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The Naked Farmer


'It takes just as much guts to take your gear off as it does to talk about mental health.'

A few months ago, I saved a great shot of a beautiful man, with an equally beautiful beefy butt, staring at a glorious sunset.   The shot wasn't credited, but given the man was wearing a cowboy hat, I labeled it 'farmer' and put in a file to use later.  When I searched for credit for the image, I learned the beautiful man was 'The Environmental Farmer' and the image was from The Naked Farmer project.

Mental Health is a problematic issue around the world that until recently has often been ignored. The Naked Farmer is a social media movement aiming to break down the difficult conversational barriers that often lay in front of people struggling to speak up on whats going on inside. By using the liberating combination of nudity and farm work, the Naked Farmer is starting conversations about mental health.

Yes, The Naked Farmer has a calendar and other merchandise for sale, but it's main purpose it to promote and educate the public about mental health issues.  It began in 2017 with a 'cheeky' Instagram post by Australian farmer Ben Brooksby, but it quickly took off.  The idea is that it's easier to bare what's inside, once you've bared what's outside.  

It's simplistically quite true.  Taking your clothes off for the world is a scary thing to do, but once we're completely naked, baring other inhibitions is a piece of cake!  I think naked therapy would be a great idea, but doubt the national Psychiatry Association could ever get on board... and for good reasons of course.  But, getting naked for The Naked Farmer may do just as much for self-esteem, and cost a whole lot less. 

The Environmental Cowboy

‘Mental health issues are naked, raw and often embarrassing.

They leave you fearful of the future, feeling alone and wondering when it’s going to end.'

FaVorites: Sh'Rae Marshall


Happy Birthday today February 17th


Happy 40th to actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt!

Check out more of today's Birthdays HERE:

Mysterious Skin (2004)

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 17th

Before The Underwear Comes Off: Adam by Bodytorium


'I don't usually 'inspect' my model's private parts' or get to see them fully naked before I photograph them, so I often feel a tense moment before the underwear come off'

Although I feature a lot of naked men, my focus is generally on the time before the underwear comes off.  I'm curious about the process, especially what led to the photographer and model creatively connecting.  I love to hear about what drew to an artist to a specific model, and what led that model to take off their underwear for a nude photo shoot.  Phil Diab always shares great stories about how he connects with the models he shoots for Bodytorium.  

Unlike many photographers, Phil doesn't like to use social media to find men to shoot.  Although he does from time to time, Phil prefers meeting models the old fashion way.  I love hearing how Phil approaches guys on the street, at a festival, or at the gym about a possible shoot.  Phil also meets many of his models through friends, which has been a bonus given the pandemic closed so many of the places Phil usually connected with new models. It was through one of those friends that Phil was introduced to 19 year old Adam.  Normally, Phil sends me bullet points and I weave his comments into a post.  With Adam, Phil shared shared the full story, from how they first connected, through that moment just before the underwear came off. 

'Occasionally my friends and former models send me shots of guys they think I might like to photograph, and while I am grateful, we don't always share the same taste. From as far back as I can remember, I've noticed that my 'casting instinct' is a bit different and unconventional. I've never understood the mainstream 'male model look' and the mystical formula modeling agencies use to pick models.' 

From my experience, I've spotted much more attractive men on the bus on my way to work. I see many more attractive guys on the streets or 'boys next door' than I see on billboards or elsewhere in the media. Of course, from time to time, the media gets it right, but not as often as the open streets do. Why did People's magazine pick Mel Gibson as the 'sexiest man alive' in 1985? I really have no idea.'

'One evening, my earlier model, Damian, sent me shots of 5 different guys: most of them the beefcake, the bodybuilder, and the stripper dressed up as a policeman type that I am not interested in. But there was one 'unusual suspect' who immediately caught my attention, and that was Adam. I instantly thought "he'll be perfect!" He was the 'boy next door' I'd definitely have a crush on, and I wasted no time to call him and to meet with him.'

'We got together on the same evening and circled around a park together several times (as there was really nothing else we could do during the pandemic lockdown.) Adam was very charming, adorabke, down-to-earth and friendly. I met up with him a couple of days later in his part of town where he showed me a few spots where he usually hangs out with his buddies. It was a bit chilly out and I suggested that it would probably be more comfortable to just do the photoshoot at my place. Adam said "sure, let's go." Surprised, I replied "You mean today? Sure!" 

'My favorite picture of Adam is the one where he's holding the game controller and his phone at the same time. He's a true multitasking Zoomer.'

'It usually takes me at least a week or two to get from the initial contact with a model to actually doing a photoshoot, but with Adam things moved quickly and spontaneously. We got in my car, drove to Adam's place for him to pick up some clothes to change into and then we headed over to my place.' 

'While I rearranged my furniture and set up camera and lighting gear for the photoshoot, I felt a bit scattered and disorganized, but excited at the same time. And then, a little while later came the magic moment, when he was standing and taking his underwear off in front of me for the first time. I don't usually 'inspect' my models' private parts or get to see them fully naked before I photograph them, so I often feel a tense moment before the underwear come off, just before the 'surprise', when I am thinking "is this really going to happen? What will it be like?" 

'The rest of the photoshoot went very comfortably and effortlessly, and Adam returned for several additional photo shoots. He also introduced me to his friends, Michal and Yuri who I also photographed for Bodytorium. Adam said "you'll like them. They're happy-go-lucky, like me."

Check out much more of Adam in (but mostly out of) his underwear on Bodytorium HERE:

Down on the Farm

Marshall Law

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 18th

Superman: Made for Television


'This looks like a job for Superman'

Tom Welling

Much like Brandon Routh on screen, I think actor Tom Welling gets a bit of a bad wrap.  No, he wasn't the greatest Superman, but he was a pretty pitch perfect Clark Kent.  Those beautiful eyes, that body and the nativity Welling played so well worked well for the character.  Smallville also wasn't really about Superman, it was about Clark, and his journey to become Superman.   

I know some gripe about the rumor Welling didn't want to wear the suit, but in some ways, I think that was a wise choice.  Clark never really fully transformed into the Man of Steel until the show's final season, and I think if they put him in the suit, that image could have over-shadowed that image of Clark the show as known for.  It was a wise choice to leave a bit of mystery, closing one chapter, but not fully opening the next.

'Dad, you were right. Once I understood what triggered the heat, I was able to control it without thinking about... sex.'
Clark Kent

Many of you might remember the nude scene from the deleted Smallville scene below.  Although I still hope the beautiful running butt belonged to Welling, reports are it actually belonged to one of the Property Brother.  Early in his career, while struggling to become an actor, Drew Scott was hired as Tom Welling's body double.  In addition to standing in, he was also in the spotlight when close-ups of Welling's butt or abs were needed. 

Tyler Hoechlin 

You can't look into Tyler Hoechlin's beautiful bedroom eyes without thinking about sex.  I always wondered given he can fly at the speed of light, I always wondered had that played out during sex.  I would guess he would have to hold back a bit in order not to drill through poor Lana.

If you've seen the trailer, or preview images for Superman and Lois, you'll notice Hoechilin is not fully clean shaven for his role as Clark.   I didn't love the look at first, but given this Clark isn't the teenage Clark, but an adult Clark dealing with parenthood and raising 14 year old twins,  it makes sense to give the character a distinct look. 

'What separates this series from Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman and Smallville is that Clark has been Superman for about 20 years. It isn’t an origin story. And most importantly, he’s a hot dad with problems. Clark wants so badly to be a good father and close to his sons, but there’s a wall between him and them and that wall is Superman. Jon and Jordan don’t know he’s Superman. Clark was worried they might let his identity slip.'

Hoechlin and Brandon Routh

Teen Wolf

Superman: Flying High on the Big Screen

Brandon Routh

' You will be different, sometimes you'll feel like an outcast, but you'll never be alone.'
Superman Returns

Much like James Bond, I think for most people, their Superman is the first one they saw on the big screen.  For me, that was actor Brandon Routh in 2006's Superman Returns.  I was keenly aware of Christopher Reeve, but except for a few scenes on TV, I hadn't  yet seen any of his Superman films in their entirety.  Superman Returns wasn't a great film, but given it was my first, and only, time seeing the Man of Steel on the big screen, Brandon Routh's portrayal made an impact. 

Routh and the film get a bad wrap.  Although the film wasn't great, I thought Routh did a great job, especially when playing Clark Kent.  When it comes to Super Heroes, I think many actors excel at one part of the role.  Some are great at playing the cape wearing crime fighter, and others excel at playing their daytime alter ego.  Routh had the boyish innocence of Clark, and was beautifully busting through his three piece suits.

Routh in Chuck

Although Routh got shafted out of a sequel, he did go on to work steadily.  Although Routh has appeared on many drama's, I really enjoyed his roles on sit-coms, and wished his sit-com Partners had lasted a little longer. . It was also great to see Routh slide into his tights again for appearances on The Flash

Christopher Reeve

For many, Christopher Reeve remains the preeminent Superman.  Reeve played the character in four films from 1978 through 1987.  I have since seen the first film on television, and understand why he is so beloved.  Reeve embodied both Clark Kent and his cape wearing alter ego equally well, and his chiseled face and muscular physique beautifully embodied the vision we'd all seen on comic book covers.  

Deathtrap (1982)

Somewhere In Time (1980)

Below: Reeve working out with David Prowse for Superman

Henry Cavill
'I know you're trying to find out where I hang my cape.'
Man of Steel (2013)

I love me some Henry Cavill, but I have yet to see him play the Man of Steel.  I haven't in fact seen Cavill in anything since his days on The Tudors.  I did try watching The Witcher last year, but have yet to make it past the fist episode.  I will eventually see him in the suit, I'm sure it will be on television one night when I'm home with nothing to watch.  Until then, I'll just continue to enjoy those beautiful eyes and pecs in imags.

The Tudors

Photographic Porn Stars: Jacen Zhu


'I don’t really work with studios now. Having the Just for Fans content has meant I don’t have to put up with…'

Activist and performer Jacen Zhu has left the world of studio adult films to create his own  content for his Just For Fans site.  Although progressive in many area's, porn producers and directors still rely on tired and overused stereotypes and tropes, especially when it comes to black performers.  

Creating his own content also gives Jacen the flexibility to focus on causes he is passionate about.  HIV education and addiction are not only causes the stunning performer believes in, they're also causes he has a personal connection with. 

Seasonal Sightings

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 20th

Shake Ya Tail Feathers : Matt Eldracher by Briancan Photography

'Yellow bird, up high in banana tree 
Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me'

When I was about 8 years old, I started taking ukulele at school.  One of the first songs we learned to strum was Yellow Bird.  I sang that song countless times, in class, in my room practicing, at concerts and for family members who were forced by my parents to listen.  When I was going this shoot featuring  Matt Eldracher from Briancan Photography, that song, a song I haven't thought of in years, was again running through my head.  I would have picked my old uke if I still had it...

If you were also thinking of birds, you weren't alone.  In addition to my Yellow Bird connection, Matt says he and Brian nicknamed the the shoot 'Big Bird Peacocking' due to the feather-like look of the yellow sweater.  FH viewers were first introduced to Matt's big bird in 2011 after his win in the FH's first model search.  Ten years later, I featured Matt in a Baker's Dozen post  this past December. (HERE:) 

While putting together that piece, Matt sent on some shots from his work with Briancan Photography.  I l love featuring Brian's work, and had hoped to feature his work with Matt since first seeing images last year of their work together.  Matt and Brian first connected through Instagram.  Brian had seen Matt's profile on Model Mayhem and reached out about a shoot.  Their first shoot was on a beach, but they connected so well, they've shot several additional times, both location and studio shoots.

Matt loves to work with photographers who welcome his creative idea's t mesh with those of the photographer.  Brian welcomed Matt's suggestions, and said he came very prepared with tons of costumes and props for the shoot.  In addition to Matt's great body and look, I love how Brian captured his energy, personality and theatrical experience.  I also love the fashion element of the shoot.  Matt looks great without clothing before, but I was really drawn to the colors and fashion choices and how skilled Matt is at expressing himself artistically through fashion and pose. 

'Matt is a terrific poser. He knows his body well and knows how best to make it work for the camera. The camera loves him. I don't have any bad shots of him.  Matt's also lovely and hairy, more than he is in those early shoots on Model Mayhem. I am a huge fan of natural body hair  I would certainly love to photograph him again.'

'Brian asked if I would bring some fun pieces. Our energy works well together as we are both naturists and love the male form, as well as art. Brian likes to work with natural light, which I'm feeling is in trend right now, and I enjoy that as it plays with natural shadows and has a softer feel to the crisp look you tend to get with studio lights. We always have fun playing with different fashion pieces, and you know me I like to take things and change it up a bit, but it's always a good time and I look forward to shooting with Brian again in the future. '

Having followed Matt on social media, I was aware of not only his many modeling assignments, but his passion for the stage and performing. Matt has been an all around performance artist all of his professional life. (actor/dancer/model/acrobat/singer/choreographer)  Given most theatre's and performance spaces were shut down last March, I was curious about how Covid impacted Matt's life. Although he was fortunate to get a few television gigs, his main source of income had always come from live performances. 

'Life during 2020 was rough for all, and never ending. I lost all my income and ended up having to move back in with my parents. Rough times, but nice to have a loving safety net. I did do a few outdoor shoots and two studio shoots last year. The studio shoots we all had to be tested in advance and wear masks the whole time. There were also some designers that reached out through social media and asked if I would take some selfie style shots in their pieces. I always tried to still make it as professional as possible with the means I had. I ended up buying some stylized lights, and used sheets or pieces of fabric, or interesting backdrops (outdoors, or by the fire) to make the shots interesting. Life as a model has been hard during these times, and life as a performer was no different. '

Two years ago, Matt began a new journey, and a new stage persona.  TUCKER was born and created for Matt's work with the burlesque/Boylesque/nerdlesque/neolesque communities.  Matt first debuted TUCKER during a strip performance at a Toronto bar.  Very quickly, both Matt and TUCKER became sought after at other bars and performance venues.  Matt was known as the 'show pony', doing full shows with costumes, theme, and pole tricks.  Matt wanted a mind blowing and sensationally theatrical experience for the audiences, and they certainly responded.

'People would come in asking if I was performing that night, full of excitement and ask to sit in "pervert row" which was the seats right beside the stage. It even reached the point when the owner asked me to do a specialty night Called "TUCKER Takeover" where I would do my special acts and be featured all night long. One night a patron came in and saw me doing an act. They approached me after and we had a long conversation. They asked if I was familiar with the burlesque community and if I had ever considered doing that, because I was already doing it, but at the strip club. Fast forward two moths later. A friend of mine from the dance world says she has an opportunity for me and I should come see her in this burlesque theatre show. I gladly accepted the tickets and went and fell in love.'

'Burlesque feels like it has always been a part of me, but I just didn't know what to call it. The producer asked if I wanted to be in her next show, "The Silent Goodbye" and I accepted on the spot, that's how head over heels I was. It was not quite a musical but there was live singing, and there was dancing, and a full blown plot, but then between each scene someone from the cast told a piece of the story using burlesque. I was madly in love and couldn't get enough of this art form, and nothing has changed to this day. My most famous acts are Peter Pan and the Shadow, Marie Antoinette, and Deadpool, but every time you see a TUCKER performance it's going to leave you with your jaw on the floor, and may even make you cry, but you will definitely be excited.'

Caucus: Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen


'Healthy body, healthy mind. I like to exercise to stay in shape and to rest my head. With the lockdown I picked up running again.'

Yes, there are hot politician's for sure, but they're not exactly in the majority.  Watching the news, especially this week, (watching a certain senator return from Cancun) doesn't really help the stereotype.  In order to cleanse all of our brains from that particular visual, I give you 38 year old Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen, a Dutch Politian who currently serves as a member of the House or Representatives. 

This Netherlands hottie is a member of the green political party GroenLinks.  After recently seeing an image, I had to find out a bit more... After receiving an engineering degree, Van den Nieuwenhuijzen spent time working in construction sector while juggling serving as a member of the Eindhoven municipal council. 

During this time, the hunky councilmen entered, and was eventually named Mister Gay Netherlands.
This title didn't stop Van den Nieuwenhuijzen from being appointed a member of the house last year.  One of his focuses has been on the acceptance of the LGBT community.  Openly gay, Van den Nieuwenhuijzen is in an open relationship with two other men.  One of them he married in 2008 and the on other partner joined them in the relationship ten years later.

Leaps & Bounds


'It doesn’t take X-Ray Vision to see you are up to no good.'

Tom Welling

With Superman and Lois premiering on the CW this Sunday, I thought it was time to use a little X-Ray vision to take a closer look at some of the big and small screen's sexiest Supermen.  I'm not an especially huge fan of Super Hero films and TV shows.  I tend to like the 'first' film in movie franchises, but bore as they go on and on. 

 As a kid, I went to the theater to see Michael Keaton as Batman, when I got older I liked Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man.  I never really got into their replacements and the films that followed. I have never seen any film in the Avenger series, nor any of the off-shoot films.  Although I'm big fans of many of the actors involved, I'm just not drawn to them.  One day, I may catch one on television and change my tune, but for now, I'll stick to checking out and capping the tight suits and any scenes of shirtlessness. 

Tyler Hoechlin

Speaking of being shirtless, I am interested in checking out Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent and Superman.  Tyler is incredibly hot, but I mostly know him through images.  Except for last year's Palm Springs, I haven't really seen him in much.  These shots of Tyler bound up, do however have me wanting to finally check out Teen Wolf.  

I do intend to check out Sunday's premiere of Superman and Lois, and thought a good time to take a look at my favorite men of steel from movies and TV.  To help celebrate, artist Roy Johnson (badsign768created some original artwork to help get things started.  Roy used the image of Tyler above to help create the image of our caped wearing hero.bound, venerable and incredibly hot.  Check out more hot Men of Steel on the next page from both Film (HERE:) and Television (HERE 

Artwork by badsign769

Happy Birthday today February 21st


 Did you prefer cords or jeans?  Believe it or not, one of these 80's teen idols is turning 60 today!

Check out which one HERE:  & Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 21st

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