Although full frontal shots are always welcome on
FH, I never pass up the opportunity to featured great images, especially of hot models with an interesting story. Scott's journey to disrobing for his shoot with
Photos by BIRON was both a stressful, and an especially spiritual one.
Scott had no intention to model, especially without his clothes, in fact the career he was seeking was one that would have him fully draped from head to toe. Scott was studying at a Bible college, studying to one day take over for his father as Pastor at their local home town church. Opportunities however, sometimes occur int he most unlikely of places.
During his last year in missionary school, Scott and his classmates were all required to set up appointments with a local photographer to have their graduation pictures down. Well... given it was a small town, the local photographer not only shot soon to be Pastors, he also shot wannabe models for catalogue and community flyers. When Scott arrived for his grad pic, the photographer instantly knew he wanted to shoot Scott both in, and out of his clergy robe.
As he shot Scott's graduation pics, he asked the hot blonde a series of questions to get a feel for whether he'd be open to do some other types of modeling. Scott was immediately intrigued, not so much by the modeling, but the prospect of making some decent money to help with his student loans. The photographer set up a time to shoot a series of shots for Scott to put together a small portfolio to submit to the modeling agency the photographer also worked for.
It was through this agency that Biron spotted Scott's s hots. Biron loved Scott's look, and felt a retro vibe from the images he saw. Scott's look reminded Biron of the models he so enjoyed from the classic nude photography images he enjoyed from the 40's and 50's. Scott looked like he walked out of an Athletic Guide physique catalogue with his blonde hair, facial structure and fit, but not overly bulked up body.
When Biron got in touch with Scott about a shoot, he wasn't sure the Bible School student would be up for nude shoot with a theme and poses saluting classic physique models. He was pleasantly surprised that Scott wasn't only interested, but eager and full of ideas for the shoot. This particular pastoral student had a bit of a wild side, and was looking forward to showing sides of himself he usually had to keep under wrap.
The shoot ended up being a freeing and cathartic experience for Scott. Except for no full frontal shots, he was open to exploring both his sexual side, and his sexual fantasy's, chains and clothes pins included! Although Biron thought Scott was actually really wanting to show the full Monty, he wasn't sure future congregations would be that thrilled to with seeing their pastor's penis on the Internet. I'm not so sure... many church goers as we all well know, have wild sides they to keep under wraps for an hour each Sunday. Biron shares that Scott is indeed now behind the pulpit each Sunday morning. In order to ensure the pews don't get too crowded, especially during this time of Covid, for now, the particular Parish will remain a mystery....