The quote above, comes from the first piece that I did featuring the imagery from ClearEye. I first connected with the Ohio photographer back in 2012 while profiling his work for tMf Magazine. Although ClearEye had been shooting for years, he had only recently made his sole focus the nude male form. I was immediately drawn to the simplistic elegance he captures in his images. ClearEye rarely uses fashion or props, and his locations are generally beautifully bare. Despite this, he consistently creates complete and emotionally layered imagery of the model in front his lens.
CR was one of the first models ClearEye photographed after switching his focus, and was just getting started shooting nude portraiture. When he started looking for models, one of the first places he began looking was on Craigslist, and it was there he connected with CR. The 21 year old college student was an aspiring actor, and interested in getting some headshots in exchange for modeling.
CR was also up for doing nudes, as long as they were 'tasteful'. As soon as they met and began shooting, ClearEye was stuck with how intelligent and well-spoken CR was. CR was committed to getting some great shots, and took the shoot very seriously, treating it much like he would an acting role.
'As I was giving him instructions for poses, CR made some very good suggestions on other ways I could phrase my requests. For example, at one point I asked him to “look down,” and he said that a model might also respond to a request to “look inward.” We had a very interesting and enjoyable conversation while we were working.'
It was back in 2016 when I last featured ClearEye's work with Andrew Diener, (HERE) and I've been looking forward to sharing more of his work. Recently I spotted some of his shots of CR in the Model Mayhem pic of the day contest, and reached out about a return. This series with CR, although early in ClearEye's spotlight on the male form, encompasses so much of what I love about his work.
I initially though the images of CR might be a new shoot, but then remembered seeing them previously on ClearEye's Flickr portfolio. Like so many artists, ClearEye's work had to be put on hold when the pandemic began, but he's back shooting and looking for models to collaborate with near or willing to travel to Columbus Ohio area.