Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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A Provocative Preview: Jean Carlos by Mount Photography


The best laid plans...   Model Jean Carlos Garcia's modeling career is taking off, and one of his goals was to do a shoot along of the sandy shores of one Spain's incredible beaches.  After connecting on Facebook, and checking out Mark Montovio's incredible portfolio, Jean Carlos knew he'd found the perfect photographer to capture his dream shoot on the beach.  

Jean Carlos is from Ecuador although he has been living in Barcelona for the last 11 years  He has taken part in a number of runway shows in Spain and in Milan during fashion week, also taken part in the the Guinness world book of records for the biggest runway show in the world which took place in Madrid. After spending so much time inside, walking the runways, it's understandable why the hot young model would want to strip off all that fashion and shoot outside on the beach.

'I was really interested in a session at the beach, but couldn’t shoot in Cádiz, it wan't practical.  We ended up setting a date for a weekend in Marbella bu unfortunately, it rained heavily the three days before and we weren't able to shoot outside. We did a very quick session indoors which I enjoyed nonetheless. It is very easy working with Mark, he is very laid back and always making positive comment to help you feel very relaxed. I look forward to meeting up again because I really would like to do that beach shoot, something Mark does so well!'
Jean Carlos

'Jean Carlo's career started to pick up early in the year but Covid-19 had its say. I am very much looking forward to working with him again as he has an electrifying energy and he is an amazing young man '

12 Days: Michael Xavier in Christmas on Wheels


Upon learning that her uncle sold her Mom's vintage convertible--a car full of Christmas memories--Ashley enlists the help of her uncle's attorney, Duncan, to get it back.

I've been saying that I've only seen one new Christmas movie this season, and this remains 'mostly' true.  I did have 2020's Christmas on Wheels turned on the other night, but can't say I really actually watched.  I listened, and looked up when actor Michael Xavier appeared on screen.  The movie didn't really grab me with it's story, but the delicious Duncan, (Xavier) managed to consistently require my attention.  

I first noticed the Ontario born Xavier on the short lived Space Channel series Bitten a few years ago.  Although I have all of the series, I haven't yet watched.  I did however, skim several times to capture nude scenes for various actor's I've featured on the site. Scanning for Xavier's scenes, certainly wet my appetite to finally check out the entire two seasons. 

Bitten (2014-2015)

A Baker's Dozen

Happy Birthday today November 29th


Happy 30th to actor and singer Diego Boneta!

Check out more of today's Birthdays HERE:& HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 29th

12 Days: Mark Deklin in Christmas in Evergreen: Letter To Santa


When Lisa takes a last-minute Christmas trip to her hometown of Evergreen, she finds that the historic general store has been closed. Using her skills as a professional retail designer, Lisa decides to keep local tradition alive and help the good people of Evergreen bring the store back to life. As Lisa charms a local contractor named Kevin (Deklin) into working with her, the pair find themselves facing one surprise after another as they restore the store to its former glory. 

Oh those local contractors, if only they all looked like actor Mark Dekin!  I've been planning on posting about Mark for awhile now.  I've enjoyed him on television for years, especially his role putting the (g)ay, not the (g)ood in the short lived series. GCB.

I noticed Mark was in a new Christmas movie that aired last week and although I DVR's it, I haven't watched yet.  I did however, see Mark in 2018's Christmas in Evergreen: Letters To Santa.  Given it could be weeks before I catch his new holiday flick, I thought I would go ahead and feature as I didn't want to wait.  Deklin really personifies the term 'stud', and he's also an engaging and talented actor as well.  Everything I read mentioned what a great guy he is, and I hope he lands a new show  soon, and one that lasts beyond just a season.

The Ex List (2009)

Grace & Frankie

I suspect the ass shown on Grace & Frankie wasn't Deklin's, but regardless, it's a fun scene and Mark looks incredibly hot!

In Studio: Gabriele my macpics

Thespian Torsos


I'm considering trying out All Rise, but only because of Wilson Bethel.  I've missed most of his post soap appearances, but no this post soap promotional images, especially when he's shirtless in the kitchen.

Happy Birthday today November 30th


Happy 68th to actor Mandy Patinkin!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Patinkin and Barbara Streisand in Yentl (1983)

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 30th

Morning Coffee: Gabriele by macpics


' Some guy came in to tell us that we were being naughty....'

This piece originally began as a 'summer beach' piece.  I first contacted Ian from macpics this past summer after seeing his shots of the gorgeous Gabriele frolicking on what appeared to be a very windy beach.  Turns out, there was a wicked wind blowing straight up from Antarctic with only Tasmania in the way of the cold Southern gusts.  When Ian sent on the images shortly after, summer had turned to Autumn, and I decided to put the beach shoot on hold. 

Thankfully, Ian and Gabriele had also done some studio work, and on location, including this set from Rippon Lea, a national-trust house.  Ian wanted to make the most of his time with Gabriele after flying him in to shoot.  They first connected on Model Mayhem, and although Ian knew right away he wanted to work with him, Gabriel was working in Tokyo, so it took a little while for their schedules to line up.

Ian initially only planned to take a few shots at Rippon Lea, but due to the incredible light, spent quite a bit of time shooting Gabriele enjoying his morning coffee in one particular room.  Given Rippon Lea is a national-trust home, Ian wasn't aware he actually needed a permit to shoot inside the building.  He'd called ahead and got the go ahead to shoot outside and on the grounds, but guests were not permitted to shoot inside.

'I told one tour-guide  about what I wanted to do and she seemed ok with it... at first.  Either she changed her mind, or someone else ratted on us as while we were shooting, with Gabriele wearing nothing but a coffee cup, some guy came in to tell us that we were being naughty. Thankfully, I was able to sweet-talk him and promised to make a donation to the place.  After a pause, (maybe to look at Gabriel) .he said ok and seemed happy enough with that.'

In addition to shooting, Ian gave Gabriel a tour and there was a lot of sightseeing.  Ian shares he  especially seemed to enjoy seeing kangaroos and koalas at the Healesville Sanctuary which is, basically, a zoo.  Ian says it was both a pleasant working collaboration, and a pleasant social visit during Gabriele's visit and enjoying having such an experienced model as his guest for the week.

Check out a few shots from Ian's studio work with Gabriele on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

macpics on ModelMayhem

A Vintage Vantage: Paul Newman in Torn Curtain


An American scientist publicly defects to East Germany as part of a cloak and dagger mission to find the solution for a formula resin before planning an escape back to the West.

Although I like to think of myself of somewhat of a film buff, there are many classics that I haven't seen.  I especially however, finding films with stars I love that I didn't even know existed.  I love Alfred Hitchcock films, but I've really only seen a small number of them.  I re-watch Rear Window whenever it's on and have seen Psycho and The Birds several times.

I've seen others, but most only once.  I was pleasantly surprised then, to discover several new Hitchcock films during TCM's recent marathon.  I'd never heard of Torn Curtain, and certainly wasn't aware that Paul Newman and Julie Andrews appeared together in a Hitchcock film.  For some reason this flick doesn't seem to get the repeat airings some many of the other famous director's films get. 

'Just give me five minutes with her. After all, she is my girl'
Professor Michael Armstrong 

What was most surprising about Torn Curtain was how Hitchcock tapped into his leading man's good looks.  We're used to him focusing on the beautiful blondes he casts, but Torn Curtain contains three shirtless scenes with Newman, including even a hint of nudity behind a shower curtain.  Torn Curtain certainly isn't one of the director's best, but it more than held my attention with it's tense storytelling and quick pace. 


Start of the Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 1st

in The Midst Of: Randy Wesley by YogaBear Studio


'Modeling is an affirming experience. For a slightly overweight kid who never thought he was good looking, it's been a way to make me feel more confident and proud of myself. It's also been an extraordinary record of how my body has changed over the years. I love looking back at the young Randy and then I marvel at the mature Randy of today.'

When I was reading through model Randy Wesley's replies to my questions, I was struck by his use of the phrase 'over the years'.  I knew what he meant in the context of his answer, but it also spoke to one of the reasons I initially reached out to the Florida based model.  Many FH readers have notice my Baker's Dozen series.  The series was a way to celebrate the site's thirteenth year, and a way to spotlight models that I've featured  multiple times over the years.

I relish celebrating the artists, models and actors who've shared their work with the site, especially those who've contributed numerous times over a span of time.  Whenever I think about stopping FH, it's those artists who usually motivate me to continue.  I enjoy telling their stories, and following the growth and changes in an artists work, a models look and an actors career.   Images capture a moment in time, but with my focus of story, I like to celebrate the moment in as a part of something bigger, a passage or chapter of a longer story, a snapshot of a life in the midst of living. 

Part of FH's history has included covering the work of David from YogaBear Studio, something I loved doing starting back in 2011.  Although David isn't shooting as much as he used to, when I saw Randy's avatar on Model Mayhem, I knew instantly that I wanted to feature his work and that the images was shot by David.  When Randy sent on the images from the set, I was immediately transported back to one of my all time favorite locations, the old abandoned train and railroad tracks that drew David back again and again.  I also knew Randy would have a great story to tell, and was curious about the images and what he was in the midst of when they were taken. 

What motivated you to being modeling? 
'I was a slightly overweight kid who harbored a bit of an exhibitionist streak. When I went to college, I lost weight and started feeling more open about exploring my exhibitionist side. Still I didn't try modeling until a few years later. 

I contacted some area colleges and inquired about posing for life drawing classes. Mostly, I just wanted to see if I would have the guts to stand naked in front of a group of artists. I found out pretty quickly that I enjoyed it, and I got a lot of compliments about my poses. Evidently, all the research I did prior to that first class paid off. I got asked back for more sessions and soon I was posing for several schools. It was a rewarding experience because the artists appreciated my work, and I was helping them create something of beauty.' 

'After I had some experience doing life modeling, I wanted to have some photos taken. I contacted a photographer and arranged to meet up with him. We went to a large public park and gardens that had some areas that were a little more private. I ended up getting naked several times when people weren't nearby, and the photographer captured some B&W images of me that I thought were great for a first shoot. My heart raced every time I took off my clothes, wondering if anyone would see us taking the nude photos. 

The photographer also took some shots of me clothed. I gave my parents an 8x10 clothed portrait of me, which they displayed in their home. I used to snicker a bit when I would look at the photo and think back on the nude shots that were done the same day. After that experience, I stated shooting with any photographer who wanted to work with me. However, at that time, I lived in a more rural area with few options for photographers. It was also before most photographers had websites, so no one saw my nude photos.' 

'One day I got in touch with NakedTony who had a website. I was fascinated by the photos of regular guys as well as the photographer and his husband. I drove to the Chicago suburbs so I could shoot with him. Over the next few years, I shot with him three times (if I remember correctly). I was thrilled when I got to see some photos of me posted on his website. '

What factors did you weigh before deciding to shoot nudes? 
'I guess the only factor I considered was how likely I would be seen by a coworker. I was in a professional position at work, and it wouldn't have been good for me to get noticed doing nude photos. Still, I figured my risk of exposure was minimal because there wasn't the plethora of websites then that you see today. I also figured that anyone who saw me on NakedTony was likely gay and not likely to share my images with my coworkers.

I was involved with a married man at the time (all very discreet). Like me, he had an exhibitionist streak, but still he wasn't happy about my posing naked for other people. He begrudgingly went along with it. It was just one more thing we fought about, and eventually we parted way. I later met the love of my life, and I continued to pose for artists and photographers with my new partner's (now husband's) blessing. He was/is supportive of my modeling. One photo of me posing on a farm hung in our bedroom for many years. We've also done a couple of shoots together. One B&W artistic shoot occurred early in our life together. Last year, I dug out some of those prints and made a collage for him for his birthday. Those photos as well as my "farm boy" pic are displayed in a more discrete location in our current home.' 

Any odd or strange stories from any shoots? 
'A friend of mine does photography as a hobby. He's photographed many men, and I asked him if he would photograph me on a farm. My husband has always called me his farm boy because I lived in a rural area when we met. My friend found an abandoned farm with an old truck and a barn, and we did a shoot that was great fun for me. One photo is the one I had enlarged as a gift for my husband, and a few other photos ended up in a gay mag called DUDE. The mag had a real guys section (kind of like Real Men in Playgirl... which I always wanted to be in), so we submitted several shots. It was a rush to see myself in the mag, and my hubby loved it. 

I did several more shoots with my friend, and some of his images of me from my younger days are among my all time favorites. One of the shoots got me another appearance in DUDE a couple of years later. And ultimately I made it into Playgirl's Real Men with photos done by another photographer.'

What has been your favorite experience thus far? 
'Shooting with David from Yogabear was a huge goal for me. I've always loved the outdoor shoots that he's done with various men. I finally got the opportunity to shoot with him when we were in San Diego in 2017.  It was an amazing experience, and I absolutely loved the location. Shortly after that shoot, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I spent most of 2018 going through cancer treatments (surgery, radiation, and hormone suppression), so modeling wasn't an option for me then. My recovery was slow in 2019, and then 2020 came along. Needless-to-say I haven't had the opportunity to model for some time. I'm starting to think about trying posing naked again. I'd love to find a photographer who would be willing to work with me after all I've been through. I'm not in the shape I was in for the Yogabear shoot, but I'm slowing trying to get back in better shape. Someday I hope to have the guts to get in front of a camera again.'

'The shoot with YogaBear was like living out a fantasy. I was shooting in a location I had always admired in David's previous shoots. That was seller. Plus David has an eye for images that amazed me over the course of the day we were together. He is great at providing direction and capturing a model at his best. I was sorry that he shut down his website. I'm not sure what was happening that caused him to do that. I haven't had any contact with him since then, and I often wonder how he's doing.

I've worked with many photographers over the years. They all have their own sense of style. With David, I felt about as creative as I have ever felt in a shoot because he was capturing such gorgeous images of me.'

What are your boundaries for a shoot? Have you ever said no to a concept or shot idea? 
'I've only done two shoots with other men (other than my husband). The first shoot was with another model who I had become friends with. My husband wasn't keen about my shooting with him, but he allowed me to do. The shoot was very artistic, and we got some gorgeous images that day. That shoot was also with Yogabear. The second duo shoot was with RealMenRealLife. My husband accompanied me to the shoot, which we thought was a solo shoot. When the photographer John showed up he had another model with him. Evidently he wanted to shoot the other model (who hadn't done a shoot before), and John was keen on shooting us together. The shoot got pretty explicit, and my husband watched the whole thing. He thought it was extremely hot. I never would have been so open in a shoot if he hadn't been there. I was glad I had the experience, but it's not something I'd be quick to repeat. '

Do you have a dream scenario for a shoot you'd love to do? 
'I may have lived that out. I always wanted to shoot with Greg Weiner (who did a ton of shoots for Playgirl). I finally got to work with him when he started his Paragonmen website. I was one of his early "real men" that he put on his site. Guess I am always a "real man."

You can check out more of Randy on ModelMyahem HERE:  You can also check out over 400 shots from various photographers and photo shoots on his Flickr Page HERE:

Parker Young in Suburgatoy: Krampus


'I'm adopted?????'

So, this isn't technically a 12 Days  post because it isn't about a Christmas movie.  I saved the image above last year, thinking it must be from a Hallmark movie I hadn't seen.  I should have known the shirtless hunk however, as I've featured the talented actor previously on the site. (HERE:)  It wasn't however from a movie at all, but from Krampus, the Christmas episode of the sit-com Suburgatoy.

I love actor Parker Young, but I never watched Suburgatoy.  Not sure why, in addition to Parker, the show had an incredibly talented cast.  I do however, love shirtless hunks, especially in scenes with Santa.  I found this scene on-line and it's a little over the top.  Young's character has a meltdown after finding out he was adopted, and as one does when upset, ripped off his shirt on cold winter day and began beating his fist into iron lamp poles.

On the Rise:

Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 3rd

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