Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Classic Playgirl: Steven Beck 2010 / 2011


Steven Beck
Age: 18
Weight: 190
Height: 6'0"

Fall 2010 Campus Hunks
Fall 2011 Hunting Camp

Just 18 when he first appeared in the magazine, Steven continued to model and work in entertainments.  Some of you might have spotted Steven in Vivica A Fox's 2017 reality show Black Magic.  Her project, to create the first all-male exotic dance group. The show followed the dancers as they wet through different challenges in order to achieve a common goal as a team.

'Forget the big-game animals most people hunt for.  You won't need any fancy weaponry to take this fine specimen down.'

'A hopeless romantic who opens doors for dates and showers his love interests with red roses and champagne, we found Steven irresistible from the start.  He's of the 'shy and quiet' variety, content to sit and watch the rain or spend a relaxing day on the river with close friends.  Steven studied pre-med at Playgirl University and needs a lot of field research on human physiology.  Know ayone who might be willing to help him out? '

Showered: Rob by Male Beauty by bengie

A Vintage Vantage: 1963


More than 250,000 people gathered in Washington, DC on August 28, 1963 for a political rally known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Organized by a group of civil rights and religious organizations, it was designed to illuminate the political and social challenges confronting African Americans.

One of those 250,000 people was actor Paul Newman. In addition to being an accomplished actor, and sex icon, Newman was also an activist with a passion for civil rights and global warming. Long before most in Hollywood were as vocal, Newman was ahead of his time championing causes he was passionate about. I'm not sure if it's the activism, but I don't think Newman ever looked hotter than he does in this set of shots.

End of the Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 5th

The First Sunday in September: Rob by Male Beauty by bengie


'It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life.'
P.D. James

Although I've traveled extensively throughout North America, I have yet to make it to England.  It's a dream of mine to travel to England, one I've written about  the dream several times on the site, usually when featuring a English artist or morel.  Last year, I decided this year would be the year, and began planning for a month long excursion. That trip, was due to begin right about now....

My dream journey, like so many other people dreams and plans, were put on hold due to the pandemic. It may have been for the best, I really want to have enough money to travel throughout Europe and a month might not have been enough time to hit all the places on my bucket list. Although London is near the top of the list, I think I'm most passionate about traveling through the countries small towns, villages and countryside.

If any of you have seen the movie 84, Charing Cross Road, you know the lure that England and the English lifestyle can have on dreamers in other countries.  Although London at Christmas is appealing, I knew I wanted to go in September.  The summer's heat would starting to wain, and I'd still be there at the start of Autumn.  The perfect weather, and the perfect time to walk for hours and explore.

Although I'm obviously not going this September, Male Beauty by bengie and his shots of Rob proved the perfect visual stand-in until the actual trip can occur.  As you can see, Rob and bengie's day in the country started off like many English days, with a bit of rain.  By mid-morning however, the clouds had parted enough for the sun to shine down as bengie shot Rob as he roamed through the fields and gardens.

For most countries, Labour Day is connected to  International Workers' Day, which occurs on the first day of May.  This is day England uses to mark the holiday.  Given however, it's officially Labour weekend for those of us in North America, Rob was more than eager to pick up a hack saw and get to work on the wood pile.  Rob was careful to keep those sharp teeth away from his sensitive area's, and after working up a sweat with his wood, Rob went inside to shower and clean-up.  You can join him in the shower on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Scott Caan in A Boy Called Hate


After a run-in with the law, an angry maladjusted young man starts calling himself "Hate". One night he saves a girl from a lusty Assistant District Attorney. He falsely accuses them of robbery, so they go on the run and make things worse.

Last month, while celebrating Scott Caan's 44th birthday, I featured caps from his frontal nude scene in 1999's Speed of Life. (HERE:) When I was looking for scenes I also came upon this clip from a few years earlier on Scenes of Male Skin.

The very brief flash of butt in 1995's A Boy Called Hate, was the actors first time dropping trou for a movie. The film was also Scott's screen debut and his father James was one of his co-stars.

Just Because: Steven Beck


Playgirl readers undoubtedly recognize the incredibly hunky and hot Steven Beck.  Steven appeared in two group spreads in the magazine, Campus Hunks (2010) and Hunting Camp. (2011)  Although Steven was one of several models spotlighted, he was certainly the stand out for me.

Check out some highlights from his Playgirl spreads on the NEXT PAGE HERE:.  Also, check out more of Steven's modeling work, including some more recent shots HERE:

A Piece of Work


Happy Labor (Labour) Day to those who commemorate the day.

'Take comfort this Labor Day in knowing the pressure to have fun this summer is finally over.'

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 6th

TJ Noir by New Manhattan Studios


Whether at home after a long day at work, or in a hotel room, after a long day of shooting and exploring, nothing beats a hot shower and then hitting the sheets to relax.  TJ instinctively knows how to use his body to erotically relax creating incredibly hot lines and curves.  Although TJ may be relaxed, the energy of the viewer is certainly on the rise...

Finishing Touches

Favorite Click of the Week: Beneath the Waves


'Two brothers embark on a surfing trip together, attempting to bury past grievances in the process. As their surfing adventure unravels, so do the delicate and fragile bonds of brotherhood.'

No better way to close off the summer than one last surf day and a shower with two incredible hotties.  The reviews for the short Beneath the Waves were not exactly stellar, but these caps from Restituda, were certainly great promotion for me to want to see more.

Check out more images of actors Higin Prazmo and Kris Felix, and download the clip from the scene on Restituda1's World of Male Nudity HERE:

A Lil' Costco Crack

Happy Birthday today September 8th


Happy 49th to actor David Arquette!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

David in his new documentary You Cannot Kill David Arquette.

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 8th

A Daytonian in Manhattan : TJ by New Manhattan Studios


'I was happy to see how independent and mature he was compared to many of the out-of-town models who are intimidated by New York and reluctant to venture out on their own.'

I remember vividly the first time I visited Manhattan.  New Yorkers can spot a tourist a mile away, usually because they're walking around constantly looking up.  That was me for sure.  Many of the most interesting visuals were high above, building and monuments.  I remember walking by the MTV studios and noticing something being filmed on the second floor.  I annoyed a ton of people as I slowly walked by, looking up at that second floor window.

Conquering the streets of New York was also a confidence boost.  Although Manhattan is actually an easy city to get around in, most newcomers arrive intimidated by the city's reputation, and years of seeing the city depicted as a crime invested scary place on television and in movies.  The first time I was in New York I actually separated from my group and explored the city on my own.  Some of my favorite memories were walking down streets finding new world's and visuals around every corner.

Some readers may remember that FH kicked off 2020 with a piece featuring TJ and his work with New Manhattan Studios. (Blanc Slate)  The shot was months in the planning and coordinated between Wes and photographer Keith Ingram.  We and Keith shared expenses including flying TJ from Ohio for his first trip to New York City.

TJ's New York shoot wasn't the first time the Dayton based model had worked with two photographers.  I had previously featured his work with The Third Eye and Oculusvivatus.  In that piece, (Primus' Inter Pares) both photographers commented on TJ's confidence and ease in front of the camera.  Wes was also struck by TJ's confidence, and independence and passion with exploring Manhattan for the first time.

The late summer shoot provided the ideal weather for both the shoot, and for TJ to explore the city,  TJ was staying a hotel just a couple of blocks from Wall Street.  Wes started the day shooting TJ out and about around the Financial District.  After shooting on the city's streets, they then returned to TJ's hotel room for additional shots, then back to Wes' studio for a final series of images.

As a tourist, I remember being in awe at all the sights and sounds from the second I saw the city from the plane and when leaving the Newark airport for the drive into the city.  New Yorkers are used to seeing strange sites while walking through the streets of their city, but a shirtless TJ still managed to cause some attention and turning heads from those passing by. 

After the shoot was over, TJ was eager to take off and explore the city. Although Wes usually gives a great guided tour, he was impressed with TJ's independence and his desire to set out on his own.  Wes shares that TJ mastered the subway system right away, making his was from the Financial District to Times Square and midtown on a busy Saturday Night.

The city made quite an impression on TJ, and two weeks after returning home, he returned.  This time it was for business, but he managed to fit in a second shoot with Wes and NMS's Taylor Edwards and Alex Bustamante.  Most of the images from that second shoot I featured in Blanc Slate back in January.

We turned the two shoots into two series of images, the first Trevor Blanc, focusing on white backdrops and locations used, NMS published late last year.  The second photo essay, TJNoir, featuring TJ on the streets of New York, as well as studio and hotel shoots was just published at the end of the summer.  Check it out and preview more shots on New Manhattan Studios HERE:

After a long day of exploring the city, Trevor returned to his motel room to strip off his clothes and relax.  If you want to join him, head on over to the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Early Dismissal


With the pandemic wrecking havoc on television production, I was sort of looking forward to the one-two reality punch of Big Brother All Stars and Love Island.  Unfortunately, Big Brother is a bust with the most likable contestants quickly given the boot.  Love Island however, has a revolving cast, with hottie coming and in and out all season. 

With the pandemic in full swing, they couldn't go to an island, but they isolated their contestants in a Las Vegas hotel for fun, games, and lots of shirtless frolicking.   I DVR'd the show, but just began watching this past weekend, but am already thinking I may have to give up.  I went to play episode 1 and realized I had close to 10 episodes on my DVR, I hadn't realized the show aired almost every night of the week.

I watched one full episode and a few minutes of the next few, but am not thinking I can catch up and keep up with the schedule. I may have been tempted to give it ago, but my favorite hotel hottie got the boot early in the shows run. Jeremiah C White was one of the hottest guys on the first show, but was sadly not chosen at the first elimination. 

Too bad, I headed to his Instagram, and it's clear he's done some modeling, and would have been nice eye candy to close out the summer.  There may however, be a consolation prize. I haven't seen him on the show yet, but I did notice that model Calvin Cobb, the gorgeous ginger  I featured earlier this year, (HERE:) has now entered the house.

Put Your Damn Mask On!


'A man strolled down central London’s most popular shopping street on Friday with only a mask to cover his nudity, leaving passerbys astounded, amused and shocked.'

It was unclear what prompted the stunt but masks became compulsory on Friday in English shops. Thankfully, a Reuters photographer caught a picture of the man from an office above the street.



Bent: Altered from an originally straight or even condition

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 9th

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