Blast from the Past: Christopher Daniel Barnes
Day by Day (1988/89)
Prince Eric
The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)
Nod to the classic Hawaii trip
'Author of really disturbing short stories...'
Some of you may have been first introduced to actor Christopher Daniel Barnes in the 1986 short-lived series Starman. In the series, Christopher, (CB) played the son of an alien (Robert Hays) who returns to earth in search of his wife. I don't remember Starman, but I do remember crushing over CB after seeing him in the sit-com Day By Day.
I don't really remember much about the show, except it co-starred Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Courtney Thorne-Smith. I do however vividly remembering CB, and following him in teen magazines at the time. He was adorable, and also a really good actor. Looking back, he reminds me a bit of Charlie McDermott (The Middle) especially when he had longer hair.
If you don't remember CB from Day By Day, you may remember his turn as Greg in The Brady Bunch Movie and it's sequel. Christopher also appeared on 7th Heaven, Empty Nest, Beverly Hills 90210, Blossom and Malcolm and Eddie. Golden Girls fans also might remember him from his turn as Kevin, the football player that Dorthy refuses to pass in the literature class she's teaching.
Over the past decade or so, the former teen idol has mostly been working behind the scenes, doing voice work and also writing adult short stories. Voice work isn't new for Christopher, some of you might remember he voiced the original Eric in Disney's The Little Mermaid. (1989)
Unfortunately, CB didn't do any nude scenes. He also didn't seem to do many shirtless scenes. Although there may be more out there, the only one I could find was from 1996's A Very Brady Sequel. The film takes the Brady's back to Hawaii and puts Greg back on the surf board. There's also a another shirtless scene while he and Marcia are lusting after one another. Christopher did post a recently shirtless shot on his Instagram (see below) celebrating his 48th birthday last year.
Below: A recent shot of Christopher with Starman co-star Robert Hayes at a fan autograph signing event. Although there's some grey in the beard, that smile and those eyes look exactly as I remember.
'I just turned 48 and lost 24 pounds; but yikes do I need a tan!!!'
A Change Is Gonna Come: Chris by macpics
'It's been a long, long time coming
But I know, but I know a change is gotta come'
Otis Redding
One the themes that I love exploring through FH is change. Working on the blog over the years, I've observed many changes, both physical and emotional. I especially love when models share their stories of physical and emotional evolution that so many experience after working on their bodies, and seeing the results of their dedication and hard work.. Seeing the final images, and the process of removing their clothes for the photo shoot, has been a transformative experience for many models that I've had the pleasure to feature and interview.
Some of you may recognize Chris. I first featured the Australia based model back in 2019 after his first shoot with Ian from macpics. (Say Anything?) Chris was new to modeling at the time, and given his inexperience, Ian could tell that he was more than little nervous. Despite that, Ian shared that he was extremely prepared and incredibly determined. Chris had been working out, and despite his nervous, was ready to take it all off and get some great shots for his portfolio.
'The first time I shot Chris, he was more or less a rookie and was rather stiff in front of the camera, but wanted to do his best. The second shoot, this one, was much better for three reasons: Chris was in much better shape, he's really been working hard on his body. Secondly, he'd been shooting quite a bit, and learned a lot and was much more at ease in front of the camera. He also knew what he wanted out each shot and pose'
Being more at ease, Ian shares that Chris was much more relaxed and they joked and had fun throughout the shooting process. In addition to his bulking up, there was also another physical change, one Ian instantly noted and found pleasing and different from an aesthetic point of view. If you checked back on that first post (HERE:) I'm curious if you noticed? I didn't at first, but after taking a closer look, I really close look at Chris' penis, the other change could be seen.
Since that first shoot in 2019, Chris was circumcised, a change not often observed in male models who do nudes. We often see changes in weigh and muscle mass, hair length and facial hairs, but their penises usually look pretty much the same... Ian didn't pry as to the reason for the de-hooding, whether it was for personal, or medical reasons. Ian just clicked away enjoying and chronicling the man visual transformations which had occurred.
A Snowy Strip
'When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.'
If you check out FH on a regular basis, you know there's also a third choice, get naked! Seasonal Sightings is one of my favorite themes on the site. I love searching for spectacular images to celebrate each of the four seasons. Each is visually distinct, and I love finding images of men who meet the moment. One the most challenging moments to meet however, is one that's freezing cold.
There are understandably far fewer images of nude men in the snow than there are of men on the beach. It takes a brave soul to head out in sub zero temperatures and expose your skin to the elements. Whenever I'm working with a model who does 'self shoot', I always ask if they'll consider a snow shoot. Some of them, ( Luke & DirtRoad) have risen to the challenge and shot in the snow exclusively for FH.
Whenever I find an image I'm not familiar with, I try to search for the source. For this set, I couldn't find either the photographer or model. After finding it on an old tumblr, I set it aside, hoping to find some credit. I haven't had any luck, but still wanted to share the series. If anyone knows the source of the shoot, please shoot me a line!
Happy Birthday today February 23rd
Favorite Pic of the Day for February 23rd
The Sovereign of Shirtlessness
There are many actors who are required to take their shirts off for a scene. There are a few however, who reign supreme, excelling at baring their torso and chest for sexy scenes of the small screen. Although I'm sure not everyone will agree, but I think the top contender for the title of sovereign of shirtlessness has to be actor Adam Hagenbuch.
Like many, I was first introduced to actor Adam Hagenbuch in 2012's The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Since then the actor, producer and body builder has been ripping off his shirt on pretty much every television show he's appeared on. In addition to Call Your Mother, Hagenbuch's been bare chested on shows including: Rizzoli & Isles, Major Crimes, Trial and Error, Switched at Birth and Undateable. He's also show his incredible chest in the gay short The Dare Project.
If you scroll down, you'll see caps and video from Adam's stripping scene from Undateable, where's his glistening body looks incredible. I personally especially love his look when appeared on seasons 4 and 5 of Switched At Birth. I especially love his hair length and he looks especially hot. Given his shirtless resume, any actors seeking the crown have a lot of work to do to catch up!
Switched At Birth (2015)
Undateable (2016)
Hagenbuch's Trent was so hot, he attracted plenty of attention from both men a nd women. No surprise, that later that night, he ended up in the parking lot being kissed by both a woman and a man. He seemed to enjoy both.
A Man of Substance: Max by RMark Photography
'As Max's body developed more muscle, he became more confident, and comfortable in his skin.'
Whenever I feature the work of RMark Photography, I'm always struct the artistry and elegance with Roger's use of classic physique poses. There's a reason these poses became classic, they highlight both a model's inner and outer strengths. The inner, the muscle and physical attributes, both which help illuminate the outer, the shapes and curves uniquely created by the male form.
Whenever I think of these classic poses, I think of statues of Greek God, and Michelangelo's David. Many of these poses from Max were inspired by Michelangelo, but of this shoot, the inspirations came from the many poses painted by the artist on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
For me, a model channelling classic physique poses must have both confidence, and physical substance. Many of today's male models are slender and lean great for fashion, but not necessarily right to embody the men on Michelangelo's masterpiece. When I saw Roger's images images of Max, I saw substance, strong arms, great chest and arms, and a magnificent round butt, more than worthy of capturing permanently in an art piece.
It's interesting that when the Savannah photographer first met and photographed Max, his new model shared with him that his body wasn't in top form. Max had injured his arms, and had not been able to work out as much as he usually did.

'Max and I got together to shoot about every six or seven months. Each time I photographed him, his body showed the evidence of having worked out quite a bit. As his body developed more muscle, he became more confident, and comfortable in his skin. '
As his confidence grew, Max became more and more relaxed, and although he started out rather quiet, but the end, was throwing out creative suggestions and ideas. Some of these were humorous poses and idea's for themes. Roger shared some of these lighter shots, but I wanted to stick with the classic poses for this piece. I have tucked away some of the shots to share int he future.
Quaternate: Mount Photography
Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? In the case of FH, the answers would be the model or the photographer. All of the pieces I work on start with an image, but the perspective in which I view that image, can come from the model in front of the camera, or the artist behind it. In the case of photographer Mark Montovio, (Mount Photography) the initial focus was on model.
It was back in 2009 that I was putting together a piece on model Antonio Garcia. (HERE:) Many of the shots of Antonio were taken along the beaches of one of Portugals incredible beaches. If you check out FH regularly, you know that Mark often traveled to Portugal to shoot. This piece, began the many creative collaborations with Mark Montovio I've enjoyed working on over the last twelve years.
In addition to enjoying the many beautiful locations in Portugal, Gibraltar and Spain, I've also loved the models that Mark work's with. I love the diversity of the men Mark's works with and some of them, (Cristian, Antonin) we've watched grow with multiple shoots over multiple years. Mark's dance background has led to a focus on movement and pose, something he does equally well in both spectacular location shoots, or in more limited spaces and in studio.
Seasonal Sightings:
Favorite Pic of the Day for February 26th
King of the Mountain: Chris Bell by Richard Rothstein
'He pretended he was a mountain-climber. He climbed up a great big tall heaping mountain of snow.'
'I am king of the mountain!'
The Atlantic
The book's popularity speaks to impact on generations of children, and reinforces that I'm not the only wack job excited, even as an adult, about a snowy day. In addition to celebrating the book, I also love being able to celebrated this shoot. I love and follow all of Richard Rothstein's work, and have been drawn to many of the models, shoots and themes that he's captured. This snow shoot with Chris Bell remains a favorite.
It's beauty encompasses so much of what I love about Richard's work. His passion for his city, his blend of model and location, his expertise at captured men and movement. Chris' snow dance matches Richard's passion perfectly. It also has you feeling the quietness of snow, the the cool wind in the air, and coolness of the frozen snow on his bare skin. Has me, for a moment anyway, wanting to run outside and dive into the snow.
When Richard has an idea of how he wants the shoot to go and then allows me to be free as I explore the concept.The ambient temperature that day was not warm but once we started working, the body heats up quickly. The only problem was the snow that was still freezing... which explains the doc martins. I tried going barefoot but my feet soon told me that was not going to work lol, Holding it in my hands and throwing it around was a chilling experience.'
John Seda: Actors & SKIN
The Pacific (2010)
Lisette and husband Chino face marital difficulties. She is fed up with the kids, while he has job troubles. His mother Rosaria hates Lisette and the neighborhood tramp has designs on Chino. Things get even worse when Chino goes to jail and Lisette gets a good job uptown. Can this marriage be saved?
Lisette and husband Chino face marital difficulties. She is fed up with the kids, while he has job troubles. His mother Rosaria hates Lisette and the neighborhood tramp has designs on Chino. Things get even worse when Chino goes to jail and Lisette gets a good job uptown. Can this marriage be saved?
Although Seda looks hot thrusting in I Like It Like That, his beautiful butt never looked better than in this quick scene from 1996's Primal Fear. In the scene, layers Richard Gear and Maura Tierney are checking out video evidence when their client, (Edward Norton) pops up in a scene with Seda. Seda, Norton, Gear, Tierney, not to mention Laura Linney, Alfre Woodard, John Mahoney and Francis McDormand. I need to check out this flick again!

Oz (1997)
Seda's brief frontal in The Routine, the pilot episode of Oz. Seda appeared once more in season one, and once again several seasons later.
Jon Seda: ACTORS & Skin
Although many of us took notice actor Jon Seda in 1992's Gladiator, 1995's Twelve Monkey's and 1997's Primal Fear, I think we really started to pay attention after seeing him as Chris Perez in Selena. (1997) I saw Selena a long time ago, and didn't really remember the actor until recently seeing some promotional images from the film. They have me wanting to watch again.
In addition to a successful film career, Seda also has a long and impressive resume of television appearance. You may remember the talented actor from his roles on NYPD Blue, New York Undercover, The Pacific, Homicide: Life on the Street, Third Watch and his recent turns on Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D.
Selena (1997)'Dance? Oh yea, I dance. Yea I put on my white shoes and black jacket and dance like John Travolta.'
Chris Perez, Selena
Now given this is FH, I'm guessing some of you vividly remember Seda as Dino Ortolani on HBO's Oz. Although Dino only appeared in three episodes, he had the distinction of having one of the shows first full frontals in a shower scene in the shows pilot episode. Given this, it seemed appropriate that the Manhattan born actor take a turn with Actors & Skin. Check out the SKIN portion below.
Happy Birthday today February 27th
Favorite Pic of the Day for February 27th
The Snowy Day: Chris Bell by Richard Rothstein
One Winter Morning....
'Peter woke up and looked out the window.
Snow had fallen during the night.
It covered everything, as far as he could see'
The Snowy Day, 1962
This past Christmas, one of my favorite gifts was a copy of The Snowy Day by author Ezra Jack Keats. The gift came from one of my older brothers who remembered how much I used to love the book when I was a kid. The short story, which focus's on a child's reaction to a first snowfall, was one I loved to pull out and read every winter. The copy I had became worn and torn and was put in a box and eventually thrown out by my mother. I had always planned on picking up another copy, and the gift had a lot of meaning.
When I was a kid, I didn't really realize the attention, both positive, and critical, surrounding the book. Sure, I noticed Peter was black, but wasn't aware that when the novel was first published, it was one of the first mainstream children's book to incorporate a story and artwork with a black family. I was focused on the snow, and how alike my and Peter's reactions were to it.
Keats was inspired by a set of photographs of a black child from a 1940 edition of Life magazine that had hung in his studio for over two decades. Although the artwork inspired the story, the connection came from Keates own memories of snowy days from childhood in Brooklyn. While the author was not trying to make a statement about race, The Snowy Days was one of the first books to featured a non-caricatured African American protagonist.
Some critics questions how Keats, white Jewish man, could tell the story of a black child. Early reviews noted some of the collage illustrations, and challenged how authentic the depiction of race and culture. Although criticized, many welcomed the never before seen positivity. Prior to the story, most children of color were written with a heavy reliance on negative stereotypes. One teacher who wrote the author commented that after the book was read in her class, some of her students picked up brown crayons, for the very first time, when creating their self-portraits. This alone is a powerful statement about the stories impact.
After Christmas, when I put the book away on my shelf, I wanted in some way to commemorate it. I ended up buying a second copy on Amazon in order to frame, and hang the front cover in my living room. I also wanted to do something on the site. Given it was children's novel, I didn't want to sexualize it in any way, but FH readers are keenly aware that like Peter, I get excited every winter with the first site. I immediately knew which artist to contact about images to celebrate the book, and the story.
Few artists integrate such passionate joy and reverence for their city that Richard Rothstein. His passion isn't limited to the just the beauty of New York during the summer. Some of my favorite shoots from Richard include his shoots with model during the Autumn and winter. One of my favorite winter shoots was Richard's work with dancer Chris Bell that featured a few years ago. (A Blizzarding Ballet)
I thought it was the perfect shoot to celebrate the story. I had thought however, that I had already featured most of the images from the shoot in the first post. I was wrong! Richard sent on more images from the shoot, most of which I'd not seen before and that were not featured in the original piece. Richard's images, and Chris's energy and enthusiasm, beautifully embody the joy and passion of Peter's reaction to that first snowy day.
For even the most passionate snow lovers, the winter does tent to take a toll, and for most of us, our enthusiasm wains as the season goes on, and on... I loved however, that both Richard and Chris so perfectly captured the beauty and the quiet, but intense, energy of an early winter's day. Keats told his story with words and artwork while Richard and Chris tell a similar story with visuals and dance. If you want to see more of Chris on the snowy day, check out the NEXT PAGE HERE:
A Golden Crown:
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series: Josh O'Connor in The Crown
Most years, I try to do a themed day devoted to The Golden Globes, and of course the nude scenes from the year's nominee's. The awards, which air this weekend, snuck up on me this year and I didn't have time to research and put it all together. Maybe the Oscars.... I did however, want to feature actor and nominee Josh O'Connor, who I have been planning on featuring for awhile.
Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I binged the first two seasons of The Crown last year. I paused, when Claire Foy and Matt Smith left their roles as Philip and Elizabeth at the end of season two. I like their replacements, and I'm sure I'll catch up, but the transition was a smooth one and not one that had me wanting to keep going. The buzz surrounding this year's Charles and Diana story however, is pulling me back, especially given my love for O'Connor who plays Charles.
Although O'Connor has an impressive resume, featuring multiple nude scenes, many of us were introduced to the British actor in the 2017 film God's Own Country. In the film, Josh played Johnny, a bored young farmer who during lambing season, begins an intense sexual relationship with Gheorghe,(Alec Secareanu) a Romanian migrant worker. I love this film, especially the atmosphere set up by writer and director Francis Lee.
Mr. Colorado
Last January, I did a story (HERE:) about a new website featuring the work of Don Whitman from Western Photography Guild. The site, run by Don's nephew Andy, who wanted to celebrate his uncle's story, and his place as one of the pioneers of classic male physique photography. I was introduced to the site by photographer Devin Baker, (Baker and Adams) who contacted me about an interview for the website's blog.
Since that introduction, I've been following the blog's updates, as well as the site's Instagram page. Earlier this month, I was drawn to a recently posted image. The model was stunning, with a beautiful face and a physically flawless physique. I was also struck by the fact the model was black. It is rare to see men of color in classic beefcake imagery, and given it's so rare, I was curious to get in touch with Devin to ask about his story.
Devin knew the model was named Bill Broome, but unfortunately, Don lost much of his early work in a flood. Billy had modeled for Don prior to the flood so Devin and Andy weren't sure what material and information might still be available. As a writer, I was interested in learning more of Bill's story, even if it was just a small piece or chapter.
They searched the archives and luckily found a few additional images. Four of the shots were official WPG images, the fifth, an image from the 1954 Mr. Colorado Contest. Bill won first prize in the Jr division and Don was front and center in the image holding a plaque. Devin and Andy shared that Bill had posed in the early 1950's, and the negatives from the shoot would have sadly been affected by the Denver flood that impacted Don's studio. So much of WPG's work was either lost or damaged as a result.
Actors & Skin
Favorite Pic of the Day for February 28th