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Classic Playgirl: 1991 - Joe Almeida


'It seems like happiness is just a thing called Joe.
He's got a smile that makes the lilacs want to grow.
He's got a way that makes the angels heave a sigh
When they know little Joe's passing by.'

Joe Almeida
Playgirl: Man Of The Month, October 1991
Photographed by Mark Van Dulman

I really don't think we'd get along so well if she didn't like the 'great outdoors,' Joe laughs. 'I mean, I love being surrounded by nature. Incidentally, I spend all of my free time 'alone time' au natural', he sly adds.


Interestingly enough, Joe's photographer Mark Van Dulman (shown below) had his own spread in Playgirl in 1991 as well.


Young Buck: Jon By Sean Cooper


One of my favorite posts last year featured Sean Cooper's images of Dakota Askins. When I first profiled Sean's work, the Maryland photographer didn't have a site yet to feature his work with the male form. He does now! To formalize my online presence and to find a way to showcase images not normally a part of his paid work, Sean recently started Young Buck Photo, a project he hope both celebrates and elevates the male form. YBP includes many images of Sean's recent work with Dakota as well as many other models including the adorable Jon featured here.

'Jon's shoot was very easy-going and laid-back. It was initially supposed to be just an underwear shoot, but Jon is not the type of guy to do anything "half-assed". He was eager to get his skivvies off for the camera and it shows that he was pretty comfortable. We spent about 75 minutes or so doing some various shots, some of which you can see here. He's got a very interesting line of work and we chatted about various aspects of his journeys, a very likable model! It was also my first time working at this particular studio, which is a HUGE upgrade for the quality of my work, and saves me a lot of time not having to completely set up and tear down at a location shoot.'
Sean Cooper

Be sure to check out more of Sean's work at Young Buck Photo to see quite a bit more of Jon!
& be sure to get updates from YoungBuckPhoto on Twitter!

Suddenly...This Summer


'All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness.'
Tennessee Williams

Suddenly, Big Brother has gotten irresistible again! With all the trademarks of a great Tennessee Williams play including the beautiful, and very racist, southern belle, the brooding anti-hero, the awkward homosexual and conflicts between the races, genders and the beautiful vs the non beautiful, a game has finally began.

Although I am not thrilled the hottest guys in the house are being targeted, Nick's eviction last night set off a firestorm of drama. Bed flipping, more racist behaviour from Aaryn, bullying and a distraught Gina Marie getting the vapors at the loss of her man (stalkee). Gina Marie and her wailing were inconsolable for almost an hour after Nick exited the building. If wise, Nick is spending his morning getting a restraining order. Watching Aaryon and racettes implode, especially after Helen (the only Asian member of the house) was well worth sacrificing the eye candy that was Nick.

It is too bad Jeremy (pictured showering here) is such a douche as he is the perfect fantasy bad boy when his mouth is closed.

Jeremy caps via An Undecided Fellow

Happy Birthday today July 13th


Happy Birthday today to actor Robert Gant!
Check out more of Robert HERE:& more of today's Birthday's HERE:

Images of Robert above (from Queer As Folk) via SuperherfanNet

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 13th

Thrills, Kills & Donna Brazile


I heard nothing about Sharknado prior to it's airing. Saw no ads, no magazine previews or reviews. Saw nothing about Tara Reid even actually getting another acting job. But that changed when the television movie aired this past Thursday on the Sci-Fi Network.

The person who turned me on to Sharknado, was not an actor (although she was on The Good Wife) or anyone involved with the show's promotion. It was political analyst and Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile whose twitter feed had me asking what the hell exactly was this Sharknado?

'And I thought mosquitoes were bad. #sharknado stand down!'
Donna Brazile

My love and respect for Ms Brazile, and her witty sense of humour, had me searching my tv for another airing. Thankfully there were many and I managed to find an airing to DVR that I watched when I returned home late last night.

The movie stars underachievers Tara Reid Ian Ziering. Reid still cannot act her way out of a paper bag, but Ziering seemed in on the joke and gave it his all. Surrounded by James Dean wannabe's on 90210, Ian never got the attention he deserved. Ziering always had a strong sexual aura, never so apparent as when he struts that sexy walk of his, across the screen.

Sharknado was bad, really bad. Cheesy dialogue, cheap looking special effects and more implausibilities than Tara Reid's acting career. Yet, it worked. It was addictive and fun and during the movies climatic last act I laughed more than I did at any comedy motion picture in years. It was horribly enjoyable!

Now Ziering has been quoted this week saying that he hopes Sharknado could be his Pulp Fiction and although I thought that funny at first, he may be onto something. I always thought Pulp Fiction was a bit overrated and found watching this two hours a much more pleasant experience.

If Ziering is hoping that this flick might lead him to more future work, then maybe he is right. Given his next two movies are titled: Biker Mice from Mars and Snake and Mongoose Ziering might be onto something by bringing back the summer B movie blockbuster! Good or bad, I look forward to the Sharknado sequel. The only thing that could make it better would re-casting Reid with the equally talented thespian, Ziering's 90210 co-star Shannen Doherty.

Above: Ian with James and Jaymes and the men of Chippendales!

Ziering in No Way Back (1995)



I love when I find an old post written years before a model or actor gets hot in the business. Here is one from the current Kraft hottie Anderson Davis from 2009.

Farwell Finn


There have been many celebrity deaths over the last few years, but for some reason Cory Monteith's is one of the sadder ones to me. Maybe partly due to his age of just 31, but for me it is also more about the respectful way he handled his demons. We all have demons, but usually by 31, most of us have found a way to get through the day without them getting in the way too too much. Some sadly, still struggle.

Celebrities are no different when it comes to having demons, money and fame is not a cure, in fact it can often make them worse. I don't need to name all the celebrities who take their demons out in destructive ways including using and abusing those around them. They seem to think they have a right to take their emotional struggles out on other humans with no thought those around them are struggling as well, just more quietly.

Everything I have heard and read from those who knew and worked with Monteith describe him positively. Kind and compassionate, pleasant and hard working. I respect that he struggled quietly. By quiet I don't mean alone, I hope he reached out to his family and friends. I mean quiet as in not loud. Not appearing on TMZ every other day in one story or another, not jumping on the cover of People magazine to discuss his addiction and not through bringing down others around him. R.I.P Corey, gone far too early.

Just Because: Favorite Pic of the Day #2


I know it may not fit the usual theme, but I love this image. After a facebook friend posted it the other day I could not help but staring at it, and then thinking about it for a long while after. I so love the dog's paw and look of total contentment and safety on the pups face. The can of dog food as one of few items kept next to the man.

The image is very layered to me. It speaks in some ways of how brutal we as human beings can be to one another. On the other side, it shows that even when a man is down and beaten by life, the capacity and need to love and be needed is still so crucial. On the heels of the Trayvon Martin verdict and Corey Montieth's tragic death, the photo somehow helped today.

Favorite Pic (s) of the Day for July 15th

Jordan Prentice : Significant


'Jordan Prentice is the friggin' Tom Hanks of diminutive actors, right behind Peter Dinklage, who is the Sir Lawrence Olivier of tiny thespians.'

In Bruges (2008)

For anyone who feels they are different, seeing themselves on television or on the big screen can be an incredible experience. Even if they may think otherwise however, Hollywood is sill not great at making and promoting movies that don't star white, usually good looking men. For a little person, the struggle for decent roles can be that much more of a challenge. Sure last year there were a couple of versions of Snow White requiring seven dwarfs and there is sometimes the little person role, usually as the brunt of silly jokes, in the odd teenage comedy, but truly great characters can be few and far between.

An Insignificant Harvey (2011)

Thankfully that is beginning to change a little. Peter Dinklage is breaking ground on Game Of Thrones, but there is another actor who recently grabbed my attention. A month or so ago, I read the description of a movie that piqued my interest. I had never heard of An Insignificant Harvey, but the title, and that description had me programming the DVR. It is odd for me to love a movie from the first second or two, but with this film I did. Writer and director Jeff Kopas took me instantly back to my childhood, and the opening scene had me not just seeing, but feeling like I was transported back to the early 80's and the chill of the long winters I experienced as a child. Not the December winters with holly and bright lights, but the late January and February winters when the cold, snow and wind chill was without a holiday to polish it up.

A janitor at a small town ski resort, who also happens to be a little person, has his life dramatically change when he finds a stray husky and falls for an exotic dancer.

Not sure if the description above grabbed you, but after reading it, I knew I found a movie I would love. In An Insignificant Harvey, actor Jordan Prentice play that janitor Harvey, and as in the description, Harvey's size is not really an issue or part of the plot. It certainly is not important to Inca, the husky who is most concerned about finding an owner, someone to love and take care of her. The package that person comes in is really not relevant. Harvey has been a bit beaten down by life, a childhood in an orphanage, no family and few people around to support him.

Mirror Mirror 2012

I loved the movie and Jordan's performance. The actor didn't try to make Harvey overly likable, instead channelled his life experiences through each scene and each moment. You might not always like Harvey, but he is hard not to love. As a viewer, my relationship with the character was sort of parallel with Harvey's with Inca. You may not really want to, but somehow you feel for and want to give him a hand. The film is slow at times, a focus on character and small moments, so I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea. If however, the brief description above somehow grabbed your imagination like it did mine, it might be a film to seek out.

American Pie Presents The Naked Mile (2006)

Jordan Prentice got a crash course in the ups and downs of the movie business with his first motion picture role as one of the Howard T Duck's in the 1986 high profile bomb Howard The Duck. Since then he has worked steadily, sometimes playing the typical roles I described above. Prentice was Napoleon, a dwarf in last years Mirror Mirror and played Rock, the brunt of many jokes in the American Pie teen flicks Beta House and The Naked Mile. In addition however, Prentice has worked steadily in both movies and on television and has well received notices for his work in both including In Bruges with Colin Farrell.

Well..it is FH....

You can leave your socks on...


It's been awhile since True Blood gave us a really great nude scene with one of the shows hottest actors Ryan Kwanten. It has also been awhile since the show an enjoyable episode, but it delivered both last week. Maybe TB, there is a connection? Now if the show would only permanently switch which Stackhouse it focused on!

Metamorphosis: Claudiu for The Naked Sunday Project


Traditionally Sunday has been known as the day of rest. A day set aside to do nothing. Or, to devote time to following passions and desires that a life, and full time employment, never seems to allow. For Mckenzie James, Sunday was the one day he could focus on artistic endeavours. With The Sunday Naked Project, Mckenzie, allows, or forces himself, to slow down and re-discover the simple beauty that can be found with just light, skin, subject, and photographer.

'While I would LOVE to reach a point where everyday I'd be able to shoot what I want without expectations and to just explore what I want to explore, I don't think it would be particularly realistic of me. Working for clients is still the only way I know of making a living, and sadly that pretty much means work on other peoples ideas/concepts/goals, while trying to make sure your message/aesthetic remains part of it. I think that at least I will reach a point where at least half the week is Sunday :)'
Mckenzie James

I wrote the above comments in my profile of photographer Mckenzie James, and the Naked Sunday Project for the Autumn 2012 issue of tMf Magazine. I am a long time fan of Mckenzie's work, especially the imagery he has created for TNSP. I have been wanting to feature more from the project for awhile now but as usual, patience ends up being a virtue resulting in my being able to feature Mckenzie's images of his recent work with Claudiu.

Claudiu has become one of my favorite models to cover on the blog since he first appeared on FH in an image for pic of the day by Chris Teel back in January 2010. Since then I have been fortunate to collaborate with Claudiu on several features showcasing his work with several different photographers. A full time student studying multiple degree's, modeling has been a great way to help pay for his education as well showcasing his incredible body. As good as he may look with his clothes off, Claudiu also has a great body and look to showcase fashion and is looking to increase his commercial work in the future.

I titled this feature Metamorphosis, as one of the most interesting and beautiful aspects in featuring the his images has been experiencing the changes and growth within his work. The changes in Claudiu go beyond the physical, although he has put a lot of energy into getting his body to the place it is at. The changes within his imagery also speak to the spiritual and emotional, as the degree of not only confidence but sense and self has shown through stronger and stronger with each shoot. Claudiu was always mature and serious about his goals and aspirations, but his desire and dedication has only deepened which is evident with each new shoot and image. Maybe especially with the incredible portrait shots from Mckenzie shown here.

Happy Birthday today July 17th


Check out my previous early posts on birthday boys Mike Vogel (above) and Eric Winter (below)

Also check out more of today's birthday boys HERE: including David Hassselhoff (below) who although turns 61 today looks below much more like someone in/from the 80's.

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 17th

Donald Chambers: Elegant Compulsion


'My landscapes now come in the form of the human body. I love the male form and consider it an amazing honor when a model allows me to capture such a private part of their life.'

Earlier this year, I was fortunate to be able to profile the work of Nashville photographer Donald Chambers (The Replenisher). As I have often said before, it is usually a single image that begins my love of an artists work. With Donald, it was the image of Joseph, standing by the piano that I used above as 'pic of the day'.

When I first start a profile, I need the images to be chosen first, as it is the visual that dictates the direction of the text and my words. With Donald, I began focusing the piece around the image of Joseph, but quickly got distracted with all of the other captures and models on his MM page. In the end, I decided it was a good idea to focus on Matt who became the inspiration for the text in the first piece. I made sure however, to ensure Donald was supportive of me doing a follow-up with the image of Joseph, and another set of images of Ryley that I equally loved. Donald generously agreed!

When writing the first piece, I used the phrase elegant compulsion to describe the pull that draws Donald to his passion of photographing the male form. The phrase stuck with me because most people use the word compulsion in association with something negative. An addition or the draw towards something destructive. I loved how adding elegant in front, totally changed the meaning to something erotic and beautiful. Most compulsions, even the harmful ones, begin as something pleasurable. The trick, and it isn't easy, is ensuring that it stays that way.


Donald's images stay that way. They don't go too far, nor are they over the top. The goal is not to hit the viewer over the head but to create a feel of erotic elegance with the beauty of the male form.

Just Because: Oh Nanny!


Orando Bloom, proving you can retrieve some small pleasures from a heat wave.

The Ugly Truth:


As horrified we all were by 911, there was a tiny bit of comfort that the monsters behind it were not like us. They were mad men, radical religious extremists far away on the other side of the world.

I agree with most of the arguments from those who say that putting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine is in poor taste. I wonder however if it is the cover that bothers people so much or the fact that Dzhokhar is not ugly. We seem to like our monsters ugly, makes it easier to accept, easier to spot them, easier to mentally distance them from ourselves. Seems to me, that although they never made the cover of RS, the Sandy Hook and Batman theatre shooters were on the covers of almost every newspaper and splashed across the screen at nausea after their hideous crimes. Maybe the fact they both had sort of a crazed look made it easier to swallow.

Now I want to be clear, I am not comparing the behaviour of acting out celebrities and terrorists. But sadly, in America, bad behaviour is what gets you attention. Whether it be simply acting stupid, acting out addictions publically, getting drunk, wrecking your car or in more extreme cases murder. OJ anyone? My feelings toward this cover are about the same as my feelings about Oprah just making a two million dollar deal with Lindsay Lohan. Crimes of course are different, but the profiting from pain theory is about the same. Some of the most talented entertainers in the world, singers Groban and Streisand, actors Streep, DiNero and Day Lewis rarely make the covers of magazines. Oprah's biggest interviews last year were not Politian's or award winning actors, but Whitney Houston's daughter and The Kardashians. Matthew Perry was not on last week's People Magazine because of his incredible post Friends television career?

The outrage rings a bit hypocritical, as any attention, including the cover is a form of promotion for the magazine. Do all the protestors blogging, tweeting and publically posting their outrage about this cover understand all they are doing is bringing more attention, and more dollars, to the magazine? I don't know about you but I have not bought a copy of RS in years, and had no intention of starting with this one... but after all the attention....

You don't reward bad behaviour with attention, you ignore it. Acting out little kids don't get parties, they get time-outs. Why is it that we don't seem to understand this as adults? As much as I loath the faux celebrity status that so many people like Paris Hilton, The Gosslin and Kardashian's have been able to obtain, the real responsibility for their success sits directly with everyone who financially supports them by watching and buying the magazines with them on the cover. If people don't want criminals on the cover of Rolling Stone, don't buy the magazine and don't provide it free publicity by promoting it with online outrage.

Happy Birthday today July 19th

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 19th

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