Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Tom Mercier: Naked, not Nude


Fans of the nude male form in film and on television, know there's a difference between nude scenes, and an actor actually being naked.  Many actors have done nude scenes, a quick flash of their butt, an implied love scene, even a quick frontal flash.  Most of these scenes are darkly lit, oddly angled, and shot so fast, if you blinked, you'd miss them.

HBO certainly hasn't shied away from male nudity, but most of the naked, comes from extras.  If you think of Game of Thrones and Euphoria, some of the main cast members nude the darkly lit nude scenes, or use prosthetics, but the actual naked, was usually from unknown day players or extras.

We Are who We Are (2020)

It was a refreshing then, if not a bit shocking, to have a naked actor, actually be naked in the premiere of HBO's. We Are Who We Are.  There were actually several actors naked in the pilot, but the longest exposure came from Jonathan, played by Israeli actor Tom Mercier. The lighting wasn't too dark, there were several views of both Tom's front, and back, and just like the main character of Fraser, we were encouraged to take it all in and enjoy the vies.

Hey, hey, cutesy pie! You lost?

As great as the scene was, it was tame compared to Tom's previous nude scenes in 2019's Synonymes.   It felt as if Tom was naked for at least half of the film.  The film opens with Tom spending almost four minutes showering, and the running around an apartment building looking for his missing clothes.

Synonymes (2019)

'Mercier’s naked body plays a central role in “Synonyms.” Already at the beginning we see him, in the character of Yoav, entering an empty apartment in an elegant Parisian building, stripping, getting into the shower and pleasuring himself. It’s the scene of the birth of a wild person. Facing the viewers is a raging bull, lost in an alienated space. A body seeking solid ground to walk on. Even when he discovers that someone stole the little property he brought with him from his native land, he goes out naked into the street.'

In Nadav Lapid’s Golden Bear winning film, Synonyms,  Mercier’s character leaves the dark socio-political climate of Israel with the hope of finding beauty in France.  I'm not sure if it's actual beauty that Yoav finds, but it is an adventure.  I look forwad to where Mercier's character goes on his new series, as whether nude, naked or fully dressed, he's a compelling actor to watch on screen.

A Baker's Dozen: Bond


With close to 30 spotlighted stories, I'm pretty confidant that model Bond Brown is the most featured model on the site. You might wonder then, why I didn't wait, and save Bond for the last part of A Baker's Dozen.  I purposely chose not to give the list any order, I wanted it more of celebration of artists and models more than a count down.  In addition, when I think of Bond, I think of Autumn.

It was on Halloween back in 2014 that Bond made his FH debut.  I remember when Wes from New Manhattan Studio's first shared his images of Bond.  Wes was excited about discovering the new model, and I was equally excited about the orange and black themed series of images Wes sent on, and being able to share them on the site.  I also remember some of Wes's first comments about their first few shoots together.

'Bond is a real sweetheart and a delight to work. It did taken a while to ease him into all of this and was a bit timid about doing full-on nudes when we met in January. But he go past that with some very classic/formal looking work with a white scarf on this third session with us (above) in May. Once we had proved to him that we were doing art, not porn, he finally opened up and relaxed on the Lancaster shoot. I think we finally tapped the exhibitionism gene: he was posing nude bathing in a tub (also known as a horse trough) on the outdoors set in July. We strung up a tarp to shield him from the nearby highway, but he was totally at ease with six other males standing around.'

Most of the thirty features I've done on Bond have been from Wes, but it wasn't long before other photographers also wanted in on the Bonding.   During one shooting trip to New York, Bond took a quick detour to work with Gordon Nebeker.  Once Bond moved to California, Wes and Alex took a trip West and shot Bond along with Mike Tossy and StudioMGphotography.

Bond by Gordon Nebeker

Bond by Gordon Nebeker (2018)

'I still don’t think Bond has any awareness of the power of his looks. There still isn’t a pretentious bone in his body. He’s still the cute kid next door... who can smoulder and swagger with the best of them!'

'When I think of Bond, I can’t help but think ‘enthusiasm’, 'high energy’, and ‘personable’. He’d is the human Energizer Bunny, always ready to go!'
Gordon Nebeker

'Bond's a remarkable young man, each time we met to create, including that first shoot, it was somehow like greeting a long lost friend. He has an ability to charm anyone and everyone.'

Bond by StudioMGphotography

Bond by StudioMGphotography

Remaining images by New Manhattan Studios

Adorable, sweet, charming, what more could you ask for in a model.  Bond's looks however, go far beyond just being cute.  He may have a bit of Tom Hanks type quality, but it's infused with lethal dose sexual energy.  It was almost impossible to narrow down my favorite images of Bond.  One of the reasons, is because Wes so often sends on behind the scenes shots of Bond during their dozens of shoots together.  If you want to check out some of favorites, all you have to do is click HERE:

Bond by New Manhattan Studios




A Kiss Before Dying


' Some secrets can't be kept ... they have to be buried!'


Let me share with you another secret, re-makes of classic films should be against the law. I'm trying to think of a re-make that was actually worth watching, I can't.  I suppose maybe there are lesser known stories that gain a new audience with a contemporary update, but I really doubt it.  I've had 1956's A Kiss Before Dying on my DVR since TCM aired it a few months ago, I finally had the time to watch this past weekend.

Robert Wagner

I've been fascinated to see more of Robert Wagner's films since watching HBO's Natalie Wood documentary during the summer.  As much as her death, and Wagner's involvement, was a focus, my curiosity was about Wagner's film career.  A theme of the documentary was how Wagner and Wood's stars were on the rise at different times, and when she was at her most famous, his fame was on the decline.

Matt Dillon

I'd seen Wagner on television of course, but don't think I'd ever seen one of his films.  Not sure a film with featuring Wagner murdering his lover was the right film to start with... but I did love A Kiss Before Dying.  As Bud Corliss, Wagner made a great villain, and the supporting cast were all great.  I also loved the movie's film noir feel and it's cinematic look.  Had me want to add visiting Arizona to my travel bucket list.

;Crying isn't going to help'
Bud Corliss

The only downside to catching the original, was it stirred my curiosity to catch the 1991 re-make.  Big mistake!  The re-make was horrid.  It's hard to believe both films were based on the same novel by Ira Levin.  Matt Dillon was fine, and beautiful to look at, but the story was weak and Sean Young was absolutely horrid playing both of the Carlsson sister.

The sisters should have been played by two actress's, as they were in the 1956 version, it would have meant a few less minutes of Young on screen.  Young was so bad, she won two Golden Raspberry's for her work, for both worst actress, and worst supporting actress.  The only awards the film won.

The only positive thing about the film was Matt Dillon, especially his gorgeous face.  Even with a week script, Dillon was watchable.  The film also 'sort of' mark's Dillon's first nude scene.  I say sort of, because it was but a wee bit of upper ass crack.  The reason I count it, is as up until this point, Dillon has done zero nudity.  Although often shirtless, and in tighty whities on film, no director ever managed to get those tighty whities off.  Dillon remained nudity shy, and I believe showed his full butt only once in his career.

Although Dillon showed an inch (barely) of butt in the re-make, Wagner showed no skin the original.  Regardless, his Bud sizzled with sinister sex appeal.  Wagner did have a hot shirtless scene in 1960's All The Fine Young Cannibals.  You can check out that scene on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Sag in the City

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 29th

The Mankini


'My name Borat. I like you. I like sex. It's nice.'

Well ok, many of these guys aren't really men, they're more on the verge... not quite there, but close. Although the mankini really doesn't do most bodies any favours, it does have it's appeal, on the right guy.

It sucks into your butt cheeks, and causes your balls to want to bust out.  It's a fashion statement that deserves to remain in the 2000's, but I'll revisit it again, just for today.

Horror Hunks: Ray Lovelock in Autopsy


'It'll take you... apart!'

I had never heard of the 1973 Italian film Autopsy, (Italian title Macchie solari and also known as The Victim and Corpse) but after seeing a promotional image, and seeing one of the male stars had the name Ray Lovelock, and had a nude scene, I thought it was one to check out...

Autopsy is described as an  Italian giallo-horror, and through researching this piece, I learned what giallo means in Italian film making.  Basically, it means mystery, but it also often describes films with convoluted and contrived plots, and mysteries that are basically unsolvable. The former, was certainly the case when I watched.

The story centers on Simona Sana, a pathology med student wrapped up in the mystery.  A wave of solar activity is causing an outbreak of violence and suicide in Rome, bringing dozens of bodies to the morgue where Simona works. She soon becomes obsessed with all the deaths and teams up with a priest to investigate whether the deaths are actual suicides, or murder.

After an especially creepy, walking-cadaver hallucination, Simona is sent home to rest, but of course she cannot.  Actor Ray Lovelock, looking especially hot in a beard, plays Edgar, an artist and photographer with an interest in deviant pornography.  Many of the films more grisly scenes are actually shown through Edgar's still photographs.

Like most horror films, especially giallo's, sex and death are inextricably linked.  This of course leads to a couple of sex scenes between Simona and Edgar.  Even with the hot, (albeit creepy) upon her, Simona can't help but visualize the many dead victims she's been working with.

I don't think I'd be thinking about dead people if I was lucky enough to have a naked Ray Lovelock in my presence.  Lovelock has an incredible face, one you might see on certain gay web sites if they were in existence in the sixties and seventies.

The actor, who died in his sixties in 2017, appears to have been the Italian Brad Pitt in during his time in films.  Unlike Brad, Ray was also a musician, and was also a part of a rock band, which is where he was first discovered for movies.  I've already been checking out a few of Ray's other films, and hope to spotlight more in the future.



I only caught bits and pieces of Love Island, but I am going to miss getting my weekly fix of Carrington and Johnny.  Although Carrington is a bit o a douche, he did grow on me as the season progressed.  I also love me some Johnny, but curious how his relationship will handle his past rentmen profile...


Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 2nd

Stereotypical Jock? Tommy by Bodytorium


'Tommy takes a lot of selfies and he spends a lot of time at the gym and at cream of the crop sort of places in the city, so I was expecting him to be self-absorbed, maybe a bit shallow and to have a large ego.'

No matter how much we try, we all stereotype and judge from time to time.  We're taught not to judge a book by it's cover, yet it's so often those covers on the book store shelves, that cause us to stop, and take a second look.   Working on FH, I've communicated with hundreds of models.  Although I have certainly come across a few self absorbed guys with huge egos, that's not really the norm.

Most of the models I feature have actually struggled with their body and appearance.  Modeling, especially nude modeling, is often emotional journey and a way to face their struggles head on.  You can't really blame Bodytorium's Phil from assuming Tommy was a jock with an ego.  The 27 year Bratislava based model is a fitness coach and weightlifter with plenty of experience posing and showing off his incredible physique.

To complicate things, Phil says it that took forever to schedule a photoshoot, so much so, Phil was on the verge of giving up.  If you've enjoyed my previous pieces featuring Phil's work, you know he doesn't often shoot body builders.  Phil usually works with the 'boy next door' type,  guys he's recently met or connected with, most of whom have never modeled before

Although Tommy quickly agreed to a shoot, Phil didn't did really initially feel Tommy was that enthusiastic, and also didn't express much initiative.  On the surface, Phil felt Tommy came across as wanting to be popular, therefore maybe said yes to please, and wasn't really genuine.  Turns out, Tommy was just a busy guy,  who likes to do his own thing in a relaxed, nonchalant manner.  This can be difficult for those trying to nail them down with organizational details like dates and times.  Tommy is also a busy guy, juggling his time modeling, with his job as a fitness coach, his time at the gym, and the occasional gig working at bachelorette parties.

'Once I got to know him, he turned out to be surprisingly humble and down-to-earth. We had a lot of time to talk. We drove up to the Carpathian hills to a spot I am familiar with. Luckily this time I actually found the spot because I often end up taking a wrong turn somewhere along the forest paths.'

In the end, Phil describes the photoshoot turned out to be a really pleasant experience, for both he and Tommy.  During their many conversations, Tommy acknowledged that people often misinterpret his personality, and that he's been told he can come across as being uninterested or distant.  I think many busy people, especially those focused on a passion, often come across as distant when it comes to issues unrelated to what their pursuing.  Once they commit though, they're usually incredibly focused, and Tommy certainly seems beautifully present, and visually attentive, and in his work with Phil.

'During the photoshoot, Tommy was very patient and professional, and I was more at ease than I usually am while photographing him since the guys I usually photograph are real nude photoshoot virgins.'

Check out much more of Tommy, and all of Bodytorium's models HERE:

Reexamining the Mankini


The mankini is outdated, cheesy and really kind of ugly.  Although John Mayer wore it well jogging on a cruise ship, thanks to Borat, it's really more of a fashionable joke.  The lime green ball huggers are used mostly for comedy, to mock the male body more than show it off.   But.... if it's worn by just the right frat dude at a Halloween party, you might just find yourself wanting to lick the limes more than laugh at them...  See if you agree by checking out the NEXT PAGE HERE:



'We all go a little mad sometimes.'
Norman Bates

With the calendar now on October, FH know it's time for my Halloween countdown.   Although with the pandemic, they'll be fewer parties and less trick or treating, I still have a few treats to share, and tricks up my sleeve. 

FH readers know I love Halloween, and scary movies. October is my opportunity to showcase the many skin baring Horror Hunks.  I loved discovering new hotties who've been sliced, diced, slayed, splayed and filleted.

Today's start of Horror Hunks spotlights an actor I'd never heard of before.  When I saw his face, and especially when I read his name, I knew he had to be added to my long and bloody list.  Check him out on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

On The Cover Of A Magazine


56 never looked so hot!

Lenny Kravitz on the cover of November's Men's Health

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 3rd

Tony Ganios: More Than They Could Chew...


'This boy is deformed!'
Cherry Forever

One of the running jokes in the 1980'Porky's trilogy was about the size of Meat's meat.  We really didn't get a good enough view to actually determine whether it was as 'deformed' as Cherry Forever claims, but we did get a dark and quick view in the original film.  It's just a flash, but long enough to see that although a decent size, This particular portion of meat, might need an appetizer or side dish, to truly fill you up.

Brooklyn born actor Tony Ganios who played Meat, was literally nudged into the entertainment business at18 after his uncle Pete made him cut short a powerlifting workout short to audition for director Philip Kaufman. As a result, Tony made his film debut in 1979 in Kaufman's The Wanderers.  In addition to his role in Porky's, Ganios also co-starred with Sally Field in Back Roads and with John Belushi in Continental Divide.  After a short stint on TV's Wiseguy, the actor's last credited IMDB role was in 1993's Rising Sun.

In 2012, Ganios and some of his Porky's co-stars attempted to raise funs for new teen sex comedy with the working title of Daddie's Girls. Although the money was raised, and a website started, production has yet to officially begin.  A few years ago, Ganios did do an interview with Retro Ladyland discussing his career and his time working on the Porky's series.  Below are some of his comments on the nude scenes in the film.

Porky's (1981)

Your character ‘Meat’ was meant to be… ahem… very well endowed… Did you get much female attention because of this? I’m not going to ask if you actually are, but do people think you are because of Meat?

"Female attention? No. Although over the years the character name has inspired some choice comments from self-styled comedians in neighborhood bars. To attract female attention, my buddies and I had this little game we liked to play in nightclubs. We would target a group of attractive women and immediately begin a loud and spirited argument over which one of us possessed the smallest member. This would usually result in one or more of the gals wanting to render a verdict by viewing our respective packages, and to put it politely, sometimes biting off a bit more than they could chew...

'One thing we all agree on is that no matter how much glee accidental nudity inspires in an audience, being naked on a film set sucks. Absent-mindedly sitting can be a sharp, penetrating experience because you might suddenly realize you’re engaged to somebody’s car keys. Certain body parts adhere to others whose public realignment can be humiliating if not downright dangerous. And for some bizarre reason female crew members with whom you’re barely familiar now feel the need to engage you in rounds of senseless discourse. 

Porky's Revenge (1985)

As the series progress's, Meat's physique certainly gets a wee bit meatier.  Although there were not more frontals from Meat, this scene from the last film indicates maybe his nickname should have been meaty instead of meat.

'For me nudity around the other guys seemed no different than being unclad in a high school locker room. It was the reactions of the crew that made the experience strange. It should have dawned on me that something was amiss when I was repeatedly asked if I needed anything by a wide eyed wardrobe lady who by all logic shouldn’t have been on the closed set, but I guess I was a bit slow on the uptake. Believe me, we wished we could have been more distracted by being allowed to be around for the girls’ shower scene, but unfortunately for us their closed set restrictions there were actually enforced."

We knew the project required nudity the moment we read the script. Disrobing around the other guys was no big deal. Nobody really thought about it. We all shared the same trailer anyway, and getting ready to do the scene was simply a matter of undressing, throwing on a robe and shower clogs, and walking to the set together.'

Jack Saul Photography: The Room Where It Happened...


'Hotel rooms inhabit a separate moral universe.'
Tom Stoppard


Four white walls?  No problem.  When you have the right model, with the right photographer, artistry is still possible.  One of the things I like so much about Jack Saul's motel/hotel location, is how he doesn't so much use the space, as he does ignore it.

Antony J

Of course Jack uses the natural light from the windows, and the furnishings available, but his focus is on the man within the room.   Jack spotlights their unique characteristics, both physical and personality, as well as the beautiful small details that make them who they are.  So many photographers almost seem to be wanting to capture some future version of a model. Jack strives to capture who they are in the moment of the shoot.







Cheekie Chappie

Eugenio Fernández: His Bottom Lines

A Change Would Do You Good


Bent: Altered from an originally straight or even condition

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 4th

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