Drenched: Camell by Bob Burkhardt
Wet is love
Love that's flowing free
Free is the feeling I feel deep inside me
Come and see that wet is me...
Barbra Streisand
Camell may not be outside getting drenched by a rainstorm, but he's getting seductively soaked just the same. Even just utilizing his water bottle inside Bob Burkhardt's studio, the erotic impact is visually powerful. The moist liquid cascading down over Camell's beautiful skin is a site to behold.
Hideaki and Zhou The empress and her prisoners
Zhou in traditional Hanfu outfit
One of the reasons I was so struck by the images was how real they looked. Yes, after spending time closely examining the shot, I could tell that Hideaki and Zhou were computer illustrated, but their faces, their eyes, their bodies and body parts were vividly alluring and real. I was especially drawn to Hideaki, the embodiment of my ultimate erotic fantasy hero.
The empress and her prisoners
April Fool's Day is really a silly holiday, one mostly reserved for children. It's supposed to be fun, but with the goal being to make a fool of someone, the fun is cloaking an underbelly of cruelty. So... what do these visuals have to do with the holiday. Nothing really, except most jokes and tricks are based in illusion. A fun, exciting surface with a hidden layer of mystery. When I first saw these images, that's exactly what I experienced.
I was first introduced to these images of Hideaki and Zhou a few months ago, although I didn't know their names at the time. They were part of an image I later learned was titled The Empress and her Prisoners. In addition to not knowing their names, the image wasn't credited so I didn't know the artist behind the piece. I was however determined to find out. It took a little while as my usual reverse image searches didn't provide any answers. I also attempted to search Japanese CFNM imagery, Japanese nude fighters and Asian erotic imagery, but still nothing.
I wanted to feature the image, and find out more about the artist, but I didn't want to post the shot without credit. I gave it one last attempt by searching on DeviantArt, and again searching for Japanese CFNM imager. Success, there were Hideaki and Zhou, as well as dozens and dozens of more images from Achillias, the artist the behind their creation.
Fortunately, Achillias responded to my 'bug' message and was supportive of me featuring his work. I would have been very disappointed not to share and introduce his work, not to mention Hideaki and Zhou to readers of FH. Achillias passion and skill is focused on creating 3D images, image sequences, illustrated short stories and comics. In addition to Asian heroes, his favorite topics include' Ancient Spartans, Romans and Greeks, Medieval and Fantasy. Like myself, Achillias also loves imagery, art and stories featuring clothed females and nude males.
When I asked Achillias what stimulated his creating the sexy and captivating Hideaki and Zhou, there wasn't a specific reason. The Netherlands artist loves to create men from differnt cultures and backgrounds. A few months ago he just felt like creating some Asian characters, both male and female. Of the group of characters he created, he liked Zhou and Hideaki the best. Zhou is Chinese and Hideaki is Japanese and both are kickboxers. Achillias had planed on creating a kickboxing series, with Zhou and Hideaki fighting together, but time has prevented him from finishing that series as of now. Until then, you check out much more of Achillias' work on his website HERE:
In the Peony Pavilion
The April Fool
'Beau Bridge (aka Beau Reed) thinks he has struck gold by finding a hot girl on the PansMeet app; and even more so when there are two girls when he shows up. However, little does he know he will be the target of an April Fool’s joke!'
Drew DixonI love looking for porn parody's when it comes to holidays and special occasion. The April Fool covers the theme, as well as a fantasy many gay men have had. You know the scenario, I know some of you have run it through your head.... The hot straight guy you covet is blindfolded by a hot female he thinks he's about to get devoured by. Instead, she steps aside, leaving the pleasuring to you.
Of course this is a fantasy, and in this dream, the straight guy enjoys it as much as you do. In The April Fool, it's not one girl but two, and not one guy pleasuring but three. In this flick, Beau Reed plays the straight guy and the pleasuring is done by Manuel Skye, Ethan Chase and the sultry Drew Dixon. April Fools or an April Fool?
Passenger Seat
Favorite Pic of the Day for March 31st
12 Days: Ken Olandt in April Fool's Day
'Don't let the joke be on you....'
As a fan of the adorable Ken Olandt, I featured his two nude scenes previously on the site. Most have seen and enjoyed Ken's g-string stripper scene from 1987's Summer School. (HERE:) Ken also bared his butt ten years later in 199'7's A Time to Revenge. (HERE:) Although there's nudity in the 80's film April Fool's Day, Ken does have a couple of shirtless scenes, and a scene in his tighty whities.
'Nine college students staying at a friend's remote island mansion begin to fall victim to an unseen murderer over the April Fool's Day weekend, but nothing is as it seems. '
Olandt plays Rob in the 1986 horror flick which also features actors Jay Baker, Clayton Rohner, Griffin O'Neal and Amy Steel. The film has a twist ending that's a little predictable, but was ok, especially given it's one of the few films focused on April 1st. I noticed there's a more recent film with the same title featuring actor Josh Henderson. I'm not sure if it's a remake or a new story, but I might have to check it out before next April roles around again.
'[finds a letter on the boat] State Hospital. 'Pursuant to our previous communications, please be advised that the patient under discussion has still not been found and returned to custody, and is now believed to be attempting to return to her home in your jurisdiction. If encountered exercise extreme caution and notify us immediately as Miss St. John has been a patient here for three years and is still considered incorrigibly unstable and extremely dangerous.'
The Checkered Umbrella: Camell by Bob Burkhardt
'Sweet April showers / Do spring May flowers'.
Thomas Tusser
Growing up, we all heard the phrase 'April showers bring May flowers'. April really isn't known a month having an abundance of quotes, so this one from English poet Thomas Tusser is a little overused and pulled out every April. On the surface it's a rather simplistic turn of phrase. Given April and May are the core months of spring growth, rain is essential for colorful lush flowers and gardens.
When I was in my twenties I moved from the city to a more rural area. It was during this time, that the quote took on a broader meaning with a little more depth. Spring flowers were nice, but they were really rather unimportant when it came to precipitation levels. Flowers are beautiful to look at, but they're growth is more like the wrapping, than the actual present underneath.
Living in the country, most fields were filled with fruit and vegetable crops, and getting the right amount of rain and snow each year was essential. April was the month most farmers analyzed the amount of snow that came during the winter, and how much moisture was saturating the soil. A dry winter meant you needed a ton of rain in the spring in order to ensure you had enough moisture in the soil to get through the summer. We tend to think it's the rain that falls when the plants are above the ground that's important, but it's really the amount of water underneath the surface that tells the tale.
In the country, many people still get their water from wells, and without enough rain in the spring and summer, water has to be trucked in during August and September. April showers are also essential in the growing of hay. A wet early summer, means the hay will be ready to harvest when it dries out later in the summer. It's the hay that feeds the animals when the snow returns to cover the ground during the winter.
Although the quote is about two months, and connection between one thing, showers, and another, flowers, it really speaks to how everything that occurs, and everything that we do, impact everything we experience the rest of our lives. A simple decision at 20, one we don't really think about, can have a domino effect on things we experience the rest of our lives. So many of things we do and experience today, can be tracked back to things we thought so unimportant at the time.
I know I rambled on a bit about precipitation, but when photographer Bob Burkhardt first sent on this set of images a few months ago, rain and April showers immediately came to mind. Researching Thomas Tusser's quote also had me thinking about it's meaning beyond just the one spring month of tulips and daffodils. In addition to being a poet, Tusser was also a farmer, and he knew the importance of taking care of his crops twelve months a year, and not just hoping a few April showers would be enough to sustain them over time.
So, what's the connection between spring precipitation and Bob's shots of Camell? Well, in addition to both having the power to get you wet, it's the umbrella that tied them together for me. I fell in love with this series the first time I saw it and knw they'd be the perfect way to kick off the month of April. The erotic Singin in the Rain theme theme also works well on a number of other levels. Bob doesn't often use props in his shoots, and I love how Bob spotlighted the umbrella without having it overtake Camell or the images.
I always feel uncomfortable using an umbrella, even when it's pouring. I'm not sure why. I never really know how to hold it, or what to do with it when the rain passes. I hate having to carry a wet umbrella into a store or coffee shop, and have even ditched one in a garbage can when I didn't want to carry it around any more. Umbrella's are really known as the most 'manly' of accessories, and I usually go the easy route buying the basic black model. Camell holds his handle just fine though, and manages his large checkered parasol with masculine finesse.
Although I had visions of Gene Kelly soft shoeing in and out of rain puddles, I didn't ask Bob whether Camell did any dancing during during their shoot, or if he twirled his umbrella around. I know I can't really pick up an umbrella without giving it at least one twirl. I'm sort of guess that Camell didn't do any twirls, Bob shares that although he loved how images came out, there really wasn't a lot of talking going on during his time shooting Camell.
'I remember him sending a message about shooting with him. He proposed it as an opportunity for me. He was professional and new how to present his best attributes. I can't say we really talked much during the shoot. He definitely projected his masculinity. He was a good model and women especially loved the posts. I don't think he's still modeling, but is focused on photography. He has good work.'
For this part of the shoot, Camell kept his umbrella handy, careful not to get wet. In the second part of the shoot, Camell puts his brolly away and lets the water hit and cascade over his beautifully naked body. Check out images from that part of Bob's work with Camell on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:
エイプリルフール (Eipurirufūru)
Hideaki's in a little trouble...
See the full story, and the full image on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Image by Achillias
April Drools
Favorite Pic of the Day for April 1st
12 Days: James Caan in Rabbit Run
'3 months ago Rabbit Angstrom ran out to buy his wife cigarettes. He hasn't come home yet...'
In 1970's Rabbit Run, actor James Caan plays Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom, a man constantly trying to run away from his life. He runs from his wife, his career and even his mistress. Last month, when I profiled John Beck in 1975's Rollerball, I capped a scene of Beck in the shower along with James Caan and a few naked extras.
I discovered Caan's son Scott before I learned of his hot daddy. They certainly both have great hairy chests and hot stocky bodies. Although the younger Caan's dropped trou in several movies, his father seemed to prefer keeping his pants up. Well.. except once.
Caan shows off his beautiful hairy chest several times in the film, and has a couple of scenes in his tighty whities. I believe his brief butt scene, (which occurs during a dream scene while his character's driving) is Caan's only on-screen nudity. If you know of others, let me know, but this was the only one that I coulf ind.
'The Fucking world is running out of gas...'
FLYFOTO: Basket of Goodies
'Easter is the only time of year it's cool to put all of your eggs in one basket.'
When I was growing up, my family didn't have a lot of money. My parents, as much as I loved them, were also not that creative. For as long as I can remember, our Easter candy remained the same. We never got gifts, new clothes or Easter baskets. We woke to find a dozen or so of those chewy, overly sugared candies 'sort of hidden' in the living room. I think they were technically called marshmallow candies, but the centers were not fluffy like a marshmallow, but sugary and hard, and within a short period of time, almost to hard to eat.
Then, we got one small solid chocolate bunny. The cheap kind, the one dollar kind, the kind not in a box, but just wrapped in hard plastic. Not the best tasting chocolate for sure, but we still were happy, and like most who open a chocolate bunny, we began with the ears.
I feel a little guilty about how much we complained when we were kids, comparing our hard candies and cheap bunnies to the large Godiva and Lindt chocolate my friends got. As I got older though, I began to appreciate the predictability of our Easter goodies. When I was older, I used to do up big Easter baskets for my parents, with tons of chocolate and NO MARHMALLOW eggs. They usually commented that I spent too much, but enjoyed eating it well into May and June.
Holidays are about predictability, and the memories of the love that went into them. Although those eggs were incredibly sweet, I do remember the shiny colors, and how much I associated those particular hues with Easter. I think those eggs were more for show, for hiding and finding more than actually eating.
When it comes to Holidays on FH, I love predictability as well, especially with artist whose work has had an impact on me. One of the first Easter posts I ever did for the site was back in 2010. It was just a simple Happy Easter post, and included the work of artist and photographer FLYFOTO. I believe FLYFOTO's work was the only Easter themed imagery I could find at the time, I loved his balance of color, holiday fun and hot sexy naked men. Since then, I regularly go back to FLYFOTO's work at the holidays and it never ceases to impress, and reminds me why I love holiday inspired art and images.
Best Laid 🥚 Plans...
'Don't count your chickens 🐤 before their hatched....'
BenjaminFH viewers know well, that holidays and Lights On Studio go hand in hand. Photographer Tom Nakielski has shot almost every holiday for the site, but his Easter themed shoots have been some of my favorites. One of the reasons is that Tom goes all out, even borrowing furry and feathered friends to fit with the theme.
In 2018 Tom brought in Chester the bunny to pose with model Hansel Wellington. (Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed) The following year, he brought in a brood of baby chicks to dance on Benjamin's beautiful backside. (Chick Magnet) This year, I hear that Tom was looking at using either a duck or a pig. One of thought after 2019's turkey incident (Tom Turkey) that he might have distanced himself from farm yard critters, but Tom would not be deterred!
A date was set and a model was booked but a few days before the shoot Tom had an accident. For Peeps sake! No Tom didn't trip over a pig or a duck, but he did have a nasty fall that led to a hospital stay and a stint in a rebab for some physical and occupational therapy. A little birdy, (not a chick) has told me Tom is now home recuperating, so hopefully we'll see new work, with the model he booked, sometime in the future. Get well soon Tom!
Seasonal Sightings
Favorite Pic of the Day for April 3rd
Paint by Numbers: Trevor by Studio1x
'I'm so egg-cited, I just can't hide it.'
Some you might remember meeting Trevor Smith last July. Jim from Studio1x introduced FH viewers to Trever, in his stars and stripes speedo, last July 4th. In that piece, (Sacred Symbols) Trevor shared the stories behind his body art and how he loved owning something that couldn't be taken.
I was a bit late this year asking Jim about Easter. It was only about two weeks ago I asked if he had any scheduled shoots that he might be able to turn into a Easter Theme. Fortunately Jim had several shoots planned, and given Trevor was aware of FH, and my love of holiday themed imagery, he graciously got his basket ready, filled it treats, and put on the bunny ears.
When I saw Jim's shots of Trevor, especially given the holiday, I couldn't help but thinking of egg painting and those paint by number kits I received at Easter and Christmas when I was a kid. Painting eggs is a very meticulous activity, requiring great care to ensure you don't crack the shell. Tattooing is an equally painstaking art form, one that requires great attention to each and every stroke and detail.
Given Trevor's body is already a piece of art, there is really no need for an amateur artists like myself to muck things up. But... those paint by numbers kits are designed for amateur's, as of way of practicing, and learning to stay between the lines. Given Trevor's body art was primarily created with dark ink, I couldn't help but fantasize about adding a little color...
What a landscape Trevor's body is, and wouldn't it be fun to spend Easter with Trevor's Easter basket, and an array of colorful paints to fill in all the open spaces and gaps.... Body paint of course, something he could easily wash off with a quick shower after play time was over.
'I’ve dedicated a lot of time and resources to this art project....'
FH readers with a keen memory, might make a connection with the wooden bunny that Trevor's holding in some of the images. Back in 2018, there was a similar wooden art piece in another of Jim's holiday shoots. In that shoot, (HERE:) it wasn't a bunny but a set of wooden pilgrims. Jim has a collection of wooden art in the corner of his garage, and although he hadn't planted on using it, when Trevor spotted them, he picked up the bunny to use in some of the shots.
Given his experience shooting holiday imagery, Jim knew full well he couldn't shoot a cute little bunny, without having a carrot on hand to nibble on....
'That's all, yolks!'
Jan Deuzeman: Author of Life
'You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead.'
Acts 3:15
Much like those Christmas and Easter church goers, FH tends to get more spiritual during the religious holidays. Some might think images of the nude male form and religion don't go together, but I believe the opposite. 'Thou shall not enjoy images of the naked body'wasn't one of the ten commandments, in face, except for adultery, and coveting thy neighbour's wife, sex and nudity were not really made a priority.
When I was a kid, I attended church every Sunday morning with my family. We had to, at least until we were 12. I was baptized, confirmed, went to Sunday school and sang in the church's Christmas concerts. At 12, I stopped going every week, but that changed when I got a little older. When I was about 15, I crushed over a girl who went to church every Sunday morning, every Sunday evening, not to mention youth focused services on Tuesday evening. Given I was searching for something, including who I was, I started attending with her. This lasted about a year.
The foundations were planted though. Between weekly attendance with my parents, and clapping and speaking in tongues with my Jr. High School 'girl friend', the religious connections between life, death and love became a part of my life. My faith has waivered for sure, but never to the point of stopping believing entirely. Regardless of your faith, or whether you believe at all, Christmas and Easter are religiously rooted and a theme I like to explore from time to time on the site.
Last year, the mix of religion and raunch wasn't really planned. My Easter posts were mostly done when I came upon a powerful image just before Easter. The image featured UK based model Bas shot by photographer Jan Deuzeman. Sometimes, it takes days or week to connect with a model and photographer and put together a piece. Thankfully both Bas and Jan responded quickly and I was able to feature the images last Easter. (Crown of Thornes) Although Jan doesn't shoot many faith based shoot, a prop inspired the theme and his shoot with Bas. When I was thinking of this year's holiday, I was curious whether Jan was again returning to the theme.
When I heard back from Jan, he hadn't yet done a shoot for this year, but had one planned the following week. He graciously agreed to share the results when they were complete. This year, the model with the cross was Rene. Rene travels around Holland for modeling jobs, working with different photographers on his journeys. Rene shared with Jan that this would be first time doing a religious themed shoot.
'My idea was that sometimes people are trapped in their religion and beliefs. They can't be who they want to be. They hold the cross as a kind of hope and trust,. The rope acts to limit his life, but as soon as the rope falls off, he believes in his own way, who he is, and he begins to live.'
Down the Rabbit Hole
No, actor James Caan never starred in an Easter film. He did however, play a 'Rabbit' in a film which I believe, contains his only on-screen nudity. Check it out on the NEXT PAGE HERE: 🐰
I'm thumpin'! That's why they call me Thumper!'
I hope you all have a (t)humping good day!
Favorite Pic of the Day for April 4th