Channel: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
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Shiny New Things: Luky by Bodytorium


'Luky's filled with positive energy, he's adventurous and he gets excited about trying new things'

If you're a regular viewer of FH, I'm sure that you're very familiar with the work of photographer Phil Diab from Bodytorium.  Although Phil shoots a variety of different men, his focus is frequently on models on the verge.  Guys who are in the process of transitioning into adulthood, still with the youthfulness, energy and bodies of young men before time, and life, begin to impact body and soul.

I can't think of a better example of Phil's focus than this series of shots of Luky. (Lukas).  The 18 year student is turning the corner this year, graduating from high school, and heading out into the world.  It's a time of huge change, physical ones of course, but also a change in direction.  When we're school, the the focus is narrow, the main goal is making it through to graduation.

Luky's life in Slovakia mostly revolved around studying, and as goalkeeper for the floorball team he plays for.  Modeling naked wasn't necessarily in Luky's long term plan, that was until, he connected with Phil.  During the pandemic, most of us found ourselves at home more, and consequently, on-line more as well. 

Phil usually meets his models in person.  If you've read my previous posts featuring his work, Phil often finds new models through his friends, while out on the town or at social engagements.  Given people weren't getting that often, especially in large groups, it was much hard for Phil to connect with new subjects to shoot.  Although he's not really into social media, and much prefers in-person contact, when the pandemic began, Phil dove in and did what he had to do to connect with perspective new models.

'Conditions often aren't ideal and sometimes to move ahead you've just got to bite the bullet. So I've been scouring Instagram and every so often I find gold. '

When Phil first connected with Luky on-line, he found the 18 year old very friendly and open to shooting right from the onset.  Luky was also up for trying new things, and a nude photo shoot was both new, and a challenge he was more than up for. It didn't take much writing back and forth before Phil and Luky were talking on the phone, getting to know one another, and discussing what each might be looking for and expecting from a future photo shoot together.

'Even though Slovakia is a small country and you can practically drive from one end to the other in 6 hours, I don't always have the luxury to meet all potential models in person prior to a photoshoot. Coincidentally Luky had a floorball game in Bratislava, so we were able to meet in person on the following weekend.'

Upon first meeting, Phil felt an instant good vibe from Luky. . He was wearing a hat and Phil thought had him looking like a cute skater boy. Phil asked him if he could see how he looked with his hat off, and when Luky took off his hat, Phil felt like he was watching a scene from a movie in slow motion.  As his hair flowed down, Phil could only think how drop-dead gorgeous he looked..

The began their shoot by driving to one of  Phil's favorite spots in the country.  The location had a good assortment of hills, valleys, meadows and tree's that  Phil loves to use as natural obstacles for models to sit, lie, crawl and climb on.  It also had a lot of space for Luky to run around around in.  Often locations, even outside, can be limiting, and Phil wanted dynamic shots of Luky.  With Luky's energy, Phil wanted lots of movements, beyond Luky just walking or standing around.

'Luky has a very healthy and positive attitude towards nudity. It was one of the most comfortable and fun photoshoots I've experienced so far.'

In addition to being a natural in front of the camera, Luky was both pleasant, and incredibly charming.  After the shoot, they headed back to Phi's place in Bratislava, ordered pizza and continued the studio / indoor portion of the photoshoot.  You can check out 100's of additional shots of Luky from both their outdoor, and studio shoots in a series of three updates on Bodytorium HERE:

Instagrams that Inspire: Tylor Bradshaw

Tylor by Intimate Lens Creative

Last week, while scrolling through my Instagram feed, I stopped upon seeing an images of a stunning ballet dancer.  That dancer, was Tylor Bradshaw who has been performing as an artist with the California Ballet since joining in 2019.  I had to find click on Tylor's page to see more of his work.

Next 4 images by Bui  Photo

Originally from Redondo Beach, Tylor received his training from South Bay Ballet, Oklahoma City Ballet Second Company, Milwaukee Ballet Summer Intensive, and Oklahoma City Ballet Summer Intensive. In going through is Instagram, there were some stunning shots from artists from several of the cites that Tylor studied, trained and performed in.

Body Appreciation: Tylor with Gary Reagan  

Remaining Shots by Sean Smalling

When I'm not working I enjoy... 
Nature, coffee, and spending time with my white German Shepherd Aspen. 

I love San Diego because... 
I was raised on the west coast and I love the beach. No more real winters!

If I weren't a dancer, I'd be: 
A journalist or an author. In high school I had several articles published in L.A. 

Describe your perfect day:
A Sunday spent going on nature adventures with my dog. 

Favorite Import of the Day: Marc Porel


In 1976's L'innocente (The Innocent), Swiss born French actor Marc Porel plays Filippo, the hot hunk the lead's wife has an affair with.  It was a clip from The Innocent, that first had me looking for more on the incredibly hot Porel. 

Porel was a sensation in France and over the course of his professional career, between 1967 and 1983, Porel appeared in over 40 films. Porel didn't seem to shy away from his good looks and sex symbol image, and appeared nude on screen several times.  I've found another Porel film and nude scene that I'll post about soon.

I found the nude scene in The Innocent incredibly erotic, not only because Porel went full frontal, but because of the voyeuristic, and sinister nature of the scene.  While Porel's Filippo is showering, he notices he's being stared down by Tullio. (Giancarlo Giannini)  Is Tullio lusting after the wet naked man, or scoping out the competition  Either way, it's very very hot! 

The Innocent (1976)

'Tullio Hermil is a chauvinist aristocrat who flaunts his mistress to his wife, but when he believes she has been unfaithful he becomes enamored of her again.'

Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for January 30th

A Long, Brutal Winter: Anthony by Lights On Studio


'I'm not going to live by their rules anymore.'
Phil Connors, Groundhog Day

Although I have sort of a mission statement, a philosophy I try to follow, I  don't really have many rules for FH. When it comes to art, rules can be annoyingly restrictive.   That being said, I've struggled whenever an artist includes fur in their imagery.  I hate cruelty of any kind, and as an animal lover, the fur trade the most brutal of industries. When photographer Tom Nakielski (Lights On Studio) recently sent on this Groundhog Day themed hoot, I wrote him back that I didn't feel I was comfortable with sharing the shots.

This wasn't easy for me to do.  I'd asked Tom to shoot something for the holiday.  I knew Tom still had the stuffed groundhog from his previous Groundhog Day shoot.  I also loved Anthony, the model Tom chose for the shoot.  Tom has always created incredible holiday imagery for the site, creative imagery I continue to look forward to featuring.  While I wasn't initially comfortable with using the shoots, me being me, I soon began to feel uncomfortable about not using them.

I didn't mind the fur so much, Tom assured me it was fake, he bought it years ago at a thrift store as a prop for his shoots.  My issue was the combination of the fur coat with the way Anthony was holding the poor stuffed Groundhog.  The images looked almost like Anthony was about to skin the poor rodent he just caught in his trap.  It seemed a bit brutal to me.

Tom is always wonderful to work with and laughed at my response, he also assured me that he was more than fine if I chose not to use the images.  He did however, want to clarify his and Anthony's goal for the shoot.  Tom assured me that skinning the adorable woodchuck wasn't on either he or Anthony's mind.

'My idea for the shoot was that the rascally rodent saw his shadow and that Anthony grabbed him to put him back in the ground where he belongs.  Anthony wanted to give him another chance to come out of his varmint dwelling and not see his shadow. '

Although Tom's explanation helped, I was till struck by how Anthony was holding the groundhog upside down.    The fact which really had me wanting to go ahead with featuring the images was Tom's response to my concern about the animal being harmed.  Well, turns out the stunning and fake fur wearing Anthony is a Vet student, currently studying at a Michigan University.  Having handled many wild animals, not happy to be held or transported by a vet, Anthony knew the best way to carry him back to his burrow was to extend his arm far away from his body and hold him by his leg far, This would prevent the groundhog from getting hurt, and as well, prevent Anthony from getting bitten. The phrase Eye of the Beholder, really came into play for me with this shoot.

12 Days: Charles Aitken in Happy Death Day


 'A college student must relive the day of her murder over and over again, in a loop that will end only when she discovers her killer's identity.'

There are not, understandably, too many  movies focused on Groundhog Day.  The holiday isn't really a holiday at all, and not especially romantic or with a Hallmark holiday vibe.  We all know the main one, Groundhog Day, the 1993 film starring Billy Murray. That film, brilliantly directed by Harold Ramis has become a classic, played every year on cable TV channels.  It's status isn't only because it's one of the only films about February 2nd, it's also because it's really a great piece of film making. The film isn't really known for it's stable of 'hunks' but I tried my best to find them in my piece from 2019. (HERE:)

There are however, many films that celebrate the theme of Groundhog Day.  Winter is a long season, with Groundhog Day becoming a way to mark the monotony of the season.  Repeating the same patterns over and over and over again is something we've all fallen into, in life and in relationships. There have been many television shows and movies that have taken on this 'lather, rinse and repeat' formula, one of the most recent being 2017's Happy Death Day.

Happy Death Day (2017)

After a night of drunken partying, university student Theresa (Jessica Rothe) wakes up on her birthday in the dorm room of hottie, and fellow student Carter Davis. (Israel Broussard)  Later that night, Theresa is murdered by a killer wearing a mask of the school's mascot.   Theresa immediately wakes up back in Carter's bed, destined to repeat the day, and her murder, over and over again.

In the course of the day, she repeats meeting up with Dr. Gregory Butler, the man she's been having an affair with.  I was instantly drawn to Dr. Gregory's beautiful face, and was sure I recognized the actor from somewhere.  That actor, turned out to be British born actor Charles Aitken, who studied acting in both the US and in England. 

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof  (The Royal Exchange Theatre 2014)

'Charles Aitken began shocking (or exciting) the old ladies in the audience by appearing naked in the shower during the opening scene. Mind you he was tastefully hidden behind a louvre window. For the rest of the performance he snarls, abuses his wife and hobbles around the set with one foot in plaster. He is simmering with resentment and anger and unable to talk to anyone.'

Bonkers (2007)

I was first introduced to the talented actor back in 2009, while researching a post on stage actor. Con O'Neill.  I had loved O'Neill in Blood Brothers, and when searching for info for a post, I found images of O'Neill in a musical version of Midnight Cowboy.  His co-star, the beautiful blonde Charles Aitken.

From there of course I had to check out Aitken's first starring role in the 2007 British sit-com Bonkers.  Aitken played Mark Addy's son in the shows one and only season and had several butt baring scenes, including the embarrassment nudity themed scene below. 

Seasonal Sightings:


6 More Weeks????

I think we can handle it!

Happy Groundhog Day!


'No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.'
Hal Borland

Although I love author Hal Borland's quote, it's didn't really apply to the spring of 2020.  With the pandemic really revving up, it feels like last spring was really a blur.  Most of the first half of the year was really like one long Groundhog day with lock-downs and closures making one day feel just like the other.   Hopefully this year's Groundhog Day will be the start of a year full of positive changes, and not a repeat of last year, or more importantly,  a repeat of the last four years...

Groundhog day is really like the Lady Edith of holidays.  We like it, but pay it little to no attention. We don't really think about it until it's actually right in front of us, and it's overshadowed by more decorated and celebrated holidays.  Sure, there are a lot of old men hanging around, but none seem really very invested, nor does she in them.  There are no special meals,  gifts or decorations, just a poor groundhog hauled out for a few fleeting minutes of camera time.

When I was a kid, I always felt sorry for the Groundhog when the local news would air the day's ceremony. The poor thing always looked so stressed, and the heavy coated stuffy ol men around him didn't really seem to give a fuck. I always thought the poor animal was most likely in a small cage the other364 days a year, carted out that one day for the holiday photo op

There can be some joy, and some erotic holiday fun in any holiday, even Groundhog Day. A few years ago, thanks to photographer Tom Nakielski (Lights On Studio) and model Michael Moody, our randy rodent had a little more fun than he usually does on February 2nd.  (HERE:) Tom's holiday shoot with Michael remains a favorite of mine, and really, how often do you see a hot male model in an erotic Groundhog Day shoot?

This year, before I knew Tom was shooting a model for the holiday, I went back to the old shoot to see if there were images to celebrate the holiday that I hadn't used before.  That's when I had an idea!  I asked artist Roy Johnson (badsign769) if he might have time to put his own artistic take one of Tom's images of Michael. As you can see from the results below, Roy certainly worked his creative magic!  If I was Michael however, I'd watch out for that groundhog, he looks a little hungry...  

Happy Groundhog Day!

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 2nd

Saki: Servir Soi-Même


Most regular FH readers are familiar with model and artist Saki.  I've been featuring imagery, both behind, but mostly in front of, the camera, since 2015. (HERE:)  As soon as I saw his first image, I was drawn to both Saki and his imagery.  At 60, the Paris model struggled to find photographers to work with so most of the imagery you see are self portraits. 

What we see in the mirror isn't always what is actually there, we filter and self edit based on our own perceptions.  What Saki see's, and what he captures, is a beautifully erotic reflection of both self, and sensuality.  With minimal effort, Saki captures both a physical, and an emotional expression of the passion and sexual energy.men of every age possess and experience. 

Although we all have it, as we age, and fewer and fewer photographers seem to want to capture it.  Logically one would think that's because fewer people want to see it, but Saki proves that's not the case. Every time I featured his work, the posts not only end up getting exceptionally high hits, they also usually lead to more than a few readers writing and thanking me for featuring an older and erotically mature model.

It's been a couple of years since I first featured Saki's work.  I used to follow his updates on Model Mayhem, but I've used that site less and less over the last couple of years.  I recently found Saki on Instagram, (HERE:) and again am enjoying seeing his new work.  Of course to see his work uncensored, it's best to check out  un-cropped and un-edited images on his Flickr. (HERE:) These are a few favorites from my last visit. 

Classical Lines: Bo Pressly by John Falocco


'Dancers are the athletes of God.'
Albert Einstein

Last month, after the hustle and bustle of Christmas, and after all the hot Santa's and colorful elves that I posted,  I needed a palate cleanser.  I love holiday imagery as you know, but after a holiday, we all need a little tranquillity and something a little more pure.  I couldn't think of a more classical shoot than featuring photographer   John Falocco's work with model and dancer Bo Pressly.

When I put together that post, (Inspiring to Capture) I decided to leave out this series of shots.  In addition to dancers making exceptional models, they also bring something unique to the table.  In most cases, artists don't want you to see the work, they want you to enjoy the beauty of the final images. With dancers, this is almost impossible.  

When I was in high school, I dated a dancer for most of my first yar.  Whenever we went out, we were always meeting after one of her dance classes. She took modern, jazz and ballet, and I often picked her up at the studio before our dates.  She was usually tired, no matter what class she was taking, but I always noticed a particular exhilaration after  ballet.  Despite the energy she'd just exuded, she seem to also have an intense sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  She couldn't hide it, it was like a glow that radiated whether she wanted it to or not.

The results of Bo's time and work in the studio, pushing both his physical and emotional limits, penetrates through his poses, his movements, and maybe especially through his beautiful but determined, blue eyes.  John is an expert at capturing energy, and even with a still pose, he manages to capture the force, will and movements which preceded that one captured moment.

'Bo being a dancer with beautiful classical lines, enabled me to create a shoot that would enhance the physicality of a very sensual art form, dance.'.

Seasonal Sightings


 I know I'm not the only one hit with a massive winter storm the last few days.  My drive home tonight was a nightmare, and took almost three times what it usually takes.  Be careful out there... those roads are treacherous!  

Happy Birthday today February 3rd


Happy 30th to actor and gymnast Glenn McCuen!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:& HERE:

Hot Water (2021)

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 3rd

Pandemically Provoked: Jay by Mickeyarny


' This is the beginning of my pandemic photography project.'

As a writer, there were things about the pandemic that fascinated me.  As a curious person, I was interested in the response from the artists I feature and the impact it had on their work.  For most, shooting came to a stand still last spring.  Scheduled shoots were cancelled, and almost all stopped working until the summer or after specific safety protocols were put in place. 

For one artist however, the pandemic proved an opportunity not to stop, but to begin his journey into shooting the male form.  Prior to the outbreak, Mickeyarny worked as a professional videographer.  Mickey and his team focused on creating commercial films for products as well vlogs for restaurants local businesses.  This included work situations which often included dozens of people on set.  This came to a halt last March when Covid reached Thailand.  Restrictions were put in place which permitted only 5 people at a time to be present in work situations.  This, along with the temporary closure of many of the businesses Mickey worked for, meant all commercial filmmaking had to be put on hold.

With work on hold, and time on his hands, Mickey decided it was a good time to focus on another of his artistic passions which had been dormant for awhile. Mickey had always wanted to photograph the male form, but never really had the time he felt needed to invest.  Although he studied in the US, his focus was art and filmmaking, and Mickey knew he had to research and educate himself on the skills needed.

'Many people are confused about why I didn't have photography skills given I'd been working with dslr, (digital single-lens reflex camera) for s many years. All I can say that the videographer and photographer are like a bartender and barista.  Although they have similar jobs, mixing liquids for drinking use different methods and equipment to come up with each drink for specific occasions.'

Given he had most of the equipment, after researching some of the basics, Mikey decided it was time to find a model.  His goal wasn't to necessarily capture images to be seen, but to practice photography and work on his skills.  He also hoped to begin to develop his portfolio.  Mickey also felt it help with is job as filmmaker as many of the actors he worked with often mentioned needing headshots.  Mickey also already had experience working with actors given he'd previous worked as intern for a talent agency during his time living in California.

Mickey began his hunt for models by posting an ad on Craigslist.  Although he received quite a few responses, there were so many people out of work at the time, he got a lot of odd balls, and sex workers who's jobs had also suffered a blow.  Given he was new to shooting models, Mickey was hoping to find a model with a bit of experience, one who might actually be helpful during the shooting process.  After going through dozens and dozens of responses, one finally caught it his eye.

Mickey was a little surprised to find such a good looking model answering his ad.  He was clear in the ad that he was new to the field and looking to gain some experience.  Jay too was looking to gain some experience, and to earn some money.  Jay is a wanderer, and travels the globe looking for work to pay for his travels and experiences.  Mickey wanted to get together and discuss his creative goals for the shoot.  Jay' didn't feel that was needed, if Mickey was paying, he was up for whatever Mickey might want to shoot.

Mickey decided to first meet Jay in a public place, and suggested a park near his house.  There they could get to know each other, and take a few shots at the location.  Mickey quickly felt comfortable with Jay, and they then headed back to Mickey's studio to shoot.  They began with Jay clothed, but he slowly removed pieces of clothing until he was naked.  Mickey shares that Jay didn't seem nervous or shy in the least, but did have a case of the giggles when asking Mickey about certain poses.  
I first spotted Mickey's work with Jay last fall after the new photographer entered a shot of Jay in the Model Mayhem pic of the day contest.  I was instantly drawn to Jay's curly hair, beautiful blue eyes and great chin and body.  I had no idea about Mickey's photography story, and loved learning that Jay's was Mickey's first experience with shooting the nude male form and that it was the pandemic that created the opportunity.  The images featured here are from their first shoot together, but Mickey shares that they went on to shoot several times together.  I'm hoping Mickey will share more of his work with Jay in the future!

Maximiliano Palacio: Bangin'


Ok, I'm very late to this party.  Not the party featuring the hot guy in front of you, but the TV show where I first saw him.  I'm not a reality snob, I love my Survivor and watched Big Brother and some of the singing competitions for years.  I haven't really however, gotten into the Real Housewives franchise.  I always resisted, I always seemed so staged, and felt it was demeaning to women. 

I was right on both fronts, they do seem incredibly staged, and the shows don't exactly lift women up.  But.. I'm hooked, at least to one of them.  A few weeks ago, a local television channel had a Real Housewives of New York marathon, starting with season 1. I watched, and I have to admit, I devoured the first two seasons in a week.  I know why they call it a guilty pleasure, as I almost hated how much I enjoyed it.

Real Housewives of New York

I always seem to like the characters most others don't and for this particular show, I really loved Jill and really, really disliked all thing Bethenny.   Bethenny is so unwatchable, I did skip over most of her scenes.  The women are mostly train wrecks, but it provided a nice escape during a particular difficult month for me personally.

Another highlight was the introduction of Maximiliano Palacio.  Specifically, it was the Introduktion of the Argentinian's incredibly sexy bangs.  I love me some bangs, and would loved to have shoved Kelly Bensimon aside so that I could have moved Maximiliano's  bangs off to the side.

Introduced as a businessman and polo player, a quick Google search added model and actor to the list.  What a combination of hobbies and professions weaved together in one hot package.  Between the bangs and the Spanish accent I wish Maximiliano had stuck around more than just a few episodes.  As I'm beginning to learn however, not many men in this group of women's lives, often do...  I also find his appendix scar incredibly hot...

Before his departure, Max did have one other memorable scene.  Half of episode 10 revolved around the drama of Kelly being late to her own Halloween party.  It was worth the wait.  Kelly showed up with a loincloth wearing Max walking down a New York street on what appears to be a rather warm Halloween night.  I'm currently making my way through season 3, and Max is gone, and I know Jill is leaving the show soon as well.  Not sure I'll continue, but I hear Bethenny is leaving as well, so that might inspire me to continue. 

Next 2 shots from Doug Lohmeyer

The Halloween Party

Seasonal Sightings

Happy Birthday today February 10th


Happy 51st to actor Marco Girnth!

Check out more of Marco and more of today's Birthday's HERE:

War ich Gut? (2007)

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 10th

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