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12 Days: Ron Heung in A City Without Baseball


'In a city where baseball culture is non-existent, these baseball players are a minority by choice. The experience teaches them to be free-thinkers in dealing with love, friendship and their own sexuality. It also enables them to find the will to live in the face of death and the strength to conquer losing in a spectator-less sport.'

Ron by Yuman Ng

Male nudity, especially full frontals, is still considered taboo in East Asia.  This includes most art forms  including photography and cinema.  Some filmmakers however, have chosen to push the boundaries.  This includes the writers, producers and director behind 2008's A City Without Baseball. (Mou ye chi sing)

I may have helped the movies acceptance that the cast was made up of actual members of the Hong Kong Baseball Team.  The team members bared both their souls, and their bodies playing themselves in the fictional youth dram.  One of them included the teams pitcher Ron played by real life baseball player and actor Ron Heung.

Heung was first discovered for the film by award-winning Hong Kong Filmmaker Scud, and the film proved to be the start of a new career for Heung whose gone to star and direct in several other films. Heung instantly stood out to me when I saw the film, especially his long hair and beautiful face and eyes.  He also seemed to have the most nudity in the film.

The producers didn't shy away from frontals, nor did they shy away from promoting the male nudity in the films promotion.  Given the film was focused on a baseball team, several of the shower room scenes were front and center in the trailer and promotional material.  The film actually opens with a steamy shower scene as the opening credits scroll by. 

Photographic Porn Stars: Axel Kane


고생 끝에 낙이 온다 
(Go-saeng kkeut-e nag-i on-da)

Translation:  At the end of hardship comes happiness

February 12th marks no only the New Year in China, but many Asian countries and cultures.  In Korea, the celebration usually lasts 3 days and like holidays all around the globe, involves visiting family, playing games, and eating traditional family dishes.  This year, with the grip of the pandemic still strong, the celebrations may be a little more low key but at the end of the hardship, happiness will soon follow.

Although male nudity may still be taboo in most of Asia, there is a lust for hot Asian men in America, and one of my favorites is  porn star Axel Kane.  Axel pulls together the most beautiful features from both is Korean and American heritage and is at his hottest when he smiles.  Many of you have seen Axel in action and he's appeared on many sites, most notably, the many videos he's made for Peter Fever

Year Of The Ox: Leo by Photos by Biron

'Surplus and Abundance Year after Year'

In North America, most of us at one time or another were taken as kids to a Chinese restaurant. Many were decorated in vibrant colors, lanterns hanging from the ceiling, huge memorizing fish tanks. Best of all, there were those place mats  Even before we knew what exactly the Lunar New Year was, we were introduced to the calendar. 

Before even ordering the food, you scanned that place mat, looking for your year and hoping you were maybe a horse, a tiger, or a dragon. Most were not, which led to snickers from your brothers or friends about being a snake or a cock. Usually at this point your mother was getting frustrated, telling you to stop looking at the place mat and choose from the menu. Then of course was the inevitable argument when that certain someone in the group would order a french fries or a hot dog.

2021 is the year of the ox.  Last year, during the year of the rat, I was able to feature a model and a shoot with 'sort of' a rodent theme.  This year, despite my many searches, I couldn't really find an ox themed shoot.  Although I found a few images of male models and cows, cows and oxen have a distinct difference.  Although both are cattle, cows are female and bred for milking and meat.  Oxen are male, and a working animal. 

Year of the Ox

'Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work. 

They believe that everyone should do what’s asked for them and stay within their bounds. Though they are kind, it’s difficult for them to understand persuasion using pathos. Rarely losing your temper, they think logically and make great leaders.'

I wondered if I might be able to find a model, whose qualities were similar to the that of the ox.  I knew just where to look.  Having just recently featured the work of Photo By Biron, I was aware that his portfolio featured many incredible Asian men that he's photographed over the years.  In going through his portfolio, I was drawn to his work with Leo.

At first I didn't really connect Leo's images with what I imagined an Ox's temperament was like.  I made a few assumptions, maybe in part due to their name. Oxen are for the most part, quiet and calm animals, who put their head down and focus on their work.  Biron shared that Leo was very polite an like an ox, quiet and low key..  Also like an ox, Leo wanted to stay within certain boundaries and was a little shy about shooting fully nude.  Despite his hesitations, he took Biron's suggestions and went a little beyond his limits trying Biron with the creative concepts he threw his way.

Fortune Will Smile

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 12th


Lunar Lights 
🏮 ~Check out today's BIRTHDAYSHERE:🏮

Actors & SKIN: Mario Van Peebles


A disgraced cop is given just 10 days to bring a dangerous gang to justice.

When I was looking for a 12 Days subject for February 14th, I came upon 1998's Valentine's Day.  The movie isn't that well known, and appears to be one of the many straight to video releases from the 90's.  Upon further research, I discovered the film wasn't exactly focused on hearts and flowers, but on a detective named Jack Valentine played by actor Mario Van Peebles.  

I'd of course heard of Mario Van Peebles, but don't think I ever saw him on television or on film, not that I could remember anyway.  But... when I saw that Valentine's Day (also known as The Protector)  had a nude scene, I had to check it out.  I was not disappointed!  Mario bared his glorious backside three times in the film, with the first scene (clip below) being the best.  The sex scene was incredibly hot, and had me looking to check out more of of Mario's man meat.

Mario showed his butt in several other films, all of which I managed to find and capture below.  While researching Mario however, the most fascinating nude scene he shot isn't one I felt comfortable capturing and sharing on FH.  In 1971, when Mario was just 13, he had a nude scene, butt and partial frontal in Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song.

 Los Locos (1997)

Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song was written and directed by Mario's father Melvin Van Peebles, who also bared all in the film.  The elder Van Peebles played a gigolo nicknamed Sweetback, known for his sexual prowess.  The film opens with a scene of young Sweetback (played by Mario) being coerced into losing his virginity by a prostitute.  

Raw Nerve (1999)

Posse (1993)

The opening scene was obviously controversial, and edited out of several versions of the films DVD release.  I believe it is intact in US release, and was in the version that I found on-line.  I'm interested in finding any interviews with Mario discussing the scene, especially given it was directed by his father.  Interesting enough, in 2003, Mario wrote, produced and directed Baadasssss, a film based his his father's experience trying to get the original 1971 film made.  Mario did not include any nude scenes of the young actor playing 'Mario' but he did include a nude scene (below) of his himself discussing the scene in question.

Baadasssss! (2003)

Valentine's Day (1998)

Guilty Pleasure: Tony by Lights On Studio


What do you see when you look at me 
Tell the man to measure 
Am I the lover you'd like my love 
Or just some guilty pleasure

I'm don't really believe self-pleasure and guilt really belong together.  Of course, if what you consider pleasurable brings harm or pain to another living thing, you should feel guilt.  If your pleasure comes from pain though, you probably don't.  I'm talking about all of those things we're taught to feel guilty about.  Sweet and high calorie foods, reality television, video games and almost everything connected with sex. 

I've never really been one to feel guilt or embarrassment about the things I enjoy and love.  The only time guilt creeps in, is when time is an issues. Whether it's binging a television show, playing Spider Solitaire, or working on FH, I only feel guilty when time gets a way from me.  I usually only have time to really work on FH on Sunday's.  I used to write a bit during the week in the evenings, but sometimes I ended up going down a rabbit hole often until long after midnight. 

We've all experienced researching something on-line, then realizing hours have passed while skipping from one Youtube video to another.  It's especially easy to sidetracked when your research subject is hot naked men.  Hit one model's Instagram, and before you know it, you're on another, then another, jumping to their Twitter, then off to an OnlyFans.

Holidays are the worst.  Yesterday alone I visited my usual haunts repeatedly hitting the search engine seeking responses to 'Valentine Hunk', 'Valentine naked male''Sexy Cupid' and 'Men with roses.'  My goal is always to find dynamic and unique images that have been posted again and again.  One of the reasons I love the new holiday shoots that artist create for the site, is that I was sick of seeing the old tired images getting recycled year after year. 

Valentines is a fairly narrow holiday.  Unlike Christmas and Halloween, Valentines is narrowly focused on love, romance, red hearts and chocolate.  Although the velvet red hearts, and the brightly wrapped chocolates might stay the same, there are always hot new models to shoot holding, licking, and playing with him.  Early this past January, photographer Tom Nakielski (Lights On Studio) shared a image of Tony, a new model he was shooting that he discovered on Model Mayhem.  

Tom had only recently moved into his new studio, and Tony would be just his second shoot in the new space.  He asked me if I had any interest in his doing some Valentine themed shots during their session. I of course said yes, and loved Tony's look in the image Tom shared.  A few days later.. one of my guilty pleasures took hold, and I had to push my luck by e-mailing Tom back with a favor....  I remembered Tom had purchased a stuffed groundhog for a shoot with Michael Moody, and asked if the stuffed animal had made the move to the new studio.  It had.  As some of you saw earlier this month, the Groundhog again rose to see the sun for a few shots during Tony's time in front of Tom's lens. 

I guess  I'd have to say that holiday imagery is one of my guilty pleasures, especially when it includes a hot naked model shot by a photographer I respect and admire.  I love the texture Tom created in this series, especially how beautiful Tony's tanned skin looks against the deep Valentine red.  I especially love Tony's dark eyes and hair, and he's also clearly endowed.  I'm not exactly sure who placed all those candy kisses around Tony's penis, but Tom did share that he had to buy two bags in order to ensure he could properly cover Tony's sweet package of Valentine treats. 

Buon San Valentino!


Valentines is such an odd little holiday. In general, holidays seem at their core, a way to bring people together.  For many however, they end up doing the opposite, this year especially.  'Together' days are always difficult on the single, the ill and the lonely. Valentine's Day can be fun and romantic, or like salt, on a festering would. 

When you're a kid, eating chocolate and giving cards to your homeroom class seems pretty harmless, but as you get older, Valentines can take on a nasty edge. I remember some incredible February 14th's when I was in my late teens and through my 20's, romantic dinners, wine, flowers and chocolate, love, sex, the whole nine yards. 

I also remember a few that had me wanting to slit my wrists. Painful Break-ups, relationships ending, unrequited love, especially when you're young, can make February 14th a painful pit of sorrow. You can't enjoy the day or stomach the food or even the candy. Being older doesn't mean the pain of a break-up is any easier, but most of us have toughened up a bit. Regardless of what we're going through, we;ve learned that no matter what's going on, no mater how bad it is, just enjoy the food, eat the candy, and most of all, drink the wine. Happy Valentines to All!

A Vintage Vantage

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 13th

Passionately Wicked: Jordan by Studio1x


Shot through the heart 
And you're to blame 
Darlin', you give love a bad name

When we think of Cupid, we think of a sweet young cherub. A Heavenly angel whose goal is to spread love and romance by matching two hearts together.  But this matchmaking creature isn't alone aiming arrows at us lonely and vulnerable mere mortals....

The original Cupid was actually known as a bit of sociopath. Although his mission was always to unite new lovers, he was was rash, with a patter of enjoying playing games during the matchmaking process.  This version of Cupid enjoyed matching humans together who he knew were not compatible, then sitting back and watching the anger, jealousy and friction he'd created. Although Cupid eventually changed his ways, his evil brother Dipuc was lurking around to take up the trouble making slack...

Valentine's love is is rose and chocolates, but anyone whose actually been in love, know those are like Superbowl commercials.  Although their slick and flashy, they're not actually the real game, and are quick moments between time-outs and tackles.  There's a reason so many marriages end in divorce and why so many of us have gone through relationships full of pain, jealousy and even violence.  As hard as Cupid works, his brother works equally hard to poke arrow into Cupid's good work.

Cupid is soft and cuddly, and known for his round little body, curly hair and red wings, Dipuc is taller and thinner than his twin, with short strait hair and jet black wings. Dipuc uses every trick in the book to lure his prey together, including utilizing his own body to tempt, taunt and tease.  Dipuc's enticing glance, tight body and alluring ass, make it almost impossible to fight or resist.

When it came time to figure out a theme for Valentine's 2021, Jim from Studio1x had an idea in mind.  He didn't want to do a typical adorable Valentine Cupid, but a Cupid with an arrow capable of thrusting powerful lust and sexual energy.  Jim was already thinking about his Valentine's concept last November.  He had a visual in mind of a hot model with black wings, hanging in the clouds just waiting not to match hearts, but to cut them into tiny pieces. 

When Jim connected with Jordan, he knew he found his Dipuc.  Many of you might remember Jordan from his hot dance moves celebrating New Years. (Pre-Party Pump)  With Jordon's tight physique, beautiful face, lips and eyes, Jim knew his new model had all of the attributes required to tempt, tease and tantalize as Cupid's wickedly passionate twin brother.  Unfortunately, Jordan wasn't feeling his best during the shoot, but still gave it his despite shivering his way through the studio shoot.

Much like Tom Nakielski, (Lights On Studio),  Jim's been shooting holiday imagery for FH for several years now.  Each year, both Tom and Jim go further creatively in order to create something unique.  Some you may remember Jim's previous February 14th themed shoots with Carl (HERE:) and Wyatt (HERE:)   This year, Jim's head was literally in the clouds while coming up with ideas. 

'Creating the clouds was a learning process for sure. The clouds on the bottom are pillow fill then I had to cut and paste them up in the sky... since I took these, people have started using spray adhesive to put clouds up in the sky, that would be so much easier... Unfortunately  Jordan wasn't feeling good and it was cold as usual in the garage studio so we didn't take as many full frontals in this set like we usually do.  Towards the end the poor guy was tired, shrunken and sleeping. :)' 

Jordan on Instagram

12 Days: Mario Van Peebles in Valentine's Day


If you haven't heard of 1998's Valentine's Day, you're not alone.  Also know as The Protector, the film skipped the theatres and headed straight to video.  It did however, have a great butt baring scene from actor Mario Van Peebles.  Check it out, as well as more scenes with Mario's glorious posterior, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

All Heart

Seasonal Sightings:

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 14th

Artyom: Snezhnyy Den'


that moon, a numb hound’s tongue 
is there, frozen tight: that mouths 
like the forgers of coins’ – are 
stung, filled with lava of breathtaking ice.
Boris Pasternak

Last November, I featured model and artist Artyom and his imagery from a shoot on a crisp and colorful Autumn afternoon. (Beckoned by it's Mystery)  I am always fascinated by life in other parts of the world, especially countries that I've only known from art, literature and the news.  When I was growing up, it seemed every time I saw visuals from Russia it seemed to be snowing.  So many television series, movies and specials used winter footage to represent Russia. 

Like many other countries, Russia has four seasons.  Many Russians however, much like those in the North East of America, argue it often feels like there's only two, summer and winter.    Despite the frigid and barren visual's we've all seen, Russian winters have their majestic beauty, celebrated in many parts of the country through music and grand winter festivals.  After featuring Artyom's Autumn series, I thought a visual trip to Russia during the winter, would be a great way to follow-up.  

'Often in December, it rains all day, a cold wind blows, and the next day the temperature is already negative, ice on the roads. I remember as a child that I was lighter and during such periods it was difficult to fight the wind. On the ice I was carried where the wind was blowing. It's so funny.)))' 

In January, the weather is usually more stable. Freezing temperatures are more common, snow falls more often. he coldest winter month is February. February of this year was no exception. The average temperature during the day is about -10 degrees. Temperatures often drop below -20 degrees at night.

'Low temperatures are not a problem. Sun deficiency is the hardest thing to deal with. There are very few sunny days in winter St. Petersburg. The most appropriate word is not sunny days, but sun hours. For example, this year for the entire January, the sun made the residents of St. Petersburg happy for only 10 hours. Of course, we don't have polar nights, it's just that it's very cloudy in the street during the day, sunrise late and early sunset. '

Many FH remember first meeting Artyom through his connection with artist Stephan Tobias.(The Story Succession)  Stephan and his work inspired Artyom on his modeling journey and Stephan's work, and their friendship, has helped Artyom to grow as an artist and to overcome many of struggles and to deal with the many negative issues around the world.  Unfortunately, with the pandemic, Artyom and Stephan were not able to get together or shoot over the past year.  Despite this, while posing, he feels Stephan's presence, as well as his guidance and support. 

'I plucked a bouquet of Stephan's favorite wildflowers for you and hoped to give them to him. An irresistible force ruined our plans and the appointment did not happen. The flowers have already withered, it is cold and snow has fallen. I am keeping a bouquet for you. Time will pass and we will meet again.. Flowers will bloom again, and I'll be able to share them with Stephan in the future. '

Even with the cold, Artyom shares that Saint-Petersburgers are not discouraged by the sub-zero temperatures.  With winters of endless white, it's important to find hobbies and fun activities to help get you through the season.  There are always people out on the streets, no matter how cold it gets, especially in the city center.

'The townspeople find themselves entertainment for the weekend. People walk in parks, go skiing and skating. And when the weather is as cold as this year and all the rivers of the city are covered with ice, then you can go down to the surface of the ice and take unique photographs of the city that cannot be taken at normal times - unique views of the city from the middle of the river. It's hard to imagine, but some of my photos this year were taken on the surface of a forest lake.'

Prime Time Supporters: Joey Bragg


I love Kyra Sedgwick, she has such a warm and welcoming on-screen presence.  Because of this, I DVR'd a few episodes of her new ABC sit-com Call Your Mother.  The writing isn't really exception, nor is really that funny, but the premise is good and talent and personalities of the cast make up for bumps new shows always go through.  By the third or forth episode the writing and pacing seemed to be falling into place. 

Given I write FH, whenever I see an appealing actor in a new show, I have to check out his resume of skin.  This is especially fun when it's an actor I've not seen or heard of before.  This was certainly the case when I first saw actor Joey Bragg who plays Kyra's son  Freddie on the show.  Like Sedgwick, Bragg has a strong screen presence and a ton of energy in all of his scenes. 

Call Your Mother

Although I never watched it, some of you might have been introduced to the actor as a teen star on the Disney show Liv and Maddie.   I do love Dove Cameron, so might have to check it out as she played twin sisters in the series.  A quick search told me the adorable actor and stand-up comedian did indeed have a nude scene on his resume, something that seems almost a right of passage for Disney stars once they come of age and are no longer tied to the network.  Check out my caps below of a then 21 year old Bragg in 2018's Father Of The Year.

Joey Bragg on Instagram

Father Of The Year (2018)

When a drunken debate between two college graduates about whose father would win in a fight is taken seriously by their dads, jobs are lost, relationships ruined, and best friends come of age as they come to grips with the identity of their fathers.

'Hey Ben, I think there's an acorn hiding in your pubes...'

Thespian Torsos

Happy Birthday today February 16th


Happy 42ndto Julian Fantechi

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 16th

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