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A Perambulate in Provincetown: Juanzito by Bob Burkhardt


'I was a bit nervous because this was my first actual photo shoot and I didn't know what to expect.'

There are certain lessons in life, we sadly have to learn again and again.  I learned a long time ago never to judge a book by it's cover.  Even so, I still often struggle, especially when presented with a spectacular package.  When I first saw images of Juanzito from photographer Bob Burkhardt, I was instantly struck by his look and incredible beauty. 

Juanzito has an incredibly body, a toned physique clearly the result of dedication, commitment and hours and hours of hard work. Juanzito is also blessed with a handsome face, a great ,welcoming smile and beautifully expressive eyes.   I wouldn't have initially thought he'd be especially nervous about having his picture taken. Juanzito's nerves weren't really about his appearance however, they were more about the possible impact on his life and career.

When he first came in contact with Bob, Juanzito was active in the military, and the nerves were about the possible implications of a photo shoot, especially given all of the restrictions about what he was, and wasn't allowed to do.  Still, when Bob sent him a message saying they should talk, Juanzito was intrigued. Bob explained his speciality, and described what kind of shoot he'd like to do, and after a few messages back and forth, a shoot was scheduled in Provincetown.

'Bob had told me that he specializes in fine art nudes and fitness photography and asked if I felt comfortable doing nudes.  At the time, I wasn't comfortable doing any nudity, especially given I was still active in the military, and that was not allowed.  The most I was comfortable doing was an underwear shoot.  Bob was great and very respectful and came up with different concepts that fit with my boundaries and comfortability.'

When Bob first saw  Juanzito's shots on Facebook, he was immediately struck by his photos.  Juanzito was living in Boston at the time, and they agreed to meet while Bob was on vacation in Provincetown.  Juanzito took the ferry over, and despite his nerves, says that Bob quickly put him at ease.  The day began with Bob taking the new model on a mini tour, perambulating around town.  Not only did give them the opportunity to talk and discuss the shoot, it also gave Bob the opportunity to scope out locations for them to shoot. 

'Juanzito was shy and quiet at first but that passed as we started talking and working together. I enjoyed watching him turn heads as we walked through town.'

'Given it was my first photo shoot, my level of confidence wasn't the best and I was scared of taking pictures, especially of taking pictures by a photographer known for his great and tasteful work. Bob was very understanding just encouraged me to relax told me to be myself. I kept thinking to myself. 'Gosh, this is much harder than I thought.'  I had taken creative photos of myself, but it is so much different when someone takes a photo of you.'

This shoot, and the experience of working with Bob served as the beginning of Juanzito's journey into fitness modeling.  Because of his work with Bob, Juanzito was contacted by multiple photographers and the shoot not only opened doors and opportunities, it also helped him feel more confidence in himself, and with being in front of the camera. 

12 Days: Mark Ghanimé in Candy Cane Christmas

A woman searches for a new tradition to lift her holiday spirits when her neighbors decide to skip the annual Christmas decoration festivities.

After an admittedly 'half-hearted' boycott of the Hallmark channel at the end of last year, I watched my first Christmas movie of the season this past weekend.  Technically, Candy Cane Christmas was produced by Lifetime, but to be honest, I didn't really know that when I watched.  My boycott, mostly based on the lack of diversity may have been well intended, but ultimately, I didn't really put too much effort into it.

A lack of effort, is really why these 'paint by numbers' films work so well, and can be so enjoyable and distracting during difficult times.  The last couple of months have been challenging for me personally, so I didn't give myself too much of a hard time for escaping down Candy Cane lane.  It was especially easy to escape such such a beautiful guide in the form of actor Mark Ghanimé.

In addition to being 'easy escapes',I also love Hallmark and Lifetime films to check out the holiday hunks.  I love finding nude scenes of the actors playing strait laced holiday hero's, and I love even more discovering actors I hadn't been introduced to before.  The latter was the case with Canadian actor and producer Mark Ghanimé.

Ghanimé may be familiar to many viewers for his many guest-starring and regular roles on television.  Although born in Alberta, the now Vancouver based actor has appeared on a wide array of shows, most which were based or filmed in Canada.  Some of the actors appearances include roles on Emily Owens M.D, Reign, Private Eyes and Helix. Ghanimé also currently co-stars on the series The Wedding Planners

Private Eyes (2016)

Although Ghanimé hasn't done any nude scenes that I could find, his smile and charisma was off the charts.  In Candy Cane Christmas he played, what else, a small town vet with a heart of gold.  Surprisingly single of course, as one can only be in a holiday romance film.  Male leads are always a bit wounded in holiday films.  Not wounded to the point of being damaged, but just wounded enough to be single and ready when he runs into a former female tv star, in this case, when buying a poinsettia for his aunt.

Reign (2015-2017)

FaVorites: Carlos Ortiz


From the most I saw my first image of Spanish model Carlos Ortiz, I was immediately taken and struck by his beauty in front of the camera.  This was especially true in these two shoots from photographers Nico Bustos and Fede Delibes

Carlos by Nico Bustos

Carlos Ortiz: Stats
Height: 181 CM - 5 FT 11 IN. 
Chest: 95 CM - 37.4 IN. 
Waist: 75 CM - 29.5 IN. 
Hips: 93 CM - 36.6 IN. 
Shoes: 43.0 EU - 9.0 UK. 
Hair: Brown. 
Eyes: Brown.

Carlos by Fede Delibes



 Many realty fans are aware that Survivor's Ozzy Lusth appeared in a Playboy couples video prior to his time on Cook Islands. (HERE:)  Like many reality stars, Ozzy's now started an OnlyFans page to give his fans more of what they've been asking for.

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 17th

FaVorite: Jhona Burjack

Jhona by Christian Oita

I've been planning a piece on Brazilian model Jhona Burjack for awhile now.  Seeing him on the newest cover for Man About Town, motivated me to get to it!  Known for his facial features and prominent eyebrows, Jhona has graced the covers of many magazines including; Risbel Magazine, L’officiel Hommes, Made in Brazil, Vogue, Hachi Magazine, Wonderland Magazine and OOB Magazine. 

Next 3 images from Daniel Rodrigues

Jhona Burjack: Stats

Height: 185
Chest: 96
Waist: 74
Shoe: 43
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Next 2 images from Philippe Vogelenzang


Jhona by Xavier Samré

Samuel H Levine in The Inheritance


'Levine waited tables for two years, applied to Juilliard and got rejected. Then the opportunity of a new play turned his life around. “Almost a month later, I got an email to do the workshop of The Inheritance,” he said. “I found myself in this room with this amazing play and these amazing parts and these amazing artists, and I just sunk my teeth into it because I wanted it so badly. No way are they going to give this part to a bus boy from Brooklyn.'
Broadway Buzz

I learned about the Broadway show The Inheritance earlier this year when the pandemic began. I was profiling actor Carson McCalley.  The show was one of the many Broadway productions that had to shut down when cases rose in New York and theatres had to close down.  When working on the piece, I also came across an image of actor Samuel H Levine. This had me on the hunt for more on this talented and incredibly hot young actor. 


Samuel with Lois Smith in The Inheritance

Botanical: Corey King by Rob Colgan

'Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly.'
 Delia Owens
Whether they fall or beautifully fly, unfortunately fall leaves have to be raked....   The bed of leaves model Corey King is surrounded by are real.  In order to create the look he wanted, Rob Colgan raked bags and bags of leaves all specifically from one type of tree. I first introduced Rob's work with Corey in August, (Undiscovered Remnants) and had to ask Rob about a follow-up after seeing images from his Botanical series on his Instagram.  As much work as it took to get the leaves in there, I'm sure it was equally difficult getting them out...

'I'm sure people thought I was nuts picking through the leaves. I have to tell you, the studio smelled wonderfully organic!'

Check out more of Rob's work with Corey, and read Rob's blog post about the shoot HERE:

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 20th

Genesis by Mike Tossy & StudioMGphotography

Utah 2013 by StudioMGphotography

'In the beginning....'

Earlier this month, I featured photographer Gordon Nebeker's images re-visiting the 2015 Utah shoot. (Lake Powell Memories) This is the time of year that I normally feature new images from the annual photographing pilgrimage.  Although the pandemic put an end to this year's trip, I still wanted to celebrate a series that has become a highlight, and something I look forward to seeing and sharing each year.


Over the last few years, the shoot has included Gordon, along with Mike Tossy and Mark from StudioMGphotography.  Although I had previously featured Gordon's solo work in Utah, long time viewers however, may remember that the first time I officially featured the group shoot,back in 2014,. (HERE:)  There was a forth artist on the 2014 shoot with photographer Tom Clark joining Mark, Mike and Gordon on their visual voyage. 

That wasn't however, the beginning. The first official group shoot, was actually the previous year.  Gordon hadn't yet joined the party, and this shoot, was organized by Tom Clark.  This was beginning of Mark and Mike's seven trips to Utah  When I asked Mark about which shoot he wanted to re-visit, he decided to go back to the start.

'When thinking about Utah I was conflicted about which year to select. I've gone with 2013 for a couple of reasons. First, I suspect you haven't featured it already.  2013 also features Drew,  a model that I'm the only one who photographed.

The two models never met as the two shoots were on consecutive days, on the Great Salt Lake. This was my first experience with the lake and it was amazing how it reflected light, and added texture as the salt dried on the body. It's a wonderful location, although not particularly comfortable once the salt dries on you! Both Drew and John were wonderful to create with.'

'Both had modeled for Tom Clark in the past and were great to collaborate with. In fact John is the only model we've worked with two different years in Utah - he joined us again in 2014, this time together with 2 other male costars!'

Utah 2014 by Mike Tossy

'We initially met up at a local state park. I have no doubt the sight of four older men ( the photographers ) and three hot young guys ( the models ) caused a few comments amongst families sharing the rest area; especially when Gordon started collecting the modeling fees from the photographers and counting them out and distributing them to the models.''

Mike's story about Gordon handing out money to the models is one of the many stories that stood out to me when putting together the features for the 2014 shoot.  Although there were no images of the moment, I could easily visualize it, and also visualize the faces of the families who observed it.  I wondered if any of them were trying to figure out how exactly the uneven number of men were going to pair up...  

I also remember one of my favorite series of shots involved the old car. (Road Trip)  What a fun prop, and I especially loved Mike's shot above of the three models in the car, heading out on a road trip with huge smiles on their faces.  Mike remembers each of the models got into using the old car, playing and goofing around and using the vehicle as a stage for their poses and yoga moves.

'Our first stop was seemingly nowhere special. Just some gnarled old Piñon trees with far distant mountains in the background. The harsh lighting yielded some of my favorite Black and White images of the trip. '

Despite the look and feel of isolation, the photographers and models were not alone in their Garden of Eden.  In addition to a TV crew filming a nature documentary, there was what Mike describes as a 'horde' of tourists that the photographers and models worked hard to avoid.   This often meant hiking upriver, or further off the beaten path in order to avoid having an audience for their popular, but sold out show.

'Privacy was ensured by sending a photographer ahead of the group to act as lookout and having a second lookout lag behind. A signal word was suppose to be used to tell the models to put on shorts. For reasons I never understood, our signal word was "pineapple". Pineapple is an exceptionally hard word to work into a natural sounding sentence in southern Utah. So the absurd shout of "pineapple" did nothing to mask what was going on from other hikers; but, at least, none of the models were caught with their, umm, pineapples hanging out.'

 'At, “the creek”, it was with some nervousness that the model's undressed, not knowing when, or from where, members of the horde might appear. This being Utah, I think “the Creek” was officially a river. Either way the water was briny enough to leave a salt encrusted "bath tub ring" when river floods recede. The red rock was spectacular. Up one of the side canyons was private enough for lots of photography, at least numerically our most successful spot. Here also was “the podium”, potentially a very public spot, but miraculously, the hordes did not appear.'

You can check out more of Mike's work, and more of his Utah imagery on his website HERE:
You can also check out Mark's book BASK chronicling all of his Utah shoots HERE:

12 Days: Anthony Konechny in Home For Christmas Day


'When a young woman falls in love and develops a long-distance relationship with a soldier in active duty, her protective mother tries her best to steer her daughter away from heartache. Little do they know they are about to learn important lessons of the heart and that taking chances can make this Christmas one they will cherish forever.'

I've only seen one Christmas movie this year so far, but when I was thinking of my next subject for 12 Days, I remembered a scene from a movie I saw last year.  Actor Anthony Konechny wasn't the lead in 2017's Home For Christmas Day, that was actor Victor Webster.  I've featured Victor before, (HERE:) and although he wasn't the start, it was Anthony I really noticed when I watched. 

Most Hallmark Christmas movies take place in small towns, and when Konechny's Tyler walks into a small town diner, it was only the diner's waitress who took notice.  Born in Vancouver, Konechny started acting at the age of 15, in school theatre and short films.  His full commitment to his craft happened after graduating high school when he began studying theatre and film full time.

Home For Christmas Day (2017)

Konechny got his professional start appearing in Canadian based productions including Smallville, Supernatural and The Tomorrow People.  He also had a recurring role on Witches of East End.  Konechny went on to appear on television in shows including Almost Human and in movies including Godzilla and X-Men: Apocalypse and playing Paul in Fifty Shades of Grey.  

Seeds of Yesterday (2015)

The Witches of East End (2014)

Almost Human (2013)

In Extremis by Rob Colgan


'How beautifully leaves grow old.' 
John Burroughs

It is beautifully, but sadly true that many varieties of leaves, are at their most colorful, and their most exquisit state, just before they die. Tragically, that's not the case for most living things.  However, when you combine Autumn leaves in extremis, with the unique beauty of the young male form, magic occurs.  Check out more of Rob Colgan's Autumn imager on the NEXT PAGE HERE:


Favorite Pic of the Day for November 21st

Conservative Values


At one time or another, I was drawn to, and featured on the site all of the actors shown.  In some cases, I was aware of their politics, but as I stated above, up until the last four years, I really wasn't all that concerned about the politics of others.  I tend to care less about what a person thinks, and more about how a person treats those around them.  

The last four years have changed all that.  Given the hate and cruelty demonstrated by the current occupant in the White House,  I've lost respect for anyone who supports him.  I'm featuring the following actors (for the last time) here not because they support a party, but because they've all vocally supported a dictator who's hurt so many and damaged so much.   

Antonio Sabato Jr.

Despite his politics, Antonio Sabato Jr. has certainly not run from playing to the gay community when it comes to making a buck.  From soap stud to underwear model to playing gay on screen several times.  I'm not sure Sabato Jr came to his belief's late in life, or whether is career hypocrisy was always there.  Regardless, I enjoyed my days of lusting over Antonio, but like his career, it's over.

Testosterone (2003)

Scott Baio

I often wonder if when Scott Baio was posing shirtless for all those teen magazine pin-ups, whether he knew his fans were both teenage girls and gay men.  I suspect he did.  Despite some of the dumb things he's said on social media, he seems more angry than stupid.  He did (does) have quite a body, one I enjoyed up until the last few years.

Although it's not really that well known, Baio actually does have a 'nude scene'.  Don't get too excited, it's really one of the most frustrating scenes ever.  In 1987's I Love N.Y., Baio's character turns off all the lights  before getting out of bed.  Although it's almost pitch black, you can still see a hint of Baio butt, but really, it's not worth the effort. 

Kevin Sorbo

Actor Kevin Sorbo is a vocal Trump supporter, and one of those idiots who thinks mask wearing is a form of government control.  I don't think I've actually ever seen Sorbo on TV or in a movie, but I did at one time salivate over his hairy chest.  That has certainly dried up.


Dean Cain

When I was a teen, I watched Lois & Clark mostly for how adorable I thought Dean Cain was.  When I got older, and read some of his thoughts on line, the hero worship quickly died.  If there was any actor less worthy of the Superman tights and cape it's Mr. Cain.

One of the most jarring examples of Cain's hypocrisy is his taking on a gay role in 2001's The Broken Hearts Club.  This from an actor who went on to  participate in the Values Voters Summit run by the anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council....

Given how it's filmed, I'm guessing the butt shown in 2010's Bed & Breakfast isn't Cain's, but it's still the closest to a nude scene I think he's filmed. 

Bed & Breakfast (2010)



Most of our teen idols at one or another fall from grace.  They're only human.  But, mistakes don't bother me, issues with substance abuse, relationship and career struggles, we all go through them.  There are some falls however, that land with a thud.

This week, the attorney of Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois teen charged with killing two people during a protest over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, thanked actor Ricky Schroder for his support.  Schroder was one of many who helped with the cash to bail Rittenhouse out of jail.

Texas (1994)

For me, Schroder's support for Rittenhouse isn't about politics, it's just about commo decency.  So many are have been called haters of Republicans for their distain for the orange idiot in the White House, but for me, there's nothing  political about it.  The current, and soon to be ex-President is a hateful, cruel, ignorant racist, misogynist, homophobic and dangerous idiot.  For me, these are facts not up for debate.

To support him, is to support what he is, and no matter how many try to separate policy from practice, it's not really possible.  You can't really compliment a murderer on their great meatloaf recipe, or casually comment that a rapist wore nice cologne.  Small positives do not change, or allow supporting hatred or bigotry any less a fact.

NYPD Blue (1998-2001)

SSo... it's with that in mind that I must bid Adieu to several 'actor's who've appeared on the site over the years. Most I featured, before I knew their views.   I knew their politics, but I that I didn't care about, I can disagree with you, and still respect you, it's hateful words and actions that I can't support.  So check out the piece below (HERE:) for a fond farewell to a few ass's making their last moon on the site.  

Lonesome Dove (1989)

I think this opening from Part 3 of 1989's Lonesome Dove has to be the gayest thing I think I've ever seen on film.  Schroder and company, in an attempt to keep their clothes dry, strip off, except their leather chaps of course, to ride across the river.  Even Robert Duvall seemed perplexed.... 

Side View:

Happy Birthday today November 22nd

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 22nd

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