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Billy Herrington: Crowd Pleaser


'I’m just a crowd pleaser. I get off on people’s reactions to me.'

It's not easy finding a pumpkin in April, but I was determined.  Every Halloween, when searching for holiday themed images, I come up with the shot I posted first in this piece.  I always sort of assumed the pumpkin face was drawn on the model, and was part of the original image.  Nope, that pumpkin face was added by someone on the net, blasphemous, considering the piece of art (ass) it was drawn on. Thanks to a feature on the AdonisMale site, that fine ass was finally identified. 

I'm sur many of you already knew whose ass that pumpkin was drawn on, and I really should have  known as well. I've spent more than few hours going through on-line back issues of Colt Magazine.  Somehow, model and porn star Billy Herrington, and his incredible ass, got by me.  Although his 1998 Colt magazine cover propelled him to stardom in the porn industry, it was actually another adult magazine that first discovered the Long Island hottie.

Herrington had gone to Jones Beach with a female friend of his who snapped some nudes hots of Billy on the beach.  Unbeknownst to Billy, she sent them on to Playgirl for their Real Men of the Month section.  The shot ended up in the December 1994 issue of the magazine. 24 at the time, Billy won the contest and used the $500 he won to help him make the move to New York City.

'Billy Herrington is 245 pounds of pur muscle, which is clearly apparent.  What might not be so obvious from this picture are Billy's beautiful sea-green eyes and cute dimples.'

It was Billy's shots in Playgirl that first attracted the attention of Colt's Jim French.  French got in touch with Billy about getting together, but nothing came of it at first.  About two years later, another friend of Billy's introduced him to French in person and his career in the industry began.  His cover was a hit, and Billy began appearing in the annual Colt calendars along with other adult male magazines published at the time.

'Naked, he's as spontaneous as a summer breeze and just about as predictable.  At 6'2" and packed with  muscles, he has extraordinary flexibility and when, or where, have you ever seen a body  builder hung like Billy?  He's quite a package.'
Colt Magazine, 1998

After his success in print, it was a natural move for Billy to transition into adult film work. Billy was known for his starring role as the Roman emperor in the Danish feature film HotMen CoolBoyz (2000). Herrington's scene in the film Conquered (2001) won the 'Best Group Sex Scene' at the 2002 Grabbys. (The Adult Erotic Gay Video Awards)  

'Being on a motorcycle is a big-time turn on and I like having sex on it.  What feels really good is when you keep the bike running and have sex on it.  The vibrations are killer!'

When Herrington begin his work in film he initially identified as straight.  Although this was fairly common with most Colt models, Billy felt it was true at the time. Billy later identified himself as bisexual and often had both a girlfriend, and a boyfriend at the same time.  When his time in adult films was coming to end, Billy often took gigs stripping at gay clubs throughout the States.

Maintaining a career in porn is difficult, even the most popular film stars have a pretty short shelf life.  By the time his career in front the camera was coming to a close, years of maintaining his muscular physique began to show.  Given his popularity however, Billy was able to sustain his career longer than many, and also supplement his income through personal appearances.

Herrington continued to interact with is fans on social media up until his untimely death in March of 2018.  Herrington was involved in a car accident on California State Route 111 in Rancho Mirage.  Herrington was found trapped in the wreckage and rushed to the Palm Springs.  Unfortunately Herrington succumbed to his injuries and died the following day.

Herrington's fans responded by posting hundreds of memes and tributes on social media following news breaking of his death.  Herrington's social media sites remain, and it was sad seeing the series of images of Herrington's new puppy that he posted on his Instagram just two weeks before his death.  R.I. P Crowd Pleaser.

Nature of the Beast: Chris by PhotoRSH


'I was interested in working with a model with a “larger” build.'

For some reason, the use of 'larger build' by PhotoRSH stood out to me, in a good way.  I've always been attracted to men of all shapes and sizes, but lately... I found myself attracted to beefier bodies.  In part, it might be my annoying habit of being drawn to the underdog.  Not that strong, muscled are underdogs, just the opposite in fact.  

We're all familiar with the beach scenario.  You know the one, the muscular hunk kicks sand on the skinny guy with the hot girlfriend.  She then notices what she's missing and leaves her lean lover for the huskier hot hunk.  The scenario was often used in classic promotional ads for body building building magazines, supplements and products.  The beach scene however, never really rang true to me.  Many of the hot muscular guys I've met over the years, have been very kind and sweet.  It's often the smaller guys, whose insecurities can in some cases,  lead to aggression.

I used the word underdog with intent.. In the world of male modeling, muscular models are separated from the rest of the roster of talent in their own category, 'fitness'.  Given that men of all sizes can be fit, we sort of know that the 'fitness' category of models very often means models with larger, more muscular frames.

This category of models is often limited the jobs available, and are not generally used as often in mainstream and fashion campaigns.   This made sense to me when I was younger, but now, for me anyway, it's the larger, well built, muscular man, that can really sell the right shirt, and especially the right pair of pants.

For his shoot with PhotoRSH, model Chris Beastisn't really wearing much clothing, but few pieces of fashion used, are modeled like no other. The underwear, sleepwear and jockstraps cling to Beast's spectacular body, wrapping around torso and beautifully showcasing his muscular frame. PhotoRSH found the perfect larger frame to shoot after seeing the work Chris had done with another Chicago photographer.

'Chris was a great shoot1 I was actually photographing him at the same time as with his brother; so it was a very relaxed back and forth. . Chris was a little nervous but relaxed with the shoot and we did some very fun images.'

Those very fun images, (aka completely naked) shots of both Chris and his brother can be found on PhotoRSH's OnlyFans site HERE:

EmbarrassMENt: Adam Hendershott in Nip/Tuck


'Christian performs surgery at his former fraternity house to help cover up a hazing ritual gone awry.'

This is an oldie, but if you're into embarrassment nudity, it is indeed a goodie!  Actor Adam Hendershott, wasn't the only character embarrassed in this 2005 episode of Nip/Tuck, but he was the only one with his ass out for everyone to see. In the  season three episode, Derek, Alex and Gary, Hendershott played Derek, the ass in the middle of the glued gluteus sandwich. 

Hendershott began his career at the young age of 7 with a guest spot on Doogie Howser MD,.  Roles followed on a number of popular television shows including; Night Court, Perfect Strangers, Wings, The Nanny and Roseanne.  At 9 he appeared in the feature film Greedy with Kurt Douglas and Michael J. Fox.  As a teenager he continued to guest on episodic television and was 22 when he appeared with his two frat brothers glued to his ass on Nip/Tuck.

Hendrshott basically retired from acting in 2008 and today spends most of his time not in front of, but but behind a camera.  The husband and father is an accomplished artist and photographer and you can check out some of his work on Instagram HERE:  If you want to see the scene in full, you can download it from SpendSpace HERE:

Room With A View

Favorite Pic of the Day for April 13th

Soft & Prickly: Steve by Abigail Ekle


'The images from Bare Men share moments of joy, angst, self-care and self-love, playfulness, doubt and reflection through each man’s own filter of masculinity.'

Whenever I'm profiling an artist's work, I like when I can to focus on one model or shoot.  Some photographers, understandably, prefer using variety of subjects.  This can provide a more expansive overview of their work. Spotlighting one model however, helps when putting together a piece, especially when focusing on story.  All photographers and models have stories from their work. Setting up shoots, scheduling and travel and stories of creative collaborations.  Sometimes however, it's the smaller stories, the ones from individual shoots, and even the ones from  a specific moment or image that are the most interesting for me to explore. 

Some FH viewers might remember my previous piece spotlighting the work of Abigail Ekue and her Bare Men series. I especially love that Bare Men celebrates the inherent beauty, sensuality, sexuality and vulnerability of the everyday man.  I also love that in order to each man's own unique filter of masculinity, Abigail captures them in environments and locations they feel at home in.  The locations could be their actual living space, or somewhere they often frequent, are comfortable in and feel connected with.

When I first featured Abigail's work, I was drawn to an image of Isaac. (In A Personal Light) I especially loved how Abigail captured Isaac's connection to the space where the shoot took place.  I was drawn to how Isaac moved, touched and posed within the space. When I recently revisited Abigail's Bare Men portfolio, I was again drawn to a specific image and model.  This was a very different model and a very different space but the connections captured were just as powerful.

This time the model was Steve, and the location, the Red Rock/Calico Basin in Nevada, about a 20 minute drive from Las Vegas.  Abigail already had trip planned to the city of second chances when Steve contacted her about a shoot.  Steve is an experienced life model, and has modeled for art classes and groups for close to twenty years.  Initially, Steve was unsure if Abigail would want to work, thinking her objective might be to work with first time models for the series.  He loved the Bare Men concept, especially that the shoots occur in, and around the homes of the participants.  

Abigail was on board, as she tries not to impose rules or boundaries on the models for Bare Men, their level of experience, comfort with nudity or how they wish to pose.  Some of the best images come through just having a model interact naturally in a space they're comfortable in.  Given Steve's fondness for nude hiking, Red Rock was suggested as the perfect location for the shoot. 

'Abigail photographed me in a rocky area outside of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the weather was conducive to hiking and the area was popular enough to present problems with what we were trying to achieve. I don't have a problem with being nude around others as I've mentioned. I imagine Abigail wouldn't either. But not everybody responds well to it. It was a shame to have to behave in a certain way out of the fear of upsetting those - and how they might subsequently react - to seeing me nude. In my experience it's a bigger problem in the US than other countries and cultures. I think the shots turned out very well. I still use a couple as references to schools and workshops looking for models. I would do it again for sure. I might pick a different location though so I can just relax and run with it.'

Despite some pesky hikers lurking about, Steve looks incredibly at home at Red Rock and you can almost the feel the heat from the sun cascading over Steve's naked body.  I love how Abigail so beautifully captured Steve's  physical and emotional location with the location.   I was also in this case, struck by the contrasts.  As much physical contact that Steve has with the rocks and sand, I also noticed and loved the visual of the non-contact between Steve's soft flesh and the sharp desert prickly cactus inches from his bare skin.

If any readers are interested in participating in the Bare Men series, or a private shoot with Abigail, you can get in contact on the Bare Men sight HERE:  Due to it's nature and popularity, the series is ongoing, and Abigail is always looking for men interested in participating. 

Taking the Thigh Ground


Brad in a Cage
The Young & the Restless (1988)

I wasn't watching The Young and the Restless in the 80's, the only soap I think I knew existed at the time was Another WorldY & R was on when I was in school, and when I home, my mom was watching Another World.  When I got older however, and I read about the infamous 'cage' storyline on the show.  Whenever soap hunk is used or defines, an images of Don Diamont should be with it.

I was familiar with Diamont, mostly from seeing his shirtless images in magazines.  I was keenly aware he was the soap speedo king at that time.  Given his soap stud status, it's not a surprise the show attempted to get him out of his clothes as often as possible.  In addition to Diamont's frequent shirtless and speedo scenes, he also showed some side butt and thigh in two memorable episodes.  Given they're from the 80's, the quality isn't that great, but still.... worth a look back.

Prime (time) Beef:

Diamont showing a bit of side butt on The Young and the Restless prime time episode. 

While caged, of course ole Braad need to keep his body clean, so showers were important.   Lisa wisely chose a see through shower curtain for her caged shower, just to ensure Brad didn't miss any spots while showering.  The director of the shower scene pushed the boundaries, for daytime anyway, by shooting Lisa with the camera just behind Brad's naked thigh and butt.  You don't see much, but it's Don Diamont, and it's still very hot! 

Caged Heat (1988)

Lisa drugged Brad and took photos of them in bed, making him believe they’d made love. Brad demanded that Lisa stay away from him and Traci, who he had been with at the time. 

Lisa wouldn’t give up, and after buying a mountain lodge, equipped with a cage in the living room, she made Brad’s friends and family believe he’d left town and had Brad kidnapped. Once in the cage, Brad realized the only way he could get free would be to play along with Lisa. He managed to almost escape but was thrown back in the cage.

Kendrick Sampson: Fashionably Yours


'After years organizing fashion in the city, Lauren decides to move home. In exchange for her organizing services, mover Rob makes it his mission to help her see the beauty of Seattle.'

When it comes to any genre of entertainment, their are levels of entertainment and enjoyment.  I like a good Hallmark movie, especially at Christmas.  If you watch more than a few however, you know that although all are formulaic, some are better than others.  The spring themed Fashionably Yours was not one of their best....

I DVR'rd the 2020 film last weekend as it starred actor Kendrick Sampson as Ron the mover.  Sampson's not only easy on the eyes, he's also incredibly charming on screen, something I noticed when I first saw, and posted about him back in 2016. (HERE:) Although I would certainly hire Ron (Sampson) to move my furniture, I couldn't quite sit through more than about 15 minutes of this movie.

It did however, have me digging for new images since my original post.  I was pleasantly surprised that the busy actor had a brief butt baring scene while skinning dipping in an episode of the HBO comedy/drama Insecure.  Of course I had to hunt down a copy, (thanks SOMS) and do an update post!

Insecure (2018-2020)

Room With A (New) View

Favorite Pic of the Day for April 15th

Soft & Prickly: Steve by Abigail Ekue


'The images from Bare Men share moments of joy, angst, self-care and self-love, playfulness, doubt and reflection through each man’s own filter of masculinity.'

Whenever I'm profiling an artist's work, I like when I can to focus on one model or shoot.  Some photographers, understandably, prefer using variety of subjects.  This can provide a more expansive overview of their work. Spotlighting one model however, helps when putting together a piece, especially when focusing on story.  All photographers and models have stories from their work. Setting up shoots, scheduling and travel and stories of creative collaborations.  Sometimes however, it's the smaller stories, the ones from individual shoots, and even the ones from  a specific moment or image that are the most interesting for me to explore. 

Some FH viewers might remember my previous piece spotlighting the work of Abigail Ekue and her Bare Men series. I especially love that Bare Men celebrates the inherent beauty, sensuality, sexuality and vulnerability of the everyday man.  I also love that in order to each man's own unique filter of masculinity, Abigail captures them in environments and locations they feel at home in.  The locations could be their actual living space, or somewhere they often frequent, are comfortable in and feel connected with.

When I first featured Abigail's work, I was drawn to an image of Isaac. (In A Personal Light) I especially loved how Abigail captured Isaac's connection to the space where the shoot took place.  I was drawn to how Isaac moved, touched and posed within the space. When I recently revisited Abigail's Bare Men portfolio, I was again drawn to a specific image and model.  This was a very different model and a very different space but the connections captured were just as powerful.

This time the model was Steve, and the location, the Red Rock/Calico Basin in Nevada, about a 20 minute drive from Las Vegas.  Abigail already had trip planned to the city of second chances when Steve contacted her about a shoot.  Steve is an experienced life model, and has modeled for art classes and groups for close to twenty years.  Initially, Steve was unsure if Abigail would want to work, thinking her objective might be to work with first time models for the series.  He loved the Bare Men concept, especially that the shoots occur in, and around the homes of the participants.  

Abigail was on board, as she tries not to impose rules or boundaries on the models for Bare Men, their level of experience, comfort with nudity or how they wish to pose.  Some of the best images come through just having a model interact naturally in a space they're comfortable in.  Given Steve's fondness for nude hiking, Red Rock was suggested as the perfect location for the shoot. 

'Abigail photographed me in a rocky area outside of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the weather was conducive to hiking and the area was popular enough to present problems with what we were trying to achieve. I don't have a problem with being nude around others as I've mentioned. I imagine Abigail wouldn't either. But not everybody responds well to it. It was a shame to have to behave in a certain way out of the fear of upsetting those - and how they might subsequently react - to seeing me nude. In my experience it's a bigger problem in the US than other countries and cultures. I think the shots turned out very well. I still use a couple as references to schools and workshops looking for models. I would do it again for sure. I might pick a different location though so I can just relax and run with it.'

Despite some pesky hikers lurking about, Steve looks incredibly at home at Red Rock and you can almost the feel the heat from the sun cascading over Steve's naked body.  I love how Abigail so beautifully captured Steve's  physical and emotional location with the location.   I was also in this case, struck by the contrasts.  As much physical contact that Steve has with the rocks and sand, I also noticed and loved the visual of the non-contact between Steve's soft flesh and the sharp desert prickly cactus inches from his bare skin.

If any readers are interested in participating in the Bare Men series, or a private shoot with Abigail, you can get in contact on the Bare Men sight HERE:  Due to it's nature and popularity, the series is ongoing, and Abigail is always looking for men interested in participating. 

Playgirl: The Erection Trajection

Cody Springs

'They didn't want a full-on erection, so the photographer shot pictures as I went down…giving them the opportunity to select the degree of erection.'
'Brian Dawson (Centerfold)

Brian Dawson (April 1978)

Most of us don't remember our first erection. For many, that first chubbie occurred while we were still in the womb.  Many of us however, remember the first time we saw an erection on another guy, either in person or in print.  For many young men and women, earlier erection memories stem from Playgirl Magazine.  

Jonathan Howard (2001)

If you first experienced reading Playgirl in the 1990's or 2000's, you might have assumed they'd always been there.  In one form or another, they sort of were.  The journey however, to showing full on hard ons didn't really begin until a decade after the first issue was released.  This isn't a history of the magazine, there are some great articles on-line.  My favorite is Esquire Magazine's look back at the history of the magazine. (HERE)  Thanks to a FH reader however, I was inspired go back and check out the rise of erection in the magazine.

Steve Rally

Their rule was, if I showed a penis and it was erect, it needed to be floating on water or something, so they could say, "This is not an erect penis."
Simón Cherpitel (photographer, August and October 1974):

One of the reader-favorite centerfolds called, enraged because there was a three-month period where erections were used, and a model he felt competitive with had a hard-on. I said, "I'm looking at your photograph and you have nothing to be ashamed of." He said, "Get a ruler and I can prove to you that I'm at a disadvantage." 
Neil Feineman (special editions editor, 1979–83) 

John Joseph Mills (1976)

Playgirl officially hit the market in 1973 and I believe the first erection appeared in the magazine three years later. 1976 Discovery John Joseph Mills may not have had a raging hard on, but it was an erection none the less. 

Greg Louganis (1987)

1987 ushered in a brief period when not only erections disappeared, but penis's as well.  It only lasted a matter of months, but someone decided the focus should be on celebrity.  Greg Louganis was one of a slew of athletes, soap stars and actors who graced the magazine during the 80's.  By late 1987, penis's, and erections were back.

Brian Buzzini

Although Man of the year's Brian Buzzini spread (photographed by Richard Arma) was incredibly hot, it didn't really feature any full on erections.  His centerfold however, showed Brian at full alert.  It was common for awhile to shoot models with erections, but only use them for the centerfold. 

Bill McAnally, Man of the Month June 1980

Bill McAnally in the eighties, and Sean McNeil in the nineties erected two of the most memorable boners.

Sean McNeil

For awhile, in addition to centerfold standing at attention, the only other section of the magazine that featured erections were the Playgirl Fantasy's.  For the magazine's first few decades, they went to great lengths to distance themselves from their huge gay readership.  One of the ways they did this, and to make sure we knew the model was 'straight' was to ensure his willy only got hard when a woman was present in the image.  

Richard Lewoncyzk (1993)

When Richard Lewoncyzk posed for Playgirl in 1993, he was an aspiring model, and was hesitant about having his images be overly sexual. His layout was mostly clothed with a few 'timid' shots, like the image above, appearing in the issue.  Erection shots were indeed shot though, and later were published on the magazine's website. There are several models whose erections shots appear only on-line and not in the magazines print editions.

'I started in the early 90's. When I started erections were not mandatory. They did not care if we shot them, but the models were encouraged to fluff at least part way. I had worked for about a year and then John Holliday did a spread in the magazine (he was a famous centerfold) and he did a full on erection shoot. He was very well endowed and it caused a change in the way the magazine was presented after that.' 

John Holliday

'From that point on, all models had to do erection shots. From my experience, all the models wanted to do erections, so nothing really changed except that now they printed those shots. Some bring magazines, videos, but today they use their cell phones. The money is the same.'

Marco Washington (1997)

By the time the 2000's rolled around, erections were the norm, and it was sometimes difficult to find any models posing without them.  I miss the days of the flaccid penis myself.  I like an erection shot before, but loved when they featured a model at different levels of excitement.   An 'all erection' series of images bores me.  The competition Greg referenced between models played a part, but the magazines competition with the net also meant everything had to be bigger and longer to get any attention. 

Mirko Dragul (2009)

Favorite Click of the Week: Sebastian Stan in Monday


When Mickey is introduced to Chloe one hot summer night in Athens, the attraction between the pair is immediately palpable -- so palpable that before they know it they're waking up naked on the beach on Saturday morning.

Fans of the male form have been buzzing about actor Sebastian Stan and the film Monday for almost a year now.  Stills of Stan filming his nude scene were released last year, but due to the pandemic, the film was delayed until this week.  Last night at midnight, it finally came out, and thankfully, many watched and shared what the rest of us will watch later this weekend.  You can check out more caps from the scene on Xander7's site HERE:



Reader Male


Over the years, I've often been sent images from FH readers.  I thought it might be time to start sharing a few, with their permission of course!  This series is of Cedric, a FH viewer, and a French artist.  This series has me looking forward to the summer, and maybe a possible future trip to France... 



Favorite Pic of the Day for April 16th

Achillias: A Whole New World


'I find vulnerability so much more erotic than big dicks or perfect muscular bodies.'


Sometimes, you don't know you love something, until you experienced a really good one.  Many have experienced thinking they didn't like a certain food, a TV show, or a certain sexual act, until they tried it for themselves.  The same can be said for art.  I was never really drawn to computer generated art, especially when it came to images of the male form.  So many that I'd seen appeared sexually exaggerated with testosterone fueled physiques with penis' created more like weapons than body parts. 

What changed my mind, and in a big way, was discovering the work of Achillias.  I started out April's stores with a piece featuring The Netherlands artist's images of Hideaki and Zhou. (HERE:) I came across an image, The Empress and her Prisoners, and was captivated by complexity and beauty within. Initially, I thought it was a photograph,every inch of  Hideaki and Zhou's bodies were so realistically created.  I know I'm not the only one who willingly fell for the illusion.  I received several messages and comments on social media commenting and asking who the 'male models' were. 

When I discovered Achillias was the creator of the image, I eagerly devoured the many images on his website and DeviantArt portfolio.  I loved everything about Achillias's work, from his imagination and creative skills to the characters he created and the stories his images so vividly told.  I think I was especially drawn to the themes of his stories, themes I regularly love to explore on FH.  

Brandon's massage

Vulnerability is key ingredient in my fascination my enjoyment with images of the male form.  It is one of the reasons I love to investigate and share the stories behind the images I feature.  There is an inherent vulnerability with being naked and exposed, especially when those around you are clothed.  There is also a vulnerability exposed by the artist or photographer, one I also enjoy exploring.  Artists often share as much about themselves as they do their subjects, by sharing not just what they see, but how they see it.

Within Achillias work, vulnerability is layered in both the visuals, and the scenarios and stories he creates.  In addition to his utilizing themes of CFNM and CMNM,  It's fascinating to me how Achillias puts such physically strong and sexy men in such vulnerable, and sometimes embarrassing situations.  Regardless of their perceived sexual power, they're rarely in complete control. There's always a morning inspection, an evil empress, or a battle to be won before they can fully  relax and be totally at ease.  The men Achillias brings to life may be good looking and in incredible shape, but most don't have the one thing that many sadly seem to still believe is mandatory for maximum masculinity... a huge penis. 

Medea and Jason

I really hate when artists and photographers manipulate images to distort, enlarge or weaponize a man's manhood. It rarely look realistic, and draws focus, taking away from the image overall.  My favorite images, and my favorite artists, are the ones that see the male form in it's entirety, and not just a series of body parts.  You can always tell when an artist or photographer is phallicly focused.  When I see an image, I like to know there's a human attached to the penis, and through his visuals and scenarios, Achillias creates a complex set of human characters whose stories are both seductive and compelling.  They also leave you wanting to see and know more. 

Heracles and Jason

Do you remember the what the drawing or art piece was that first had you realizing your talent? 
'To be honest, I don't think I'm particularly talented (I don't fish for compliments, believe me). I'm not very good at most techniques of the program I'm working with, like lighting, rendering, dForce, etc. I guess I just have good taste in men and I'm a perfectionist. I can tinker with a character for more than a week, and often then I'm still not completely satisfied with the result. But the comments and reactions, like yours, make me realize that people do like what I create. And that started when I created a gallery on DeviantArt, 3 years ago. '

Spartan Fantasy

Most artists had a 'theme' that as a kid, they drew over and over, 
'I've always drawn as a hobby. But I didn't have one particular subject that I repeated. I had many subjects: portraits (both men and women), landscapes, architecture etc. '

Do you remember what led to your first erotic drawing of the male form? 
'At some point in my youth, I realized that the male body turned me on immensely. So I started to draw male nudes, unfortunately without a model or example. Nonetheless, it was incredibly exciting... It felt like I entered a whole new world.

Facing the Trojan Walls

Were your first drawings of men initially something private, or did you share right away? 
'No, my first drawings of male nudes were absolutely private! I even hid or destroyed the drawings, fearing that my preference for men would be revealed. '

Have you ever used a real person, a model or a celebrity for inspiration? 
Absolutely. I see many beautiful guys in sports and movies and often I would like to portray them as a 3D character. Unfortunately I'm not very good at creating exact lookalikes but a few of my characters do have a real person as example


How often you start a piece, then decided not to continue?
Unfortunately quite often. In most cases this is due to lack of time. Sometimes it's because I don't find the project interesting anymore. I'm talking about projects now (with multiple pieces). A single piece I always try to finish, unless I fail to achieve the intended result. 

I especially love the 'story' element of your work, Does the image, or the story usually come first? 
Both. Sometimes I create a character and after that (automatically) a story comes up. But mostly I have a story first (like Nelson for example) and then I create a character for it. Often, when I do a commission, the client comes with a story and I create the characters and the scenes for that story. '

Posing for tourists 

Speaking of story, is there more to come in Hideaki and Zhou;s' story? 
'I definitely would love to continue with Hideaki and Zhou. But lack of time is a bummer for many of my ambitions. But you never know. Some day I continue with Hideaki and Zhou. If you happen to have ideas about them, please let me know. '

Is there a specific art piece that has brought you the most attention or response? 
'On DeviantArt, when I count the favs: "Waiting", "Spartan fantasy 2"  and "Facing the Trojan walls"  are the most popular. I notice anyway that themes such as ancient Greeks and romans are very popular.'

I'm really drawn to the themes of vulnerability and embarrassment in your work.  The heroism, or lack thereof, comes from mind and spirit not necessarily just because muscles and penis size. Why is this important to you?

'I'm so glad that you asked this question. In my view, beauty and heroism are determined by other things than perfect muscularity or a handsome face or a big dick. Coincidentally, I've been toying for a while with the thought of making a story in which the bad guy is much more beautiful than the hero. It seems like a challenge to do that in a credible way. 

I find vulnerability so much more erotic than big dicks or perfect muscular bodies. Perfect bodies and huge penises bore me at some point. Maybe it sounds like a cliché, but in my view, it's the imperfections that make a character more interesting. Furthermore, I find guys with a small dick much more sexy than guys with a huge dick. You can see that in my galleries: most of my characters have a small or average dick size. Only when I do a commission and the client explicitly requests a character with a big dick, then I create a big dick'. 

Morning Inspection

You can check out much more of Achillias's on his website HERE:& on DeviantArt HERE:  Achillias also does commissions, so you can also get in contact if you have any fantasy's of your own that you may want brought to life.  Maybe that hot high school bully, you want put in his place... 


Thespian Torsos: Charlie Weber


If there was a list of televisions top torso's, actor Charlie Weber would be in the top tier.  Maybe one day I'll do that list, but until then, I thought I'd take little look back.  Weber's has been flexing though pecs in print and on screen back to his days modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch.

I first took notice of Charlie back in 2000, when he played the adorable intern Ben on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Ben was incredible sweet, and incredibly hot, but as the season went on, we learned he was also the mortal body for deposed hell-goddess Glorificus.  As you can guess, it didn't end well for Glory, or for Ben.

How To Get Away With Murder

'It’s hilarious that it was that many years ago.“It was funny to be a part of something at such a young age because it was such a big deal back then. It’s a hilarious, awesome thing to look back on. The pictures are still beautiful; Bruce Weber is a talented guy.'
Weber on his Abercrombie & Fitch days:

Weber (smiling, left of female model)

20 years after Buffy, Weber was looking even hotter as the damaged, but sexually charged Frank on How To Get Away With Murder.  Every time I scroll Netflix, I'm tempted to search through the series just for Weber's many shirtless scenes.

Buffy Bod

Playgirl: The Visual Rise


Last year, a FH reader wrote asking about erections, specifically about erections in Playgirl Magazine.  Although I certainly knew Playgirl included them, I wasn't really aware of the history of hard ons in the magazine.  Research was required!  Check out my visual findings on theNEXT PAGE HERE:

Joe Ingram

Seasonal Sightings

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