12 Days initially began to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas by choosing 12 holiday hunks to feature each Christmas. Well, the theme has grown, to not only cover all holidays, but I usually can't stop at 12. I especially love undressing the many Hallmark hunks playing sweet lonely widowers or naive princes stuck in a small town Bed and Breakfast during an unexpected blizzard.
Hallmark movies as we all know have a formula, for story and for characters. There are usually three main male characters per story. In addition to the naive, but sweet leading man, there is also the leading man's even more naive and eve sweeter best friend, brother, assistant or co-worker. There's also usually always a daddy. The father figure is often the leading ladies father, but it could also be a boss, a lonely neighbour and of course, often the town's Santa.
The daddy figure in the The Christmas Doctor was Dr. Ray, a sweet small town doctor who brings the young female doctor in to cover him over Christmas. Poor Dr. Ray has been working too hard, and has an arm injury he needs to recover from. He also had a sweet ulterior motive for brining Dr. Zoey (Holly Robinson-Peete) to town.
As soon as Dr. Ray appeared on screen, I knew I recognized his sweet and handsome face. It might have because of actor Fred Henderson's recent appearance on Riverdale, his many movies and television guest appearances or even his role on The X Files in the 90's. Although I didn't initially know, or connect Henderson to his small part in the 1995 film Bad Company, when I saw it on his IMDB page, I knew I'd seen the face, and the body before.
The X Files (1994)![]()
I only have a vague recollection of seeing Bad Company, I don't remember much of the story, or whether I even like it or not. I did remember, Henderson's nude scene. I remember every male full frontal I saw in movies, especially when I was a teenager. It's not just my love for the male form, but as anyone who was closeted for a time, scenes of male nudity, especially when watched with a group, were both exciting, and traumatic experiences.
Bad Company (1995)![]()
I believe I saw Bad Company with a group of high school friends. Fred's frontal flash was quick, but it didn't matter. Every time an actor showed skin on screen, even just shirtless, closeted teens go into survival and protective mode. Although no one is usually paying any attention, we all assume, and respond as if all eyes are on us. We squirm, we turn red, we do everything for the duration of the scene, to act like we're not paying attention, or don't care to the male skin we're dying to focus on up on the screen. Usually, we actually bring on more attention from our squirming.
Despite all of the self-induced drama, I still look back on the moments with fondness. Sure they were full of fear, but there was also something erotically risky about those moments. Although I'm glad I don't experience them any longer, there were oddly sort of a highlight in my growth and road to embracing who I was.