallow's Eve.  Today's posts salute both the the black and the orange.  Check out more of Luis (above) by New Manhattan Studios on theNEXT PAGE HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 26th

Utterly Insane? Luke London by Studio1x


'Do you know I'm utterly insane?'
Patrick Bateman

As you can see, even without seeing American Psycho the movie, Studio1x's Jim did a spectacular job of setting the scene for Luke London to summon his inner maniac.  A few weeks after the shoot, on a day Jim was feeling under the weather, he actually did have time to check out the 2000 flick and compare what he captured with one it's creative core. 

'I absolutely loved doing this shoot and you can see, Luke did as well. I think we got some great shots of Luke as Patrick, and after seeing the movie...  I think we nailed it.'

I think they nailed it to.  So much so....  I have so many new movie scenes and characters running through my head for future shoots.   Jim may just regret having signed on to this one, not sure he'll be able to find a chimpanzee and elephant to use for those Lord of the Jungle ideas that Im having...  

'There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape.'
Patrick Bateman

Some of you may have read that Jim also shot some of the 'aftermath' of Luke's carnage.  Look for those early next week when October transitions into November, and FH moves on after All Hallow's Eve.

Source Material: Christian Bale in American Psycho

'Pumpkin, you're dating the biggest dickweed in New York.'

I didn't see American Psycho in the theatre, in fact I don't really even remember it coming out.  I do though, remember some great shots of actor Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman on the cover of Entertainment Weekly.  Reading back now, I see the film got mixed reviews.  Although Bale and director Mary Harron saw the humor in the script, it didn't always translate to viewers and reviewers.

What I do remember, is seeing caps from the film when it was released on VHS and then DVD.  The caps of Bale in the shower, Bale in his undies, and a naked Bale with the chainsaw.  Fans of the film and Bale know it was years later that full frontal caps came out from footage originally unreleased. 

When I first saw the film on DVD, I was a little underwhelmed.  I went back and forth between seeing and humor, and reacting to the horror.  I also couldn't help but think of a few men I knew who had more than few similar personality traits as Bateman.  They're all, no longer a part of my life.  A second viewing a few later had me appreciating the film, and Bale's performance. For some reason I always forget that Reese Witherspoon was in the film.  Most of the attention, and deservedly so, goes to Bale and his turn as Bateman.

'I created this guy who becomes this emblem for yuppie despair in the Reagan Eighties – a very specific time and place – and yet he’s really infused with my own pain and what I was going through as a guy in his 20s, trying to fit into a society that he doesn’t necessarily want to fit into but doesn’t really know what the other options are. That was Patrick Bateman to me.'
Bret Easton Ellis

'American Psycho is ridiculous. It's farcical on many levels. The book is ridiculous, brilliant but ridiculous, as is the script, and that's what we intend. It's very funny and I had no idea it was funny when I first received the script. All that I knew were the excerpts I'd seen in newspapers which generally had chosen the most grizzly scenes.'
Christian Bale

A Plethora of Patricks


Before coming to Broadway, American Psycho: The Musical opened in London three years earlier.  Here are three more favorite Patrick Bateman's from the London, Australia and San Francisco. 

Matt Smith

American Psycho: The Musical
Almeida Theatre, London,
December 12, 2013-February 1st, 2014
Matt Smith as Patrick Bateman

'According to the publicity, the show is based on the novel. But the opening image rising up through the floor — the tall, fit body of ice-cool Matt Smith in nothing but tight white briefs and an aqua eye mask slavishly re-creates the U.K’s DVD cover image of the movie. But where the movie cleverly played with audience’s fears by presenting Bateman’s shocking behavior as real and only later suggesting everything to be his fantasy, the stage production never really allows us to believe that Patrick is a reliable narrator. Despite Matt Smith’s game effort — you can see Bateman’s pain behind his eyes with any fierceness he arouses is neutered by the score’s flippancy.'

According to Attitude UK, the images below were of Matt from the London production.  Although I couldn't find any account of nudity in the production, they may have been from a rehearsal, or later taken out.  Regardless, there doesn't have to really be a reason to include images of Matt's spectacular side and butt.

 Ben Gerrad

American Psycho: The Musical
Hayes Theatre, Sydney Australia
May 10th, 2019-June 14th, 2019
Ben Gerrard as Patrick Bateman

Although it lasted just under a month, actor Ben Gerrard received great reviews for his turn as Patrick Bateman.  Some of you might remember Gerrard from his time on the British drama Hollyoaks.  Given how 'American'American Psycho is, I often wonder how it translates in other parts of the word.  Especially the Manhattan lifestyle the characters lead.

Ben in his Hollyoaks days

'This Australian premiere also features a supremely talented cast. Gerrard delivers as the phlegmatic and solipsistic urbane slayer, a man who appears not to be a fully-fledged human being, but instead something of a shell. His Bateman is immediately unsettling and draws us into a warped, hedonistic existence. Gerrard does well in depicting Bateman’s gradual descent.'

Kipp Glass

American Psycho: The Musical 
Victoria Theatre, San Francisco 
May 17, 2019 through June 8, 2019 
Kipp Glass as Patrick Bateman

I wasn't familiar with this production, or lead Kipp Glass, but like so many things, the visuals had me wanting to see more....

'Kipp Glass is a pitch-perfect Patrick Bateman, imposing and volatile whether in swaggering arrogance, cold contempt or uncontrollable rage. At first he seems simply incapable of human feeling, cataloging his skin-care regimen and all the stuff he has, until he starts fuming over somebody having a better-designed business card than his or being able to score trendy restaurant reservations that he can’t.'

Supporting Studs: Drew Moerlein


'Is this real?” and “What am I doing up here?” Then I immediately realized that this was the culmination of years of training, work and preparation, and that I was in fact living my dream and performing in one of the coolest and most innovative new shows on Broadway. It was an indelible and wonderful memory.'

His excitement is understandable as American Psycho marked actor Drew Moerlein;s Broadway debut.  Taking on the pivotal role of Paul Owen, (Paul Allen in the film) Paul certainly gets quickly under Patrick's skin.  Although they have last names, like Jared Leto in the movie, Paul's end comes brutally and quickly before the curtain falls on act 1. 

Drew & the cast of American Psycho The Musical for a shoot for Broadway Style Guide

'Paul Owen is the golden boy. He is successful, charismatic, generous, funny and admired without breaking a sweat. He is what Patrick Bateman aspires to be. Paul is on the ’80’s fast train like all the financial men of the time, but somehow he always has all the best reservations, business cards and hair styles.'
Drew Moerlein for HollywoodSoapBox

Drew in V/H/S (2012)

In addition to his work on stage, Moerlein's has appeared in numerous television and film roles.  When I decided to feature Drew in today's themed posts, I didn't think he'd done any nudity, but I was in for a pleasant surprise.   As you can see, Drew has a spectacular strip off and skinny dip in the 2012  horror flick V/H/S. 

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 27th

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