Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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How Low Can You Go...


Baby pull your pants up,
I like it when I see you do it,

Question:Why do some guys pull their pants all the way down to use a urinal?

I'm  not usually into 'bathroom' themed imagery. I know bathrooms and showers can make great shooting locations, but I don't generally connect toilets with erotic imagery.  But.... enquiringly minds do want to know... I'm not sure about you, but whenever I come across of a thread or series of images of 'crazy college guys', there are always images of guys, sometimes alone, but usually with a few buddies, using the urinal with their pants and underwear down to their ankles.

I've personally never seen this, well not when using a public bathroom anyway. I dive have a university buddy who used to actually fully remove his pants and underwear, and place them safely aside before peeing.  I know this, as he never closed the bathroom door, and had no issue with you seeing, or asking what the hell he was doing.  .

His reason, aside from being a tad ocd, had to do years of his mother making him do it as a kid.  She hammered into him it was the only way to ensure he kept his pants clean and dry.  He said he knows it's silly now that he's an adult, but he did it for so long, it's now a habit he's embraced.   I didn't ask about his father, but did know his parents divorced when he was still a kid

'Young bucks with short horns, step up close.'

I did however notice a few things about the images.  The guys in the images I spotted were all about college age, which made me think most were more set up than real.  I also didn't spot any person of color.  It was mostly young white guys who didn't seem to mind having whatever was on the bathroom floor, on their clothes, then subsequently on their bodies.

Some Possible Answers I thought of...

-I't Cultural (something learned in a family like my friend)
-Pants with no zipper
-Avoid splash, clothes getting wet
-It's a straight guy thing

I don't know if all the guys pictured are indeed straight, but it does sort of seem most are straight, posing for their buddy with the camera.  Given their age, most are still in the process of transitioning away from fart humor, so bathroom high-jinks, jokes and cell phone shots seem about right.  Although I wouldn't want my pants lying on a public bathroom floor, I certainly wouldn't be completely adverse, to walking into one of these photo-ops.

A Baker's Dozen: DirtRoad


'My own skin fits better than the latest fashions.'

One of the reasons I continue with FH is the thrill of the find.   Scrolling through a site or turning an on-line page to find an artist, a model, an image that excites and stimulates my creative senses.  It's even more intriguing when I sense there's a story to be told.  That's exactly how I felt when I stumbled upon DirtRoad's Model Mayhem page back in 2013.

The images, were of DirtRoad in an old barn, naked, and holding an axe.  I loved DirtRoad's look and the erotic and sinister feel to the shoot.  I immediately reached out about a feature and asked who the photographer was so that I could get in touch..  DirtRoad replied quickly, and shared the images were self shots and welcomed a piece on the site.

Since that first piece, (To The Woodshed!) I've been fortunate to have featured DirtRoad's work over 15 times.  I've featured both his self-shots, and his work with other photographers, most notably, close to ten stories featuring his collaborations with Gary Larson from Noplacia Photography.  Although sadly Warren retired from modeling in 2017, he stepped back in front of the lens to shoot a snow series of self shots exclusively for FH. (Dormancy)

Next 3 shots from studioAtruong

DirtRoad on FH:

Remaining images from Noplacia 

'Some shoots with other models can be rigid, all business, and there can be ego challenges. DirtRoad the opposite of those models. He is laid back about the process, won't turn down a beer when taking a break, and brings his own creative ideas to the shoot.'
Gary Larson

Gary and DirtRoad's work together has been one of my favorite artist and model creative collaborations to watch, and feature over the years of working on the site.  They worked together close to a dozen times, most of which, Gary graciously shared with me to feature.  I think I featured almost all of their shoots, but my fingers remained crossed Gary might stumble upon a shoot or images I haven't seen before....  Until then, or until DirtRoad makes a modeling return, there's an incredible array of images in the previous pieces on the site.

DirtRoad by Noplacia Photography

Actors & Skin Update: Scott Glenn in The Spy Within


'A beautiful spy trades sex for secrets.'

Back in 2016, I put actor Scott Glenn under the FH microscope with an Actors & Skin. (HERE:)  At the time, I couldn't find a copy of Glenn's appearance in 1995's The Spy Within. Thanks to a poster on DC, the connection is complete.   I believe Glenn's flash of ass, covered with the words I'll Be In Touch.' was the actor's last nude scene to date.

Happy Birthday today September 10th


Happy 51st to actor Johnathon Schaech!

Check out more of Jonathan on FH HERE:
& More of today's Birthdays HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 10th

Out of the Woodwork: Timo by Bodytorium


'Sometimes I kind of roll the dice on picking a spot to do the photoshoot.'

As isolating as our world often seems to becoming,  escalated more so by the pandemic, sometimes it's almost impossible to find true privacy.  If you've ever tried to do something in public you really shouldn't be doing, you realize it's nearly impossible to be truly invisible.  I remember a few years ago, I went on the hut for pine branches to make a Christmas wreath.  No matter where I went, someone was jogging, driving by or walking their dog.  I only needed a few minutes to cut a few branches, not the hour or two required to shoot a hot naked male model.

'It’s not that easy finding spots that are not too far out from the city but are also devoid of humans. One disadvantage of shooting nudes is that it rules out a lot of good locations. There are so many places I’d love to photograph --- and in most cases I’d be able to --- just nudes are out of the question. And I’m not Spencer Tunick. Not too long ago, a police lady gave me some friendly advice: “Be really careful where you do your photographs. You could get in trouble.”

In the end, Phil went back to a previous location, an area in the woods some FH might recognize from Phil's work with Andrey, who I featured in June.  (At the End of a Walk)  This time, it was Timo who joined Phil for a walk into the woods.  It's somewhat apropos that Timo spends so much of the shoot in, on and playing with wood, especially given the Central Slovakian studies carpentry at vocational school.  In addition to pursing his education, Timo also works as a bouncer and has a brown belt in karate.

Timo was referred to Phil through a friend, and although he'd never modeled before, let alone completely nude,  agreed to give it a go after just one phone call with Phil.  Although Phil usually tries to meet the models he's working with in person before the actual shoot, with Timo, their first meeting was the day of the shoot.  As they headed into the woods to begin, Timo admitted to Phil that he didn't really know what to imagine, or what to expect, but Phil said this didn't hold him back in the least.  Phil describes him as eager, pleasant and confident from the get go.

'Timo is one of those guys I wish I had spent more time with and got to know better. He’s got a good heart, he’s smart, hardworking, he’s full of optimism and positive energy. He comes across as very mature for his age. He is a deep thinker and he has a big heart. Conversations with him are like with a wise grownup, although he’s also friendly and playful.'

When Phil asked which model from Boytorium I wanted to feature next, Timo was my choice. I was immediately drawn to his look and his beautiful brown eyes.  Despite being his first nude shoot, Phil says that he didn't hesitate in the slightest when Phil eventually asked him to get eventually naked.  Phil shares that Timo was very confident about his body, with one exception....

'Timo shared that he was feeling a bit insecure about his body hair. I reassured him that it looks good and very manly, and that I’ve seen much hairier. His reply.... “You should see my father”.

Timo is one of several models with new shoots that Phil has shared on his site over the last few months.  Timo's sections feature three separate parts with hundreds of images both on location and in studio.  Check them all out on Bodytorim HERE:

Below the Knee


Have you seen this before???

Do guys really pull their pants and underwear down to the floor in public bathrooms?  Is it something guys actually do, or is it just for their buddy aiming the cell phone at them.  More shots, and my theories on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Down A DirtRoad

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 11th

Paul Mescal in Normal People


'On paper, there’s nothing wrong with Connell. But in reality, that’s not the case, which is how depression happens for a lot of people.'

Although most bets would be on Mark Ruffalo, my vote for this year's best actor in a limited series at the EMMY's would be Paul Mescal.  Ruffalo was amazing in I Know This Must Be True, but Mescal's Connell had me at hello.  Connell's emotional break through scene in his therapists office was one of the best performances, and most impactful, I've seen in a long while.

'I felt objectified after Normal People, It's to be expected, given the intimacy of my scenes, but it doesn't make it easier.'

The nudity in Normal People got a lot of attention, on-screen nudity always does.  I long for the day when people don't care.  Not because the scenes weren't deserving of attention, but because of the attention nude scenes usually receive.  There is a juvenile response to nudity in film, from both audiences and the press that always irritates me.

They want to talk about it as 'titillating' and 'dirty' instead of sensual and part of the story.  I think the reaction from the media is one of the reasons so many actors avoid nudity, and are annoyed by having to constantly talk about it in the press.  So many of my thoughts were included in a great story on Digital Spy, I've included some of my favorites quotes below.

'The decision to lend as much attention to Connell's naked body as it does to Marianne's places them on an even playing field and is a stark contrast to what we see typically, where female characters are used as props to titillate.'

'In that moment, they are both as vulnerable as one another. There's no power play at work, their equal undress showcasing the level of ease and belonging that they feel around one another – the beating heart of this narrative.'

'But through sex and those moments of quiet that follow it, Normal People succeeds in doing what the book does so well, capturing that electricity which fizzes between them and beaming it through the pixels on your screen.. Edgar-Jones and Mescal both credit intimacy co-ordinator Ita O’Brien, who also worked on Sex Education and Gentleman Jack, in helping them to create that fine-tuned atmosphere.'

"She was in charge of choreographing those scenes in terms of physical beats, which was really brilliant because it meant that Paul and I were able to just concentrate on the acting part of it," Edgar Jones told Digital Spy and other press.'

"Obviously they're such an integral part of the book that we really wanted to do them justice in the series... They're really beautiful, and I also think they're incredibly accurate, especially the first-time scene where Marianne loses her virginity."

FaVorites: Brandon Beemer


FaVorites: Brandon Beemer

Some early 'new to Hollywood' shots.

Brandon Beemer is an actor I know more from his photos than I do from his work on television.  Although I've watched Days of our Lives off and on over the years, Beemer's a recurring character and I haven't really seem much of him on the show.  I've also never really watched The Bold and the Beautiful, a soap which from all the caps I've seen, took full advantage of Beemer's sex appeal and smokin hot body.

The Bold and the Beautiful

Days of our Lives

Dirty Soap

I think I really took notice of Beemer when he and then girlfriend Nadia Bjorlin were featured in the Italian edition of Vanity Fair.  The duo's photo session sizzled off the pages, and in addition to Beemer's body, I was memorized by his piercing blue eyes.

Although it's two hetro couples, kudos to whoever in the publicity department got Brandon Beemer in bed with Jay Kenneth Johnson!

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*** RSSing Note: Article removed by member request. ***

Happy Birthday today September 13th


Happy 40th to actor Jason Cook!

Check out more of today's Birthdays HERE:

Jason on Days of our Lives

Jason with Jay Kenneth Johnson.  Jason also played Shawn Douglas, the same character played by Brandon Beemer on Days.

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 13th

Just 18: Greg by StudioMGphotography


'Greg was just 18. He arrived with 2 pair of low-rise pants, and a couple of T-shirts, and that was it. The clothes hardly entered into the shoot anyway.'

I know many FH readers are familiar with StudioMGphotography's images with Greg.  I think of all the models Mark has shot over the years, his images of Greg are the one's I tend to see pop up on Twitter, tumblrs and other sites.  Mark's shots of Greg on the telephone poll are some of my favorites, and some of the shots I most frequently see shared on-line.

It's easy to understand why Mark's images of Greg had such an impact. Not only does Greg have an incredible body, and Mark captures it so magnificently.  Greg seems to have confidence with both his look and body, and his level of fitness.  He moves and poses beautifully and Mark spent much of the shoot capturing the hot 18 year old in motion.  As eye catching as Greg is moving, stretching, kicking and climbing, he's equally striking, when posing perfectly still.

'Greg is totally unselfconscious in his nudity. I never really knew what drew him to modeling, but  he just seemed to like hanging out with photographers and seeing what they would create with him as their inspiration!  

Greg is also totally fearless in the face of dirt, grime, splinters or sharp medal. Our first shoot he often walked around exploring fully nude, with the location his gym/playground/obstacle course - there was no hesitation as he clambered over structures or squeezed through openings.   He was however "afraid" of crawdads. At our third shoot the river had the occasional crawdad that would run across the bottom in the shadows trying to find hiding places from these giants that were walking up the river. They'd run across in front of him and he'd yelp and jump up on a rock!

Some of you may also recognize Greg from his previous appearances on FH.  Greg was the focus of one of Mark's earliest photo books back in 2007.  By 2012, Mark had printed and edited several other books, and because of that experience, went back and updated his work with Greg in expanded edition.  Mark brightened the editing, added new layouts and photos.  At that time however, the book was still only available for purchase in a hard cover edition.

For the first time ever, Greg, is now available in an e-book edition, ready immediately for download!  Given Greg is one of Mark's most popular models, Mark has been thinking of an e-book version for awhile, but he wanted to go back in and make sure the images and layout would visually translate from the hard cover edition to an e-book.  It took a little work, but it's now ready to enjoy!

'Greg can also change a flat tire faster than anyone I know... At the end of our second shoot we were leaving the location late... he had to get home, shower, pick up his girlfriend, and get to a hockey game (Sharks) they had tickets to. Immediately we realized my truck was driving funky - I had a flat. In a flash Greg had it jacked up, got the spare from underneath, changed it, and we were on our way again. He wasn't going to disappoint his girlfriend or miss the game!'

Greg is the result of 3 outings with Greg, all within a 9 month period. Each day was full of surprises - I hope you enjoy this photographic journey as much as I enjoyed capturing it!  The first shoot was Greg arriving with those low-rise pants and T-shirts.  The second, was a duo shoot with CJ, who Mark shares Greg hit it off with the moment the met.  The third shoot took place in late summer, and is responsible for most of the location shoots, including the shots of Greg in and by the river.

You can order and own the low cost e-book on Blurb HERE:  You can also check out Greg, and all of Mark's books, on his site HERE:

Greg & CJ

Spending Time with a some Normal People


'Most people go through their whole lives, without ever really feeling that close with anyone.'
Sally Rooney

I have my television on a lot.  Fore the most part, it's like background noise as I go through my day.  I sometimes have it on when I cook, when I eat, when I clean, or do projects around the house.  I have it on when I'm preparing for work, when I'm reading and when I'm working on the blog.  I noticed however a few years ago, there's very few television shows that I actually watch.

By watch, I mean a show that I give my full attention.  There's very few.  Maybe it's a bit of my adult ADD, but my mind tends to wander, especially when I concentrating on something.  It means I'm much more productive, doing several things at once.  I don't always finish them all, but I accomplish more than when I focus on just one thing.  I say all this, to let you know that I easily was able to watch, focus solely and devour each of the 12 episodes of  Normal People.

I loved Normal People.  I loved the story, I loved the direction, I loved the entire company of actors.  Led by Daisy Edgar-Jones (Marianne) and Paul Mescal. (Connell)  Each of the shows 30 minutes episodes were on their own,  almost like a mini-movie.  Although the time line of the show spans just a few years, the show moves from location to location, and section of time to create several different worlds and lifetimes for Marianne and Connell to work their way through.

'People are a lot more knowable than they think they are.'

I won't share any story details, I know many of you have already seen it.  For those who who haven't,I strongly recommend you find a way to do so. I actually hesitated writing about the show, and posting images of the nude scenes, because of how much I loved and respected the project.  I finished watching awhile ago, but wanted a bit of time to process it.  I took my time watching, I binged, but paced myself to watch just two episodes per night, in order to extend the number of nights I could watch.

There is a fair bit of nudity, from both male and female leads, and although the actors certainly have been objectified by many, it's both a sad side affect of on-screen nudity, yet also completely understandable.  The writing was so raw, the acting so real, and the direction so intimate, viewers were taken deeper into a couples emotional nexus than most movies strive, or able to accomplish.

I loved Marianne, and was in love with Connell.  You felt every beat of their relationship, from unhealthy beginnings, to ups and downs that followed. Their sexual relationship was so intimate, and also one of the factors which created their unique bond.  It was crucial these  scenes worked as they sort of acted as the intro, to each chapter and piece of their relationship, and the changes which occur throughout their story.

I  am going objectify Connell, with a focus on the nude scenes in the second part of my post on the NEXT PAGE.  The nudity as stated was important, but one of many important pieces of this brilliant television series. Mescal created a character you not only loved, but respected, sympathized with, rooted for and cried with.  He also created a character you lusted for, something the directors and camera work encouraged and enabled.  They were wanting or pulling you look at his penis or any specific body part, but they did want you to see him, and see all of him. 

Blue Eyes

A Room With A View

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 14th

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