Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Stocking Stuffers:


'For it is in giving that we receive.'

Image from Nick Mesh

It's that time of year for giving, bringing pleasure to another, or giving pleasure to oneself. I used to love shopping, especially in book, music, video and drugstores. Now.. not so much. Today, except for a few craft fairs and local businesses I want to support, I do most of my buying on-line.

If you're a lover of the male form, and I assume given you're visiting FH,, there are a variety of gift buying options, all available to be purchased easily on-line. Whether for yourself, or for that special someone, most can arrive at your door before Christmas, or arrive in your in-box in just a matter of minutes.

Images from Bodytorium 

Almost all of the artists and models that I feature have perfect gifts for that special someone. Almost every artist I feature have prints for fans of their artistry, or the models they capture.  If you see an image, or a shoot on FH you like, contacting the artist about a print is easy.  

I used to love when the new slew of calendars would come out at the mall every year.  There were hundreds to choose from varying from kittens and puppies to hot naked men.  Although not as popular as they once were, I still buy calendars every give, for myself and to give away.  One of my favorites features Michael Moody, a model I've featured on the site many times.  Michael and Randall are the Duelists and their 2021 calendar is available now.  You can order one using Paypal using  Randal@duelists.com or message Michael on Facebook HERE:

When I was a kid, my favorite gifts were always books. I may not have always appreciated books as gifts at the time, but now that I'm older, those books, along with the personal messages from the giver written on the first page, are truly treasured. Most artists offer great hard and soft cover books you can wrap and give in person, or lower cost digital downloads to enjoy right away. 

New Manhattan Studioproduces not only books and private portfolios on your favorites models, the studio has it own magazine, Captured Shadows as well as customized calendars featuring the model of your choice. The only problem is who to choose... Bond? Alex? Norm?  Dustin? Dylan? Dimitriy?  So many men, so little time....  If you can decide, I'd recommend NMS's latest Photo Essay featuring the sizzling Ricardo.  Check out more HERE:

Image by Mark Leighton

When in doubt, how about an Onlyfans subscription?  I know for me, a few months of one of my favorites would be the perfect gift! Many of the photographers and models I have featured have OnlyFans pages and a suscription makes the perfect last minute gift!

Image by PhotoRSH

His Own World: Bo Pressly by Gruenholtz


'Being in the comfort of my own space gave a great sense of ease and allowed me to fully submerse myself into my own world.'

With some exceptions, such as editorials or advertising campaigns, the goal of most artists shooting the male form, is to capture an organic and pure image of the model they're shooting.  Whenever I ask a model or photographer about a specific shoot, they usually comment on what they did to create a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere.  One of my favorite approaches used by many artists, is to shoot models in their own home, a space all ready filled with items that bring them comfort and joy.

Studios can be large, bare and cold spaces, especially so for a model posing nude. Even when props or furniture are used, there is little to distract or support a new or nervous model. We are never more our selves, or more relaxed than when at home, which is exactly why New York based artist Gruenholtz so often utilizes a model's home as a shooting location.

I first introduced FH readers to Gruenholtz's work back in 2017. (Routinely Intimate)  The piece focused on the New York based artist Morning Rituals series, a series to capture beautiful men first thing in the morning.  The goal is to capture guys at the beginning of their day, men doing their regular morning routine at home.  Comfortable  in their own skin, being their true selves before having to put on the mask so many of us feel we must don. before heading out to interact with the rest of the world.

When I first saw the portfolio of model Bo Pressly it was clear from his image, that he was a dancer.  The long beautiful lines he created with his body were one of the main reasons I reached out to him about featuring his work. Bo's worked tirelessly as a dancer as long as he can remember.  He also became fascinated with the idea of capturing his ever changing physique over time.  This lead him to focus on body shoots as a means of documentation.   Bo is passionate about his physical form being his most important work, and feels privileged to engage and explore the world from within it. 

In addition to his incredible body and the poses and lines he created, I was also struck by the beautiful  lines and shape of Bo's face.  Not all models have such handsomely distinct harmony between their body and face.  The strength and beauty radiating from Bo's poses is perfectly balanced with the emotion and beauty from his eyes and face. Creating such a sensual and elegant flow is instinctive to many dancers and so magnificently captured by Gruenholtz through his morning ritual series.

'My experience shooting with Gruenholtz was a nice one. He was very calm and peaceful during the shoot. We shot at my studio on the Upper West Side in Manhattan. He really disappeared behind the camera and allowed me to explore movement and poses on my own; he gave minimal direction. He simply observed and captured what I was creating.  My goal was to create a transcendent image filled with beauty.'

Bo Pressley on Instagram



'They're getting theirs shift together.'

In addition to enjoying the trend of hot guys walking down aisle of box stores and mooning I've also been enjoying the box store at the heart of NBC's Superstore. Although the show is currently in it's sixth season, I only started watching this past fall.  I really loved America Ferrera in Ugly Betty, but it wasn't until reading an article about her living the sit-com that I checked it out.

There was something about the show that put me off watching, and I'm sorry I waited so long.  It's got a great group of actors and an even greater group of characters and I've been laughing my way through binging the first two seasons.  Some of the characters are a bit over the top, meaning some get a little annoying during a binge watch, but the shows been a wonderful distraction that I recommend you check out if you haven't already.

Ben Feldman (Jonah)

'He does look like a male Tinkerbell...'

In addition to having a talented cast, there are also (duh) a few guys who drew some extra attention.  Actor Ben Feldman is not only adorable, but he very quickly had me both curious and invested his his character.  I was interested both in his characters life before working at the Superstore, and his relationship with Amy. (Ferrera)

Jon Barinholtz (Marcus)

I've long had a crush on Ike Barinholtz, but never knew he had an equally adorable and talented younger brother. Now Barinholtz's character is more than a bit creepy (boob cheese???) but like Cheyanne, he's also completely bangable. 

Given my love of seasons, I love how the show follows the course of the year.  As Amy explains in the pilot, working at a box store is like the repeating the same day over and  over, with only the decorations being different.  Just as those back to school sales are over, it's time to decorate for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, St. Paddy's Day, and then prepare for summer.  Anyone who visits box stores, knows full well the holidays start months before the actual day.  Most of us have gone into a store just after New Years only to see the Christmas decorations coming down, and the Valentine decorations going up.

Mark McKinney (Glenn)

I never really watched Kids In The The Hall, but when I was a kid I remember my older brother loved it.  The few times I saw it, or images of the cast, I always thought Mark McKinney was the cutest one.  After the Canadian sketch comedy was cancelled, McKinney had a short, very short stint on Saturday Night Live, but his turn as Glenn, the stores's Christian, but morally awkward Glenn, is his most widely seen role in awhile. 

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 5th

12 Days: Fred Henderson in The Christmas Doctor


12 Days initially began to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas by choosing 12 holiday hunks to feature each Christmas.  Well, the theme has grown, to not only cover all holidays, but I usually can't stop at 12.  I especially love undressing the many Hallmark hunks playing sweet lonely widowers or naive princes stuck in a small town Bed and Breakfast during an unexpected blizzard. 

Hallmark movies as we all know have a formula, for story and for characters.  There are usually three main male characters per story.  In addition to the naive, but sweet leading man, there is also the leading man's even more naive and eve sweeter best friend, brother, assistant or co-worker.  There's also usually always a daddy.  The father figure is often the leading ladies father, but it could also be a boss, a lonely neighbour and of course, often the town's Santa.

The daddy figure in the The Christmas Doctor was Dr. Ray, a sweet small town doctor who brings the young female doctor in to cover him over Christmas.  Poor Dr. Ray has been working too hard, and has an arm injury he needs to recover from.  He also had a sweet ulterior motive for brining Dr. Zoey (Holly Robinson-Peete) to town.

As soon as Dr. Ray appeared on screen, I knew I recognized his sweet and handsome face.  It might have because of actor Fred Henderson's recent appearance on Riverdale, his many movies and television guest appearances or even his role on The X Files in the 90's.   Although I didn't initially know, or connect Henderson to his small part in the 1995 film Bad Company, when I saw it on his IMDB page, I knew I'd seen the face, and the body before.

The X Files (1994)

I only have a vague recollection of seeing Bad Company, I don't remember much of the story, or whether I even like it or not.  I did remember, Henderson's nude scene. I remember every male full frontal I saw in movies, especially when I was a teenager.  It's not just my love for the male form, but as anyone who was closeted for a time, scenes of male nudity, especially when watched with a group, were both exciting, and traumatic experiences.

Bad Company (1995)

I believe I saw Bad Company with a group of high school friends.  Fred's frontal flash was quick, but it didn't matter.  Every time an actor showed skin on screen, even just shirtless, closeted teens go into survival and protective mode.  Although no one is usually paying any attention, we all assume, and respond as if all eyes are on us.  We squirm, we turn red, we do everything for the duration of the scene, to act like we're not paying attention, or don't care to the male skin we're dying to focus on up on the screen.  Usually, we actually bring on more attention from our squirming.

Despite all of the self-induced drama, I still look back on the moments with fondness.  Sure they were full of fear, but there was also something erotically risky about those moments.  Although I'm glad I don't experience them any longer, there were oddly sort of a highlight in my growth and road to embracing who I was.

The Awkward Truth: Chris Vogue by TR Pics


Chris had always wanted to give modeling a try, and when he was home on lock down, like most of us, spent more time than usual on the Internet.  During a day of surfing the net, Chris came upon Tom's Instagram and struck up a conversation about a shoot.  They agreed to meet up and a date and location were set set up.

Tom shares that Chris was feeling very nervous and awkward when the shoot began.  It wasn't just the usual nerves connected with removing all of your clothes in front a complete stranger.   Chris's goal for the shoot was to do something new, some risky and to live a little after months at home in lock down. On the day of the shoot however, Chris had flash of fear, mostly about his family and conservative family finding.  He never done anything like this before, nor had anyone in his family that he knew of.  

He was determined however to fulfil his goal, and Tom reports the shoot resulted in some great shots. Tom shares that some of his shots of Chris, especially the fridge shot, received more 'likes' on Instagram than he's received in a long time!  When I initially asked Tom about sharing his work with Chris on FH, he wasn't sure Chris would be up for it, given his fears.  His desire for risk taking, and sharing the images he and Tom created won out though and he readily agreed to his naked on-line debut!

TR Pics on Instagram

Succulent Selfies: Cameron Robbie


It runs in the family...

Margot Robbie's younger brother Cameron was certainly a benefactor from the family's beautiful gene pool.  Also an actor, Cameron has been very generous on social media sharing images of his spectacular chest and lickable nips. 

Happy Birthday today December 6th


Happy 67th to actor Kin Shriner

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Kin & Andrew Stevens crusin through the 80's

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 6th

Under Normal Circumstances.... Chris Vogue by TR Pics


'When I placed some of Chris' images on my Instagram, I received many comments on how nice it was to see a "normal" model on my page.'

Normal is such an ambiguous and often misleading word.  For some, especially those struggling, looking, feeling or just being normal can be a positive thing.  For others, there is no greater insult than being considered normal.  I think we all know, much like Santa Clause, normal is really just a myth, It's something we as humans have created to measure and label, usually to make us feel better about ourselves.   It often however, has the opposite effect, most baselines usually do.  

I completely understand the use of normal in the contest of describing Tom's work with Chris.  At the same time however, it didn't fit for me.  When I was recently going through Tom's portfolio, it was his images of Chris that really stood out to me.  Maybe it in part it was his sensual curves, but I was also struck by his beautiful face and smile and how organically sexy Tom's series with Chris was.

The only normal thing for me, was the theme.  At this time of year, between Thanksgiving and New Year's, I think most of us do more naked late night trips to the kitchen.  At this time of year, you're more likely find something good int he fridge, like cold leftover dressing, or sweets and squares that you can only find in December.  I especially loved Tom's shot of Chris bending over with his head in the refrigerator.  Wonder if he found anything tasty...

Now, speaking of normal, under normal circumstances Chris would never have been posing stark naked in a kitchen with a photographer snapping snapping away taking images.  Chris had never modeled before this shoot, let alone modeled completely naked.  Sometimes however, circumstances lead to new and unique opportunities....  

'When the Covid-19 pandemic first started, pretty much all of my shoots dried up, so I kind of took a break, along with the rest of the world. But as the months went by, everyone became more used to doing "normal" things, and my shoots kicked back up.'

Check more images, and get a few more details about the not so normal, and awkward shoot on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

12 Days: Adrian Holmes in The Christmas Doctor

'A travelling locum doctor finds love and a home at her latest assignment in Willowbrook'

So, I finally had time to watch my second Christmas movie, and I really enjoyed The Christmas Doctor.  It had all the usual Hallmark movie tropes, the beautiful woman moving to a small town, finding love, and deciding to stay.  This one had a few unique twist, including the big twist about how Dr. Zoey (Holly Robinson-Peete) happened to come to this particular town. 

The acting was a step above most Hallmark movie's I've seen, especially Robinson Peete and her leading man Luke played by the ultra hot Adrian Holmes.  The Welsh-Canadian actor is best known for his role on the Bravo cop show 19-2 but has appeared in a number of movies and TV shows, including a turn on many shows from, and filmed in Canada. 

Holmes and his family moved from North Wales to Vancouver when he was just a kid and he started acting professionally when he was still a teenager.  Holmes appeared on a variety of television shows including;  Neon Rider, The Outer Limits, Out of Order, Jeremiah, True Justice, V-Wars, Arrow and Smallville.   Check out another 12 Days piece, featuring Adrian's co-star, actor Fred Henderson (Dr. Ray) on theNEXT PAGE HERE:

12-2 (2014-2017)

A Tantalizing Trimming


If you follow model Andrew Biernat on Instagram, you've probably been enjoying his Christmas tree decorating videos. If you'missed the, enjoy them below.  Even if you've seen them, I'm sure it won't be a chore to have a festive re-watch.

Thespian Torsos

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 7th

8 Days: Matt Cohen in Holiday Date


'After a woman's boyfriend breaks up with her right before the holidays, she agrees to go home with an actor who will pose as her boyfriend.'

Hallmark isn't exactly known for it's diversity, even with white people.  Their plucky, overworked executives, the ones who go home for the holidays, are frequently blonde with the look of a beauty pageant runner's up. The romantic male leads are more diverse in appearance, but very similar in shared heartbreak and blandness. 

The last few years, due in part to criticism, the network has attempted to branch out.  Despite the fact there seems to be only one set of actors in Vancouver to play the friendly older black couple, there do seem to be more racially diverse leads.  This season also marked the networks first same sex couple as leads under the mistletoe.  

Back in 2012, the network dipped it's toe into Hanukkah.  In Hitched for the Holidays, Joey Lawrence played an actor hired by a Jewish woman to pretend to be her boyfriend. In 2018, the network committed to filming two Hanukkah themed movies.  The results were mixed.  The films were still really Christmas movies with a few Hanukkah elements thrown in for good measure.  One of the fist, was Holiday Date featuring former model and soap stud Matt Cohen.

Much liked Hitched for the Holidays, Cohen plays Joel Parker, an actor hired to play the leads boyfriend when she returns home for Christmas.  The fact that Joel is Jewish isn't mentioned until almost mid-way through the movie and is a surprise to both the family, and the audience.  

The elements of Hanukkah weaved in are a bit basic, but that might be a good thing given I'm guessing most of the films viewers are not well versed on the traditions and history of the Jewish holiday.  Unlike Christmas, which you can't escape if you tried, information about Hanukkah everywhere you turn in December and unless your Jewish, you have to look to learn.  

Not being Jewish, I remember knowing almost nothing about Hanukkah until I researched Jewish holidays for JR High School project.  I remember being surprised with how little most people knew about the holiday and how at the time, school's and public areas like stores and commercial spaces did little or nothing to note the holiday.

General Hospital 

I watched some of Holiday Date last year, but DVR'd it to watch fully when it recently aired again.  Matt Cohen makes a engaging lead and it was nice to see Bruce Boxleitner as the female leads father. I don't watch General Hospital, and never saw Matt on the soap, but from the caps below, it appears they frequently got him out of his clothes.  

Below: With fellow Hallmark Hunk Ryan Paevey 

Gift Wrapped

So much Funukkah

'Put on your yarmulke 
Here comes Hanukkah'

Adam Sandler was one of my first Saturday Night Live crushes, and part of show when I first really starting watching when I was in High School.  I didn't really become a huge fan of his movies, but when he was on SNL, I loved his smile.  I also loved his 'The Chanukah Song'and remember watching it live back in 1994 on the December night he first sang it on the show.

Although today's posts are celebrating Hanukkah, it wasn't Sandler's The Chanukah Song that inspired me including him in today's posts.  For that, we can thank Kirstie Alley...  Although there was a time I enjoyed watching Alley on repeats of Cheers, her opinions on political and social issues have certainly turned me off.  

Alley made the 'Twitter' news, and trended frequently during the election, frequently due to the stupid things she said about Covid. Alley is one of those who thinks we're overreacting, and that the mainstream media is just trying to scare us into complying.  

On the plus side, in one of the Twitter threads that I was reading, someone posted the link to Il Cantore, a sketch from her 1991 appearance as host.  In the sketch below, you can see why a closeted and awkward teenager might have a wee crush on Sandler, especially when he's in his teeny tiny black briefs.

Il Cantore

A Whole Latke Love


'Matthew is pleased to find latkes on the buffet and escapes the crowd to eat them peacefully in the kitchen, where Ethan recognizes his hunky one-night-stand immediately. Matthew remembers their night together fondly, but certainly hadn’t expected to run into the hottie with the sweet blue eyes again. When Ethan offers to make more latkes for Matthew another day, Matthew jumps to accept the invitation. But will their date be delicious or disastrous?

I often to look book covers to celebrate the holidays and was happy, and surprised to find a few Hanukkah themed gay romance novels.  I've seen then for most holidays and a variety of themes, am am glad to see them expanding their scope.  The description for a A Whole Latke of Love has me wanting to read more.  Will Matthew and Ethan, the two Jewish employee's at their office's Christmas party find love?  I'll let you know! 

Happy Hanukkah!

'When life seems to put out every light you have, It is better to light a candle than to complain about the darkness.'
Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating today!

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 10th


Matt Cohen
-See More Below-

🕎Check out today's BIRTHDAYSHERE:🕎

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