Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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S2: All Eyes On Him

Below: Arwork by guysgoneartist

'I absolutely loved having all those eyes on me.'

We all have different levels of comfort when it comes to attention. Some people crave constant attention, others shy away from ever being the spotlight.  Most of us fall somewhere in the middle.  What I've learned most about attention, is most people are comfortable with it, only if they're in control.  Most of us can handle and enjoy attention when we're in charge and able tor regulate the degree coming our way.  It's when it's out of our control, that we often struggle.

This inability to control is one of the reasons I'm always fascinated to profile models who pose nude in front of a classroom full of students or any large group of strangers. Posing naked, even in front of one person can be a challenge, but with just one other person, a relationship can be built and negotiations can occur.  When you're posing in a room full of people, you're more than just naked.  The instructor is usually in charge, and group dynamics make it difficult to connect with every set of eyes cascading over every inch of your body.

Artwork by R Baer ChauDavis

Some models however, thrive with this intense degree of attention. Despite being in front of large groups of strangers, they're able to use their bodies, their poses, their confidence and attitude to thrive in their vulnerability.  It is this lack of control, so many nude life models learn to erotically appreciate and enjoy. When he was just 18, Stu (S2) saw an ad in the Village Voice that invited people to visit a nude club for a day.  Something about it excited the young student and he decided to give it a shot.  Although S2 wasn't initially sure why, once he got there, he felt immediately comfortable with his clothes off.  It was there, that he met a woman who was an art instructor and first asked if he would  pose for her class.

'The first posing that I did was for a college class of students who were all about my age.  I knew I had to be naked for the posing and I was nervous as hell as I took my clothes off in front of the twenty or so students.  But within ten minutes of standing naked in front of that group my nervousness disappeared.'

Artwork by Sven

When he was about five, S2 played a New Years baby in a community center holiday show. Other than that, and seeing a few photos and drawings in magazines, S2 had next to no knowledge of what modeling, especially nude modeling, would entail.  For the New Year's gig, he got to wear a pair of white underwear, but of his next gig, in front of the art class, the underwear had to come off. Fortunately, after he started, several art instructors understood he was a novice and offered advice and helpful suggestions.

San Deigo ArtGym and from the San Diego Gay Men's Art Group

'I liked taking risks and I enjoyed being naked.  Also, when I was a child I belonged to a YMCA where on men's days all boys and men swam naked. Seeing so many boys and men nude and thinking nothing about it convinced me that nudity was acceptable and not a big deal. So that experience, from five to fourteen years old, helped me be totally comfortable being nude in front of many people. Posing naked  also paid very well.  Art class models who posed fully dressed were at the lowest pay scale. Posing in underwear paid more. Nude posing had the highest pay scale.  I needed the money!'

'I was turned on by the idea but was worried about getting an erection. My sweat was steadily flowing and I recall wondering what the hell I was doing.  But once I started I quickly got over my nervousness and began enjoying myself.  It was a combination of loving the eyes on me and some form of meditation.'

S2 says in some ways it's easier posing for just one artist, they usually know what they want and typically give good directions.  In an art class, or a photo workshop, it can also work equally well if there's a good instructor who provides clear posing directions.  Sometimes, in an open group, there's no instructor.  It can be a bit of a free for all, with different people, often with their own goals, wanting different poses.  In those cases, S2 finds it easier just to take over and do his own thing.  That way he doesn't have to deal with any conflicting or unrealistic requests.

'When it comes to odd propositions or being shocked by a request, a couple things come to mind. One has happened more than a few times.... When someone I know, someone who didn't know I posed, walks into an art or photo workshop and realizes that I'm going to be their model. Fortunately in every case the embarrassment the person was feeling or showing abated quickly.  I found these experiences to be humorous and ignored the person's discomfort. And to help the person I would walk over to them during a break and chat with them to demonstrate that I was fine about being their model.  That strategy seemed to help.'

'I've never thought of myself as being more than having average looks.  I don't have the fashion model look by any stretch of the imagination. But that has worked for me as artists want someone posing who is able to hold still, who is creative with their poses and who is totally comfortable being closely studied while naked. I had one art instructor tell me that I'm a "natural' at posing since I held poses with ease and since it was clear that I was totally comfortable being naked for his classes.  He even suggested, in jest, that I should teach classes on how to be a nude model.  I guess the other compliment has been that I've been requested and booked repeatedly at different art schools over the years.  If they didn't like me I would not have become a regular at many art schools.'

In addition to finding modeling nude exciting and fun, S2 also considers it a form of relaxation.  When he holds positions for long periods of time, he actually slips into a type of meditation.  It also of course satisfies his exhibitionist desires.  S2 also shares the misconception that nude modeling is also something only for those in their twenties or thirties with perfect gym bodies.  S2's experience is that Art Schools want models of all sizes, shapes, colors, styles and ages.  His experience has been that as long as you're enthusiastic and skilled with posing, they're  happy.  S2 understands that most photographers want certain ages, looks and body types for their work but for art classes, posing well is the key to being a successful and sought after model. 

If you're thinking, as I did, that S2 has an especially insightful way of describing his time modeling nude in front of strangers, there's a reason.  S2 has spent a lot of time thinking back over his time modeling in order to create his new book Lights On-Clothes Off.  In the book, due for release this spring, S2 uses his personal experiences, from his initial anxieties, through his ultimate acceptance with being an exhibitionist.  Through his main character, Eddie Saul, S2 details the hidden desires and secret life of an unstoppable exhibitionist.  You can check out more, and pre-order the book HERE:

Artwork by Jaron Stokes 

12 Days: Josh Swickard in A California Christmas


'With his carefree lifestyle on the line, a wealthy charmer poses as a ranch hand to get a hardworking farmer to sell her family's land before Christmas.'

I've been wanting to feature actor Josh Swickard for awhile now.  I don't watch General Hospital, and never saw him on the show, but I saw enough screen captures, not to mention Josh's modeling shots, not to notice the strikingly hot actor.   When I started researching Josh last month, I knew a 12 Days post would be perfect given he had an upcoming Netflix Christmas due for release.

A California Christmas was released earlier this week and I eagerly awaited it's Netflix arrival.  Josh was totally hot, and totally engaging as Joseph, the wealthy son who poses as a ranch hand in order to close a business deal.  The movie however, was missing something.  The camera work and cinematography were beautiful, but most of the supporting characters, especially the female roles, seemed... well unfinished. 

The acting for some of the supporting roles was also a little iffy in places.  This sort of surprised me given the film was written by Josh's wife, Lauren Swickard, who also played the female lead in the film.  One stand out however, was Ali Afshar as Joseph's majordomo. Afshar was also one of the movie's producers.  Leo scenes were a highlight and more enjoyable than the film's primary storyline.

Maybe I'm used to Hallmark movies where the female characters are generally the focus, but this story really needed a bit more time to flesh out.  Speaking of flesh, although there were certainly a few gratuitous shirtless scenes, Josh showed less skin than he did in all the screen caps I saw from his soap opera days.  All in all it was an enjoyable watch, but I really can't recommend it as a Christmas movie.  Sure, it was set around the holidays, but there were actually oddly few scenes with Christmas, and minimal Christmas decorations on display in most scenes.   Most Christmas movies almost 'vomit' tinsel and garland in every scene, and I was sort of surprised how much I missed it.

General Hospital

Progeny of a Cuchi Cuchi


Growing up in the eighties, I vaguely remember seeing Charo on an episode of The Facts of Life. The musician and actress was staple on television in guest star roles and on talk shows.  I hadn't really thought of Charo until recently when someone retweeted a video from her Twitter time-line.

First off, Charo looked exactly the same as I remember when I was a kid.  All the Cuchi Cuchi is obviously working out.  Secondly, I wasn't aware that she had such a hot son!  In the video Charo and her son Shel Rasten were wrapping up Christmas baskets full of citrus fruit.  Shel had a look and a cool vibe that he me wanting to know more.

There's not a whole lot on-line, but Shel has done some television acting, appearing on shows including Baskets, CSI Miami Anger Management, Workaholics and Parks and Recreation.  Shel appears to be primarily a musician like his mother and has a Youtube Channel (HERE:) with some of his music. 

Baskets (2016)

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 17th

Strung Out

Kayden Gray

'Let there be light!'

In addition to ugly holiday sweaters, both Christmas and Hanukkah share a passion for light.  Whether on your house, a tree, or wrapped around a naked body, there's nothing better to put you in the holiday mood than a sparkly set of lights.   Over the years I've gone from only wanting white lights, to only wanting red and green, to mulit-colored and back to white.

I don't have a tree up yet this year, not sure if I will or not, but I do have lights up in every room of my house.  There's white lights in the living room, multi-colored on branches in the bedroom, and a set of red and green lights running along the top of my kitchen cabinets. 

I featured images of naked male models in Christmas lights almost every year and I always wonder the same thing... Before they had LED or mini-lights that didn't heat up, did photographers still ask models to drape strings of colorful bulbs on their bare skin...  I'm sure there were few work related burns on sensitive area's before mini-lights were invented and became popular in the seventies and eighties.  

Next 2 shots from Fotorebelxt Photography

Pup Dahlia by MW Photo MD

Dylan Green

A Baker's Dozen: Matt Eldracher


The best part was certainly the exposure and that it pushed me into the world of modeling. Without it I'm not sure where I would be.' 

Next 2 images from Chris Teel

The top image of model, actor and dancer Matt Eldracher, many FH readers have seen before.  It's the first image of Matt that I remember seeing, and one of the images the Toronto based entertainer submitted when he entered FH's 2011 Model Search.  The contest, co-sponsored by photographer Chris Teel, elicited hundreds of applicants with Matt quickly and easily becoming a finalist and favorite.

Although new to modeling, especially modeling sans clothing, Matt was a natural.  One of his first shoots with Chris included the popular series I dubbed Canadian CarnageBased on the character of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, Chris created the series in part due to Matt's love of horror movies.  Matt's acting and performance background made it easier for him to slip into character and the shoot remains one of my all time favorites. 

Next 3 images from Carlaw Studios | Toronto 

2014 -2020 


Remaining images from Chris Teel

After winning the 2011 model search, Matt continued to perform on stage and modeled with many well known photographers including several more shoots with Chris Teel.  I was going to add some recent shots Matt sent on, but since this piece is about looking back, I'll save those for FH viewers to look forward to checking out in January! 

'The first shoot was exhilarating! Working with Chris Teel always feels natural but that first time we just got started and the was no anxious feeling only adrenaline and excitement picture after picture idea after idea. It is how I base what all shoots, both past and future, should be like.'

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas


If you follow model Ron Casella on social media, or check out my previous piece, you know he doesn't always wear underwear when he's working.  But.. when he does slip on some skivvies, he seems to have a pleasurable preference for snowy white. Ron enjoys donning Calvin Klein briefs almost as much as we enjoy watching him wear them.

Ron Casella on Instagram 

Last day of Hanukkah


'Colorful candles burning bright, each lit on eight very special nights.'

With the 18th being the last day of Hanukkah, there are some truths we all must acknowledge.  Regardless of our faith, there is something we all have in common.  Aunts give crappy gifts and ugly holiday sweaters are not exclusive to just those who celebrate Christmas. 

Favorite Pic of the Day (2 )for December 18th

Restless: Sergey by Richard Rothstein


'The creative mind is restless.'
Rishi Kapoor

Those on the east coast experienced their first real blast of snow this week.  In addition the beautiful blanket of white, there were also hundreds of car accidents, states of emergency called, and several deaths related to the storm.  Currently, it's heading north and heading through Atlantic Canada before eventually heading out to sea.

Like most animals, many of us felt a little restless the last few days.  For some, it's simply the worry or excitement of the impending blast of winter.  For others, the restlessness is organic.  Animals have always been known to exhibit unusual behavior before a storm.  For some animals, it may be in part due to their keen sense of of smell and hearing.  For others, it may be their ability to sense the change in barometric pressure that comes  along with having an intensely sensitive instincts.

Regardless of the reasons behind it, the restlessness manifests itself differently depending on the specific animal, and their specific desires and needs.  Some react with fear, causing them to make noises and seek protection and shelter.  Others, take on the leadership role, ensuring those around them are protected and kept safe.

For others, the restlessness is more carnal, signifying their desire to be close to another.  Their goal, although their often not aware of it, is to match the intensity of the storm's energy, with a similar level of climatic combustion. There actions, movements and body positions are focused on attracting another with the same goals.  This partnership is not meant to be permanent, but one where temptation is tethered to the tempest. 

As you can see and feel from this series from Richard Rothstein, Sergey is visibly and enthusiastically  restless.  Sergey's body movements and poses clearly indicate a clear and intensely erotic signal to those around him.  Both photographer and model are located in New York where the winter gust of Gail dumped more snow in the city than it did all of last winter. 

Sergey on Instagram

Richard Rothstein on OnlyFans

12 Days: Martin Cummins in The Christmas Shepherd


'Sally Brown, the widow of a veteran, is a published children's book author. After her husband dies she is left with just "Buddy", his German Shepherd. After a severe storm, Buddy runs off afraid setting in motion a series of events that are sure to unite more than just Buddy and Sally.'

Although Riverdale has a stable of hot hunks, many viewers, especially those over 20, have always been hot for Sherriff Keller. The show has wisely, although sporadically, been showcasing the sheriff's sexy side the last couple of seasons. When I saw that actor Martin Cummins was in a Christmas movie, I had to check it out.  

2014's The Christmas Shepherd features Cummins as widowed dad who brings home Buddy the German Shepherd after finding him in a shelter.  Cummins was as hot as ever as daddy Mark Green and Teri Polo wasn't the only one noticing his charms, and his tight back side.  I liked this movie, but struggled with Polo as the lead.  I'm not sure if it was the actress or the role, but Sally wasn't really an especially likable character.  I know Sally's a widow, and lonely, but I failed to see what exactly would draw Mark towards here, other than of course the dog...

Love Come Down (2000)


Canadian actor Cummins has been working steadily on television and in films since the late 80's.  I think he's appeared in almost every show filmed in his home country.  Some of his roles include turns on: My Secret Identity, 21 Jump Street, Highlander, Dark Angel, Smallville, KyleXY, The 4400 and Bates Motel.  In between his time as Tom Keller, Cummins also co-stars with Hillary Swank and Josh Charles in the new Netflix series Away.

Holiday Bake

Seasonal Selfies

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 18th

Andrew Walker: Actors & SKIN


Back when I first featured Andrew W. Walker on FH, he hadn't done any on-screen nudity except for a quick butt flash (below) in the short film Jill@26.  I found a clip from the film and posted it at the time, but it's since been removed from YouTube.  I searched everywhere, but wasn't able to find it on-line or to purchase.  The only image I have is the small cap below I saved from the clip I once had.


CSI: Miami (2008)

I was never a fan of the CSI's, the Criminal Minds and even the Law & Order's.  I know most seem to love them, but given the state of the world, not to mention my profession, I tend to shy away from films and television shows where humans are raped, tortured and murdered on a weekly basis.  I think it helps me to sleep better.

That being said, I will keep my DVR on alert for this episode of CSI Miami.   In the 2008 episode Cheating Death, Walker plays a tanning butler found in bed, bloodied and murdered next to a housewife prostitute.   I think I can guess what a housewife / prostitute is, but I had to google to find out what a tanner butler was.  Seems like a great job, if of course you don't get murdered.  

Oxalis (2018)

So, I'm 100% sure the dark flash of penis you see from Andrew's character in 2018's Oxalis was fake, but given you don't often see Hallmark Holiday Hunks in scenes with glory holes, I had to share...

The Gundown (2011)

2 Bedroom 1 Bath (2014)

I ordered 2 Bed, 1 Bath from Amazon for Andrew's nude scene, but ended up getting into the  the 2014 supernatural thriller.  In addition to Andrew's shower butt scene featured here, there's also a scene in which he receives oral from a member of the undead.  It's all under the covers so you don't see anything except covers ruffling and the characters terrified face when he finally checks under the blankets. 

Andrew Walker: ACTORS & Skin


Although actor Andrew W. Walker began his professional career in 1994. I think I first noticed him in 2002 when he played  Cole Harper in the sit-com Sabrina The Teenage Witch.  Although I didn't really watch the show, as a huge magazine freak, I noticed Andrew in images and remembered him when I first began working on FH.

I first featured Walker in a birthday post back in 2008.  I don't believe he'd started his run in Hallmark holiday films at the time.   in the late 2000's Andrew was mostly working in small films and appearing on television in shows including; ER, The Big Bang Theory and two of the CSI's.  I think Walker's first Christmas movie on Hallmark was 2012's A Bride For Christmas.  

I saw the film a couple of years later and took the opportunity to feature Andrew in a 12 Day piece back in 2014.  The Canadian actor has gone on to film close to 20 Hallmark films, most Christmas, but several marking other romantic holidays throughout the year.  In between playing lonely widowers from quaint small towns, Andrew has taken some interesting, and darker roles in films.  He's also flashed his Canadian back bacon a couple of times.  Check out the SKIN portion of Andrew's Actors & Skin below. 

Stalker (2015)

Andrew got his Ryan Phillippe 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' locker room scene in the short-lived 2015 series Stalker.  In the episode, it was Walker being stalked as a high school coach who claims he's being stalked by one of his students. 

A Vintage Vantage

Happy Birthday today December 19th

Happy 40th to Jake Gyllenhaal!

Check out more of Jake on FHHERE:
& More of today's birthday boys HERE:& HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 19th

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