Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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FaVorites: Sean Daniels

Sean by drobua

'I am interested in what this industry has to offer and I'm determined to learn/do what ever is necessary to make it happen.'

Next 2 shots by Darren Tieste

When I recently saw some images of model Sean Daniels, I was instantly captivated.  He has an incredible body, but was his face I was most drawn to.  In part, it was his beautiful features but it was also, that his face looked incredibly familiar.  I was sure I'd seen Sean before, maybe even featured him on the site.  I don't usually forget models I've featured, but I searched the blog for his name, and nothing came up.

Next 2 images by BJ Pascual

It started to really bug me, maybe I'd just seen his images before, but I also knew that if I had, I would have included him on the site.  Then... it came to me.  Sadani!  One of my favorite photographers that I've featured, was Texas based photographer Ev Dylan.  Back in 2010 I was fortunate to feature his work (HERE:)  with a model that at that time was credited as Sedani, a shortened version of his full name.

Sean by Davis Bates

'I took this on a spontaneous last minute day trip with two of my buds. We had been wanting to visit these sand dunes and finally had a day that we were all free to do it. While I am used to having my picture taken in next to nothing (bc I model), I've never been keen on showing my ass in a modeling picture. But since I was feeling one with nature and with good friends I said "fuck it! This will be a cool pic!" It was quite liberating tbh'
Daniel for The Travlin Bum

Sean by drobua

Remaining images by Brian Kaminski

Pandemically Inclined


Most of us were introduced to the clean shaven, clean cut and adorable actor Logan Lerman in projects such as television's Jack and Bobby and movies like The Perks of Being a Wallflower and the Percy Jackson series.  Although most of us, couldn't go out for hair-cuts during the pandemic, most us ended up looking more slovenly and scruffy, not more hot...

Logan however, let the hair grow, and the grey grow out and the results have been dramatic.  I know most of you have seen these shots, they were shared everywhere last week, and the image below, is a particular favorite.  I don't have to dye my hair just yet, but always thought I would when the grey pushed through.  I can only dream, it would push through like Logan's!

After checking out Logan's Instagram, it seems Logan headed back to work last month.  Sadly, for the project, his hair was again cut and dyed.   Hoping they'll be a part in his future requiring him to again, require him to sport his pandemic make-over.

Man of the Moment: Wildlandmike


There are many men and women who've gained media attention over the years.  This year, between the disaster hat trick of Trump, wild fires and the pandemics, more and more people have gone on-line to speak up and share their thoughts on what's going on.  This past week, you may have been introduced to Wildandmike, the firefighter who chose to not only fight fires, but fighting conspiracy theories on his TikTok. Mike's video, his words, and his incredibly sexy face, captured the attention of many.

Happy Birthday today September 17th


Happy 31st to actor Dijon Talton!

Check out more of Dijon on FHHERE:
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 17th

Risk Management: Tehranboy


'There is no community for photography of the nude male form.I’m actually doing this as an under cover work mostly for foreign viewers at this time.'

Regular FH readers know that I have a pattern, one I frequently follow when piecing together a model's story. The patter begins with a face shot. Usually a clothed portrait shot to introduce the model to viewers.  I do this, as my hope is to introduce the model as a man, a human being and more than the just the beautiful body in the images that will follow.  This images is usually considered quite safe, an image, unlike some of the nudes, the model could share anywhere, on social media, or with friends and family

In the case of Tehranboy, that face shot actually holds the most risk.  Although the 22 year old has been passionate about model his entire life, it's not something supported or condoned in his home in the province of Tehran.  Even with the potential dangers of publicly sharing his nude images, Terhranboy was determined.  He considers himself a bit of an exhibitionist, and loved modelling naked so much, he didn't want to see or deal with obstacles.  In order to follow his passion, Terhranboy didn't  didn't fight them as much as ignore them.

'It's a kinda secret work I do. Only some close friends know about it. Nudity is not accepted in my community for sure. All nude works are secret works and with limited viewers. Female nudity is more common here because most of photographers find male nude works as homosexual activities. They prefer to do what they like.'

 Except for with one close friend, to date, Terharnboy's only been naked in places where where he can't be seen.  He dreams however, to be naked in more public places with more people around to enjoy the thrill of being seen.  Because of the risk issues, Terhanboy has taken most of his images himself.  He did try, but wasn't able to find a photographer.

I did a quick search on Model Mayhem for nude male models (18-30) in Tehran, and of photographer who shoot the nude male form. I was able to find on one or two photographers who shot men, and only one male model, Tehranboy.  There are so many photographer's he'd like to work with one day, but until then, he'll continue to push his creative and erotic boundaries through his self-shots.

When I first came upon Tehranboy's images, I wasn't aware of his location, or his story.  I was struck by the quiet beauty he both captured, and expressed within his imagery.  FH viewers know how much I love windows within photography, especially imagining what's on the other side.  What the model see's looking out, and whether anyone's looking back in.  These questions were especially intriguing with Tehranboy.

When I asked Tehranboy if he had additional shots he wanted me to include, he sent on a series of shots, most featuring erections.  I don't often use erection shots on the site, mainly because I find so few I actually like.  With Tehranboy, the images took on a different meaning, and the quiet beauty I referenced was even more powerful within this series of images.

Regardless of how much we try, it's still so easy to take for granted, the freedoms we have.  In much of the world, male nudity has become far more acceptable that it even was a decade or two ago.  Sure, there are some risks, mostly with jobs, but they pale in comparison with what some models experience.  I'm grateful to Tehranboy for taking another risk with FH.  I'm hoping when the pandemic eventually subsides, Tehranboy might connect with some photographers travelling to Iran, or travel himself to experience working with another artist, and has the opportunity to get naked, in a busy, crowed location.

Besotted: Emmett J Scanlan


Anyone who checked out the blog last weekend, read about my infatuation with Connell from Normal People.  Actor Paul Mescal created a character I wanted to spend more time with, and was sad when I finished watching the final episode.  I decided to check out Paul's IMDB page to see if there might be another project I could dive into.  Up until Normal People, Paul had mostly appeared on stage, but there was another show, also released in 2020, that intrigued me.

Paul doesn't have a very big part in The Deceived, it's almost not big enough to even qualify as supporting.  His character Sean is however, key to the plot and story.  Although the four part series didn't really satisfy my desire for more Connell, it did satisfy my love of Ireland.  There were more Irish accents, Irish small towns, and beautiful scenic bodies of water.  It also introduced me to another Irish actor, this time actor Emmett J Scanlan.

Some of you may know Scanlan from his role on Hollyoaks.  I've always wanted to try out the soap drama, but never knew really where to find it.  So often when I've researched and written about European actors, so many have appeared on Hollyoaks, or another of the UK based teen based soaps.


Scanlan is the sexy lead in The Deceived, but unlike Normal People, romance isn't at the show's core.  There is a romance, but loving Scanlan's Professor Callaghan, doesn't seem to usually end to well...  The Deceived is a sort of a Gothic mystery, set in a possibly haunted house in a small town in Ireland.  There's creeks, ghost sightings and bumps in the night.  Scanlan is the stand out in the cast, playing the sexy villain, you're drawn to, even though you know it's a huge mistake.

The four episode series wasn't hard to find with a bit of looking, and the first three episodes were especially entertaining.  Like so many mysteries, this one fall a part a bit in the final instalment.  In party, it seems a bit rushed.  The first three episodes set up the climax, which really needed another two or three episodes to fully develop, regardless, it was a quick watch, and I loved meeting Scanlan, and the manipulatively horny professor that he plays.

I of course went on the hunt to see if Scanlan had done any nude scenes.  Although he's done quite a few sexy photo shoots, (the image below being one of my favorites...) he doesn't appear to have taken it all off for the camera, not since finding success on Hollyoaks.  He did however, drop trou in an early project before making it big.   Back in 2009, Scanlan took on a role, but one who's credit really said it all.  In Savage, the young actor was credited only as Gym Changing Room Guy #1, as as you can see from the clip below, it aptly fit.

Savage (2009)

Erotogenic Familiarity

Checking the Rim

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 18th

Summer Stock


The Ends of Summer...

FH readers are aware how much I love celebrating the seasons.  It's especially stimulating when the seasons are captured along with the nude male form.  With Summer transitioning into Autumn this week, I wanted to take one last look back at sun, sand and sexy men of summer.

The following shots were set for summer 'Seasonal Sightings' on the site, but instead of tucking them away until next year, I thought I'd share them as final farewell as Autumn, crisp mornings, hurricanes and snow are knocking on many of our doorsteps.

Actors & SKIN: Maxwell Caulfield

Salonika (1985)

'The other member of the cast is an enigmatic beach bum named Peter who spends most of his time sunbathing in the nude. Maxwell Caulfield, who spends much of the evening in the buff, personifies callowness perfectly.'
AP News

'They arch from the sand, and these mounds of perfection are what the audience sees first when the lights go up. Soon an elderly lady enters, and even she cannot resist caressing that smooth flesh. In short, Maxwell Caulfield owns what Jessica Tandy, 75, terms "a real baby's bottom.'

Jessica Tandy wasn't the only one taken with Maxwell Caulfield's 'baby bottom'....  Although he showed everything in the 1985 Broadway production of Salonika, he seemed slightly more resistant to showing as much on screen.

Dance With Death (1992)

I tracked down four instances of Maxwell showing some skin on film, but it really comes down to about 1 and a half.  Audiences got a good view of Maxwell's meaty behind in 1993's Midnight Witness, but the rear views in Dance With Death and In A Moment of Passion were quick and darkly lit.  In 1989's Sundown, we only got a side view, and an odd shot of Caulfield clearly wearing a cock sock.  I guess his vampire was a wee bit shy...

In A Moment of Passion (1993)

Although brief, this view is quite hot.  Even hotter if you can ignore Caulfield's character just killed the woman he was having sex with.

Midnight Witness (1993)

Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1989)

That odd scene breaking the forth wall, ensuring the audience knew the Vampire was deadly, but shy.

ACTORS & Skin: Maxwell Caulfield


Like so many actors that I profile, my infatuation with Maxwell Caulfield began not by seeing him on screen, but by seeing just a single photo.  I still remember sitting in that dentist's office and flipping through a old issue of People Magazine.  I was about 8 or 9 and was stunned to turn the page to see the beautiful black and white shot (above) of a naked Caulfield laying on the sand.

The image, a shot of Caulfield from the Broadway production of Salonika, was not only shocking for it's beauty, but because it's not often to see a man's bare ass within the pages of People. I had no idea who Caulfield was, I hadn't seen Grease 2, nor any of his other movies or TV shows.  The image however, had me wanting to learn more.

This was the late 80's, so there wasn't a internet to go home to and check out his IMDB page. There wasn't much I could really do except file the memory, remember the name, then keep an eye out for it in the future.   I think I first connected Caulfield to a project a couple of years later when he appeared on the Dynasty spin-off The Colby's.  I don't really remember watching the show, except seeing it's opening credits, but I do remember seeing Caulfield in promotional images for the show.

Years later I made the connection between Caulfield and his role in Grease 2.  I used to collect old magazines at flea markets, and saw many images from the film in magazines and eventual on-line. I still have yet to actually watch Grease 2, I keep meaning to, but's not a film that pops up on television very often.  The film has a history of horrid reviews, yet devoted fans, so I look forward to eventually checking it out.

I don't think it was until starting FH that I actually started checking out Caulfield's film roles when I had the chance.  Some, to check out his on-screen nudity.  Caulfield has only actually had a few quick flashes of butt on screen, but his sex symbol image was cemented for me, more by his photo shoots.  The shots promoting Grease 2 in particular had a James Dean feel, an image he seemed to promote in his photo shoots.  Caulfield is an actor who's images I'm always looking out for.  Just when I think I've seen them all, I'll discover a new shoot, or a new edit.

It's sort of interesting the impact that Grease 2 had on Caulfield's career.  Many describe the movie, as the end of a promising career.  That maybe quite true, but the promotional shots, like the one below, also helped broaden his audience and appeal.  People may not remember much of his work, but they do remember him.  I'm sure as an actor, that isn't really a great thing, but Caulfield did continue to work after Grease 2, mostly on television, but also in a few films and on stage.

In addition to checking the movies with skin, two may favorite Caulfield performances were in 1985's The Boys Next Door and 1989's Mind Games.  Neither film includes any nudity, but in Caulfield is incredibly hot in both.  He's also the villain in both, a murderous psychopath in one, and a deranged obsessive in the other. 

-Check out Caulfield's nude scenes in part 2 (SKIN) below-

Midnight Witness (1993)

The Boys Next Door (1985)

I was a little surprised by the homophobia in The Boys Next Door.  Not that that wasn't common in many movies from the 80's.  It was more how gay friendly the movies poster was....  I enjoyed the film, but it felt a little like the lured me with a shirtless and sexy Caulfield, only to then kick me in the teeth...

Happy Birthday today September 19th


Happy 68th to actor Scott Colomby

Check out more of today's Birthdays HERE:

Ahhh, I remember watching Caddyshack on VHS with my family when I was a kid.  I wanted to go back and re-watch Scott's speedo scene, but my father took the movies back before I had the chance.

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 19th

Maxwell Caulfield
-See More Below-

Love in the Afternoon: Conner & Tim by Gordon Nebeker


I've been fortunate to have been able to feature many of photographer Gordon Nebeker's shoots with individual models.  Regular FH readers also know, especially with the Utah shoots, Gordon is equally skilled at shooting models together.  I know one of the main things Gordon looks for when choosing models to shoot together is chemistry.   Chemistry however, isn't something that you can always predict.  Sure, you may know two models will visually blend together, but the sparks, the ones you can feel even with a digital image, are formed more through erotic energy than any amount of planning.


Last February, Tim, whose work with Gordon I previously featured, (Sans Speedo) was flying in to work with Gordon.  When they were discussing the particulars, Tim expressed wanting to do a duo shoot while there.  Gordon got in contact with Conner, a model he had enjoyed working with on a previous duo shoot.  Gordon shares that Tim and Conner bonded quickly, and worked together beautifully.  They worked together over two days, but it was the second day that Gordon edited and shared with the models and on Instagram.  Fast forward six months, and during a conversation with Conner, he asked if Gordon had process and worked on any shots from the first morning of the shoot.

'I was embarrassed to admit that I had forgotten all about it!  I went back to my photos of Tim and Conner meeting for the first time and the chemistry between them was off the walls. Erotic excitement sprang with no encouragement from me,  I just kept taking the pictures. I realized that I hadn’t processed very much from the first day’s shoot at my house in Ft Lauderdale and what a treasure trove it was! 

Like a movie fantasy or dream sequence, the screen now turns black and white.  The monochrome images capture the chemistry, energy, and erotic electricity captured at that first meeting between Conner and Tim.  After Gordon sent the processed photos to Conner and Tim, both relied how much they loved the work.  Despite the erections and intimate moments captured, both models hoped Gordon would find a way share the images and get the work out.  It didn't take much encouragement for Gordon to get creative with a monograph to share the morning meet, great and heat.

'What to do as a photographer when you have 30 to 40 wonderful Black & White photos of two models who are working together for the first time but obviously have visible “chemistry”? Not enough photos perhaps for a full fledged thick book but certainly enough for a monograph that explores that chemistry as they play and dance and interact with each other.  The work is available in two formats: 1) a lux 12” by 12” linen hard cover version beautifully printed on archival paper (but expensive due to the costs of self publishing) or 2) the much more affordable ebook version which still includes all of the photographs in the monograph.'

'Tim and I hit it off right away, and dove right in to the photo session. Since we were both professional in doing nude shoots, getting up close and intimate was not a problem for us. Even for our first time meeting. My favorite photos are the ones where we were able to cross athleticism with nude art. 

This will be my first print nude model experience for me. I was a little hesitant when Gordon approached us with the idea. After seeing the photos and how they were presented, I quickly changed my mind and was excited at the idea of sharing our work with others. I am proud of the work we created and Gordon captures our bodies and creativity so well. I hope that everyone else finds them just as amazing as we did.'

'This shoot was the realization of a dream I have had ever since I was a teenager and first discovered the photography of Bruce Weber and, later, Howard Roffman. Their work seemed to me to exemplify the natural fusion of nudity, playful sensuality, and athleticism. Ever since then, I've wanted to be part of a project that would capture that same trinity of ideas. Thanks to Gordon, now I am

Gordon has so eloquently expressed the beauty that is to be found in openness, freedom, and human touch. It's incredibly satisfying and fulfilling, particularly to think that in years to come other models-to-be will see these images and hopefully be inspired to emulate them in their turn. And as a bibliophile, it's a delight to me to finally have some of my modeling work preserved in a physical medium less subject to censorship!

I was also thrilled to find in Conner someone who was as relaxed and enthusiastic about nudity as I was. I greatly admired his balance and poise--and of course the fun positions we could get into with our combined experience! It was very difficult to separate from him after a while, too. All we had to do was touch and look at one another--and you can see what the results were. When you allow yourself to be naked and unafraid, wonderful things happen.'

FaVorite FiVe: King Stennis



I've wanted to do an Actors & Skin piece on actor Maxwell Caulfield for awhile now,  but didn't think he really had much on screen skin.  He sizzles in images, and is shirtless in roles often, but his nudity resume isn't a long one.  Long enough though, to give it a go!  Check out more on the next page of Maxwell Caulfield's  ACTORS (HERE:) and SKIN (HERE)

A Shift in the Seasons

Men in Trees

With the seasonal transition this week,  I thought I'd welcome Autumn by holding onto summer for just a little bit longer.  Check out all the summer 'seasonal sightings' images I didn't get time to post on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 20th

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