Alex Stoddard: The Messiest Season
'Now 'tis spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted; Suffer them now and they'll o'ergrow the garden.'
William Shakespeare
When it comes to the four seasons, nature's PR department really outdid themselves when it came to spring. Germination, birth and growth, spring flowers, buds on tree's, new life and the breeding season. What's not to love? On the surface, spring mark's the beginning of nature's most visually vibrant and colorful season. Just below the surface however, spring, like all births, is really one of the messiest seasons.
I'm not sure where you live, but around my house, the ground is muddy, dirty and wet. The melting snow expose the ravages that winter left behind. Dead leaves that didn't get raked last fall, branches and roof shingles the winter's wind left behind, and garbage along the highway previously hidden by snow. Snow is a great equalizer, no matter how bad your lawn looks compared to your neighbours, a blanket of snow makes them look the same. In the spring however, the truth is again revealed, particularly spotlighted by the accumulated piles of dog shit from the past few months.
It seems almost every year nature fools us into forgetting seasonal beginnings are really more about death than about life. They highlight the circle of life, while covering the messy parts with visual distractions. We need those distractions of course, the flowers, the fall leaves, the snow. As we get older however, these distractions impact us in different ways. Although we realize they're just covering the surface, to the messiness underneath, we hold on to them tighter than ever.
One of the things that drew me to the work of Alex Stoddard was the way in which he viewed and captured nature. Despite the pristine visuals within his images, Alex always seems to also capture the truth. The joy and the pain and the complex emotions and messiness associated with beauty. The 28 year old's artistic journey was rooted in pain. Inspired by surroundings and isolation in rural Georgia, Alex began taking self-portraits in the woods behind his family's home.
Photography became a means of escape, allowing Alex to create elaborate scenes, stepping into different characters through costumes and posing. I love the drama and theatrical elements weaved into Alex's work. So many of his images are full of depth and emotion, cinematically telling a complete story within a single image or moment. Most of the images featured in this piece are self-portraits, and many capture moments and emotions that Alex was experiencing at the time.
'Stoddard's work is highly influenced by art history in the digital age. He explores concepts of fantasy and surrealism within portraiture, as well as the human form and its connection to nature. He is entirely self-taught and relies on his eye and natural instinct when creating. His style is characterized by simple compositions that frame more meaningful, universal themes.'
The connection between the human form and nature is one of my favorite themes to explore on the site. I am not especially drawn to the shape and size of specific parts. I am far more interested in the body as a whole, and how the human within that body, interacts with their surroundings. The human forms within Alex's images don't just pose with, or in front of a location, they become a part of it. You can almost feel the coolness of the earth, the texture of the leaves and tree's and the warmth of the sun colliding with bare skin.
'If I've learned anything in the 5+ years I've been taking pictures, it is that when I am sleep-deprived, half-naked, freezing, completely filthy, and alone in the forest at sunrise, I am at my best.'
In addition to his Website and Instagram, you can check out new and exclusive content each and every month on Alex's new Patreon page HERE:. Unreleased images, editing tutorials, and a behind-the-scenes look at how the creation of his photos.
Fairy in the Garden
'I spent most of my life hating being called a fairy, but now I’m like.. being a fairy would actually be dope'
A Baker's Dozen: Mr. Herzog
'Out of all my shoots, Gordon has been the photographer that I have most enjoyed working with. He is so professional about everything and we both knew exactly what needed to happen.'
Mr. Herzog
I was first introduced to the hot Mr. Herzog by photographer Gordon Nebeker back in 2015. I was immediately smitten after checking out the first sample image that Gordon sent on. Sure the ex-military man was incredibly good looking, but he was also incredibly natural in front of the camera. There was something very authentic about his look. Mr. Herzog wasn't taking it all off for the camera looking for fame or to stoke his ego. He was proud of his body for sure, and the work he put into it, but transitioning back from overseas, and taking care of his family, were his primary goals.
Over the next several years, I was fortunate to be able to feature more of Gordon's work with Mr. Herzog. Gordon knew I had a wee crush, and shared stories and images whenever they met up. They both lived in separate States, so usually got together to shoot when one of them was traveling. Mr. Herzog made it up to Boston, and Gordon scheduled shoots near Mr. Herzog's home when he was driving from between Massachusetts and Florida.
Many of you may remember that thanks to Gordon, Mr. Herzog was my first official FH Elf. Back in 2015, Mr. Herzog took to the step ladder to decorate Gordon's Christmas tree. He also helped FH celebrate the holiday. Mr Herzog returned to his role as Christmas helper again the following year, (below) this time bringing his holiday cheer, not to mention his decorating skills, to the forest on a chilly winter's day.
Gordon Nebeker on Instagram | ModelMayhem
'Perhaps my favorite photograph from my entire work with Mr.Herzog is the multiple exposure shot which involved his being behind the cloth in one pose and in front of the cloth in another. Recorded by the camera as a single composite image, the photograph is full of movement and life! It looks simple but in fact takes a lot of patience and many iterations to get it right. Mr.Herzog was a champ through the whole effort and never complained about doing the same thing again and again until we found what we were looking for.'
R.I.P George Segal
I think I first saw George Segal in the sit-com Just Shoot Me. When I got a little older however, I discovered his films. Thanks to TCM, I've enjoyed many of his roles, especially his stellar performance in 1966's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. Segal's turn as Nick was not only great, it had crushing over the then 32 year old actor. This had me searching to find out if he had any nude scenes. Check out my findings in my previous post, The De-Pantsing of Pops. (HERE:)
Happy Birthday today March 25th
Favorite Pic of the Day for March 25th
Marc Porel & Duilio Del Prete in A Spiral of Mist
'During a short hunt, Fabrizio kills his wife Valeria with a shotgun. There are no eyewitnesses. Maria Teresa, Fabrizio's cousin, remains convinced of his innocence. And the only way to suffocate the scandal seems to be to intervene.
French actor Marc Porel plays Fabrizio in A Spiral of Mist. (Una Spirale Di Nebbia) Porel is not only a beautiful men, but a memorising actor, As Fabrizio he balances the sweet innocene of his face and eyes, with the possible sinister motives which lie below.
Italian actor Duilio Del Prete plays Marcello, Fabrizio's lawyer, and Maria's impotent husband. As you can see by the scene below, although impotent, still enjoys shower time with his wife.
Duilio Del PreteMarc Porel
Porel has two nude scenes in the film, both with full frontal nudity. I love how the nudity is weaved so seamlessly into the thriller. In so many American thrillers, the nudity seems almost like an add on, and rarely feature full frontal of their males stars.
Favorites: The Hortoneda Twins
The Spanish twins Juan and Cesar Hortoneda have been shot by some of the world's most famous chroniclers of the male form. When I was choosing favorites however, I kept coming back to their work with Madrid based photographer Joan Crisol. I first noticed Joan's work back when I first started FH and have been following since.
You can see much more of the Hortoneda Twins on Juan's Twitter (HERE:) & OnlyFans (HERE:)
Rescue Me: Vince by JW Johnson Fire
Come on baby and rescue me
'Coz I need you, by my side
Can't you see that I'm lonely
Rescue me
Although Vince looked great out of his clothes, he also looked especially hot in the fire helmet, suit and gear. JW Johnson's calendar work began with shooting fire men and women for fund raising calendars and projects. Although Vince wasn't an actual fire fighter, he is certainly the perfect man for the 'Rescue Me' fantasy so many of us have had at one time or another...
'Vince was great to work with and always brought a sense of calm to the set. The girls on the calendar shoots enjoyed working with him as well. '
It's a lot more fun to watch a pull-up to than to actually do one. This is especially true when the one pulling is up is as delicious as Jones Tamar.
Favorite Pic of the Day for March 26th
Wildest Dreams: Vince by JW Johnson
'Vince was one of those models photographers dream of finding and shooting as much as possible...great looks, great build, great attitude, soooo easy going and great to work with on anything, total dream model for sure.'
When I was recently visiting the site of photographer JW Johnson, I was scanning the many pages of portfolio when one striking model grabbed my attention. Before I knew he was a dream model to work with, I could tell that Kansas model was a dream model to look at. A great face, a beautiful smile and a body both muscular and lean. Vince also seemed to instinctively know to best show off his incredible assists through pose.
Although new to modeling, JW describes hm as a natural in front of the camera. JW was also pleasantly surprised that Vince had so many interests and talents that they were able to weave into their multiple shoots together. Given how great his images turned out, and how easy he was to work with, JW asked Vince back to do some work for his poster line and calendars.
'Luckily I was able to shoot several calendar and poster images of him for my calendar project back then and he would have been an ideal poster model as well, even tho calendar and poster work was primarily limited to glamour work only back then. He was a superb nude model with no inhibitions whatsoever regarding whether I was shooting art nude or erotic nude, he was confident and comfy with both styles and so at ease to work with.'
'When I worked with him in the tree and in the green foliage, we were very close to a river that is heavily populated on the weekends with boaters and floaters...we heard several boaters go by, probably so fast with the jet engines that they didn't see him but he was not shy about being seen at all.'
'I was lucky enough to find some similar models over the years that were as hot and easy going as Vince was, but once you work with just one of them, you really wish all of them were just like that each and every time. :)'
Check out Vince in his fire gear for some of of JW"s calendar and poster work on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:
Una Spirale Di Nebbia
Earlier this year, I discovered and featured the stunning actor Marc Porel. In the first piece in January, (HERE:) I spotlighted Porel's nude scene in the 1976 film L'innocente. (The Innocent) I mentioned in the piece that Porel had a second nude scene in another film that I'd share later. That film was 1977's Una Spirale Di Nebbia. (A Spiral of Mist) Check out my caps and videos on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:
Sibling Saturdays: The Hortoneda's
Check out some of my favorite shots of the Hortoneda Twins on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
The Hortoneda's by Joan Crisol
Thespaian Toros
I first featured actor Grant Wilson a few years ago after seeing an image of him on-line from an old teen magazine. (Who Dat?) I didn't know who Wilson was at the time, nor seen any of his movie and television appearances. This week, I finally caught Wilson on film when TCM played 1980's Foxes, during a tribute to actress Jodie Foster. It had me looking again at my previous post and looking for more hot shots of the former teen idol.
Favorite Pic of the Day for March 27th
Photographic Porn Stars: Brady Jensen
'A lot of people think photo shoots are easy, you're just laying there. But.. when you get to the point that you're gonna cramp, and you can't breathe, you're dehydrated and your in pain.... That's the photo that they want.'
The first image I saw of Brady Jensen was the photo below. It was a few years ago and at the time, I didn't know who he was. I thought initially that he looked a little like Joseph Sayers and that Jensen, and the image, might be from an Abercrombie & Fitch campaign. I stuck the image away, thinking I'd use it in the future in my 'Cracked' series.
Last week, I reverse searched the image and learned about Brady's long, and apparently very successful and popular career in porn. Brady seems to have worked for many of the big studios under Brady Jensen and a couple of other names. Given I wanted to do a post, I felt a wee bit of research was necessary, just so I had more of handle on the man I was spotlighting...
I already knew Brady looked incredible in images, but wanted to see the man in motion. A quick google search led me easily to a viewing of 'Brady Jensen Serviced'. The JC video basically has Jake, well.. servicing dear Brody. It was actually quite a hot video and I especially enjoyed Jake wanting Brady's ass to speak, or maybe it was sing to him. Brady was in a position which didn't really make saying no an option...
JayK: The Knight Watcher
'Yes, I do enjoy walking at night. The world’s more to my liking then, not so loud, not so fast, not so crowded, and a good deal more mysterious.'
Cornelia Funke
Regular FH readers are undoubtedly familiar with JayK. If you don't remember the model, dancer and self-portrait artist, it's likely you're familiar with his beautiful ampel magnificently sculpted derriére. Over the last few years I've featured JayK's work many times, (HERE:) spotlighting both his self-portraits and body shots and his work with other photographers.
Many of JayK's images, especially those he took himself, were taken onside on location. On beaches, int he pool, while on hikes. Most were taken in the daytime, in relatively quiet and deserted spaces. JayK's love of being outside proved an artistic asset the past year, when studio shoots, along with his stage work, came to a halt.
'This past year, I focused on staying healthy and exercising. I did a lot of bike riding and at-home workouts. Since I work for a very small clothing brand, I was able to work at my sewing job after a month. As things changed, I was able to work through my catering job in various odd places that needed some workers here and there.'
Dancers and entertainers love to be on stage, but with theatres and nightclubs for the most part shut down, performers also know how to get creative. As a lover of the male form, I noticed that many artists looked to, as much as possible, create the experience of a live performance on-line. I've seen many on-line drawing classes with nude models, and JayK managed to do a few 'stripper-ish' gigs online as well. Overall, he just tried to keep an optimistic outlook and used his extra time at home to focus on his artwork.
Because so many people were at home, many were also outside. There were more people biking and walking and working on their lawns and in their gardens. This made doing nude shoots outside a little more risky. Although JayK loves to perform naked on stage, he tries to avoid giving free shows to his neighbours.... One solution was to head out for naked walks and bike rides late at night when you were less likely to run into joggers and dog walkers. If I lived near JayK, I certainly be signing up for shifts on the neighbourhood watch...
Favorite Import of the Day: Llyod Everitt
My introduction to British actor Llyod Everitt comes thanks to Paul Mescal. After watching, and loving last year's Normal People, I looked for other of Paul's projects to check out. This led me to the Irish mini-series The Deceived, and a post on it's star Emmett J Scanlan. (HERE:)
It was in supernatural themed The Deceived that I first noticed Everitt as Richard, the bereaved brother of the Annabelle. Richard arrives wanting answers and the stunning Everitt immediately grabbed my attention. As usual, I then went on the hunt for any nude scenes the talented young actor might have on resume. There was one, a brief butt scene from the 2019 series Flack.
The Deceived (2020)

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 30th