Highlights: Freshmen 1991
FaVorites: Pierson Fodé
Many of you know actor Pierson Fodé from his roles on television. Pierson's appeared in many shows including turns on Jessie, Dynasty, Supergirl, The Real Bros of Simi Valley and The Bold and the Beautiful. The twice EMMY nominated actor is currently making the leap from the small screen to the big screen with several movies due for upcoming release. One of the biggest films, The Man From Toronto, teams Pierson with actors Woody Harrelson and Kevin Hart, and is set for release next year.
Seasonal Sightings:
September Blues
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 30th
Creative Radiance: Ben Gilmore by Gordon Nebeker
'My boundaries are right at the edge of eroticism and porn.'
Boundaries play a huge role in all art forms, especially when the focus of that art is the nude male form. Models and photographers are always testing, evaluating and pushing boundaries as they imagine and create distinctively erotic and memorable images. Boundaries took on new meaning this year with onset of the pandemic. It's not as if there weren't already enough risks involved with meeting up with a stranger for a nude photo shoot... Now, there are entirely new set of hazards and concerns to deal with.
Thankfully, photographer Gordon Nebekerwas up to the challenge. Gordon's experience working with hundreds of different models over the years has led him to always carefully plan for anything, in this case, it was Covid. After model Ben Gilmore approached him about collaborating this past April, Gordon thought it was time start shooting again. Gordon was in Florida at the time, but was due to head home in a few weeks. He immediately began planning and scheduled a shoot with Ben for the end of May at his home in Boston.
'Ben was my first “Covid influenced” shoot. I had about five photo shoots lined up in Florida for April but ended up canceling all of them because of the Covid scare. I think most of the photographer’s I know were wondering if we would be able to shoot again during the pandemic and, if so, how could we do it safely. Over the next month and a half, I came up with a plan to shoot safely while minimizing the risk to me and to the model. Ben was my first shoot where I could test it out. By the end of the first shoot, we both felt my ‘system’ had worked very well and I began planning shoots again on a limited basis.'
Gordon describes Ben as very easy to work with, a quick learner. It was quickly evident to Gordon that Ben was experienced with being in front of the camera. With a background in theatre and performance, combined with some yoga training, Gordon shares that Ben was very 'body aware', much in the same way that dancers are and was very pleased with the work they created. So much so, a second shoot was planned for later in the summer.
Since their first collaboration in May, Gordon has posted over 25 images from his work with Ben on his his Instagram, After enjoying so many of the shots, I was interested in knowing a bit more about Ben, and his experience in front of the camera. Gordon quickly connected me with Ben and I sent off a few, well ok, more than a few questions to quench my curiosity. Ben generously answered them all.
What prompted you to start modeling?
I started modeling in an attempt to gather more experience in front of the camera to further my acting career, as well as earn extra income.
Any odd or strange stories from any shoots?
Hah, I suppose. Creatives are usually a little wacky, I've gathered. So it was no surprise to find the freelance nude photographers to be a tad rambunctious. Although, I've come to a place where very little is strange to me.
Have you had any what you might qualify as odd or strange offers or requests?
Sure, it's all within the sexuality ballpark. Again, very little is "strange" to me these days, if I don't vibe with something personally, sexually, creatively, etc... I try not to judge, but instead just know where I sit on the subject. If I'm comfortable with the request I'll go for it. If not, I'll try to express that as amicably as I can, and usually that bodes well. In my personal opinion, the weirdest request I got was from a guy who wanted to smell my feet while he masturbated.
What factors did you weigh before deciding to shoot nudes?
I had to decide if I was okay with people I didn't know seeing me nude, if I was okay with people I did know seeing me nude, if I was okay with photos of me nude being on the web permanently. I initially pondered quite deeply if doing nude/erotic work would hinder my ability to get cast as an actor in the future. Thankfully, that feeling has subsided, especially since the start of the pandemic where I've seen tons of performing artists start Only Fans.
On a scale from 1-10 how nervous were you the first time? What was your biggest concern or worry?
My first shoot I was actually quite nervous, I had no idea what to expect from it, it was a very new avenue for me. On a scale from 1-10, I'd say I was probably about a 6 on my first shoot. My biggest concerns were reputational damage, my romantic relationship at the time being compromised, and truthfully, sexual misconduct.
Did the response from friends/family/partner enter into your decision?
Absolutely, I'm very close with my friends and family and I hold their opinions of me in high regard. Thankfully, I have a very cool and gracious social circle that I know would never judge or alienate me for it.
Had you ever been naked in public before modeling? Nude beach, art class, streaking?
Plenty of times, hah. I currently model for and have previously modeled for several different public art classes. Additionally, I've posed nude outdoors for photo shoots in public places, just sneakily! I've also gone skinny dipping a few times in my day!
What are your boundaries for a shoot? Have you ever said no to a concept or shot idea?
My boundaries are right at the edge of eroticism and porn. I think there is plenty of tasteful nude art, that could even be classified as porn by some. However, some of it becomes a little grotesque for me. Shots with spread cheeks or an open butt hole I'm not okay with it, usually. I've rejected concepts that have involved ass play or anal penetration.
What's the best compliment you received about one of your modeling images?
The best compliment(s) I've gotten is always centered around the artistic quality of the work. When I hear someone say they're genuinely inspired or impressed by a photo, painting, drawing, film, video, performance, etc... I'm genuinely elated, that's why I got involved in art!
Which is easier or more enjoyable to showcase in images, your body, or your personality.
My body, without doubt. I'm still figuring out how to showcase my personality. I haven't quite figured it out yet, hah.
What inspired you start an OnlyFans?
A photographer and friend of mine recommended I start one! He mentioned it might be a great way to make extra income and potentially network with more creatives. I made one about a year ago, but it was inactive for a while. At the start of the pandemic in early Spring I started to really use it more, clearly I wasn't the only one, hah.
What has the feedback been like?
The feedback has been fantastic! I'm so happy to see/hear that people enjoy my page and the content I've worked to cultivate. It's been a very enjoyable and rewarding process, I'm excited for it to continue and see where it goes!
Do you remember your first impressions when you saw Gordon's images?
My first impression was the photos and the models were outstanding, simply put. They were very "high brow", elegant pieces of art, with plenty of experience behind them, no doubt.
What stood out from you with your day shooting with Gordon?
I'd say his focus with his direction. It was very well paced and deliberate. I'm not sure if he knows everything he intends to capture in a day's time, or if he simply flows with that level of articulation and composure. Either way, it definitely stood out. I wish to emulate that sort of creative radiance.
Was there anything about your with Gordon, unique from any of your previous shoots?
Gordon was the first photographer I've shot underwater with! In addition to all his unique stylistic and communicative qualities, this was certainly a fresh take!
'The underwater part of the shoot was so interesting! I adore swimming and being in the water, so it felt easy and fun. It was creatively stimulating as well for I've never done anything like it, I really enjoyed brainstorming as well as experimenting with the poses with Gordon. At first, I'd run out of breathe quickly and often had my eyes closed. Then, in time I got my technique down and could stay underwater for a decent amount of time with my eyes open. hoot?'
'Working underwater is notoriously difficult and involves many different skills together with a healthy dose of sheer luck! Ben was enthusiastic, but try as he might during the first shoot, he was having difficulties keeping his eyes open underwater and avoiding ‘chipmunk cheeks’. We didn’t have many ‘keepers’ from the first underwater experience. But his attitude was great and I could sense that he had tremendous potential to be good at it so I made sure we did a second session underwater when he came back again. With a little more practice and a second try, he was an absolute champ and we got some underwater work that is among the best work I’ve done!'
Actors & Skin: Family Ties
I bet we been together for a million years,
And I bet we'll be together for a million more
Normally, my Actors & Skin feature focuses on just one actor, one man. Today's installment however, cover, and uncovers, the entire male cast of the 80's sit-com Family Ties. Check them all out HERE:
Back Issues: Freshmen, June 6th, 1991
Thespian Torsos:
After seeing the image above of Pierson Fodé someone posted on Twitter, I knew it was time to look for more shots. Check out my favorites on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 31st
Underwater Angels
'I must be a merman, I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living'
Anaïs Nin
Next 4 Images from Mike Tossy
Not all mermen have long fishy tails. One of the best known mermen is Aquaman, who glides through the ocean with speed and ease. There are many men without tails who feel most at home, and most free to express themselves, when they're underwater.
I've written previously about the serenity many of us feel when hovering just below the surface. I think most of us remember being at a crowed, noisy public swimming pool, then swimming to the bottom of the deep, looking up, and feeling a sense of tranquility, looking up at the 'noise' above the surface. Sadly, most of us can't stay down there that long, and are forced to emerge from our underwater escape.
Next 2 images from Mark Leighton
Over the years, I've loved featuring many artists and models who shot and worked in, and under the water. Some of the photographers, like Mike Tossy and Gordon Nebeker take the plunge into the deep end with their models, to get just the right shot. Others, shoot from the beach, or side of the pool. Regardless of the method, the results are of incredible underwater angels, flying through the water with erotic abandon and freedom. These sets of images, are some of my favorites.
Next 3 images from JDT Photo
Final 5 images from Gordon Nebeker
Check out Gordon's Instagram for many more of his underwater angels
Merman Cove
Heading into the Cove
In the depths of the sea
Diving deep down below
Finally free to be me
All hunted creatures live with the fear of being seen. They've all learned the hard way, the key to survival is their ability to hide. To submerge before being spotted, to go deep when boats and humans are around. They've learned to sense it, through both fear, and by feeling the vibrations and subtle changes in the current. It ripples against their skin and their gills, like a bolt of terror, from their heads down to their tails.
Thankfully, just as humans have their sanctuaries, Mermen to have a place to feel safe, be themselves, and connect and bond with fellow members of their species. The mysterious Mermen Cove is inaccessible to humans, it a place only Merman can see and find. Through their sonar, Mermen gravitate to their cove when they need a break or an escape. Or course the main reason Mermen head to the cove is more organic, it's the most popular place in the ocean to get a hot piece of tail.
Jennings Brower
Mermen in the Main-Stream
A Baker's Dozen: Sergey Sheptun
'Making Waves'
Photographer Richard Rothsteinintroduced FH to model Sergey Sheptun in February 2018. The shoot, (Glass House) was part of Richard's apartment series. I was instantly drawn to Richard's work with Sergey, especially the incredible lines and curves created. Originally from Ukraine, Sergey's shatteringly hot poses and moves come from his experiences as an actor and dancer.
It was clear from the get go that Richard had a new muse. Over the next two years, Richard and Sergey worked together on frequently, sometimes weekly, and FH was lucky to share close to forty of their creative collaborations. I have always been amazed the array of Richard's innovative and original idea's, but his work with Sergey pushed his artistry to even greater heights.
Sergey has led so many of my favorite of Richard's shoots, especially his series of homonormative fairy tales. Some of the many roles Sergey took on included; beauty in Beauty and the Beast, Red, in Little Red Hiding Hood, and of course the merman that helped inspire today's series of posts.
Sergey is an incredibly strong model, leading both solo shoots, as well as in a wide array of shoots with other models. Sergey seems to have chemistry with everyone, and Richard beautifully captured every moment of erotic friction sparked and created.
'He speaks with his body.'
One of the things I love best about Sergey's work is the blend of innocence with erotic maturity. When Sergey first began working with Richard, he was new to United States having only having recently moved to New York. There was a 'newness', to his work, an exciting energy that seemed to come from his new life and home and the relationships that followed. This 'newness; however, couldn't hold back any of Sergey's sexual intensity and desire, and he brought it powerfully to every shoot. Thanks to Richard for introducing us to Sergey, and for sharing so much of their work together!
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 3rd
Stan the Merman
'Well I'm not like other boys either'
Stan the Merman
There aren't a whole lot of mermen in the movies, especially one's with tails. One of the most well know, and one of the only one's, was Stan the Merman from Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild. In the 2008 continuation of the franchise, adult film star Brent Corrigan has a small, but memorable turn as Stan.
Behind the Scenes:
Given't Corrigan is known for showing skin, the producers wisely gave him a low cut tail, ensuring Brent's butt was on full display. He showed even more in an extra on the Blu Ray edition of the film.
Who else remembers heading to Brent Corrigan.com when it was up. It was an early favorite of mine when I got on-line, especially Brent's blog where he shared images and stories of his roles and adventures. I remembered these behind the scenes shots when I started my Merman theme and after some hunting, managed to find a few.
~Check out more Mermen in the Media on the NEXT PAGE HERE~
Cleaning off
Making of from Blue Ray
Aqua by badsign769
'We dream in colors borrowed from the sea.'
As mere humans, when we plunge into the ocean, for most of us, everything seems out of focus. There's a murky darkness, with perspective and shapes appearing blurry and distorted to the human eye. Merfolk however, have eyes far stronger than even the most powerful underwater goggles. Everything is crystal clear and bright, especially the colors.
The trick however, is swim and play far from land and far from humans. The water surrounding cities and towns is especially dark and murky, full of centuries of pollution and waste that humans so recklessly toss into the home of the mermaids and mermen. Far from shore however, the water is cleaner, brighter, the colors more dynamic when the light hits the water, a brilliant cascade of aqua an almost psychedelic rainbow of light greens and blues.
It was in this part of the ocean, that artist Roy Johnson (Badsign769) visualized and set his series of merman that began creating earlier this year. I've enjoyed Roy's work for awhile, and featured his art previously on the site. (The Illustrated Man) I knew as soon as I saw Roy's mermen, They needed to be apart of today's theme. Vibrant colors, often blues and pinks, are one of the visual lures of Roy's work. Roy's images never fail to instantly boost my state of mind and elevate my senses, something especially welcome over the last five or six months.
It was actually the events of the last year which inspired Roy to plunge underwater, not to hide, but to find the light and the aqua as things got increasingly darker above the water's surface. One of the fun parts of Instagram for Roy are the regular art challenges and Roy was looking for something to fill his downtime when the pandemic kept him home for so much of the time.
'I was already drawing Instagram guys for fun (not profit since I figured people had more important things to spend their money on at the time), so I started drawing some of them as mermen. The mermen series kept me busy until the Drawing Pride challenge started in June.'
Catch of the Day: Mr. Berglund by JDT Photo
There were several factors which led to my Merman themed day, foremost, these shots of Mr. Berglund. Some FH readers might remember my previous piece featuring Mr. Berglund and his work with Jesse from JDT Photo. (Dragon's Lair) Due to his incredible location work, I often feature Jesse's work to mark seasonal transitions.
Jesse has a gift for capturing not only the look, but the feel of the location she shoots. Jesse's images trigger the viewers senses causing them to almost feel as they've been transported to the shoot's location. This set of images was included in a larger set of seasonal themed shots Jesse sent on a couple of years ago. I loved this series so much that I decided to tuck them aside to use on their own. When I decided a merman day was in order, they seemed the perfect shots to headline the theme.
Sergey: A Treasured Tail
'Mermaids. Pooh I want Mermen!'
Why a theme day with 2 pages full of Mermen? Well, there were actually four stimulating factors which led to today's ten posts. Two of them, the work from artist's JDT Photo and badsign769 are featured in the two posts below. The third, came from a theme which ran through the serial killer documentary I'll Be Gone in the Dark.
I'm not sure if any of you caught the HBO series earlier this year, but it was a fascinating look into writer Michelle McNamara and her passion / obsession with The Golden State Killer. One of the recurring visuals within the series was the creature from The Creature From The Black Lagoon. I'd never seen the film before, but was immediately fascinated while watching the underwater creature swimming, and hunting below.
While most Mermaids are seen as beautiful and innocent mythical creatures, this merman, had a dark side. After deciding to focus on Mermen for a feature, I knew I had to include this series from Richard Rothstein that I featured in 2018. It was part of the Richard's homonormative narrative for fairy tales and legends, one of my all time favorite themes explored by the New York based artist.
I was extremely fortunate to have been able to share many of the shoot's from the series, one of my favorites being the mermaid and the fisherman. (Chasing Tail) In each of the tales Richard visual told, the lead was beautifully portrayed by model and photographer Sergey Sheptun. I have been fortunate to have featured many of Richard and Sergey's collaborations over the last two years, some of my favorites being the fairy tale series.
Sergey was next on my list for A Baker's Dozen, so today seemed the perfect day to post. Check it out on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:
Favorite Pic of the Day for August 4th