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Beckoned by it's Mystery: Artyom by Igor Kuryukin


Autumn (Осенние) 

A dreary time! And yet — enchantment for the eyes! 
How dear to me your parting grace, your farewell gifts — 
I love the rich decay of leaf and countryside, 
he forests all decked out in gold and crimson tints. 
Within their halls a fresh wind stirs about and sighs, 
The heavens cloak themselves in rolling folds of mist; 
How rare the sun, the morning frosts that do not stay, 
With grizzled winter’s stormy threats still far away 
Alexander Pushkin
It's Thanksgiving week in the US which means millions of dead turkeys are currently dethawing in peoples refrigerators.  Not all countries celebrate the holiday, and those that do, celebrate it a bit differently.  In most counties, it's a harvest celebration, giving thanks to natures bounty and having food for the long winter ahead.

In Russia, there is no actual Thanksgiving day, but there are a series of celebratory feasts.  The first, is the Honey Feast of the Saviour, which is celebrated on August 14th.  The second, the Apple Feast of the Saviour is observed on August 19th..  The third and final celebration of harvest is the Nut Feast of the Saviour, which is celebrated on August 29th.  The feasts honor harvest food items which are blessed by the church and consumed by the faithful.  

The holiday's have a pre-Christian origin and are associated with the harvesting of ripe fruits, especially apples. In East Slavic folklore, they mark the beginning of autumn and the transfiguration of nature and the seasons.  During the feasts, the people of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus eat pies, foods and other dishes containing the food the day is celebrating. 

Even when there's been a bad year, and the crops aren't as plentiful, thanks is given.  Being thankful is often more meaningful when there's been a loss or when it's been a particularly difficult  year.  For many, that's certainly been the case in 2020.  Despite the shocks, sad events and disappointments of the year, Russian model Artyom thought it was more important than ever to follow his passion for modeling and continue to shoot.  Artyom connected with his friend photographer Igor Kuryukin to celebrate the colors and beauty of the harvest season. 

'When Igor suggested that I go to an abandoned but protected estate near St. Petersburg. Of course, I didn't hesitate to answer and immediately agreed. The next weekend we went there, to the place that beckoned us with its mystery.  Upon arrival, we saw a beautiful historical building, surrounded by a magnificent garden with marble vases, elegant wrought-iron bars and wild grapes. The doors and Windows of the house were boarded up and there was no way to get inside, although it looked very interesting. We were not upset by this, though as we were so happy with the environment.' 

'We were not stopped by the fact that people are walking around, the building is monitored by a security guard, or the fact that it was only 10 degrees with rain the forecast. We were impressed by the environment, we started to have ideas about where and how to take a picture, and we started the process. The time passed quickly, but we managed to take a lot of photos. I am very happy with the results of that photo shoot. Autumn is a wonderful time of year when nature is transformed and looks fabulous. We will wait for the winter and fantasize again about new photo shoots.'

12 Days: Brett Dalton in Once Upon A Christmas Miracle


'This holiday romance is based on the incredible story about organ donor Chris Dempsey and recipient Heather Krueger, who were brought into one another's lives by a transplant surgery that led to a miraculous romance.'

As I wrote in my last 12 Days piece, I've only watched one Christmas movie so far this season.  It's been a busy Autumn and I have a few on the DVR I hope to catch when things slow down.  In the meantime, I did start a folder awhile ago with actors in movies I'd previously seen, and this particular actor was one of my favorites.

Although he's been in several movies and television shows, I hadn't seen actor Brett Dalton on screen before catching 2018's Once Upon A Christmas Miracle.  I had seen Dalton before, but in promotional shirtless shots for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, a show I also hadn't seen before.  Dalton's Christmas movie was ok, but the minor miracle for me was Mr. Dalton and how engaging hie was on screen.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2013-2017)

'If this was hand sanitizer, Hive would’ve been ahead of his time.'

Lost in Florence (2017)

A heartbroken American in Florence gets involved in a dangerous local sport -- and with an alluring local woman.

Beside Still Waters (2013)

Dalton's only 'sort of' nude scene is a darkly lit skinning dipping scene from 2013's Beside Still Waters.  He also gets a nice kiss with SNL's Beck Bennett. 

FaVorite Click of the Week:

Think They....


 Maybe spent too much time together....

Say good-bye to Mr. Schroder by checking out one of the gayest movie scenes I think I've ever seen on film. (HERE:)  It's time to also bid adieu to a few other 'not so fine' Trumpian ass's marking their FH swan song on the NEXT PAGE HERE: 

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 23rd

In Good Baste: Lucas by Studio1x


Self-Basting is simply a bird that has been injected with flavorings, liquids and fat to assure it remains tender and moist....

Doing a holiday shoot can be an odd experience.  In addition to being completely naked, they also have to play with, and maneuver around a series of props, all the while looking both sexy and festive.  Exuding an erotically festive vibe isn't always the easies look to pull off.  Lucas however, succeed, doing a spectacular job. 

Studio1x's Jim reports that Lucas seemed a wee bit awkward at the beginning, especially after seeing the vegetable stand he was to pose with... After they got started however, Lucas not only got more comfortable, he really got into the Thanksgiving theme and the many props Jim had provided for Lucas to utilize during the shoot.

As you can see from the images below, Lucas certainly seems both erotically festive, and seductively relaxed.  I especially love Lucas' smile, and his laugh and devilish grin when he notices, then picks up the turkey baster Jim had on hand.  I'm sure exactly what Jim had in mind by including that particular prop.... but it brought Lucas, and myself a laugh. 

Reap’d: Hansel Wellington by Lights On Studio


'Your hay it is mow’d and your corn it is reap’d. 
Your barns will be full and your hovels heap’d 
Come, boys, come, Come, boys, come. '
John Dryden 

Traditionally, the Thanksgiving feast was a celebration of harvest.  reaping the rewards of a spring and summer of hard work planting and tending to the gardens and crops.  In Autumn, those crops are reaped in harvest, providing food for the long winter ahead.  It is more than appropriate then, to head into the barn with model Hansel Wellington to celebrate the end of the harvest season.

There's a subtle but distinct difference in reaping and harvest, focused on how the crops are gathered.  Reaping means to cut, (usually wheat) where as other crops are harvested, meaning they're gathered or pulled from their stems when ripe.   Hansel is clearly the perfect model to demonstrate these techniques.  He's beautifully cut, and his fruit appears juicy and plump, clearly ripe for the picking...

Many FH viewers might remember Hansel's appearance last month celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving. (Turkey for One)  The barn in this case, was actually an outbuilding from the estate house featured in the October shoot.  The house was build in 1892 by a local banker in Ovid MI and Tom's friend is restoring it to it's original state.  

The barn like structure featured in this shoot was actually originally the home's old carriage house, Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski loved the space and especially the incredible light which flowed in from the open barn doors.

'Hansel has no issue with getting naked but the owner of the house)was a little concerned that if we got too close to the doors the neighbors would see a naked man stripping off his clothes and swinging on a rope. I think we got by undetected.... No police arrived, and no arrests were made.'

12 Days: Jack Donnelly in Friendsgiving


 'Molly and Abbey, along with their crew of close friends and acquaintances, host a dysfunctional, comical and chaotic Thanksgiving dinner.'

When it comes to my 12 Days series, it's not always easy finding movies set around Thanksgiving.  There's Home for the Holidays and Planes, Trains and Automobiles and a few others, but the list isn't a long one.  Fortunately, this year we had a new film set around turkey day, just released last month.

Friendsgiving has become a popular term the last few years, describing friends, not family, who gather together for the holiday.  Friendsgiving, written and directed by Nicol Panone was actually filmed back in 2018 but was just released in America and the UK this year.

Friendsgiving (2020)

With a cast headed by Malin Ackerman and Kat Dennings, the film has a boy toy in the form of Jeff for some additional visual appeal.  Jeff is played by British actor Jack Donnelly, best known for his role on the fantasy drama series Atlantis.  Director Panone establishes Jeff's new relationship with Molly (Ackerman) in a few hot scenes in the films opening few minutes.  I'd not heard of Jack Donnelly before, but he was an interesting actor I look forward to seeing more of. 

Mr. November

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 25th

A Simple Thanksgiving: Lucas by Studio1x


No ghosts or goblins and trick-or-treats,
No candy or flowers for your sweets. 
No gifts to buy or presents to give,
Just be THANKFUL for the life that you live. 

It's understandable why many are struggling with having a simple Thanksgiving this year.  Most of the other major holidays have noisy and colorful distractions.  Halloween has candy and costumes; Christmas has Santa and presents and Easter has bunnies, of both the furry and chocolate variety.  Thanksgiving at it's core, is really about food, and sharing that food with those you love.

Although I get the disappointment, I don't really get the anger.  It's not like people really want the holiday cancelled, they just want the big gatherings postponed, and ensure this Thursday's celebration is done safely,  and on a smaller scale.  I understand the struggle, but it's not an especially arduous one for me. 

Over the last several years, I've alternated spending Thanksgiving with family one year, and friends the other.  Although my extended family have a huge dinner at my aunts, my parents used to only go every second year.  This meant one year, we had a quiet dinner with out immediat family, and the year they went to the big event, I spent the day with my friends.  That to, was usually a small gathering, just my best friend and his wife, their daughter, and sometimes one or two of their neighbours. 

This year, it was to be the family gathering, but given it's going to be the first Thanksgiving without one of my parents alive, it's just going to be me and my brothers family.  I'm looking forward to a small, quiet afternoon with my family.  I like a big celebration, but in our family, that was always at Christmas.  Over the years that has also scaled down as people have gotten older, and kids have moved away, but if there's a day I'll miss a big gathering, it will be a month from now.

Given the pandemic, and a need for a simpler holiday this year, Jim from Studio1x decided this year's Thanksgiving shoot needed a clean focus.  One model, and some traditional Thanksgiving decorations.  If you remember, Jim went all out at Halloween with his American Psycho shoot, smoke,  a chainsaw, and buckets and buckets of blood.  

As you can see from Jim's beautiful shots of Lucas, simple can be incredibly alluring. Despite having a less complicated theme to light and shoot, Jim says he and Lucas still had a lot of fun.  Both were laughing when Lucas almost fell on his face while undressing for a shot.   I mean, really, what more would need for a pleasant holiday than a few decorations, the gorgeous Lucas, and maybe some turkey and stuffing.  Speaking of turkey's.... check more of Lucas on THE NEXT PAGE.  The plaid is peeled off, and that turkey, it requires a baste... 

Gobbler's Retribution

'You only like me for my breasts....'
The Thanksgiving Turkey

Turkey's get a bad wrap, despite their reputation, they can actually be quite social and friendly if in a trusting relationship with a human.  Turkey's certainly get the rotten end of the stick at Thanksgiving.  I always found it rather morbid how many Thanksgiving images and decorations include turkey's, given their sacrificial role in the festivities.  

Art from Garik Aliev

A few years ago, I began posting artwork with the theme of 'turkey's revenge'.  It began with the image just below, and since then, I have tried to add new art pieces each year when I could find them.  Given how many turkey's are being fried, stuffed and roasted today, I liked the thought of celebrating the bird featuring images with them fighting back and getting a little retribution on those trying to capture, kill, pluck and stuff them.

Art from Lord Iron

This year, I'm thrilled to include an new and original art piece from Roy from badsign769.  I first discovered Roy's work close to two years ago and have been enjoying following his work and featuring it when I can, especially on the holidays.  As you can see from Roy's image below, the turkey's have teamed up and it looks like our hot pilgrim is about to get  his giblets cut, carved and castrated...  
badsign769 on Instagram | Twitter

Small Gatherings of Gratitude


American Thanksgiving is going to be a bit different this year.  Well, at least for some...  Despite a worldwide pandemic, some seem to still  struggle with what being thankful really means.  Thankfulness isn't a physical thing that can be lost or taken way. Thankfulness is an emotion and one that doesn't actually require huge gatherings to understand or feel. 

The narcissism of a few is certainly heightened by the holiday, especially one which is rooted in being grateful for what we have. Having recently lost a parent, I'd give anything to be able to stuff down my turkey and stuffing over zoom and just knowing they to were stuffing down turkey and stuffing somewhere safe and warm.  

Ironically, the loudest complainers are often the least caring and appreciative.  Working in social services, I know so many people, elderly, disabled, immune compromised, who depend on others to do to the right thing to keep them safe.  If ever there was a time to be thankful, and to put others above ourselves, it is now.  Blessed are those that give without remembering, and receive without forgetting.  Happy Thanksgiving to all reading this, especially those eating their drumsticks alone or in small gatherings of gratitude. 

The Time Is Ripe

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 26th

A Baker's Dozen: Yorgen

Yorgen by Gordon Nebeker

'He turns heads everywhere he goes.'

The first time I saw Yorgen's images, my head, neck, and various other body parts, were certainly turning and on the move.  Maybe it's name, maybe it's his blonde hair and beautiful eyes....  Maybe it's his muscled body and voluminous ass but Yorgen looks like a Nordic God come to life.  

Yorgen not only has an incredible look, he knows exactly how to use it in front of the camera.  He uses his curves and body angles to create salivatingly sensual poses with an explosion of sexual energy. Despite all of this, photographer Gordon Nebeker also describes him as incredibly humble, with an infectious enthusiasm for his work.  What more could you want in a model?

Yorgen by Gordon Nebeker

Yorgen by Mike Tossy

'Yorgen looks like a boyish Colt Model, and in addition to being easy on the eyes, his attitude was uplifting, and always ready to lend a hand.'

Utah 2017

Yorgen by Mike Tossy

Yorgen in Book Form

Yorgen by Gordon Nebeker

Yorgen by StudioMGphotography

Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?


Some family really luck out with the gene pool.  David and Victoria Beckham, the athlete and the pop star made for tabloid heaven with their relationship and marriage.  They went on to have 4 beautiful children, the oldest, Brooklyn, I previously featured on the site. (HERE:)

I didn't really take much notice of the other three kids, they were just children.  Then, this past September, David posted a beautiful slideshow on his social media celebrating son Romeo's 18th birthday and documenting his growing up. 

 David seemed to be struggling with just how much growing Romeo has done, and posted some adorable shots comparing heights of he and his son. Romeo is adorable, but never more so than when with his dad.  It's clear they have a close relationship that's beautiful to see. 

Romeo Beckham on Instagram

End of the Seasonal Sightings

Happy Birthday today November 28th


Happy 38th to actor Alan Ritchson!

Check out more of Alan on FHHERE:
& More of today's Birthdays HERE:& HERE:


Favorite Pic of the Day for November 28th

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