Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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No Introduction Necessary: Luke by Studio1x


'I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.'
Patrick Bateman

FH viewers are keenly aware of my love of holidays, especially Halloween.  Although I've visually celebrated  Halloween beginning with the site's first year, it's gotten bigger and more elaborate over the last five years.  In those early years, I was hunting down holiday themed images, and mostly using familiar  images that most viewers had seen again and again.

As FH grew, I was fortunate to have many generous photographers share their holiday images, and some, shot specifically for the site.  It has become a tradition to see Gordon Nebenkerns Christmas elves, and imagery from New Manhattan Studios, Lights On Studio and Studio1x over the holidays. Most of the creative ideas for the shoots come from the artists themselves, but often, I bug them with an idea or two, like my hunt for the perfect male witch.

This Halloween, everything beautifully came together.  When I was talking with Tom from Lights On Studio, the theme was easy.  If you check back on the 31st, you'll understand when you see the model, there was no other choice.  When Jim from Studio1x and I began going back and forth on themes, we batted several ideas back and forth.  I had an idea, but wasn't sure if I might be asking too much... 

Last Halloween, I got it in my head to find images that paid homage to the iconic shower scene from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. (HERE:& HERE:)  I spent more time than I should have looking for images shots that featured a male 'Marian', lathering up before Norman's arrival.   It was too late to ask an artist to put together a shoot, but I did find enough images to finish the theme.  I was also fortunate to have an original drawing from Classic Configuration featuring one of FH's most popular models soaping up.

I've had many movies and characters I've wanted to feature next, and I think most of you already know what movie was on my mind for this year.  Patrick Bateman has become an iconic symbol and the ultimate stereotype yuppie greed, shallowness, narcissism and of course the violence and horror that often comes along with them. 

Although Jim was game from the start, he was a little hesitate given he hadn't seen the movie.  I quickly sent him a few images to help visualize what I was looking for.  Basically, there only a handful of looks I was hoping Jim could re-created.  Looks I think most fans of the movie and character associate with the Wall Street killer.  Patrick is known for his see-through raincoat, his white underwear, his blade, and of course his chainsaw.  Who have guessed the chainsaw would be the easiest part...

Jim had a chainsaw, but had to look for the see-through rain coat.   The biggest challenge however were not the props, it was finding just the right model.  Jim already had several models in mind for his Halloween shoot before I through my Patrick Bateman idea at him.  He wasn't sure however, if any of them would be prepared to be washing fake blood out of their crevices days and days after the shoot was over.

As you can see, Jim was successful.  model Luke London not only got into having the blood put on, he also welcomed Jim to shoot him washing it off.  Luke also did an incredible job of getting into character and into the murderous mind set of the Manhattan madman.  As hot as Luke is, those killer looks of his are beautifully, but utterly disturbing. 

Did I mention there was a chainsaw involved....  Check out more of Jim's shots with Luke when the butchering banker picks up his chainsaw, and gets rid of those bloody undies on the NEXT PAGE HERE:.  

Benjamin Walker in American Psycho: The Musical


'There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.'
Patrick Bateman

American Psycho: The Musical 
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre 
Performances: 54 (Apr 21, 2016 - Jun 05, 2016) 

'No carcass is more spectacularly toned than Mr. Walker’s, which is just as well, since he spends much of the second act in nothing but (bloodstained, natch) tighty-whities. But it is made clear that he’s not just another pretty six-pack. (With his hair in a smooth 1950s Tony Randall cut, he suggests a Ken doll in a toy chest full of action figures.) Even more than Matt Smith, who originated the role in London, Mr. Walker presents Patrick as an insecure man who deeply needs to fit in and despises himself for doing so'
NewYork Times

I wasn't really that familiar with Benjamin Walker when I first saw promotional shots for his role in American Psycho: The Musical.  Those tighty whitie shots however, left an impression and I've seen seen a few of his movies.  The musical, adapted by Riverdale writer and creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa  from the book by Bret Easton Ellis began in London but soon made it's way to Broadway.

Check out more from the Broadway production on the NEXT PAGE HERE:  and more Patrick Bateman's on stage HERE:

The Terrorizing Torontonian



'Matt channelled 'the actor' channelling the protagonist from American Psycho. As you can see Matt was able to draw upon his acting skills to portray a psychotic, yet sexy character.'

Some long time FH readers undoubtedly remember the site's 2011 first model search competition organized between FH and photographer Chris Teel.  The deserving winner was actor, dancer and model Matt Eldracher, and part of his prize was a shoot with Chris.  

One of the inspirations for their first shoots was Patrick Bateman, and Matt used his experience as an actor to fully commit to the character.  One of the things I especially liked about Matt's Bateman was his beautifully intense expression of torment.  I didn't feel bad for Bateman in the film, but there is a sadness and longing to the character that Matt and Chris so beautifully capture. Virtually return to 2011, and the original piece recently updated with images not featured when I originally posted.  Check out Canadian CarnageHERE:

The Demon Butcher of Wall Street


If you haven't guessed already, today's theme is American Psycho.  More specifically, it's Patrick Bateman who's my focus, and the many men who've slipped on the see-through raincoat and bloodied up their white boxer briefs.

Although all Patrick Bateman's stem from the 1991 novel by Bret Easton Ellis, it wasn't the novel, nor the 2000 film that directly spurred on today's theme.  My real interest in Bateman the character, stemmed from promotional images of Benjamin Walker from the 2016 Broadway adaptation.  I had saved a few images planning a future post on Walker.  A few months ago, I was reminded of that desktop folder after seeing two image of Mikey Maverick on Reddit.   As you can see, Mickey's costume is an eye catcher, and both of his tools are both impressive, and frightening in size...

With the current occupant int he White House horrifying much of the rest of the world, the book and main character has taken on an even broader meaning than even Ellis could have predicted.  Check out the next two pages full of a bunch of butchering Bateman's.  From the screen to the stage, and course given it's FH, some talented artists and models bringing their own creative take to the iconic character.


Favorite Pic of the Day for October 28th

History of Horror Hunks: 2020 Edition

The Pumpkin Carver

Given my love of Halloween, and of scary movies, horror hunks have been a frequent subject for me to post, and write about since the site's beginnings. My favorite horror movies include a dash of fear, a dash of male skin, and big dollop of camp. Sometimes, the lamer the movie, the more fun it is!  Researching so many horror hunks has also proven that it's not just young hot females that directors get naked before having them hacked, bludgeoned or butchered to death.

Below are some of my favorite posts from the last decade. 2015 was certainly my biggest year with a salute to Wes Craven who had died earlier that year.  Also check out 3 more Hunks of Horror on Page 2 HERE:

Peter Barton, Friday the 13th Part 4


Joe Dallesandro in Flesh for Frankenstein


Bloody Birthday


Tower of Evil
You can download the scene above on Sendspace HERE:


Mark Patton in Nightmare on Elm Street 2

Salute to Wes Craven

Robert Rusler in Nightmare on Elm Street 2


Brendan Fletcher in Freddy Vs Jason


Simon Scuddamore in Slaughter High


Myles O'Brien in Evil Laugh

Halloween Mystery: Update


Over the years, I have often featured images from this series over Halloween. Every year, I seem to find another image from the set,.  Back in 2017 I finally discovered the source, and this year, I'm including the video...

While searching for images for my 'Vintage Vantage' I came upon an image with credited the shot to Fantasy Factory #1. The film was part of a series of films from Campfire Video featuring vintage clips. Campfire Video was one of the first sites I found focused on the male form in film when I first came on line, but I never made the connection before.

This scene, Trick or Treaters is part of FF#1 which features about a dozen or so different scenarios. In this scene, Sean Damore is exercising alone in his room (in a pouch as one does...) When David Jones comes trick or treating at his door. Damore decides he wants to play a trick which leads Jones to retaliate. The scene ends with Damore giving bad boy Jones a spanking before filling up his treat bag and sending him on his way.

Strangely, although they appear nude ins ome of the promotional pics, in the actual scene, both actors remain in their very skimpy pouches I tried to covert and make a small clip before, but failed.  This year, with a new computer, it worked!  Enjoy, there is something about this series that is a vintage fun and sexy fest of Halloween many decades ago.



Some Overly Friendly Ghosts....

Image from Frisky Frolic

So if you were to come back as a ghost, would you haunt,  or would you taunt?  I can imagine many of us would have a little fun with some of the hot mortal we left behind.  Being invisible, there are so many places to float to and many men to torment into eternity.  

Artwork by Byron Power

If you love Halloween, and you love artwork with a focus on the male form, you might want to check out Homoween Official on Instagram.  The page sets contests and themes and many of my favorite artists often reply with images to match the theme.  Overfriendly ghosts was one of the themes this month and these are some of my favorite art pieces on the theme.

Last two illustrations by badsign769

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 29th



He'll suck you dry...

Earlier this month, I posted a series featuring artwork from Horror movie porn parody's. (HERE:)  While on the hunt for films to use, several Dracula related movies all rose from their graves.  I previously featured one, 1983's Gayracula a couple of years ago, (HERE:) but here are a few more of my favorites. 

Gayracula (1983)

Count Drac is back - and this time he's necking more than just Stella. Count Gaylord stalks the pubs within L.A. for the hunkiest victims to ever succumb to lust, as well as his enemy, the Marquis de Pint.

Thirst (2005)

Love Bites (1992)

Meet Jake Hunter. He's young, he's cute and he fancies himself as the very model of a modern-day fearless vampire killer. Together with Lesley, his reluctant sidekick, Jake sets out to tackle his greatest challenge ever - the West Hollywood Count. But when the ghoul of his nightmares turns out to be the dashing hunk of his dreams, Jake discovers that there's more to this case than he counted on. Putting a novel, sexy twist on the Transsylvanian myth, Love Bites combines comedy and eroticism in a fabulous gothic gay romance.

Barebackula (2016)

'In the land of Truvadia lives the Count of Castle Bare. His insatiable hunger drives him to feed and to fuck. As he grows stronger, so does his desire for the seed of his lovers. Countless men have been lured to him by his moans of carnal lust. And when they’re ensnared one lesson is learned: cum is life.'

His Dracula (2012)

'An amazing 3D adventure. The story of the greatest lover who ever lived, died, and lived again.'

FH Costume Parade:


As is tradition here at FH, this past Saturday, we had our annual Halloween gala and costume contest.  Covid made this year's costume party a challenge, with rapid testing at the door, but social distancing was almost impossible to inforce.  Masks were mandatory, except for when official portraits were taken for the contest. We did reduce the numbers, and sadly, spectators were not allowed at this years bash, but thanks to FH, some of the best and most creative non-costumes are featured here.   

Now.. no matter how many times we say coming as Adam, (minus the fig leaf) doesn't qualify as a costume, there were still plenty of Adams (and a couple of Eve's) in the crowd. In addition to more than a few Tiger Kings there were the usual large group of spandex wearing super hero's.  There was also that familiar smell of newly purchased leather wafting thick in the air. Here are some of this year's highlights which the judges narrowed down to a barely costumed top ten.

Tool Man

If you missed on our previous costume Parades check them out here:


Although our Ghoul wore more clothing than almost any other contestant, his glorious ghouly glutes could not be ignored!




Our gladiator was fierce, but lost points for not fully protecting his most precious assets from attack,

Officer Krupke

Our Officer Krupke was hot, but policemen, as hot as they may be, law enforcement costumes were not that popular this year....

A Lovely Leia

Star Wars costumes tent to go in waves.  Some years, they're very popular, other years, there are none to be seen.  This year, the craze was back in full with many Prince and Princess Lay-hims, Obi wan canblowmes, Hung Solos and SeeMeePepeO's.  These three costumes rose to the top.

Darth Pants-Invader 

Luke's in trouble...

Below: Our winner, Jon Snow!  Although he was a bit more fit than his television counter part, this Game of Thrones hottie's fur won won over our panel of judges.

A few snaps from the party:

Party Games:

Everyone left with a gift bag, which include a kit to have party goers thinking about what not to wear next year!

Man Candy: Mattidude by PhotoRSH


It was an abundance of Halloween riches to discover PHOTORSH's recent Halloween themed shoots. Not only did I feature our newest Coven member earlier in the week, I also get to share shots of Kyle and Mattidude with a firm grip on their plastic pumpkins.  Although I only trick or treated with a pumpkin for a year or two before switching to a pillow case, I still have my orange plastic pumpkin which I pull out each October.  If I close my eyes and take a whiff, I still swear I can smell candy kisses and chocolate. 

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 30th

Embodying the Undead: Cal by Lights On Studio


'This man belongs to me, I want him!' 
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski always goes full planning his shoots, even more so when it's a holiday theme. I love the look, lighting and gothic vibe he created for Cal's Dracula, and the incredible wardrobe and props he pulled together.  I especially love the inclusion of Cal's candelabra.  I have been using a couple of images as my screen saver this week, and in a dark room,  the candelabra shines brightly through the darkness.  

Cal embodies the Prince of Darkness in every image and in every frame.  From his beautifully dark and sinister eyes and facial expression, through his tempting, but ultimately dangerous poses.  He lustfully lures you in, and you reluctantly, but willingly surrender.   Although Tom had impeccably planned the shoot, Cal's skills and background beautifully enhanced the creative process.

'I had Cal get changed into his outfit while I set of the backdrop and would then proceed with the makeup. Shortly later he came out in the costume and had done his makeup himself. And it was a great makeup job at that. Certainly made things easier for me which gave me more time for actual photographing.'

'Once on the set he began posing. I was in heaven. He knew what to do and was aware of the what the adjustments I needed to make throughout the session. And an added plus, he was eager to help me move props and help setting up the background. His acting skills were evident when he began posing. A perfect Dracula.'

'Cal was very comfortable throughout the entire session. Clothed and nude. He was also find showing Dracula's derriere, and felt it was one of his better physical features. I like all of his physical features and well as his laid back friendly personality. I would love to work with him again. We also did some non themed shots in street clothes and nudes. Got some beautiful figure studies.'

'Tom at Lights On was a pleasure to work with; truly a master of his craft. He's professional, kind, and committed. I love the work he's produced and the fun we had creating the ultimate vampire. Thank you, Tom!'

Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Old Legend, New Blood


'If there's one thing I've learned in all of my years, in all of my journeys, is that when it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them.'

When I was searching for sexy Draculas, I came upon a few images of Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the title role. I sort of have a vague memory of seeing promos for this NBC television series, but I never actually watched an episode.  I haven't seen it all, but I did check out the first episode when putting together this piece.  

The series only lasted one season, but from a little research, it did seem to have a devoted fan base.  I've always liked Rhys Meyers as an actor, but he's especially seducing as the The Dark Prince in the little that I've seen.

Dracula (2013)

Although Rhys Myers was shirtless a lot, given Dracula was on NBC, there really wasn't any nudity of note.  But... I couldn't do a piece on the hot Irish actor without a quick quick and dick from 2001's Tangled.  Thanks to Scenes From Male Skin for the clip!  The site may be down, but the site owner remains a gift that continues to give!

Tangled (2001)

'The best of friends make the worst of enemies.'

Joe Dallesandro in Blood For Dracula


'An ailing vampire count travels to Italy with his servant to find a bride.'

You can't be a site focused on the male form without returning again and again to the iconic Joe Dallesandro.  Whenever I see a project of Joe's I haven't seen, I share my findings on the site.  For some reason however, I thought I'd already seen 1974's Blood for Dracula.  I had it confused with another film in the in the series directed by Paul Morrissey. I featured Joe in Morrissey's Flesh For Frankenstein a few years ago, (HERE:) and until last week, thought Blood For Dracula was just another version of that film.  I glad I got it straightened out1 

Joe plays Mario, the servant of the Dark Lord, but he's not really the most loyal.  Dracula wants to suck the blood of young virgins, but Mario's usually a few steps ahead, bedding a set of sisters, ruining their blood for his boss.  Mario isn't the best of servants, nor the nicest of guys to the sisters he sexes up.

Joe is delicious as always, and although there are not frontals in this particular Morrissey film, there are plenty of juicy views of Joe's ass in spectacular motion. 

'Adding to the sleazy charm is Dallesandro's servant character, who manages to be the most outrageous of the bunch (even more so than the title character himself!). When he's not trying to sex the family daughters (not always consensually), he spouts Marxist theory that adds an interesting, if not heavy-handed, dimension to the film. This further demythologizes the Dracula character by reducing the story as an allegory for class struggle.'

'Dracula, the aging aristocrat, symbolizes the preying of the rich on the weak--that is, unless Dallesandro has something to say about it. It's an interesting little turn that separates this film from other Dracula films, but I'm still pretty sure it's ostensibly about Dracula and a bunch of whores above all, with Dallesandro there to save the day.'
Via Oh The Horror

Christopher Atkins in Dracula Rising


'Fear Awakens in the Dark of the Night'

Witness the romance and tragedy of one man's undying passion that led him to sell his soul. In this epic horror, Vlad Dracula exchanges salvation for immortality so that he may avenge the brutal death of his true love. Now he journeys to the twentieth century to lay claim to the woman he so desperately loves.      

FH readers are aware of actor Christopher Atkins role in my sexual awakening.  I've written before about seeing The Blue Lagoon on VHS in the late 80's and it's lasting impact. (HERE:)  Although I was only a kid when I saw the flick, and as drawn as I was to Atkins looks, I remember thinking he wasn't that great of an actor...

Now, my attraction to the blonde beauty did have me catching some of his other projects, especially when I learned he showed a little skin.  I've seen most of his Dallas episodes, and of course, like very lover of the male form in movies, have seen A Night in Heaven, several times.  Well, I've seen his nude scenes several times....

Sadly, his acting never really improved.  Although there's a sort of naive innocence to most of his performances that sort of works, it also wears thin pretty quickly.  I'd never seen his appearance in 1993's Dracula Rising, but given today's theme, I thought it was time to check it out.

Atkins is pretty bad, but to be fair, so is the film.  Doing a little research, I'm not the only one who thinks so.  The film made more than few 'worst' horror film lists.  The film also has one of the most frustrating 'nude scenes' I've ever seen.  By this point in his career Atkins had already been in Playgirl and shown it all on screen.  Why then oh why, would director Fred Gallo work so hard to ensure we saw absolutely nothing.  

If you squint, you might catch some of Atkin's body in the underwater scenes, but it's so dark and badly edited, it's as if they purposely tried to 'promote' a nude scene, without actually following through by letting anyone see anything.  Atkins still looked hot, clothed or not, and his appeal not dampened by the story.  I noticed checking out his IMDB page that he has a half dozen films due out in the near future.  I'll be curious if his acting chops have improved all these decades after first jumping into the water.

Favorite Pic of the Day (2) for October 31st

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