Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Blood Lust: Cal by Lights On Studio


'The world seems full of good men--even if there are monsters in it.' 
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Halloween begins early on FH.  Sometimes, depending on the concept, and the preparation required, I'm haunted with creative ideas for witches and ghosts in July and August.  Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski and I began batting around idea for this All Hallow's Eve back in early September.  Tom had to close up his studio space at the end of the month, and wanted to get one last shoot in before he had to pack up and move.

We began batting concepts back and forth, with no particular theme really rising to the top of the idea pile.  Tom decided to send me some links to a couple of models he was interested in shooting for the holiday to see if their look sparked any ideas.  They did!  As soon as I checked out model Cal Green's Model Mayhem portfolio, I knew immediately he could pull of a sexy sinister look and envisioned  him as the perfect model to take on Dracula..

Although Dracula is a bloody sucking slayer, his method of murder has led to a air or eroticism about the Count De Ville and his relentless thirst for his victims.  He doesn't kill them out of anger, he longs for them and needs them in order to survive. Unlike being butchered by an axe, there is an organically intimate connection when your killer literally sucks you into darkness and death.

31 year old Cam has been acting on stage and on screen since he was 11.  This made stepping into the role of the Lord of the Dammed an easy transition.  Both Tom and Cal describe the shoot as a breeze, and a wonderful creative experience.  The few complications, arose in the planning and travel.  Cal is a busy guy, balancing being a father to his sex year old (and his two dogs) with his job as a videographiere and editor and his time at the gym and as a personal trainer and nutritionist. 

Five minutes before the shoot was due to start, Tom checked his text messages and noticed some messages from Cal.  Cal didn't have the address for Tom's studio.  Tom had sent him pictures of his building, but forgot to send the street address.  Cal had tried to reach Tom earlier, but when he gets busy, Tom doesn't always stop to check his phone.  Given Cal was 90 minutes away, there was no way to continue with the shoot on that day.  Thankfully, both were able to arrange time the following day, and as you can see, the results are specdracula! 

'Cal was a perfect Dracula. He has experience in acting (stage and screen) is represented by a Detroit talent agency, and also does photography and video as his full time employment. That experience made the session go very smoothly.'

You can check out more of Dracula, and his beautiful candelabra. on the

Rudolf Martin in Buffy Vs Dracula


'I assumed you knew. I am Dracula. '

When I was thinking of my favorite Draculas, I thought back to an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  I didn't watch Buffy when it aired, but got up binging the DVD's over a few months.  Season 5's Buffy Vs Dracula wasn't one of the shows best episodes, but it was one of the most memorable.

All My Children (1994)

Dracula makes his way to Sunnydale and immediately has everyone enchanted. Even Buffy might not be able to resist his charms.  Dracula was played by the ultra hot Rudolf Martin. Some Buffy fans might have remembered the German born actor when he co-starred with Buffy's Sarah Michelle Gellar on All My Children seven years earlier.

Since his turn on Buffy, Martin's continued to work steadily on shows including 24, Enterprise, Judging Amy, Dexter and NCIS. It took a little digging, but I did find an early nude scene from Martin from his very first professional role back in 2013.  Martin has a brief, but memorable turn in the short The Dutch Master.  As you can see from the clip below, he makes the perfect fantasy hunk for Theresa. (Mira Sorvino)

The Dutch Master (1993)

Love Bites:


'I want you to believe...to believe in things that you cannot.' 
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Today's theme all started with Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski and his suggestion to use Cal for this year Halloween shoot.  After that, I sort of went hog wild looking for other men who played the iconic Vamp to help celebrate the holiday.

Boris Karloff

Check out all 4 page of FH's Halloween bash including actors Christopher Atkins,(HERE): Jonathan Rhys Myers (HERE:) and Joe Dallesandro (HERE:) who all co-starred in Dracula themed movies and television shows.  Check also my salute to the porn parody's featuring the Prince of Darkness. (HERE:)

Christopher Gorham 

'The blood is the life!'

If You’ve Got It, Haunt It!


'The reason I love Halloween is that unlike most holidays, Halloween is one you can make entirely your own. There are no pressures to decorate (which I do), or cook, (which I don't) there are no family meals or visits from the cousin you choose to avoid most of the rest of the year. 

There are no gifts to buy and there are not battles over whether the religious connection should or should not be in the play and you eat things you mostly try to avoid the rest of the year. Halloween is also the night you can dress as you would the rest of the year if only you could get away with it!'

I reprint the above words almost every year on Halloween.  They really sum up my love for the holiday and why I love holiday imagery.  This year, my Halloween night post stretch over 4 pages.  Check out more Dracula's, more Halloween Hunks, more pumpkins by PHOTORSH and of course, FH's annual costume contest and parade! (HERE:)

Favorite Pic of the Day for October 31st

The Unmaking of a Murderer Luke by Studio1x


'I just had to kill a lot of people....'
Patrick Bateman

Murder can be physically draining.  Your heart is pounding and the rush of adrenalin.  When the deed is finally done, and your victim takes their last breath... two things need to happen.  You need to pull yourself together, relax, then clean everything up and get rid of the evidence. 

FH readers are used to me talking about story.   I try when I can not just to tell a story, but to tell the complete story.  I know that sometime, viewers are content with just looking at the cover, but for me, the cover is just the beginning of the story.  I want to know everything, from how it began, to the author's notes and epilogue at the end.

FH viewers enjoyed the cover, prologue and main chapters of Jim from Studio1x's American Psycho shoot with model Luke London last week. (No Introduction Necessary:)  These images, are the epilogue, the hour or so after the shoot (the story) is finished.  As you can see, the first think Luke does when it's over is to sit and chill.  I thought he might be relaxing with a steaming cup of tea.  I was wrong...

'The cup, was actually empty.  Luke vaped and blew it into the cup so it would drift out looking like steam.'

Or course after a few minutes of sitting down and relaxing, it was time for Luke to wash off all that blood, as well as washing the spirit of Patrick Bateman down the drain.  While Luke was sitting and vaping, Jim had already put away most of his camera equipment.  In order to fully finish out the shoot's story however, he used his cell phone to capture a few clips of Luke scrubbing off the last bits of blood and evidence.

Instagrams that Inspire: Niko Wirachman

Naked News...Ouch!

Naked man tasered in the penis after running at police officer...

Don’t do battle against the law, you will not win.,,, Especially if you’re naked and they are armed with a stun gun.

That’s what happened to this guy after he ran at a police officer as he was getting out of his car and ended up with several thousand volts running through his penis. Naturally, he was taken down by the electricity pulsing through his member before being arrested and taken to a local cop shop, apparently in east Austin, Texas.

Happy Birthday today November 1st


Happy 34th to actor Penn Badgley!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 1st

Gordon Nebeker: Lake Powell Memories, 2015


'We had come to Moab from five different states and none of the models had met each other before they arrived nor had any of the photographers worked with any of the models before. And yet we all blended together well and friendships and working relationships were formed and I think we were all a bit sad to say goodbye when the shoot was over.'

Our world's have all be altered this year thanks to a persistent and dangerous virus.  The news has been wall to coverage on the numbers, the deaths and it's impact on society, the economy and our lives.  There have been serious stories about it's impact on our mental health, and lighter stories about what we're reading, baking and binge watching.


As much attention has been given to all we're losing, I haven't seen as much of a focus on the things we're gaining.  That makes sense really, with so much sadness and loss, it's a little insensitive, not to mention premature, to talk about some unpredicted benefits.  For me, one of those benefits has been a memory modification.  

Memory is really a complicated concept.  We all remember things differently, and for most of us, our minds have a strong protective element which sometimes manages to filter out things we're not ready or able to deal with.  Memories took on an entirely new meaning this year, one that although laced with sadness, also had an aspect of appreciation that I've really tried to lean into, both in my life,and with the site.

This year, so many things have been on hold.   Everything from holidays with big family gatherings to going to a movie theatres.  Gone were big festivals  and fairs, crowed sporting events, the Olympics, concerts and plays. Non-essential workers, especially in arts, have still not fully come back, and that includes the photography of the male form.

Without as many new shoots to feature, I began asking photographer and models about featuring older shoots.  So many photographers graciously went into their archives to find shoots to share, and although I've always welcomed art from the archives, it was especially satisfying to tap into older shoots, and models and memories that were often some of the artists favorites from their body of work.

Usually this time of year, I beginning to work on sharing images from the annual trip and shoot to Utah.   For the last seven years, I've lucky to share images from the yearly visual expedition and join vicariously through the photos and stories.  It's usually in September when Gordon Nebeker heads west, and Mike Tossy and Mark from StudioMGphotogray head two states east.  After processing, editing and narrowing down images, I usually start putting together the presentation in November or December.

This year, Covid forced the trip to be cancelled.  Although each of the photographers held out out, it was clear by early summer, it was not something they could safely plan for this year.  Although the trip didn't occur, I wasn't ready to give up on the tradition of sharing work from the shoot.  The shoot is not only a tradition, it's also a uniquely creative endeavor, with three photographers, two to four models with the addition of spectacular light, and the ultimate background and location. 


I began by asking Gordon Nebeker if he was up for heading into his archives to see if he might some favorite images, some new images, or edits of shots I'd hadn't featured before.  Gordon decided to focus on the 2015 shoot which just happened to be one of my favorites.  I loved each of the three models who joined Gordon, Mark and Mike that year, and how they contrasted physically yet so beautifully fused  together visually, and connected both watt expression and pose.

Two of the models, Will and Joel, I had previously featured on the site and Rob made the the perfect finish to the modeling trio.  Although none of the models had met before, they just visually clicked, there was an erotic ease and magic, something that although the photographers had thought and hoped for, is not something you can actually know until they're all finally together.

If you want to seem ore from the 2015 shoot, check out the links below.  Both Gordon and Mark have also created books.  Gordon has a series of books, Muscles & Mountains, each focused on a specific shoot and year.  Check them out on his Blurb page HERE:   Mark put together BASK, a compilation of favorite shots and memories from the last seven years of shoot.  Check it out on Blurb HERE:

'As the immediacy of the shoot begins to fade with time, there are still touchstones that one remembers as part of the experience. Things like tubes and tubes of sunscreen, carrying enough cold water to satisfy the thrust of all involved in ninety degree weather, getting a good night’s sleep, bopping to dance music in the car, taking the right lens with you on the short hike, can anyone ever have too many fully charged batteries at the ready?, and did I mention sleep?' 

'I also remember lots of laughter, some great meals, attending the Moab Gay Pride Parade that happened to take place the day after our shoot was over (the whole town gets involved) and people. Lots of people everywhere. It was a challenge to find quiet and private spaces to do our photography but we just watched the people; if they went left, we went right and we found our private spaces.'

Lake Powell 2015

First Love: The Case of the Disappearing Derriere


I have a clear memory of the first time that I saw 1977's First Love.  The recollection is so clear as it was during the very brief period of time that I was with my very first real girlfriend.  It was 1988, and I was 13.  My girlfriend Valerie was babysitting, and I snuck in to visit her after the parents had left and the baby was asleep.  We ordered a small pizza, drank Pepsi, and watched television.  Except for a kiss good night, that was as  physical as we both got.

The parents were not due back until after midnight, so it was safe to watch a bit of the movie that started at 10pm, it of course, was First Love.  I recognized Katt from The Greatest American Hero, and I knew Susan Dey from repeats of The Partridge Family.  Now this is where is my memory played a few tricks on me.  Maybe it was due to the sexual tension, or lack of sexual tension, between Valerie and I, but I remember the movie being incredibly sexual with a lot of nudity.

Years later, I watched the film again on-line, and this time saw next to nothing of Katt's beautiful body.  Lots of shirtless and sexy scenes, but the only nudity was from Susan Dey.  I'm guessing, given her turn as a sweet sit-com start, seeing Laurie Partridge's breasts, must have caused quite a stir at the time.   

Recently, thanks to a poster on DreamCaps, I saw some promotional images of Katt, showing more skin than he actually showed in the film. That had me going back to check out the movie again, mostly for the sex scenes, to see if there was something I missed.  Again, no nudity from Katt, just Dey's boobs.  I could sense though, there was some creative editing, possibly to remove Katt's nude scenes.

That had me wondering why.....  Katt was a pretty big name at the time, First Love, being his follow-up from his role in Carrie.   Around this time, Katt also came close to winning the role of Luke in Star Wars, and according to some sources, it came down to him and Mark Hamill.  If your interested, there's a long audition scene on Youtube with Katt playing Luke and Kurt Russell playing Han Solo.

I attempted to research the nude scene to get some answer, but kept hitting brick walls.  I wondered if Katt's rising star had someone request his nude scenes be edited out.  Although the actor had done a couple of nude scenes in couple of softcore movies, they were both in the 90's, after his movie career was on the decline.  I featured Katt's nude scenes in Last Call in a post back in 2015. (HERE:)

I reached out to a few people a few months ago, who were connected to the film, including director Joan Darling, but to date, I didn't receive any replies.  My gut tells me their were nude scenes filmed that were later removed before the films release.  It's possible, Katt's hint of rear nudity was just for promotional purposes, or possibly for a European release.  

I remember seeing promotional shots of Martin Hewitt (HERE:) that showed a bit more of his butt, than he showed during that scene in the movie. At least the version that I saw.  The promotional material was for the film's release in France, and it's possible they were used only for promotion, and never meant to be in the film.  Seems strange though.  I'll keep on the trail though, and let you know if I hear back from anyone and learn anything new.  I do love a mystery, especially when it involves a hot actors ass....

Promotional Tease images

Halloween: Aftermath


Every year, when I first post after Halloween, I feature an All Hallow's Eve aftermath.  It usually consists of an image depicting the time post holiday party or the morning after.   This year, my aftermath post was made easy, thanks to Luke and Studio1x.  Those enjoyed Luke's bloody turn as Patrick Bateman last week, might enjoy seeing Luke just after the shoot, relaxing and then hitting the shower to wash off all that blood.  Check it out on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Room With A View

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 2nd



Gnome Sweet Gnome

Paul Wood wasn't the only member of the Warrington Wolves who stripped off for two charity calendars in 2011 and 2013.  The images in the piece, with the garden theme, are from the 2013 edition.  The whole rugby team, who appeared in that years Challenge Cup final pitched in.  Some of the players included Wood, Chris Hill, Micky Higham, Tyrone McCarthy and Wood.  

Tyrone McCarthy

The team bared all, well, almost all, for the calendar to raise money and awareness for The Rett Syndrome Research Trust UK. This is the second time that many of the Wolves have stripped off to help and they seem to be getting more and more comfortable.  I tried to identify most of the players, but given it was 2013, many have changed their looks a little.

Ben Harrison

Some of my favorite shots were the images with the lucky garden gnome, who had the job of covering the wolves dangly bits.  Thankfully, the gnome wasn't big enough, or needed, to cover the many fine rears on display.

Ben Westwood

Caucus: Jon Ossoff


The last few days have been incredibly stressful for many.  Although it appears to be heading towards a  positive ending, positive is relative given the bigoted and hate filled idiot remains until January. With all the ups and downs of the election results, I did enjoy seeing more of Jon Ossoff on my TV screen.

Ossoff with John Lewis  

I have been following the Democratic nominee for the 2020 Georgia Senate for awhile now, and in addition to being incredibly adorable, he is also a political breath of fresh air.  Although he didn't win his race, he's not out out of the running as it looks like there'll be a run-off in January. If you've been on social media at all this week, you know I'm not the only one drawn towards the former investigative journalist turned politician.  


Happy Birthday today November 6th


Happy 29th to actor Pierson Fodé! 

Check out more of Pierson on FHHERE: 
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 6th

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