Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Good Ol' Boys


Just the good ol' boys
Never meanin' no harm

Working on FH, I've featured a diverse selection of men from all walks of life.  I've featured many country boys, cowboys and farmers, but there is a difference between being a country, and being thought of as a good ol' boy.

Good Ol' Boys
A Southern born boy who is country to the core. He likes to hunt and could not be prouder of his gun collection. He carries one knife in his pocket and another in his boot, in case the one in his pocket gets confiscated. Usually drives a truck and listens to country. A hard working, honest gentleman, who prefers the simple life and is just looking for a girl or boy he can take shootin'.

Good Ol' Boys often get a bad wrap, and we all know the offensive nicknames they've been given.  Some of this has been well earned, especially in the time of Trump, but like every label we give other humans, stereotypes are never really helpful.

I grew up in the city, but moved more rurally when I was in my mid-twenties.  I've met many good ol' boys, and most of them have been kind and caring.  Sure, I've encountered a few ass holes, but no more or no less than I've encountered in every other area of my life.

I'm not a big fan of hunting, but living in the country, I also understand it's place and purpose.  I'm not a big fan of guns, but I also understand their place in rural life.  I don't think I could every kill an animal myself, but given I do eat meat, don't want to be a hypocrite.

So why the focus on good ol' boys?  Well, like most of my pieces, it began with a visual, an image.  If you scroll down, it's the image at the very bottom of this post. I loved the shot, especially the curve of the guys back and butt.  I was going to use the images as a 'one shot' post, but before long, I was googling 'hot naked good ole' boys.  Not surprisingly, images, sites and tumblrs focused on men in and out of plaid were plentiful!

Quel Dommage: Fabien by macpics


'What initially attracted me to Fabien were his unconventional good looks, his charming smile and his lean, defined figure.'

For me, unconventional sexiness is always especially hot.  This is especially so, when the person isn't necessarily aware of the potency of their persona.  In addition to his charm, his smile and his lean, defined physique, I suspect Fabien's French accent also played a role in Ian's wanting to get him out of his clothes, and in front of his camera.

'Fabien's accent made me melt, I could have listened to him talk the entire shoot.  It was his first time posing nude, and while he was a little stiff in the beginning, he was perfectly willing to do what was needed, and followed my suggestions for shots and poses.'

Because of Fabien's sexy accent, Ian kept him chatting most of the shoot, discussing many topics and interests the two had in common.  Ian felt they got on well, and made a connection and when the shoot was over, and Fabien's clothes were back on, Ian asked him about a second shoot.  Fabien eagerly agreed, and a date and time were planned.

For the second shoot, Fabien surprised Ian by showing up with another model.  He brought the model, hoping Ian would be up for doing an erotic shoot with the two of them together.  Ian agreed, but sadly this time, Fabien showed little interest in conversing with Ian, and spent the entire shoot flirting with, and using his accent and charms to impress the other model... 

Suddenly he must have lost interest in contact with me because he went silent and avoided me. Quel dommage. All of his attention was now elsewhere.  Although it was Fabien's unconventional sexiness that initially had Ian wanting to shoot him, it was the accent, that led Ian to agree to a second shoot.  Although Fabien did ask, Ian decided two was the charm and a third, wasn't scheduled.

Hey CBS....


Lest we forget....

No shade on Ozzy, because I love me some Ozzy, but one can't help but wonder if 'Noah's' porn past (or lying on his application) was really the reason.  Ozzy got a blow job, had sex, a foursome, and some naked chocolate pudding wresting on camera, but was invited back on Survivor multiple times.

Noah had sex on camera, with boy men and women, but unlike Ozzy, who performed for a studio geared to straight men, Noah worked for a studio geared towards gay men.  Just so you know CBS, we see it, even if you won't acknowledge it.

Touch Screen

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 24th

At the Turn of the Century: Björn by macpics


Doesn't the turn of the century seem like an awfully long time ago....

I always enjoy featuring Ian's (macpics) recent shoots, but I also really love when he digs back into his archive to share his work with models from decades ago.  In addition to the look and feel of the shots, I love the stories that so often go with them.  Before Model Mayhem and social media became the main way photographers and models connected, it often required a more personal touch...

The last few times I featured older shoots of Ian's, we travelled back to the 90's.  This shoot, spanned the last couple of hours as the year, the decade, the century, and a few hours into the new.  Like many of you, I distinctly remember New Years Eve 1999. I was in my early twenties, and enjoying my Christmas break.  I had recently finished school, and was out working full time for the first time.  The talk, especially at work, was focused on what would happen at midnights if the world's computer's all went down.

It seems almost silly looking back, but it was a big concern, especially for businesses  that spent months preparing for a catastrophe.  I was at a party, but remember gathering around the hosts desktop at midnight waiting to see if his machine would crash or blow-up.  Of course nothing happened, computers continued to function, bring us our porn, and move along like every other day.

While I was at house party, preoccupied with inconsequential matters, Ian was out partying, ringing in the turn of the century with hot men at a nightclub in Germany.  Although off the clock, photographers always have their eye out for potential future subjects.  That's exactly what Ian saw and thought when first saw Björn.

'I spoke to him at that bar and he was pleased to be asked to model. With a little encouraging, we decided to shoot right away and ring in the New Year by celebrating Björn's first nude shoot.  Some of the shots were taken at my place and some at his. He was a novice, but he took direction well and enjoyed being in front of the camera.'

Proving you can never rely on stereotypes, they spent a lot of time talking about religion, as one does during a naked photo shoot....  Actually, the conversation began with Björn' wondering if his being circumcised mattered for the shoot.  It didn't.  It ended with the new model discussing being a born-again Christian. (Ian called him a Björn-again Christian.)  Although a man of deep faith, Björn was also an art lover and believed the human body was a work of art, and not something many religions like to attach with shame.

Sticking with the 2000's, you check out another of Ian's shoots from the decade, this time with Fabien, another model shooting nude for the first time.  Check out more on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Favorite Part of Ratched: Corey Stoll


'He wasn’t born a monster. Somebody turned him into one.'
Mildred Ratched

Netflix's Ratched has certainly gotten some wretched reviews.  To be fair, I think some were a bit too brutal, based more on Ryan Murphy's body of work that Ratched on it's own.  Sure, like most of Murphy's projects there are some gaping plot holes and story inconsistencies, but also like many of Murphy's projects, for what it was, I found it entertaining.

It had all the Murphy staples.  Great actress's over 40, a hot hunk for butt scenes, frequent twists and turns, and a beautiful atmosphere rooted in the shows look and set.  I'm not sure any mental institution ever looked like this one but even during boring or silly scenes, the surrounds

The cast was top notch, especially Jon Jon Briones and Judy David, whose scenes together were my favorites.  The exception was Sharon Stone, who although looked great with a monkey on her shoulder, was oddly flat in a role that should have been a scene stealer.  My favorite actor in the project was Corey Stoll who played PI / hired gun Charles Wainwright.

The Strain

Stoll looked incredibly hot in his film noir styled coat and hat, and hotter when the hat came off.  Stoll is an actor I really should no better, I've seen him in many movies before, but his television appearances were in shows that have passed me by.  I tired, but never got into Girls, and have never seen House of Cards.  I did however notice Stoll on screen before in his many film roles with some of the industries biggest stars.


I wish we'd have seen more of Stoll in Ratched, but Mildred's story went in a different direction and Charles was only seen in the shows first three episodes.  I also wish we'd seen more of Charlie Carver and Hunter Parrish, both of whom were also memorable, but with limited screen time.

I think Ratched would have benefited from less of the title character herself.  As great an actress Paulson is, this role wasn't really a great fit, and the show really shined when it's supporting cast were on screen.  I would have really loved to have seen more of Stoll, Briones, Parrish, Judy Davis, Vincent D'Onofrio, Amanda Plummer and Harriet Sansom Harris.

House of Cards

Old Boots, New Dirt


Speaking of Plaid...  Check out some of my favorite rural terrain's, in and out of plaid and jeans, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

A Touch of Plaid

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 25th

The Old Mill: Connor by JW Johnson


'For a while I thought he was playing me...'

One of things I enjoy about featuring the work ofJW Johnson, is heading to his site and going through his archive of shoots from the 1990's and 2000's.  This shoot, is a little more recent, it took place just a couple of weeks ago to be exact.  JW is an artist with many passions. In addition to being a former fire fighter, the Missouri based photographer likes to spend his weekends not only scouting and shooting new models, but also focusing on his passion for rock, mineral and fossil collecting. Whenever I feature a photo shot, I like to tell the story of how it all came together.  Sometimes the main focus is on the shoot itself, sometimes it's on how the model and photographer connected.  For this particular shoot... it was all about the getting there.

As an amateur geologist, JW often travels both within and outside of Missouri to find the perfect sits and locations.  This has enabled him to also discover many locations off the beaten path, locations not generally used to shoot the nude male form.  The old mill was one of those places. JW had been talking with Connor on-line for a few weeks, and decided to schedule a shoot near Connor's home in Central Kentucky, since he was already heading there for to collect more rocks.

Connor has been looking to get into the adult video business, and had already shot with a few video producers.  New to shooting, and being in front of the camera, Connor thought it would also be a good idea to also give print work a try.  JW set a time to meet him at the old mill when he on his way to his Kentucky destination.   JW had shot another model at the mill several years ago and knew it was somewhat secluded, especially if went at the right time, and on the right day.

'When I was there before, there were waterfalls there, the millrace water running downhill below the mill eventually emptying into Lake Cumberland, however the brush was so thick then you couldn't even see or find them. this time around, we found that the agency overseeing the mill had put some time and effort in to clearing the brush and building a wood fence and picnic tables near the falls. We were able to get closer this time, so close, we had to be careful not to surprise any workers who might walk by.'

Before starting to shoot however, both model and photographer had to actually get there. Connor ended up taking a different route than JW, which led to a series of events which had JW wondering if Connor was going to actually show up.  All photographers, especially those shooting the nude male form, have had models back out at the last minute. Many don't call, or give notice or a reason for  their change of heart. JW had no idea that the quiet country highway had two exits which could take you to the mill.  As luck would have it, Connor took the one that led to a detour.

'I had told him the mill was just a few miles down it from the state highway, gave him the address of the mill off google earth..  Connor drives to that address and texts me to let me know it took him to some guy`s house, not a restored mill.  He ended up turning around and heading back to the town that he started at before he took the exit.  After driving in circles for awhile, Connor eventually asked me to meet him at the Walmart store parking lot in that town.  Given I was only about 10 miles away, I headed back to town to meet up.'

Upon meeting up with Connor at Walmart, JW was worried that his new model might be frustrated after getting lost, and possibly not want to continue back to the mill to shoot.  Instead, JW says that Connor was a super nice, and very understanding about the situation.  JW describes him as a soft spoken country boy who was very respectful, polite and eager to get to work.

'I'm sure was glad I took the time to go back and meet him at that town, lead him to the mill and shoot him there...the 90 minutes that I worked with him was well worth it. I look forward to working with him again and maybe again. :)'

Jordan Patrick Smith in Lovecraft Country


I've been enjoying actor Jordan Patrick Smith as William on Lovecraft Country, even though, I didn't initially recognize him from his previous roles.  Smith looks completely different than he did on Vikings, and has beautifully matured considerably since his days on Neighbours and Home and Away.


Lovecraft Country

Last BBQ


Some, can BBQ all year long, but for many of us, we've grilled our last piece of meat until next year.

Happy Birthday today September 27th


Happy 72nd to actor A Martinez!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Santa Barbara

I'm still hunting for a copy of A's nude scene in 1995's Before The Night, until then, this is the cap most easily found on-line.

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 27th

Artists Who Inspire

First 2 illustrations by badsign769

When FH began, I first listed all the contributors on the side of the site. At the time, I never imagined I would still be working on the FH ten years later and collaborated on stories with hundreds of photographers. I changed my link category title to 'recent contributes' and started Artist's Who Inspire to ensure all of the artists who have appeared on the site were credited.

Below is an update featuring the many artists and photographers who have so generously supported FH over the last decade plus.  The images featured are all from artists who made their first appearance on FH since I last updated the list last August.

Bathtime with Briancan

AANE Photography***Abigail Ekue***Adrian Lourie***Alexander Chernenko***Alexander Kargaltsev***Alexandre Rios***alfenphotography***Andy Hurvitz***AJL Photo***Alan Armijo***Allan Spiers***Alex Photopaint***Andrew Bowman***Anthony Timiraos***Anton Z Risan***Arteo Photo Kevin Moore***Artfullphoto***ArtPoleph***Ashland Thomas******Baker & Adams

Bad JohnPaul***Bad Behaviour Boys***BAD JOHNPAUL***Badsign769***Ben Octavius***Billy Hennessy***Birds Eye Studios***BJ Nash***Bob Burkhardt***Bobby Shahideh***Bodytorium***BPeterson Photos***Brett Kiellerop***Brenton Parry***Brian Gorman***Brian Jones***Briancan***Bryan Nevin Media***BRYAN RAsHAUN***Bruce Denny***Bryant Criminger***byKent***Byron Motley

Next 2 images from simvans

Cadeography***Carl Proctor***Carlos Miranda Photography***Carolina Freelance***Charles Archer***Chris Teel***Chris A Freeman***Christopher Photography***Christopher Singleton***Cibo Photography***ClareVoyance Photogrphy***Claus Pelz***Clean Slate***ClearEye LLC***Clyph Jean-Philippe***Cmwathen***Cooks Photography***Cruz Visionnaire***Dahlensjö Photography***Dale Pierce Photography***Damien Manspeaker***Dan Skinner***Daniel Allen***Dark Shadow Sydney***Dave Koster***David Arnot***David Vance***DAVISICON***Dennis Nauert***DejaView Photography***Digital Pixel Studios

Dominick Avellino Studio***Donald Chambers***DLJ Photography***Doppel-V***Drew Kamp***Doug Vetter***Dusti Cunningham***eMCi photo***
EwoudBouska*** FabienLemaire***FIBK***FitAussieGuys***flondo***FlyFoto***Fineexposure***FirebirdPhotography***Fotoreblelxt***Fotowerk_Z***Frank Bell****Fred Sugar***Gemini Men***gentlemenOnly***GD Photowerks***GLiMPSe visual

Image from Revolt Visuals

Gordon Nebeker***Gray Ions***Green Carnation***Greg Lindeblom***Greg Tsontakis-Mally***Gruenholtz***H2H-images***Hans Fahrmeyer***HappyChopsticks***Haruehun Airry***HowRoar Imagery***Hull Studio***Immortal Form***Indulis***Ian Burgess***IMAGENTS***Images Male***Implicit Ditto***IMWPhotography***Jack Saul***Jackson Photograpfix***James R Cunningham***James Spada***Jamtron Studio***Jan Deuzeman***Jay Plogman***Jay Rickard***JayBee Photography***JBDI Photography***JDT Photgraphy***JGH Photography***Jim Wilkinson

Images from Artfullphoto

Joe Mazza***John Fallon***John M Clum***Jon Eland***Jpics***Josh Camero***Joshua Gagnon***JR Williams***JrChristiansenStudio***JDT Photography***jtoPHOTO***Julian Vankim***Justin O'Keith***JW Johnson***Kevin Kurbs***Karl Smet***Keith Ingram***Kim Hanson***Klinikel***Kirill KAZAKOV***Kurt R. Brown***LBL Artistic Photography***Leigh Carter***Lewis and Marshall***Lights on Studio***Lime Street***lionart609

Image by Happy Chopsticks

Image from Jan Deuzeman

Nicolas Smith***Nicky Reyes***Night Kast Images***Noplacia Photography***Norcal Bodz***Nohea Dunn***Nosferatu Photography***Oakleigh***Ohm Photography***Pace Photography***Pascal d'Ameyal***Palm Spring Men***Patrick Keuanu***Patrick Mulcahy***Patrick R***Patrick Slater***Paul Mariano***Paul Reitz***Paul Morris***Paul Richmond***Paul Sixta***Paul Smollen***Peek Physique***PerfectFit Photography***Peter Rowen***Photoby010***Photo15***PhotoRSH***Photos By Biron***Photos by Deej***Photography by Hugh***Pierre Jean***Pierre Simard***Pinnacle Photo***

Next 2 images from New Light Photo

Image by Pace Photography

Robert Wagner in All the Fine Young Cannibals


The minister of the town has died and his son Chad has no tears for him. Sarah, who now calls herself Salome, is pregnant with Chad's baby, but Chad has no future, no job and no money. ...

Although Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood were the leads in All The Fine Young Cannibals, it was actress Susan Kohner in this scene with Wagner.  Although Wagner's Chad may appear to be the aggressor in this scene, he's actually responding to an earlier event. 

In previous scene, Chad and Catherine (Kohner) were horseback riding and Chad grabbed the riding crop out of her hands as she was violently beating her horse. The film used the crop, and Wagner's hot torso to the full extent in quite a bit of the movie's promotional material.

Seasonal Sightings

Happy Birthday today September 28th


Happy 42nd to actor Lucas Bryant

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:


The Girl King (2015)

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 28th

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