Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Keeping Up With Edilson Nascimento


'Gay blogs are very guilty of worshiping the beauty of a certain man for a few months before he disappears in to obscurity. Actually, their photos will always do the rounds of tumblr and blogs but after a while no new images appear and the stories and tweets slow down.'

One of the goals of FH is to not only celebrated talented and great looking men from today but to also remember those who brought us joy and excitement in the past. That being said, when I read Brenton Parry's words (above) on a recent post on his blog about model Derrick Davenport, I began thinking of some of the guys who were a part of FH over the years that I wanted to keep up with.

As if by fate, just a day or two later I found myself reading a post about Brazilian sensation Edilson Nascimento. Edilson was all over the net a few years ago creating a sensation with his images from the boy and his incredible spread in TÊTU by photographer Gregory Vaughan. (below)

Well Edilson is back, not modeling, but acting. Edilson plays a cop in the new Brazilian gay soap HSH. As you can see from the promo above they are making the most from Edilson's considerable talents!

Dive into Water Moves


If the heat outside is starting to get to you, it might be time to jump into WATER MOVES. Water Moves features Fahrmeyer's signature blend of male beauty and raw sexuality with provocative images featuring Santiago Peralta, Roman Sugatov, Phil Fusco, Nick Ayler, Marcel and dozens of other men whose images from Hans are more likely to heat you up than cool you off!

Water Movesby Hans4257

If you want to see the entire book you don't have to wait for delivery, WATER MOVES is available from Amazon in a Kindle Edition for just $7.99 and within a minute or two, you too can be wet.

American Youth by Hans Fahrmeyer


The youth of America have always gotten a bad rap. From James Dean through to the present, for the most part, if you were under 20, you were considered trouble. Yet, it is those teenagers who eventually become adults and are the ones making decisions that affect us all. Maybe that is the terrifying thing!

Although we had a computer when I was in school, we did not have the Internet in our home until I was 19 and had already graduated. At that time we all remember the ringing of the dial-up and how even downloading a few photos from an e-mail might mean having to let them slowing download overnight. I am not sure how I would have done in High School, let alone Jr. High with the net. There was a feeling when I was young that no matter how bad your day at school was, once it was over and you got home, you could forget it... at least until the next morning.

I am amazed at how well the teens in my family maneuver through their on-line lives, many, do a far better job than most of the adults I know. Although some of us certainly did share erotic photos of ourselves, it was not as easy as today. Although they never asked, I am sure my parents always knew what the reason was when the families polaroid camera was found in my room....

I have been documenting the work of New York photographer Hans Fahrmeyer on FH for close to five years now. Sunday's With Hans began with my first post in the series back in August 2009 with model, and now photographer, Rowan Pierce (you can see that first post HERE:) When I first contacted Hans about a piece on the blog, I had mainly known his work photographing for Vista Video and his memorable images of Marcel and Phil Fusco.

Spending time with his portfolio however, I quickly found out his skill as a photographer went much further with editorial and commercial work that pushed boundaries and made statements creatively. Hans has also documented New York youth and night life for years, creating some of the most erotic, and as well thought provoking images of both the highs and lows of living the good life! With all his amazing imagery, Hans has a signature shot, pants, usually jeans, slid down just enough, which he uses with many of the models he shoots. Those shots remains still remain some of my favorite all time favorites from Hans!

Hans recently began a tumblr which has begun to fill with incredible images and videos. Be sure to check it out as Hans has included many other images from this series not shown here. 

Check it out HERE:

AMERICAN TEENS from Hans Fahrmeyer on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday today July 21st

Happy 35th to actor Justin Bartha!
Check out more of today's Birthday's HERE:& HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 21st

Get Lost in Butt...Butt Magazine


Unfortunately, I have to admit that I had never heard of Butt Magazine until this week. Originating in the Netherlands, the magazine which was founded in 2001 the features photography and interviews with renowned gay artists from across the globe.

I am surprised that I had not uncovered more Butt in my research for the blog. In a small piece I did last month, (Under Where?), I found the American Apparel above. I did not use it for that piece, but saved it for a future post. It was while researching the add this week that I discovered it originated from an issue of Butt.

If you too have not discovered Butt, I encourage you to dive in and check it out. I got lost in the provocative imagery and articles for hours.

Raw Afrika: It Begins With....


'It all starts with the face. Faces inspire me.'

In the past I have written frequently that I dislike images in which bodies are shot as if there is not a man, a soul attached. It is my way of describing images where you can clearly see that the model, their face and eyes, who they are as a person, are totally ignored. The photographer's focus is focused solely on genitalia, as if there were not an actual human being connected to it.

I understand there are shoots when this is done with intent, when the photographer is making a statement about the human form with a theme in mind. Those are not the shoots I am thinking of. There are shoots when faces and eyes are visible within frame, they are not however considered, nor in anyway important to what the photographer is aiming to capture.

3 images below: Drizzy

I love that the first image from Raw Afrika Photography that I saw was the bodyscape I used for pic of the day. Although it did not include a face, the model's emotion and soul could be vividly felt. Raw Afrika does not just shoot faces and headshots, their port is full of bodyscapes and contextual nudes, contextual being key.

On ModelMayhem, may models begin lists of shots they like and photographers they would like to work with; Photographers in turn begin lists of models that they would like to shoot. I always wonder what it is about a model that first inspires them and ends up making their list. Although FH is about the male form, it always for me, as with Raw Afrika, begins with the face.

It does not necessarily have to be a good looking, handsome or perfect face but a face able to convey emotion. A face that connects with the rest of their body and is able to complete the story the photographer is trying to tell. FH is based in story and an unexpressive model, regardless of how many hours spent at the gym, or impressive inches they may possess, holds little interest for me to profile.

Raw Afrika's images originate from the place he lives and works in Johannesburg.  The artist describes himself as an intrinsically African photographer. Intrinsically in this case does not mean necessarily landscape and culture directly. For Raw Afrika, it is about how living in this area of the planet, it's culture and norms translate through the faces and eyes of the men who live there.

Don't You Feel Me...


I knew when watching True Blood last night, I knew that the character of James looked familiar. In last nights episode, Don't You Feel Me, the sensitive vampire refused to have sex in front of Jason and the others watching the copulation experiment at the recruitment center.

I recognized the face, but the actor has grown out his hair and buffed up a bit since his days on Brothers & Sisters. Although I loved Brothers & Sisters, Luke Grimes was sadly wasted on that show, hopefully True Blood doesn't make the same mistake!

Tell me more, tell me more....

I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days driftin' away, to uh-oh those summer nights

Two years ago Arin was a girl called Emerald ...and girlfriend Katie was a boy named Luke

Times they are a changing! Check out the amazing story at the Sun HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 23rd

Favorite Ad Of The Day...

There is something hilarious about this Craigslist ad. Yes, it plays to serotypes for sure, but it is also in many ways brutally honest in the fantasy's of many. I admit it might have been mine when I was in my early 20's. Good luck buddy!

Straight guy here, 28 professional, athletic, masculine. Why I want a gay roommate, cause it works out to be a good arrangement for if we're both cool about it.

Things I like about having a gay roommate
1. you don't mind cleaning the place and picking up after us both. including our laundry
2. usually your pretty good cooks and don't mind cooking for straight guys
3. pretty good decorators and make the place look good

Things I can give you
1. Being around a hot straight guy that walks around a lot in his boxer briefs ;-)
2. Long as you can keep it discreet and not get all possessive, my dick to suck a few times a week. get really horny when been out drinking on weekends.
3. Let you massage me after work outs

The way it goes
1. Split rent 60/40. I'll pay more cause I have the bigger bedroom
2. Your masc guy, that keeps the details of this a secret
3. Your also cool to chill with, grab a beer, watch a game, play some 360 or whatever
4. Lots of beer, but no drugs except 420 but not looking for a pothead
5. You smoke, its outside
6. I am cool if you bring dudes back here, you're cool if I bring chick back. But can promise you, your the only dude getting my loads.
7. If your into working out, work-out partner

Tony K Welch: Ready to shoot!

Above: Tony by Deron Reed

'My name is Tony, and I'm ready to shoot. I have a love for creativity, style, and grace. I'm looking for photographers who are ready to go to the next level.'

Above: Tony by G. Williams

My first thought when seeing images of Los Angeles model and musician Tony K Welch was how suave and sexy he comes across in photos. Tony exudes a sort of a retro-cool feel like he would be right at home hanging with Frank, Dean, Sammy and the rest of The Rat Pack. Besides a great face and incredible body, Tony has the most beautiful Brown eyes that express both determination and confidence. For Tony, the ultimate goal is making music. It's in his blood and flows through every part of his body, (including the arm tattoo) and soul.

10 For Tony:

1. Who or what got you started with modeling?

Tyson Beckford is the person that encouraged me to model. His photos are always eye-catching and daring. I knew that I wanted to model when I became an adult.

2. What has been your favorite experience modeling thus far?

If I had to choose, I'd say the creative process. Each shoot that I've has been a collaboration; even with my first shoot. It's great when creative minds come together for one common goal.

3. Any strange or interesting stories from any shoots?

Yes I have. I did this roof-top shoot in Hollywood a few weeks back. Some people decided that they wanted to throw a BBQ. It was a cloudy, windy day; definitely not BBQ weather, but they insisted on staying upstairs. So instead of cooking, they spent 2 hours just watching me and making comments. It was starting to get creepy after they watched me change my shirt. I knew it was time to go lol

4. What has your experience on ModelMayhem been like? Any strange offers or requests?

Wow, Model Mayhem has definitely been AN experience. I've met a lot of great people on the network. The moderators have been jerks at times, but oh well. I've had some strange offers: Porn, body paint, and fetish shoots. All of that is great but that is not something that I want to do.

5. What factors did you weigh before deciding to take it all off?

Taking it all off? I'm assuming that you're referring to nude shots. I knew that once I posted a photo it would go everywhere. So at first, I was EXTREMELY apprehensive. It wasn't until this one music producer that I was working with told me. "we all have body parts, it's just a human body. People need to deal with it". Ever since then, I've been a lot more free with expressing myself.

6. Did the response from friends/family enter into your decision?

No, not at all. I have never sought approval so I've been freely expressing myself since I was a child. I've had some family members and friends that didn't like pictures that I've taken, but that's something I walk away from. We all get one life, it's up to us to live it up.

Next 3 images via iBrandImaging

7. Is there a photographer you would really love to be shot by?

They're so many, but one that currently stands out is Matthew Rolston. He's shot Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, and so many others. His work is eye-catching and fun.

8.What part of your body are you most happy with? What part gets the most attention from others?

Wow, that's a different question lol. If I had to choose one I would like to say my legs. I had chicken legs for most of my life so to have muscular legs makes me feel great. So yes, I do wear "short" shorts at times lol.

9. Where do you want modeling to eventually take you?

I would eventually want modeling to take me into a music career. It's one of the toughest businesses to crack, so I hoping that modeling takes me there.

10. What would your dream scenario be for a shoot?

One of my dream scenario's I'm actually shooting tomorrow; a nude beach shoot.

Check out more of Tony (and hopefully soon the results of the beach shoot...) on ModelMayhem HERE: Instagram HERE:& Goggle+ HERE:

Also check out Tony on Youtube including his moves to TLC's Fanmail HERE:

Just Because: Stats?

Judd is growing on me...

One of the fun things to with Blogger is check out your stats. Blogger allows you to see what posts are drawing attention at any given moment. You can check how many views specific posts get by the day, the week, the month and all time. You also get to see what searches are drawing viewers to your blog at any given time.

Besides another excuse to post images of Max Emerson (sigh), last night, at 10:33pm to be specific, I went to check what searches were drawing in viewers. One result gave me a laugh, thought it might give you one as well. Besides wondering if people were searching for photos of Brody Jenner's ass, or simply saying, Brody Jenner- ass the most interesting to me was #9.

Brody Jenner

favoritehunks 17
angelo antonio 13
favorite hunks blogspot.com 11
max emerson naked 6
alexander koch shirtless 5
brody jenner ass 2
big brother naked images 2
adam by dylan rosser 1
amy farrah fowler nude 1
blackdogue 1

Now Mayim Bialik is a beautiful and talented actress, and I love me some Amy Farrah Fowler, but I had to wonder just who might be searching for nudies of the neurotic neurobiologist... To the guy or gal who was looking to pleasure themselves with a little Bialik Breast, the best I can offer is Amy as Snow White and as crew member in he tight red polyester Enterprise ensemble. Have at'er!

Max Emerson

Max with a Tired Old Queen

Happy Birthday today July 24th

Above: Image by Lope Navo

What model turned photographer is blowing out candles today? Check him, and other of today's birthday boys, out HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 24th

Woody by Ken Haak


Forgive the lame pun but there was something about these images, also from Ken Haak Summer Souvenirs, that stood out to me. It has nothing to do with the models, but all about the material they lie, sit on and stand in front of, the summer wood.

There really is a difference between wood in the fall and winter and in the summer. I really had not thought too much about it until one of these images brought me back to the feel and smell of a deck chair I spent so many hours in during one specific summer. The summer sun tends to highlight aspects and flaws in the wood you normally would not notice. Anyone who has spent a summer on a beach with a boardwalk or a cottage knows what I am talking about.

The smell the sun brings out of cedar or pine. The splinters you have to be careful of when picking up a boat oar. The peeling paint from a wooden chair or bench that needs some care. The harsh brittleness of the wooden shingles on a house, beaten down from the sun and salty air.

Summer Souvenirs by Ken Haak


Summer Souvenirs
by Ken Haak
St. Martin's Press
First Edition (1984)

'Ken Haak's Summer Souvenirs became the surprise Christmas book of 1985'

What I love so much Ken's work in Summer Souvenirs is how well his images conjure up such specific memories of summers gone by. The morning light, squinting because of the blazing sunlight, hot sun on skin, washing the sand off, and out of your body after a long day at the beach. Summer sand has a smell, a mixture of salty and sweet with the the suntan lotion and salt from the ocean.

'It's been almost 19 years since I posed for that book and every Labor Day I think back to that day on the beach working with Ken.'

One of the most interesting things I found while researching Summer Souvenirs was the quote above under the title, Who is the center fold !! found on the review section for the book on Amazon. I tried finding the author, Thomas J McDonnell but sadly came up empty. Still, the quote is fun and again speaks to the power of the book, and it's images, to manifest memories.

Private collection by Ken Haak


Private collection
by Ken Haak
Rosehill Press (1986)
Edition limited of 5000 copies

'This collection of private photographs that are now shared with others for the first time are from an endeavor that has extended over a period of many years. This endeavor represents an unfaltering dedication to preserving images that will remain eternally young. Images that are distinguished by their warmth and beauty (and) marked by an intense eroticism.'
Ken Haak

Katt In The Haak


If you grew up in the 80's, it would be difficult not to have seen the work of photographer Ken Haak. I didn't know it was Haak's work at the time, in fact although many of his images were familiar to me,it wasn't until recently that the art was finally connected with the name of the artist. Today's theme featuring Haak's imagery, comes indirectly thanks to actor William Katt.

Last month I did a piece on the blog, Tis The Season, focused on the stress surrounding senior proms. For the story, I used images of Katt, specifically during his time appearing in Carrie. A long time reader of the blog e-mailed me about the piece, and helped me in obtaining a copy of one of Katt's first films, First Love.

When I asked the reader about his favorite photographers, Ken Haak was at the top of his list. Haak was mainly known for fashion photography but put out a couple of books featuring male imagery which many of you might remember. I was surprised when researching how familiar the artist's work was to me, I immediately recognized Haak's image on the cover of Working Out, a book I remember seeing, and staring at, on book shelves when I was a kid. I was also a bit surprised how little info about Haak himself was out there. Thanks to the long time reader who so generously scanned some of Haak's images for me to share. Thanks also to Find A Grave who had the most detailed info on Haak which I am sharing below.

Ken Haak was a celebrated fashion photographer. A native of Glendale, California, Haak attended the Art Center School in Los Angeles, where he studied painting and graphic design. Upon graduation, he moved to New York City and became an art director and graphic designer. He built a reputation in graphic design that led to receiving New York Art Director's Club Awards. His posters for The New York Times were exhibited by and formally entered into the permanent graphic design collection of The Museum of Modern Art.

In mid-career he became a self-taught explorer in fashion photography who played light and shadow against skin and fabric to not simply dramatize the clothes, but exalt the body as well. His images reflect his strong sense of design in a style and manner both classic and contemporary. He elicits from his subjects images of intense eroticism and sensuality that convey both an innocence and candor uncommon in their warmth and beauty and sense of the human ideal.

GQ (1971)

His photographs have appeared in such diverse publications as American Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Playboy, Essence, Interview, and Men's Bazaar Italia. His books include "Ken Haak's Private Collection," "Summer Souvenirs," "Sleeping Beauties" and the illustrations for the exercise book "Working Out." (Rosehill Press, 122 E. 30th St. New York, NY)

Haak was the owner of Rosehill Press publishing. He was a graduate of Art Center School , Los Angeles, CA. He served in World War II in the US Army ETO HQ Co. 821st T D Battalion. He was awarded the meritorious service unit plaque; participated in campaigns in Normandy, northern France and Germany.

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 26th

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